


demus. No. Noel. Np. Nepomuk. Nth. Seb. Sebald. Sc. Scipio. Sev. Severus. Sgb. Nathan or Nathanael. Nun. Nuñez.

O. Otto. Oct. Octavius. Od. Oderico. Ol. Olaus or Oluf. Oliv. Olivier. Osw. Oswald. Ott. Ottavio. On. Onuphrius. Ottm. Ottmar.

P. Paulus, Paulo, or Pablo. Per. or Pz. Perez. Ph. Philippus. Phb. Philibert. Pi. Pius. Pl. or Plac. Placidus. Polyc. Polycarpus. Psp. Prosper. Pt. Petrus, Pierre, Pietro, or Pedro.

Q. Quintus. Quir. Quirinus.

Rb. Robert. Rch. Richard. Rdf. Rudolfus. Rg. Roger. Rhd. Reinhard. Rhld. Reinhold. Rmd. Raimund or Remond. Rmg. Remigius or Remy. Rn. or Rn. Renatus or René. Rnr. Regnier or Reiner. Rol. Roland. Rom. Romanus. Rp. Ruprecht. Rph. Raphael.

Sal. Salomon. Sb. Sebastianus. Sbld. or

Sigebertus. Sgfr. Sigefridus. Sgm. Sigmundus. Sibr. Sibrandus. Sim. Simon. Sm. Samuel. St. Stephanus. Stan. Stanisl. Sv. Sveno. Sylv. Sylvester.

T. Titus. Tan. Tanaquil. Tb. Tobias. Th. Thomas. Thb. Theobald or Thibauld. Thdr. Theodor. Thds. Theodosius. Thph. Theophilus. Tib. Tiberius. Tim. Timotheus. Tom. Tommaso. Trg. Traugott.

U. Ulricus. Ub. Uberto. Urb. Urbanus. Val. Valentinus. Valer. Valerius. Vc. or Vinc. Vincentius. Vct. or Vict. Victor. Vlkm. Volkmar. Vt. Veit or Vitus.

W. Wilhelm or William. Wc. or Wenc. Wenceslaus. Wf. Wolf. Wfg. Wolfgang. Wig. Wigand. Wold. Woldemar. Wr. Werner. Wth. Walther. Wx. Wenzel.

X. Xaverius or Xavier.
Z. Zacharias or Zaccaria.


Agsp. Augspurg. Altenb. Altenburg. Alt. Altorf. Amst. Amsterdam. Antw. Antwerp. Arg. Argentoratum or Argentina. AV. Augusta Vindelicorum.

Bas. Basle. Berl. or Berol. Berlin. Bip. Bipontum. Bmb. or Bamb. Bamberg. Bol. Bologna. Bon. Bononia. Bresl. Breslau. Brs. Braunschweig. Brux. Bruxelles or Bruxellæ.

Cbr. Cambridge. Cob. Coburg. Cobl. Coblenz. Col. Colonia. Cpl. Constantinople. Dill. Dillingen. Dortm. Dortmund. Dr. Dresden. Dubl. Dublin.

Edinb. Edinburgh. Erf. Erfurt. Erl. Erlangen.

Ff. a. M. Frankfurt on Main. Ff. a. O. Frankfurt on the Oder. Fir. Firenze. Flor. Florentia. Fran. Franeker.

Gen. Geneva or Genève. Gött. or Gott. Göttingen or Gottinga. Greifsw. Greifswalde. Havn. Havniæ. Hanov. Hanovia, Hanau. Hannov. Hannover. Hdlb. Heidelberg. Hlmst. Helmstädt. Hmb. Hamburg. Herb. Herborn.

Ingolst. Ingolstadt. Kgsb. or Königsb. Königsberg. Kop. or Kopenh. Kopenhagen.

LB. Lugdunum Batavor. Ld. or Leid. Leiden. Lugd. Lugdunum (Lyon). Lond. London. Lond. Goth. Londinum Gothorum (Lund in Sweden). Lov. Lovanium. Lps.

or Lpz. Lipsia or Leipzig. Lisb. Lisboa. Lüb. Lübeck. Lut. Lutetia.

Madr. Madrid. Magdeb. Magdeburg. Manh. Manheim. Marb. or Mrb. Marburg. Münch. München. Mediol. Mediolanum. Mog. Moguntia. Mil. Milano. Merseb. Merseburg. Mars. Marseille. Mosc. Moscau. Nrb. Nürnberg.

Ox. Oxonia or Oxford.

Par. Paris. Petrop. Petropolis. Ptb. Petersburg.

Qdlb. Quedlinburg.

Regiom. Regiomontum. Rost. Rostock. Rott. Rotterdam.

