
of the whole Amadis of the Lyons and Antwerp editions, in 16°. mixed together, including books xxii-xxiv. the Tresor, hist. du chev. du sol., and Belianis.

A more recent compilation of Amadis de Gaule, was made first by mademoiselle de Lubert, Amst. (Par.) 1570. 12°. 4 vols. with plates. To which is added, Les hauts fails d'Esplandian. Par. 1751. 12°. 2 voll. Secondly by the count de Tressan, Par. 1779. 12°. 2 vols. also, Evreux, 1796. 8°. 3 vols. with plates. Hist. du chev. du soleil p. Tressan. Par. 1780. 12°. 2 voll. although this is said not to be by Tressan. To which is added, Lisuart de Grèce, p. M. de Mayer. Amst. et Par. 1788. 12°. 5 voll.


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3) The Italian. I quattro libri di Amadis de Gaula. Ven., Giglio, 1559. 8°. (at first 1546. also 1558). -Le prodezze di Splandian. Ven., Giglio, 1559. 8°. and Libro II. Ven. 1599. 8°.-Historia e gran prodezze di Florisando. Ven. 1551. 8°.-Lisuarte di Grecia. Ven., Tramezzino, 1567 (also 1570). 8o.Historia di Amadis di Grecia. Ven. 1550. 8°. 2 voll.-Historia di D. Florisello et Anassarte (Lib. I. et II.) Ven., Franceschini, 1575. 8°. Libro III. Ven. 1606. 8°.-Historia di D. Silves della Silva. Ven., Tramezzino, 1561. 8°. 2 voll.Libro XIII. di Amadis, nel quale si contiene le prodezze di Sferamundi e di Amadis d'Astra. Ven., Spineda, 1600-10. 8°. 6 parts.

Istoria de D. Belianis. Ferrara, 1586. 8°. 4 parts.

The editions here mentioned are all suf

ficiently accredited. Respecting the rest, see (although not altogether to be depended upon) Haym bibl. it. T. III. p. 33 sqq. and particularly Henrion, not accessible to me (see above). The translation of most of the books was by Mambrino Roseo. A complete copy of the Italian Amadis does not give place to the Spanish as a rarity, and even surpasses the French edition.The Amadigi by Bn. Tasso is a new work. 488 4) The German. Des Streit


baren Helden Amadis auss Franckreich sehr schöne Historien. Franz. in unser allgemein Deutsche Sprach transferiert. Ff. a M., Sigm. Feyerabend, 1583. fol. 2 vols. with woodcuts.

Containing books i-xv. No third volume

has appeared to this edition, as many suppose. The 16th book first appeared in 1591 in the German translation. An edition of 1523 is a nonentity. The translation published by Feyerabend must have first come out, 1569-1574. since his prefaces to the 15 books are of these dates.


Hystorie von Amadis vss Frankreich. 1-24 Buch. Ff. a. M., Feyerabend, 1594 ss. 8°. 24 voll.

The Dresden copy is of different impressions; namely, I, 1594. II, 1617. III-VI, 1595. VII, 1596. VIII, 1617. IX-XIII, 1598. XIV, 1610. XV, without date (1610). XVÍ, 1591. XVIÍ, XVIII, 1617. XIX-XXI, 1593. XXII, XXIII, 1594. XXIV, 1595. The translations are only denoted with the initial letters.-Another edition, Mümpelgard and Frankf. 1590– 95. 8°. 24 vols. is in Weimar and Göttingen. Of the other appendages I only know, des Anhangs zu d. Buch Splandiani weitere Aussfürung. Augsp., Manger, 1578. 8°. Schatzkammer schöner zierl. Orationen, Sendbriefen etc. Auss d. 24 BB. d. Amadis. Strb., Zetzner, 1597, also 1608 and 1624. 8°. A more recent composition: Amadis v. Gallien, neu übs. v. Tressan, a. d. Fr. v. W. Chsthf. Sgm. Mylius. Lpz. 1782. 8°. 2 voll. (3 d.) Gesch. d. Sonnenritters. A. d. fr. Lpz. 1781. 8°. 2 voll. (2 d.) Wielands neuer Amadis.-A Dutch translation: Historie van den doorluchtig. en vromen ridder Amadis van Gaule. Amst. 1596. 4°. Concerning the earlier English translations, see Clément I, 248 not. The more recent: Amadis de Gaul. By Vasco Lobeyra. From the Spanish version of Garciordoñez de Montalvo. By Rb. Southey. Lond. 1803. 12°. 4 vols. (31. 3s.) Amadis de Gaul, a poem in three books. Transl. from the French vers. by W. Stewart Rose. Lond. 1802. 12°.

