Staat en Oorlogh in en omtrent de vereen. Nederl. 1-3. Deel. Amst. 1688-99. fol. together 4 or 5 vols. (since the Historien may also be had in 2 vols.) To the old as well as to the new edition may at length be added the Latin version of the Verhael: Leon. ab Aitzema hist. pacis a fœderatis belgis ab a. 1621. ad hoc usq. tempus tractatæ. LB., Elsevir. 1654. 4°. which is more complete than the original. AKBER, see GLADWIN. 306 AKENSIDE, M. Poems. Lond., Dodsley, 1772. large 4°. with a portrait of Akenside. The best edition. Enlarged with a fragment, the Virtuoso. Lond. 1807. 18°. The pleasures of imagination, at first Lond. 1744. 8°. ib. 1795. 12°. with plates.Vergnügungen d. Einbildungskr. a. d. Engl. in d. Versart d. Orig. v. A. v. Rode. Berl. 1804. 8°. In French (by d'Holbach). Amst. 1759. 12°. Par. 1806. 12°. I piaceri dell' immaginazione, poema inglese transportato in verso sciolto italiano da Ang. Mazza. Par. 1764. 4°. ALAIN, see ALANUS and CHAR TIER. 307 ALAMANNI, L. Opere toscane, al christianissimo rè Francesco primo. Firenze, Giunti, 1532. 8°. A reprint of the following edition, containing only the ist vol.; and in order to have the poems complete, the 2nd vol. of the following edition, or of that of Ven., per Pt. de Nicolini da Sabio, 1533. 8°. must be added. 308 le medesime opere. Lione, Sb. Griffio, 1532-33. small 8°. 2 vols. The two volumes are seldom found together. Vol. I. on vellum, 80 fr. M'Carthy (previously 79 fr. Vallière), is now Lord Spencer's. Both volumes on vellum are in the royal library at Paris. 309le medes. opere. Vinegia, per Pt. Scheffer Moguntino, ad instantia delli heredi di Lucantonio Giunta, 1542. 8°. 2 voll. Cited by the academy della Crusca. Contents: Elegie, egloghe, sonetti, favola di Narciso, diluvio Romano, fav. di Atalanta, satire, salmi penit., selve, fav. di Fetonte, Antigone, stanze ed altri sonetti. 310 la coltivatione. Stampato in Parigi, da Rb. Stephano, 1546. small 4°. The first edition, and fine. Some copies want the notice of the errors of the press, 312 e le api di Gi. Rucellai, con aggiunta delli epigrammi del medesimo Alamanni e d'alcune brevi annotazioni sopra l'api (di Rb. Titi). Fir., Fil. Giunta, 1590. 8°. This edition, although cited by the academy della Crusca, is, like the preceding, not dear. Le Api is defective in it, v. 699-707. 313 e le api di Gi. Rucellai, colle annotazioni di Rb. Titi e con gli epigrammi toscani dell' Alamanni. Padova, Gius. Comino, 1718. large 4°. A fine edition, and the best one of both poems: already scarce in Zeno's time. 314 e le api di Gi. Rucellai, colle annot. sopra le api di Rb. Titi, e di Gius. Bianchini sopra la coltivazione: gli epigrammi toscani dell' Alamanni e la vita del medes. da Gi. Mar. Mazzuchelli. Verona, Berno, 1745. 8°. Prized, as well as the edition of Bol. 1746. 4°. With the omission of the life of Alamanni, repeated, Ven., Remondini, 1756. 8°. Parma, 1764. 12°. Bassano, 1795. 12. Milano, 1804. 8°. (among the Italian classics.) La Coltivatione, alone, Lond. 1780. 12°. 315 la Avarchide, poema in ottava rima. Fir., Giunti, 1570. 4°. Fine, and not common; cited by the academy della Crusca.-Con diligenza corretta e alla moderna ortogr. ridotta. Ed. II. Bergamo, 1761, 12°. 2 voll. the printer's. Con dilig. corr. e alla mod. ortogr. rid. Ed. III. Bergamo, 1757. 12°. 2 voll. Also on large paper. 317 Antigone, tragedia. Firenze, 1556. 