

WHEWELL, (W.) Astronomy and General Physics considered with re-
ference to Natural Philosophy. 8vo, 58.
London, 1847
PEARSON, (W.) An Introduction to Practical Astronomy. 2 vols. 4to,
£7 78.
London, 1824-1829
COMTE, (A.) Traité philosophique d'astronomie populaire, ou Exposition
systematique de toutes les notions de philosophie astronomique, soit scien-
tifique, soit logiques, qui doivent devenir universellement familières. 8vo.

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Paris, 1844

FRANCOUR, (L. B.) Astronomie pratique: usage et composition de la connaissance du tems. 8vo, ƒ.7 50. .

Paris, 1840

Paris, 1837

Uranographie, ou traité élémentaire d'astronomie, a l'usage des per-
sonnes peu versées dans les mathématiques. . 8vo, f.9 50
DELAMBRE, (J. J.) Astronomie théorique et pratique. 3 vols. 4to, f.60.
Paris, 1814
BAILLY, (C.) Résumé complet d'astronomie, ou connaissance de la nature
et des mouvemens des corps célestes, &c., &c. 32mo, f.60. Paris, 1825
LITTROW, (J. J.) Vorlesungen über Astronomie. 2 vols. 8vo, 13s. 6d.
Wien, 1840


Die Wunder des Himmels. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, and Atlas of Plates, 4to,
Stutt., 1842

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Wien, 1821-26

(C. L. v.) Theoretische u. prakt. Astronomie. 3 vols. 8vo, plates.

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Paris, 1792

LALANDE, (J. J.) Astronomie. 3 vols. 4to.
LAPLACE, (P. S.) Exposition du systeme du monde, précédé de l'eloge
de l'auteur par M. Fourier. 6o edn. 4to.

Le meme ouvrage. 2 vols. 8vo.

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Traité de mécanique céleste. 2 ed. 1829-30 (pour Vols. I, II) 1803 et 5 (Vols. III, IV) et 1825. 5 vols. 4to, f.150.


Mécanique céleste; translated with a Commentary, by N. Bowditch.
Boston, 1829-39

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PONTÉCOULANT, ( DE.) Théorie analytique du Système du monde.
4 vols. 8vo, f.48.
Paris, 1826-36

Traite élém. de physique céleste, ou Précis d'astronomie théorique et
pratique, servant d'introduction à l'étude de cette science. 2 vols. 8vo,
plates, f.10.
Paris, 1840
SOMERVILLE, (MARY.) On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences.

London, 1837 1831


Mechanism of the Heavens. 8vo. BERNOULLY, (D.) Recherches physiques et astronomiques sur la cause physique de l'inclination des plans des orbites des planètes par rapport au plan de l'equateur. 2nd edn. 4to, f.12. Paris.

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LE VERRYER, (U. J.) Mémoire sur les variations séculaires des éléments
des orbites pour les sept planètes principales. Mercure, Vénus, la Terre,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturne et Uranus. 8vo, f.3 50.
Paris, 1844

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Développements sur plusiers points de la Théorie des perturbations des

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Recherches sur les mouvements d'Uranus. 8vo.

Recherches sur les mouvements de la planète Herschell. 8vo.

(Connaissance de Temps pour 1849.)






AIRY, (G. B.) Mathematical Tracts on the lunar and planetary theories, the figure of the Earth, precession and nutation, the calculus of variations, and the undulatory theory of optics, for the use of Students.


Camb., 1831
Vols. I.-XV. 4to. London. Monthly Notices of Ditto. 8vo. Lond., 1831-46.
CONNAISSANCE DES TEMPS, in 12mo. and 8vo.
Paris, 1678-1846
DE MORGAN, (A.) An Explanation of the Gnomonic Projection of the
Sphere. 8vo, 58.
London, 1836
JEANS, (H. W.) Rules in Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: with nu-
merous Examples and Problems. 3s. 6d. .

London, 1843

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Solutions of the Astronomical and other Problems in the above volume; designed as an Introduction to Nautical Astronomy. 38. 6d. Rules for finding the Names and Positions of all the Stars of the First and Second Magnitude. Royal 8vo, 38. 6d. London, 1845

BLUNT, (C. F.) The Beauty of the Heavens. 4to, plates, 288.

London, 1845

ARAGO, (M.) The Comet. Scientific Notices of Comets in general, &c.,
translated from the French by C. Gold. 8vo, 4s.
London, 1833
RÜMKER, (C.) Mittlere Oerter von 12000 Fix-Sternen für den Anfang
von 1836. 2 parts, 4to, 24s.
Hamb., 1843-45

BODE, (J. E.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss des gestirnten Himmels. Edid.
Enko Bremiker. 10th edn., 8vo


Berlin, 1844

BEER, (W.) & MÄDLER, (J. H.) Der Mond nach seinen komischen u. individuellen Verhältniss. od. allgemeine vergleichende Selenographie. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1837

HAUSEN, (P. A.) Fundumenta nova investigat orbit. veræ quam Luna perlustrat. 4to.