AMADUZZI, J. Cp., see ANECDOTA, LEGES, and MONUMENta. 490 AMALTHEI. Trium fratrum Amaltheorum, Hi., J. Bt. et Corn., carmina, acc. Hi. Aleandri роеmata. Ven. 1627. 8°.

Ed. II. (per J. G. Grævium) Amst., Wetstein, 1689. 12°. Also in Sannazarii poematt. Amst. 1728. 8°.

AMANT rendu cordelier, see MARTIAL d'Auvergne.

491 AMASÆUS, Gr. Vaticinium, quo prædicitur universum orbem terrarum Christianæ religionis imperium subiturum. Without place, 1499, die xx. Septembris. 4°.

A copy on vellum, the title of which is

printed in gold, and the first page richly ornamented, 126 francs, Pinelli, and the same 127 fr. M'Carthy. In other respects without value.

AMATI, Pascale, see COLLECTIO Pisaurensis.

492 AMBASSADES mémorables de la compagnie des Indes orientales des provinces-unies vers les empereurs du Japon. Amst. 1680. fol. with plates.

The editions, Leyde, 1686. 12°. 2 vols. and Haye, 1696. 12°. 2 vols. are only abridgments, although enlarged. See also BASSOMPIERRE.

493 AMBLIMONT, le Cte d'. Tactique navale ou traité sur les évolutions; sur les signaux et sur les mouvemens de guerre. Par., impr. de Didot j. 1788. large 4°. with plates; also with coloured plates. 494 AMBRA, Fr. d'. I Bernardi, commedia in versi. Fir., Giunti, 1564. 8°. — Il furto, comm. in prosa. Nuovam. corr. e ristamp. Fir., Giunti, 1564. 8°.-La cofanaria, comm. in versi. Fir., Giunti, 1593. 8°.

Cited by the academy della Crusca. The first is particularly valued. The edition of the Furto, Ven., Sessa, 1567. 12°. is incorrect and defective. All three reprinted in teatro comico Fior. T. 5. According to Gamba, there is also by him, Commedia senza titolo in Macchiavelli opere, of 1769 and 1782.

495 AMBROSII, S. Mediol., opera. Bas., Amerbach, 1492. fol. 3 vols. Gothic letter.

The first edition of his collected works, under the superintendence of J. a Lapide and Amerbach. Enlarged re-editions, Bas., J. Pl. de Langendorf, 1506. 4°. 3 voll. ib. id. 1516. fol. 3 voll. A new recension by Erasmus, Bas., Froben, 1527. fol. 5 vols.; after the same by Sgm. Gelenius, ib. id. 1538. fol. 5 voll. and afresh by J. Costerius, ib. id. 1555. fol. 5 voll. An unaltered reprint, Bas., Episcop. 1567. fol. 5 voll. A fresh recension by L. Miræus, Par., Guillard, 1549-51. fol. 5 vols. and by J. Gillot, Par., Merlin, 1569. fol. The last editions are of value.

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de officiis libri tres. Mediol., Cp. Valdarfer, 1474.4°. 128 leaves. Complete copies are of the greatest rarity. In the Pinelli (T. I. p. 84) and Spencer Diblin, bibl. Sp. T. I. p. 166) the first 30 leaves are wanting: and in the Crevenna copy (Cat. Cr. secund. T. I. p. 99) the first 16. The excellent copy at Dresden contains, leaf 1a. Vita S. Ambr. secund. Paulinum. 17a. Vita Agnetis. 23. Passio SS. Vitalis et Agricole. 25a. Vita SS. Protasii et Gervasii. 27a. Ambr. ad Marcell. de inventione corpor. SS. Protasii et Gervasii. 31a. De officiis L. I. 78a. Lib. II. 104a. Lib. III. 128b. Finis tertii libri S. Ambrosii de officiis, with the colophon which Crevenna gives from other sources. Roman character; 28 lines. It is also divided into chapters.

501 de officiis libri tres etc. Mediol., Scinzenzeler, 1488. 4°. 138 leaves.

Complete copies of this edition are also

scarce. The book has two divisions. The first begins, without further title, with the vita Ambr. sec. Paulinum, and is a faithful

reprint of the preceding edition. It concludes in leaf goa, without mention of the place, date, or printer. The second has separate signatures, and contains de obitu fratris Satyri ll. III, de bono mortis, de resurrect. et cruce domini, and concludes in leaf 138a with a copious colophon. The second division alone is in the Cat. Crevenna secund. I. 99. Without catchwords and pagination, but with signatures.


epistolæ, de vocatione omnium gentium, de ædificatione urbis Mediolani, de Ysaac et anima, de fuga seculi. Mediol., Ant. Zarotus, 1491. fol. 192 leaves.