8°. Printed at Venice about 1780. A copy on vellum, M'Carthy, 41 fr. 5 c. There is no real edition of 1556. Previously in Scelta di rare e celebri tragedie. Ven. 1750. 8°. 318 la Flora, commedia, con gl' intermedj di Ant. Lori. Fir., Lr. Torrentino, 1556. 8°. Reprinted without the intermedj, Fir., Sermartelli, 1601. 8°.-Satire, with those of Ariosto, Ven. 1554. 8°.-Epigrammi, Par. 1587. 4°. 319 ALANUS ab Insulis. Opera moralia, parænetica et polemica. Op. et st. C. de Visch. Antw. 1654. fol. The parabola, Anticlaud., and de planctu nat. are not in this edition. 320 les paraboles de maitre Alain (trad. en vers franç.)-At the end: Cy finist les paraboles de maistre Alain, imprime a Paris ce xx. jour de Mars mil cccc quatre vingts et douze, par Anth. Vérard. small fol. Gothic letter. 99 leaves, with the signatures a-o iij; rare. A copy on vellum, with 205 miniatures, M'Carthy 530 fr. (previously Vallière 400 fr.) The edition, Par., Den. Janot, without date, 12°. Gothic letter, is of no value. Parabola et ad easd. And. Senftlebii nota philol. Vratisl. 1663. 8°. ALBANI, Annib., see MENOLO GIUM. 321 ALBANI, Fr. et Sixti BADALOCCI, picturæ in æde Verospia, a Pt. de Petris delin. sculptæ vero a J. Hi. Frezza. Rom. 1704. fol. 17 leaves. 322 ALBERGATI Capacelli, Fr. Opere (commedie). Ven., C. Palese, 1783-85. large 8°. 12 vols. 323 ALBERTI, H. Arien etlicher theils geistl. theils weltl. Lieder. 4. Augs. Kgsb. 1652. fol. 8 parts. Said also to have appeared, Kgsb. 1676. fol. 9 parts. Very interesting in a musical and poetical point of view, and scarce. 324 ALBERTI Magni opera omnia, edita st. et labore Pt. Jammy. Lugd. 1651. fol. 21 voll. de misterio misse. Ulm, opus per J. Czeyner, 1473, 29 Maii. fol. Gothic letter. The first edition, and likewise the first book printed at Ulm with a date: without catchwords, signatures, and pagination : 135 leaves, whereof the 92nd is a half one. 326 summa de eucharistiæ sacramento. Ulm, J. Zainer, 1474. fol. Gothic letter. The first edition, without the table of contents; 175 numbered leaves, without catchwords and pagination.-Winterperg (in Bohemia), per J. Alacraw, 1484. fol. 108 leaves, with signatures, without catchwords and pagination: very rare.-With the preceding work, (Col.) J. Guldenschaff, 1477. fol. 327 opus virginis gloriosa super missus est. Without place or date (Strb., Mentelin, about 1470). large fol. First edition, 66 printed leaves, without signatures, catchwords, and pagination, in double columns and 61 lines. herbar. lapidum et animalium. (Bon.) J. (Schriber) de Annuntiata, 1478. 4°. Concerning another edition, without place and date (Antw., Mthi. Goes, 1477 ?), see Crevenna, II. 202. Small editions of this and the preceding work, Amst. 1643. 12°. ib. 1669. 12°. ib. 1760. 12°. 334 ALBERTI di Villanuova, Fr. de. Nuovo dizionario italianofrancese e fr. ital. composto su i dizionarj dell' accad. franc. e della Crusca. Ed. IV. Marsiglia, 1796. 4°. 2 voll. Not a common edition of an esteemed work. The last or third Italian edition, Bassano, 1811. large 4°. 2 vols. (39 fr.) is enlarged, but printed in too small a type. The editions, Marseille, 1771-72. Nizza, 1788. Bassano, 1796. Ven. 1803. (all in 4°. 2 vols.) are cheap. A German edition, Lips. 1786-89. large 8°. 2 vols. (5 d. 8 gr.) 335 dizionario universale critico enciclopedico della lingua italiana. Lucca, 1797-1805. 