Goth., 1838

BEER, (W.) & MÄDLER, (J. H.) Map of the Moon: Mappa Selenographica. 4 sheets, folio.

Berlin, 1836


LUBBOCK, (J. W.) Six Maps of the Stars, including those of the Sixth Magnitude, laid down according to the Gnomonic Projection. In size 25 inches square. Plain, 158.

With the Constellations coloured, 218.


The same on a smaller scale, 14 inches by 14, 38.; cold., 4s. 6d.
(See DE MORGAN on Gnomonic Projection.)

WYLD, (J.) Map of the Stars and Phenomena of the Universe. London.
SCHWINCK, (G.) Mappa Cœlestis, sive tabulæ quinque inerrantium sep-
timum ordinem non excedentium et usque ad XXX gradum decl. austr.
pertinentium, quas pro medio seculo XIX stereographice construxit. Imp.
folio, £1 78.
Leipzig, 1844
ARGELANDER, (D. F.) Neue Uranometrie. Darstellung der im mittlern
Europa sichtbaren Sterne. Sternverzeichniss. folio (17 maps) with cata-
logue. 8vo, 168.
Berlin, 1843

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DIEN, (C.) Atlas des phénomènes célestes, donnant le tracé des mouve-
ments apparents des planètes. 4to, f.16.
Paris, 1843


MAURY, (M. F.) Astronomical Observations made during the year 1845, at the Naval Observatory, Washington. 8vo, vol. I. Washington, 1846

IV. TABLES, OBSERVATIONS, &c.-(Continued.)

JOHNSON, (M. J.) Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe
Observatory, Oxford, in the years 1840, 1843. Vols. I.-IV., roy. 8vo,
each 168.
Oxford, 1843-45
HERSCHELL, (J. F. W.) Observations in the Southern Hemisphere. 4to.
London, 1847

ARGELANDER, (F. W. A.) Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der
Sternwarte zu Bonn. Vol. 1, Durchmusterung d. Nordl. Himmels, zw.
45 u. Grad der Declination, in d. Jähren 1841-44. 4to, 18s. Bonn, 1846
BESSEL, (F. W.) Astronom. Beobachtungen auf der königlichen Univer-
sitäts-Sternwarte in Konigsberg, von 12 Nov., 1813, vols. fol.

Konigsberg, 1813Astronomische Untersuchungen. Vol. I., II., 4to.. Regiom., 1840-4 Tabulæ Regiomont. reduct. observat. astronom. ab 1750 usque ad 1850. 8vo. Regiom., 1840 SCHUMACHER, (H. C.) Astronomische Nachrichten. Vols. 1-22, 4to.

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Sammlung von Hülfstafeln. 8vo.

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LITTROW, (J. J.) Annalen der k. Sternwarte in Wien. 12 vols. folio, per vol. 14s. 6d.


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Wien, 1813-30

BAILY, (F.) On the Construction and Use of some new Tables for determining the Places of nearly 3000 Fixed Stars in Vol. II. of Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society of London.


Catalogue of the Fixed Stars of the Brit. Association for the Advan. of Science, being an Enlargement of the Astron. Society's Cat. of 1827. sm. folio, 63s. London, 1845 FLAMSTEED, (Rev. JOHN.) An account of, to which is added his British Catalogue of Stars, corrected and enlarged, by F. Baily. 4to.

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London, 1835
GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. A Catalogue of one thousand one
hundred and twelve stars, etc. 4to.
London, 1833

Dorpat Cat., BESSEL'S Zone Obser.


ABOUL HHASSAN ALI. Traité des instruments astronomiques des
Arabes; traduit de l'Arabe sur le MSS. par J. J. Sédillot. 2 vols. 4to,
Paris, 1835
SÉDILLOT, (L. A.) Mémoires sur les instruments astronomiques des
Arabes. 4to.


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Paris, 1841

See the various Treatises on Practical Astronomy. BREWSTER'S Optics; PRICH-
ARD'S Optical Instruments in Lib. Usef. Knowl.; YOUNG's Lectures on Natural
Philosophy, ed. 1845.


WILKINS, (W.) Remarks on Topography and Buildings of Athens. 8vo.

London, 1816

London, 1841

LEAKE, (W. W.) Topography of Athens; with some remarks upon its
antiquities. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 108.
WORDSWORTH, (Rev. Dr. C.) Athens and Attica: Journal of a Resi-
dence there. 8vo, 128.