Salam. Salamanca. Sev. Sevilla. Salzb. or Slb. Salzburg. Stett. Stettin. Sth. Stockholm. Strb. Strasburg. Strals. Stralsund. Sulzb. Sulzbach.

Tig. Tigurum. Trj. ad Rh. Trajectum ad Rhenum. Tub. Tübingen.

Ultr. Ultrajectum. Ups. Upsala. Utr. Utrecht.

Val. Valencia. Ven. Venedig, Venetiæ, Venezia, or Venise. Vin. Vinegia. Vind. Vindobona. Vars. Varsovia. Vratisl. Vratislavia. Vitemb. Vitemberga.

Witt. Wittenberg. Wmr. or Weim. Weimar. Warsch. Warschau.

Zür. Zürich. Zweibr. Zweibrücken (DeuxPonts).

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AA, Pt. v. d., see EFFIGIES and GALERIE.

1 ABÆLARDI, Pt. et HELOISÆ opp. nunc pr. edita ex MSS. Codd. Fr. Ambosii. C. ejusd. præf. apolog. et censura doctor. Paris. (cur. And. Duchesne). Par., Buon, 1616. 4°.




There are some copies which usually mention Fr. d'Amboise in the title-page as the author of the Præf. apolog. Others (with the name of Duchesne) have instead of the Pref. apolog. a dedication, preface, and testimonia, which are not in the copies of the first sort. Very rare on large paper.

epistolæ, a prioris edit. errorib. purgatæ et c. cod. MS. collatæ cura Rch. Rawlinson. Lond. 1718. 8°. Large paper copies scarce.

lettres d'Héloise et d'Abailard, nouv. traduct. av. le texte à côté, par J. Fr. Bastien. Par. 1782. 12°. 2 voll. (6 fr.) Also in 8°. and on large paper.

Some copies on vellum (with two pictures 792 fr. Paris, and 245 fr. M'Carthy). les mêm. en lat. et en fr. (par Armand Fr. Gervaise). Par., impr. de Didot j., 1796. large 4°. 3 vols. with eight engravings (vellum paper 90 fr.).

This is an impression of only 340 copies, 90 of which are on very large paper, with engravings avant la lettre (180 fr.), but not fine enough for a splendid work. Gervaise's translation appeared first at Paris, 1723. 12°. 2 vols.

5 ABANO or APONO, Pt. de. Conciliator differentiar. philosophor. et præcipue medicor. Mantuæ, Th. Septem Castrenis et J. Burster, 1472. large fol. containing 364 leaves. Also, Ei. tract. de venenis. ib., eod., fol. 7 leaves.

The first most rare edition of both pieces together. The edition of 1471 is a forgery. Also, Ven., Gbr. de Tarvisio, 1746. fol. and frequently. Of the rest of his writings, Liber compilationis phisionomia (under the name of Pt. Padubanens.) Pa



dua, Maufer, 1474. 4°. Expositio problematum Aristot. Mant., P. J. de Puzbach, 1475. fol.

ABARCA, Pt. Los reyes de Aragon en anales historicos. T. I. Madr. 1682. T. II. Salam. 1684. fol.

Containing the years 612-1516. ABBAVILLA, see BERNARDO da Parigi.


ABBOT, J., see J. Ed. SMITH. 7 ABBT, Th. Vermischte Schrr. Berl. u. St., Nicolai, 1771-81. 8°. 6 voll. (3 d. 8 gr.)



Th. I. v. Verdienste. Th. II. Fragm. 2. Portug. Gesch. u. v. Tode fol. Vaterl. Th. III. Correspond. Th. IV-VI. Verm. Aufsätze, Brr. u. Fragm.-V. Verdienste. 4e A. ib. 1790. 8°. (16 gr.)

v. Verdienste. Wien, Degen, 1804. large 4°. and large 8°. vellum paper (24 d. and 12 d.)

ABCONTRAFACTUR, u. Bildwelche v. 842-1586 in Sachs. renis all. Grosherzog. Chur. u. Fürst., gier. hab. Dresd., Gimel Berg, 1586. 4°. with woodcuts.

On vellum with beautiful illuminated woodcuts in the Dresden library.

10 ABDALLÆ Beidavæi historia Sinensis, pers. et lat. ab And. Mullero. Acc. ej. notæ. Nunc c. additam. ed. a Quodvultd. Abr. Mullero. Jen. 1689. 4°.

In a complete copy ought also to be found, Itineraria duo, comm. alphabetica, basilicon sin., imp. sin. nomenclator. geogr. With some writings of Muller collected together under the title, And. Mulleri Opusc. nonn. oriental. Francof. ad Oder. 1695. 4°.