4°. 6 voll. Distinct from the preceding work, but less prized. 336 ALBERTI, J. Glossarium gr. in sacros N. F. libros. Ex MS. primus edid. notisq. illustr. J. Alberti. Acc. ejusd. miscellanea crit. in glossas nomicas, Suidam, Hesych. etc. LB. 1735. large 8°. Ej. obss. philol. in sacr. N. F. libb. LB. 1725. large 8°. Periculum crit. in quo loca quæd. V. et N. T. Hesychii et alior. illustr. emend. LB. 1727. large 8°. 337 ALBERTI, Leand. Descrizzione di tutta Italia. Bol., Giaccarelli, 1550. fol. The first and finest edition. The most complete are, Ven. 1581. 4°. and 1588. 4°. In both the last also the Isole is to be found with separate pagination. viris illustr. ord. prædic. libri VI. Bon. 1517. fol. is scarce. 339 ALBERTI, Leo Bt. De re ædificatoria (libri X.) Flor., N. Lr. Alamannus, 1485. fol. The first edition, without catchwords and pagination, but with signatures. At the beginning a single leaf ought to be found, on the reverse of which is a Latin letter of Ang. Politian to Lr. Medicis. At the end another single leaf, the reverse of which contains the register. Pinelli possessed two copies, in one of which the 4 last leaves were reprinted.-(stud. Gf. Torini). Par. Rembolt, 1512. 4°. (cur. Eb. Tappii). Arg. 1541. 4°. 342 della architettura, della pittura e della statua, trad. da Cos. Bartoli. Bol. 1782. fol. with plates. 343 · - I dieci libri di architettura, tradotti in italiano da Cos. Bartoli. Roma 1784. 4°. In French, by J. Martin, Par. 1553. fol. with plates. In Spanish by Fr. Lozano, (Madr.) 1582. 4°. ib. 1640. fol. 344 de pictura ll. III. jam prim. in luc. editi. Bas. 1540. 8°. Also in Vitruvius, Amst. 1649. fol.—In Italian, la pittura, trad. per L. Domenichi. Ven., Giolito, 1547. 8°. Della pittura e della statua. Milano, 1804. 8°. (among the Italian classics.) In Spanish with Ln. da Vinci de la pintura. Madr. 1784. 4°. 345 Bt. de Albertis poetæ laureati, de amore liber optimus (or Hecatomfite, in the Italian language), without place, 1471. 4°. 20 leaves and 25 lines, without catchwords, signatures and pagination. To which is added: Bt. de Albertis opus præclarum in amoris remedio (or Deifira, in Italian) without place, 1471. 4°. likewise containing 20 leaves and 25 lines. Of both these very scarce editions there was a copy on vellum at M'Carthy's, 700 fr. 346 hecatomphila, che ne isegna l' ingeniosa arte d'amore: Deiphora che ne mostra fuggir il mal principato amore. Vinegia, Sessa, 1534 also 1545. 8°. Also Ven., Zoppino, 1528. 8°.—Hecatomphile, signifiant centième amour, du vulgaire italien tourné en langage franç. Les fleurs de poésie franç. Par., Dupré, 1534. small 8°. with plates. Without place, 1536. small 8°. with plates. Par., Sergent, 1539. 16°. with plates.-La Deiphire, trad. d'italien en fr. av. le texte à côté. Par., Corrozet, 1547. 16°. and often. 348 opuscoli morali, tradotti e corretti da Cos. Bartoli. Ven., Franceschi, 1568. 4°. Containing most of his works, the architettura excepted. Philodoxios, see LEPIDI. 349 ALBERTI Stadensis chronicon a condito orbe usq. ad a. C. 1256. deductum et nunc prim. evulgat. (a Rein. Reineccio) Hlmst. 1587. 4°. (also Witt. 1608. 4°.)—in addition to which there is, Continuatio annalium Alberti Stad. ab a. 1264. ad a. 1324. ex membranis edid. notisq. illustr. And. Hojer. Hafn. 1720. 4°. In Schilteri Scriptt. rer. Germ. Arg. 1702. fol. P. II. p. 123 ss. the first work only is printed. 