
Note on the microscopic structure of the scale of Amia calva. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1878, n. s. 1, 93-95. 2 pls. 1878.1 Mackrill, Alfred. A great carp. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 75. 1884.1

Macks, J. A. Adres aan de leden van de eerste kamer der staten general, betreffende het van regerings-wege oprigten eener Nederlandsche kunstmatige vischfokkerij. Amsterdam, 1870.


Vischfauna van den Rijn en beneden rivieren in Nederland. Vlaard, 1878. 1878.1 Maclagan, Nellie. List of edible British fishes, with their English, Latin, French, Italian and German synonyms. 2. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1884, Append. F, no. 5, 74-77. 1884.1

Maclaren, M. Account of a fight between a whale and a sword-fish. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, 100. 1909.1

Maclay, Nikolai N. Miklukho. See Miklukho-Maklai, N. N.

Macleay, N. de Miklocho. Miklukho-Maklai, N. N.

[blocks in formation]

On the Mugilidae of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1880.4 1880, 4, 410-427. Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of Australia. 4 parts. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 5, 302-444; 510-629. 2 pls. Ibid., 1882, 6, 1-138; 202-387. 1881.1

Descriptive catalogue of Australian fishes. 2 vols. in 1 & suppl. See Sydney, 1881. 8°.

MacLeay, William Sharp [17921865] On the natural arrangement of fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 9, 197-207. 1841.1

Macleay, William. Notes on specimens of Entozoa and Epizoa taken from a sunfish. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1877, 1, 12-13. 1877.1

Notes on the zoological collections made in Torres straits and New Guinea during the cruise of the "Chev(fishes] Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1877, 1, 38. 1877.2


The fishes of Port Darwin. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1878, 2, 344-367. 4 pls. 1878.1

Note on Monacanthus cheverti Alleyne and Macleay. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1878, 2, 69-70.

1878.2 Descriptions of some new fishes from Port Jackson and King George's sound. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1879, 3, 33-37. 4 pls. 1879.1

Note on a species of Therapon found in a dam near Warialda. Proc.


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McMahon, Arthur Henry. Notes on the fauna of Chitral. Journ. Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, Calcutta, 1901, 70, pt. 2, 1-7. 1901.1

Notes on the fauna of Dir and Swat. Journ. Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, Calcutta, 1901, 70, pt. 2. 1901.2

MacMunn, A. C., & Cunningham, Joseph Thomas. See Cunningham & MacMunn.

McMurrich, James Playfair [1859-] On the osteology and development of Syngnathus peckianus Storer. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. London, 1883, n. s. 23, 623-652. 2 pls. 1883.1

The myology of Amiurus catus (L.) Gill. Proc. Canadian Inst., 1884, n. s. 2, 311-351. Zool. Anz., 7, 296299. 1884.1

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[blocks in formation]

The life history of the Pacific salmon. Trans. Canadian Inst., 1911, 9, 23-44. 3 figs.

man, 1874, 3, 241.

Smelt fishing (Osmerus viridescens) Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 3, 324. 1874.2 Macleod, D. B., & Farr, C. C. See Farr & Macleod.

MacLeod, Jules. Recherches sur l'appareil reproducteur des poissons osseux; communication préliminaire. Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique, 1881, 3. sér. 1, 500–505. fig. 1881.1

Recherches sur la structure de l'appareil reproducteur des téléostéens (2. communication) Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique, 1881, 3. sér. 1, 614–620.



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MacPherson, Hugh Alexander [18581901] A vertebrate fauna of Lakeland, including Cumberland and Westmoreland, with Lancashire north of the sands. Edinburgh, 1892. 552 p. 8°. 1892.1 Tunny fish (Orcynus thynnus) in the Solway firth. Zoologist, 1896, 3. 1896.1 ser. 20, 103-104.

Sea lamprey in Cumberland. 1898.1 Zoologist, 1898, 4. ser. 2, 365.

Fishes. Victoria History. County 1901.1 Cumberland, 1901, 1, 169–176.

McQueen, James M. Beobachtungen über das Herz eines Elasmobranchiers (Raja clavata) Zeitschr. Biol., 1913, 62, 32-53. 7 figs.


Macri, Saverio. Osservazioni intorno
ad una novella spezie de squalo (Squalus
isodus) Mem. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1819,
1, 55-102. 2 pls. Extract in Bull. Sci.
Nat. (Férussac), 1827, 10, 166–168.

M'Skimin, History and antiq-
uities of the county and town of Carrick-
fergus. Belfast, 1811. 12°.
List of fish found in the bay of Carrickfergus,
p. 173-183.

McWilliam, J. A. On reflex excita-
tion of the cardiac nerves in fishes.
Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1884, 38, 31-41.

[The physiology of the heart of the eel Journ. Physiol., 1884, 4 (Suppl.), i-v.


On the striated muscles in the

gills of fishes. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv.
Sci., 55. meet., 1885, 1077–1078. 1885.1

Macy, Obed. History of Nantucket.
Boston. 1835.
Contains an account of New England fisheries.