11 ABDOLLATIPHI historiæ Ægypti compend., arab. et lat. partim ipse vert. part. a Pocockio versum edend. curav. et notis illustr. Jos. White. Ox., typ. Clar., 1800. 4°. xxxii. and 321 pages (11. 4s.) Also, Abdollatiphi vita auct. Ibn Abi


Osaiba e codd. MSS. Bodlei. descrips. et lat. vert. J. Mousley. ib. 1808. 4°. VII and 78 pages (6s.)

Of Pococke's edition (1691) only 96 pages were printed in 8°. White had already in 1782 caused the Arabic text to be printed, but he consigned the copies to professor Paulus, who published them under the title, Abdoll. compend. memorabill. Ægypti. Tub. 1789. 8°. (2 d.)

12 relation de l'Egypte par AbdAllatif., suivie de div. extraits d'écrivains orient. et d'un état des provinces et des villages de l'Egypte dans le 14. siècle. Trad. et enrichi de notes hist. et crit. par Silv. de Sacy. Par., Treuttel, 1810. 4°. 24 fr., vellum paper 48 fr.

An English translation see under WHITE. That in German, by Sm. F. Gth. Wahl. Halle, 1790. 8°. (20 gr.) is unfaithful and faulty.


moirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, who accompanied Nadir Shah on his return from Hindostan to Per


1778-97, 4°. 7 voll. (18 d.) Neue histor. ib. 1778-89. 4°. 5 voll. (13 d. 8 gr.) and 1804. large 8°. (1 d. 8 gr.) and 1807. large 4°. (3 d.) Abhh. d. Baier. Akad. üb. Gegenst. d. schön. Wiss. Ir. Bd. ib. 1781. 8°. (1 d.) Denkschrr. d. Kön. Ak. d. Wiss. Th. 1-4. auf d. Jahre, 1808 -15. ib. 1809-17. large 4°. 4 vols. with plates.

Privatgesellsch. in Böhm. z. Aufnahme d. Mathem. d. vaterl. Gesch. u. d. Naturgesch. z. Druck beförd. v. Ign. v. Born. Prag, 1775 -84. 8°. 6 vols. with plates (7 d. 18 gr.) Abhh. d. böhm. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. Prag. u. Dr. 1785–88. 4°. 4 vols. with plates (13 d.) Neuere Abhh. Prag, 1791-99. 4°. 3 voll. (7 d. 8 gr.) Abhh. v. 1802-13. ib. 1804-14. 8°. 4 vols. with plates (17 d. 8 gr.)


ABRAHAM a S. Clara, see SANCTA


sia; including the history of Hin- ABONDANCE, J.d', see MORALITÉ. dost. from A.D. 1739-49, transl. from the original Persian by Fr. Gladwin. Calcutta, W. Mackay, 1788. 8°. VIII and 217 pages.

An extract in the new Repertory of biblical literature, II. 40-81.-Voyage de l'Inde à la Mekke, extr. et trad. de la vers. angl. av. d. notes par L. Langlès (also, Collect. d. voy. T. I.) Par. 1797. 12°. with plates.

14 ABEL, Ivar. Symphona s. XI. linguar. orientall. discors concordia. Hafn. 1782. 8°.

15 ABELA, Gi. Fr. Malta illustrata con le sue antichità etc. corretta, accresc. e contin. da Gi. Ant. Ciantar. Malta, 1772-80. 2 vols. with plates.

A scarce edition of a valuable work. The earlier edition, Malta, 1647. fol. (Lat. in Grævii thes. ant. et hist. It. T. 15.) is now cheap.


16 ABHANDLUNGEN d. kurf. Baier. Gesellsch. d. Wiss., hist. u. philos. Inhalts. Mch. 1763-76. 4° Io voll. (20 d.) Neue philos. ib.

18 ABRAMI, N. comm. in tertium vol. oratt. Ciceronis. Par., Cramoisy, 1631. fol. 2 voll.


Pharus V.T. s. sacrar. quæstt. 11. XV. Par., Jost (another copy, Henault), 1648. fol.

20 ABRESCH, F. L. Animadvv. ad Eschyl. 11. III. cum dilucidd. Thucyd. auctario. Medioburgi, 1743 and Zwoll. 1763. 8°. 2 vols. Not often to be met with.


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dilucidatt. Thucydideæ. Trj. ad Rh. 1753–55. 8°. 2 voll.

Still more rare than the preceding, and not rendered unnecessary by the Bavarian edition. See also ARISTANETUS.