London, 1836


LOCKHART. Attica and Athens: an Inquiry into the Civil, Moral, and
Religious Institutions of the Inhabitants, the Rise and the Decline of the
Athenian Power, and the Topography and Chronology of Ancient At-
tica and Athens. Translated from the German of K. Ö. Müller, Grote-
fend, and others. 8vo, 98.
London, 1842
BOECKH, (AUG.) Urkunden üb. das Gewesen des Attischen Staats. 8vo,
with Atlas, in folio.
Berlin, 1840
Public Economy of Athens. Translated by G. C. Lewis. 2nd. edn.
1 vol. 8vo, 12s.
London, 1842
SCHÖMANN, (G. F.) De Comittiis Atheniensium. 8vo, 98. Gryph., 1819
A Dissertation on the Assemblies of the Athenians, in Three Books.
Translated from the above: with a Complete Index. 8vo. Camb., 1838
AHRENS, (E. A. J.) De Athenarum Statu politico et literario. 4to.

Gott., 1829
MÜLLER, (C. O.) Archäologische Mittheilungen aus Griechenland, he-
rausg. von A. Schöll. 4to, vol. I. Athen's Antiken-Sammlung 1.
Plates, folio, 10s.
Frankf., 1843

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JOHNSTON, (A. K.) National Atlas of Historical, Commercial, and Political Geography; constructed from the most recent and authentic sources; accompanied by Maps, and Illustrations of the Physical Geography of the Globe, by Dr. Hy. Berghaus, and an Ethnographic Map of Europe, by Dr. Gustav Kombst, folio, half russia, £8 88.

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Edinburgh, 1844

Society for Diff. Useful 2 vols. imp. 4to, hf. bd.

THE SERIES OF MAPS, published by the
Knowledge. 161 Maps, and 51 plans of Cities.
£7 78.; coloured, £10 10s,
INDEX to the Principal Places in the World (Modern); with reference to
the Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. By the
Rev. James Mickleburgh. 8vo, 58..
London, 1844
BLACK'S GENERAL ATLAS, comprising 61 Maps from the latest and
most authentic sources, with Geographical Descriptions, and an Index of
56000 Names. folio, hf. bd. 56s.
Edinburgh, 1846

School Atlas of Modern Geography: a Series of Twenty-five Maps, constructed expressly for this work by W. Hughes, with a complete Index of Names, exhibiting the Latitude and Longitude of each Place, and a Reference to the Map. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Edinburgh, 1846 SHARPE'S CORRESPONDING MAPS. A Series of Modern Maps, constructed upon a system of Scale and Proportion, from the most recent authorities, engraved on Steel by J. W. Lowry. Consisting of 54 Maps, size 18 inches by 143 inches. Plain, 20s.; coloured, 30s.

BUTLER. Atlas of Ancient Geography. 8vo, 128.
D'ANVILLE'S Atlas of Ancient Geography. folio, £4 4s.
WYLD'S Ancient Atlas. 4to, 128.

London, 1847-8

HUGHES, (W.) Atlas of Scripture Geography. 4to, 10s. 6d.
ARROWSMITH'S Bible Atlas. 4to, £1 18.

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WYLD'S Popular Atlas of the World, illustrated by Geographical and
Statistical Descriptions. Consisting of 48 Maps, size 23 in. by 28 in.
Plain, 40s.; coloured, 60s.
London, 1847-8

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BERGHAUS, (HY.) & JOHNSTON, (A. K.) The Physical Atlas; a
Series of Maps illustrating the Geographical Distribution of Natural
Phenomena, in 1 vol. impl. folio, half russia.
Edin., 1847

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1. Temperature.-Showing Isothermal Line or Line of Equal Heat.

2. The Winds.-Showing the Distribution of Passage-Winds, Hurricanes, Tyfoons, &c.

3. Rain and Snow.-Showing the Yearly Amount falling over the Globe.

4. Rain and Snow.-Showing the Yearly and Daily Amounts for Europe.

5. Magnetism.-The Polarizing Structure of the Atmosphere.

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1. Distribution of Food-Plants over the World.

2. Distribution of Plants in Horizontal and Perpendicular directions.

3. Distribution of Animals.

4. Distribution of Quadrupeds.

5. Distribution of Birds.

6. Distribution of Fishes.

7. Distribution of Reptiles and Snakes.

8. Distribution of Man-Europe.

9. Distribution of Man-British Islands.




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STURT, (CAPT. CHAS.) Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern
Australia, 1828-31. 2 vols. 8vo., £1 88.
BENNETT, (G.) Wanderings in New South Wales, 1832-4. 2 vols.
8vo, £1 88.
MITCHELL, (SIR T. L.) Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of
2d edit., 2 vols. 8vo, £2.

New South Wales.

Wales. 8vo, 12s.


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London, 1833

London, 1834

London, 1839

London, 1841

State of Religion and Education in New South London, 1840 GREY, (CAPT. G.) Journals of two Expeditions of Discovery in Northwest and Western Australia, in 1837-8-9. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 168. BACKHOUSE, (J.) Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. 8vo, 168. 1843 HOOD, (J.) Australia and the East, Voyage to New South Wales, and Residence in Sydney and the Bush, &c. 8vo, 14s. London, 1843

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