Macy, Zaccheus. Upon the abundance of fish on the New England coast in former times. Rept. U. S. Fish 1873.1 Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 163.

A short journal of the first settlement of the island of Nantucket, with some of the most remarkable things that have happened since then to the Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., 1893.1 present time. 1893, 3, 155–160.

Disappearance of the blue-fish, p. 159.

Maddocks, L. Statement concerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish 1879.1 Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 382.

Some re

Maddox, Richard Leach. marks on the parasites found in the nerves, etc., of the common haddock, Morrhua aglefinus. Trans. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1867, n. s. 15, 87-99. pl. 1867.1

Mader, C. Recherches sur la sardine du golfe de Gascogne. Trav. Soc. Sci. Stat. Zool. Arcachon, 1909, 12, 125–276. 1909.1

Madörin, A. Bemerkungen eines Fischers über den Fischstand unserer schweizerischen Gewässer. Zürich, 1885. 1885.1 2 p. 4°.

Madrid Moreno, José. Ueber die morphologische Bedeutung der Endknospen in der Riechschleimhaut der Knochenfische An abstract, by C. Emery, of a forthcoming Spanish paper] Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 6, 589–592.


The material used for investigation consisted of Belone, Trigla, Carassius, Zoarces and Cyprinodon.

Mächler, A., & Naegeli, L. See Naegeli & Mächler.

Mädel, H. Pflege und Zucht des Aquar.-Terrar. Scheibenbarsches (Mesogonistius chatodon) Wochenschr. 1915.1 Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 123–125. fig.

[blocks in formation]

Om blinda djur. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Förh., 1863, 6, 5-9. 1863.1 Oefvers.

Iktyologiska notiser.

Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Förh. 1863-64 (1864), 6, 26-51. Review in Arch. Naturg., 1868, 34, 72. 1864.1

Om fiskarnas årliga tillvext i längd, hufvudsakligen efter annotationer gjorda vid södra Saimen under loppet af sommaren 1859, p. 26– 41. Om vissa färgförändringar hos fiskarna, p. 41-51.

Iktyologiska anteckningar gjorda i Helsingfors om sommaren 1864 hufvudsakligen till utrönande af fiskarnas årliga tillvext i längd. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Förh. 1864-65 (1865), 7, 39-57.

En för Finland ny


form af

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Gobio fluviatilis. Notis. Sällsk. Fauna & Flora Fenn. Förh., 1871, 11 (n. s. 8), 465. 1871.1

Meddelanden beträffande några till Universitetets Zoologiska Museum inlemnade föräringar. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Förh., 1871, 13, 10-12. Review in Arch. Naturg., 1872, 38, 102. 1871.2

Maendli, Die Vorwürfe des Herrn Nationalrath Scheuchzer gegen die züricherischen Fischzuchtanstalten. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber & Fischereiwesen, 1890, 6, 184. Also separate; St. Gallen, 1890. 1 p. 4°.


Mændli, J. Der Lachsfang mit der Garnfalle. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 64. Also separate; PfäffikonZürich, 1893. 1 p. 8°. 1893.1

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[blocks in formation]

Un poisson rare, la loche d'étang (Cobitis fossilis) provenant d'une localité inédite. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nancy, 1900, 3. sér. 1, 176–177. 1900.1

Maillieux, Eugène. Découverte d'une dent de poisson dans les schistes de Frasnes, à Philippeville. Bull. Soc. Belge Géol., 1909, 22 (Proc. Verb.), 288


1909.1 Maingaud, Ed. L'introduction, l'acclimatation et la multiplication du poisson soleil des Etats-Unis (Eupomotis gibbosus) dans la rivière l'Isle, affluent de la Dordogne. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1900, 47, 273–276. 1900.1

Mainwaring, William Frederic Barton Massey. See Massey-Mainwaring, W.F.B.

Mair, G. Notes on fish found in the Piako river. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1903, 35, 319-320. 1903.1

Maison, Emile. Mœurs et pêche de l'anguille. Etangs & Rivières, 1896, 9. année, 186-189. 1896.1

Le nid de l'Amia calva. Etangs & Rivières, 1897, 10. année, no. 235, 234-285. 1897.1

Note sur le nid d'Amia. Etangs & Rivières, 1897, 10. année, no. 233, 241-247. 1897.2 L'ouan1897, 10. 1897.3

La pêche au Canada. aniche. Etangs & Rivières, année, no. 225, 117-122.

Le silure. Cosmos, 1898, 47. année, 2, 362-365. fig. 1898.1 Au Canada et au Labrador. L'ouananiche. Cosmos, 1899, n. s. 41, 8-12. 3 figs. 1899.1

La sandre. Cosmos, 1899, n. s. 41, 742-745. fig. 1899.2

La perche et la sagittaire. Cosmos, 1905, n. s. 53, 48-50. fig. 1905.1

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