350 ALBERTOLLI. Ornamenti diversi inventati, disegnati ed eseguiti da Giocondo Albertolli, incisi da Giac. Luganese (Milano, 1782).Alcune decorazioni di nobili sale ed altri ornamenti di G. Albertolli, incisi da Giac. Marcoli ed And. de Bernardis. Milano, I 1787.-Miscellanea per i giovani studiosi del disegno publicata da G. Albertolli, parte terza. Milano, 1796. fol. max. 3 parts in one vol. Numbers 360-363 belong together. 364 diss. de arteriis et venis intestinor. LB. 1736. 4°. with one plate diss. 2da de sede ac causa coloris Æthiopum. LB. 1737.4°. with one plate. The plates have been printed in colours by J. l'Admiral, and are fine. See ADMIRAL. 365 — academicar. annotatt. 11. VIII. anatom. physiol. etc. LB. 1754-68. 4°. 8 parts in 2 vols. with plates (12 florins.) 366 ALBINOVANI, C. Pedonis, elegiæ III. et fragmenta, c. interpr. et notis Jos. Scaligeri, F. Lindenbruchii, N. Heinsii, Thdr. Goralli (i.e. J. Clerici) et alior. (acc. P. Corn. Severi Etna). Amst. 1703. (new title, 1715.) 8°. Also in Wernsdorf poet. lat. min. T. 3.— The elegies of Albinov. with an Engl. version. Lond. 1807, 8°. (4s). ALBIZZI, Bm., see LIBER confor mitatum. 367 ALBONESIUS, Theseus Amb. Introductio in chaldaic. linguam, syr. atque armen. et x alias linguas. Characterum differentium alphabeta circiter XL et eorund. conformatio. Papiæ, Simoneta, 1539. 4°. 215 leaves. Very rare and curious. In p. 212 b is the representation of a kind of writing invented by the devil. VOL. I. 368 ALBULCASIS de Chirurgia. Arab. et lat. cura J. Channing. Ox., typ. Clarend. 1778. 4°. 2 vols. with woodcuts (11. 5s., large paper 11. 16s.) 369 ALBUQUERQUE, Affonso de. Commentarios de Afonso Dalboquerque capitão geral et governador da India, collegidos por seu filho Afonso Dalboquerque. Vam repartidos em quatro partes. Lixboa, por Joam de Barreyra, 1557. fol. 305 numbered leaves. The first edition, and cited by the academy of Lisbon. Repeated, Lisb. 1576. fol. and (by Pagliarini) Lisb. 1774. small 8°. 370 ALCEI poetæ lyrici fragmenta edidit Thdr. F. Stange. Halle, Hendel, 1810. 8°. (20 gr.) Fragmenta collecta in Museo crit. Vol. I. Cbr. 1814. 8°. p. 421 ss. metr. übs. m. d. Original text u. Anmm. v. J A. S. Würzb. 1810. 8°. (3 gr.) Hymnus in Mercur. restitutus a G. F. Grotefend in Nov. act. soc. lat. Jen. Vol. I. Lips. 1806. 8°. ALCASIM, Abi Mohammed., HARIRI. see 371 ALCEDO, Ant. de. Diccionario geografico-historico de las Indias rio de las voces provinciales de occidentales ó America, y vocabulaAmerica. Madr. 1786–89. 4°. 5 voll. In English, by G. A. Thomson, Lond. 1812-15. 4°. 5 vols. (10l. 108.) 372 ALCHABITII, Arabici, introductorium ad scientiam judicialem astronomiæ (emend. Mth. Moreper tum.) without place, 1473. 4°. The first edition, without catchwords, signatures and pagination. 373 ALCIATUS, And. Emblematum libellus, nuper in lucem editus. Ven., ap. Aldi filios, 1546. 8°. 47 leaves, and one more at the end for the anchor, and 84 woodcuts; containing only a part of the second book: very rare. The first edition, Mediol. 1522, contains only 100 emblems. Of the edition of Par. Wechel. 1534. 8°. there was a copy on vellum, M'Carthy, 123 fr. Very often printed; in the most complete manner, Alciati emblemata c. comm. varior. opera J. Thuilii, acc. F. Morelli commentaria. Patav. 1621. 4°. and ibid. 1661. 4°. Also Spanish, Italian, French and German D |