22 ABREU y Bertodano, Jos. Ant. de. Coleccion de los tratados de paz, alianza, neutralidad, garantia etc. que han hecho los reyes de España con los pueblos, republicas y demas potencias de Europa y otras partes del mundo. Madr., impr. real, 1740-52. fol. 12 voll. (360 reals.)

Part 1, 2, containing Philip III. Part

3-5 Charles II. Part 6-12 Philip IV.

The continuation is, Colecc. de los tratad. de paz, alianza, comercio etc. ajustados por la corona de España con las potencias extrangeras desde el reynado de Felipe V hasta el presente (Carlos IV.) Madr., impr. real, 1796-1801. fol. 3 voll. (48 reals.) ABUBECR, see Ibn DOREID. 23 ABUDACNI, Jos. s. Barbati historia Jacobitar. s. Coptor. in Ægypto, Libya etc. habitantium, ed. Sgb. Havercamp. LB. 1740. 8°.

The best German edition. C. H. Tromler Abbild. d. jacobit. od. copt. Kirche. Jen. 1749. 8°.

24 ABU Jaafar Ebn Tophali. Philosophus autodidactus s. epistola, in qua ostend. quomodo ex inferior. contemplatione ad superior. notitiam ratio hum. adscendere possit. Ex arab. in 1. lat. versa ab Ed. Pocockio. Ox. 1671. 4°. 200 pages.

Ed. II. priori emend. Ox. 1700. 4°. is only a new title with all the misprints, but without the dedication by Sim. Ockley in the English edition, Lond. 1686. also 17c8. 8°. D. Naturmensch od. Gesch. d. H. E. Joktan übs. v. J. Gf. Eichhorn. Berl. 1782. 8°.

25 ABULCASIM Tarif Abentarik. Historia verdadera del rey D. Rodrigo. Traduz. de la lengua arab. por Mg. de Luna. Granada, 1592– 1600. 4°. 2 voll.

Also Madr. 1654 and 1676, 4. Ital. by Sennuccio Cirfranci (Fr. Rinuccini). Fir. 1663. 4°. French (by le Roux), Par. 1680. 12°. 2 voll. and another ib. 1708. 12°. This work is Luna's own composition, and its being translated from the Arabic is only feigned.

26 ABULFEDA, Ism. Annales moslem., arab. et lat. op. et st. J. Jac. Reiskii. Sumpt. Pt. F. Suhmii nunc pr. ed. Jac. G. Ch. Adler. Hafn. 1789-94. 4°. 5 voll. (32 d.)

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Gagnier. Ox., th. Sheld. 1723. fol. XXII. and 160 pages.

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A single piece of the preceding work.

geographia universalis, arab. et lat. ed. J. Gagnier. (Ox., th. Sheld. 1734.) fol. 72 pages.

Unfinished on account of Gagnier's death. This work is entirely printed only in Reiske's Latin translation in Büsching's Magazine, voll. 4 and 5. Of the original the following single pieces are only printed. 29 tabula Syriæ, arab. et lat. c. not. J. Bhd. Köhler. Acc. J. Jac. Reiskii animadvv. Lps. 1766. large 4°. (3 d.)

A new title and some corrections, 1786.

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Additions and variations, in Eichhorn Bibl. d. bibl. Litt. IV, 519, 559.

tabulæ quæd. geogr. et alia ejusd. arg. specimina nunc pr. arab. ed. F. Thdr. Rinck. Lps. 1791. 8°. (1 d. 4 gr.)

33 · Αμπουλφεδα εκ των γεωγραφικών πινακων περιγραφη Χορασμίας, Μαουαραλναρχης ήτοι των πέραν του ποταμού 'Ogoν TоTwv etc. μeтappaσbeισα vñо Δημητρ. Αλεξανδρίδου. Ἐν Βιεννῇ, large 8°. 291 pages: to which is added Δυο πινακες γεωγραφικοι, ὁ μεν Νασσιρ Εδδινου, ὁ δε Ολουγ Μπει. Επιμελεια και σπουδῃ Δημ. ̓Αλεξαν Spidov. (ib.) 1807. large 8°. 79 pages.

This edition contains the Arabic text with a translation in modern Greek.-Cp. Rommel Abulfedea Arabia descriptio comm. perp. illustr. Gött. 1802. 4°. (18 gr.) J. G. Ch. Umbreit comm. exhib. historiam Emiror. al Omrah ex Abulf. Gött. 1817. 4°. See also ULUGH-BEIG, BOHADIN, SCHULTENS, and MAKRIZI.

34 ABULPHARAGIUS, Gr. Chronicon syriac. E codd. Bodlei. descriptum edider. (syr. et lat.) P. Jac. Bruns et G. Gu. Kirsch. Lps.,

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