Bibliotheca Americana Nova: A Catalogue of Books in Various Languages Relating to America, Printed Since 1700

Burt Franklin Publisher, 1846 - 424 pagina's

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Populaire passages

Pagina 155 - Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army of the United States AD 1812. In a Series of letters addressed to the Citizens of the United States. With an Appendix Containing a brief Sketch of the Revolutionary Services of the Author.
Pagina 300 - Baldwin, Henry. A General View of the Origin and Nature of the Constitution and Government of the United States, Deduced from the Political History and Condition of the Colonies and States, from 1 774 until 1 788.
Pagina 233 - Samuel. The western pilot; containing charts of the Ohio River and of the Mississippi, from the mouth of the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico...
Pagina 304 - The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. First record of Connecticut ; interesting extracts from Connecticut records; cases of Salem Witchcraft; charges and banishment of Rev. Roger Williams, &c. ; and other interesting and instructive antiquities. Compiled by an Antiquarian. Hartford, 1838.
Pagina 490 - A / Comparative View / of the / Constitutions / of the / Several States With Each Other, and With That / Of The United States : / exhibiting in / Tables / The prominent Features of each Constitution, / and classing together their most important provisions under the / several heads of administration; / with / Notes and Observations.
Pagina 2 - A narrative of the Indian wars in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677.
Pagina 96 - Speeches of the Governors of Massachusetts, from 1765 to 1775 ; and the Answers of the House of Representatives to the same, with their Resolutions and Addresses for that Period.
Pagina 380 - Falconer, Thomas. On the Discovery of the Mississippi and on the South-Western, Oregon and North-Western Boundary of the United States, with a translation from the original MS. of Memoirs...
Pagina 62 - Holmes, Abiel. American Annals, or a Chronological History of America, from its discovery in 1492 to 1806, with additions and corrections by the Author.
Pagina 236 - SIR EDWARD SEAWARD'S NARRATIVE OF HIS SHIPWRECK, and consequent Discovery of certain Islands in the Caribbean Sea: with a detail of many extraordinary and highly interesting Events in his Life, from 1733 to 1749. as written in his own Diary. Edited by Miss JANE PORTER.

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