Roman characters, without catchwords and pagination, but with signatures. Leaves 1 and 2 contain a specification of contents and the dedication of S. Dulcinius. The first edition of the letters is, Mediol., Pachel, 1490. fol. Neither edition has been made use of by the Benedictines.

503-expositio in evangelium Lucæ. Aug. Vind., Ant. Sorg, 1476. fol.

Gothic letter.

The first edition, without catchwords, signatures, and pagination, but with column-titles. 159 leaves and 39 lines. The first leaf, on the reverse of which is the title, is sometimes wanting, and the book in consequence often cited under the superscription of the second leaf; De Johannis baptista generatione.


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Aug. Vind., Schüssler, 1472. fol. Gothic letter.

The first edition, without catchwords, signatures, and pagination; 35 lines. See Reuss Beschr. merkw. BB. S. 24. An edition, without place or date, in folio, is printed with the types of Guldenschaff at Mentz, in two columns of 37 lines, with the signatures a-i. Another edition, without place or date (Mediol., Zarotus, about 1477), folio, Roman characters, and 34 lines, contains also the books, de Paradiso, de ortu Ada, de arbore interdicta, de Abel et Cain, and Ambrose's life. AMBROSIUS Camaldulensis, see TRAVERSARIUS. - AMBROSIUS, Theseus, see ALBONESIUS. AMEILHON, see BEAU.—AMELUNGHI, G., see FORABOSCO. 505 AMERA SENHA. Cosha, or dictionary of the Sanscrit language, by Amera Senha. By H.. T..

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507 typographical antiquities: or the history of printing in England, Scotland, and Ireland; begun by Jos. Ames, considerably augm. by W. Herbert; and now greatly enlarg. with copious notes and illustr. with engravings, by Th. Frognall Dibdin. T. I. Lond., W. Miller, 1810. 4°. (3l. 3s.) T. II. 1812 (31. 7s.) T. III. 1816 (31. 13s. 6d.) with plates. 66 copies on very large paper.

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External splendor, great accuracy, and a rich mass of interesting notices unite to raise this work, which was made by Dibdin an entirely new production, to the first place in its class. It is to consist of 6 volumes.

508 AMICI, Ant., Trium orientalium latinor. ordinum post captam a duce Gothofredo Hierusalem, videl. S. domus hospitalis, S. domus templi et S. Mariæ de Valle Josaphat notitiæ et tabulariæ. Panormi, 1636. fol.

It treats only of the knights-Templar. 509 de Messanensis prioratus S. hospitalis domus militum S. Joann. Hierosolym. origine. Panormi, 1640. 4°.

510 AMICO, Bernardino. Trattato delle piante et immagini de' sacri edifizj di terra santa. Roma, 1609. fol. with plates by Ant. Tempesta.

Greatly prized. In somewhat lower estimation is the edition, Fir., Cecconcelli, 1620. fol. 65 pages of text, with 47 plates by Callot.

511 AMICO, Vit. Mar. et STATELLA lexicon topographicum Siculum, in quo Siciliæ urbes, oppida etc. illustrantur. Panormi, Benti


venga, 1757–60. 4o. 3 vols. each in 519 clerus totius Romanæ ecclesiæ two parts, with plates.

512 Catania illustrata s. sacra et civilis urbis Catanæ historia. Catanæ, 1741–46. fol. 4 voll. AMIOT, see AмYOт. 513 AMIRA, G. Mch. Grammatica syriaca s. chaldaica. Rom. 1596. 4°. Scarce.

514 AMMAESTRAMENTI degli antichi, raccolti e volgarizzati da Fra Bartolommeo da San Concordio. Col testo latino di riscontro. Fir., Manni, 1734. 4°. also on large paper.


Cited by the academy della Crusca. The best edition, superintended by Dm. Mar. Manni. Earlier editions, Fir. 1575, 1585, and 1661. 12°. Also, Mil. 1808. 8°. (among the Italian classics.) 515 AMMAN, J. Stirpium rarior. in imperio Rutheno sponte provenientium icones et descriptt. Petropoli, 1739. large 4°. with 35 plates. 516 AMMANN, Jod. or Neuwe Liuische Figuren-geordn. u. gestellt v. J. Bockspergern u. nachgeriss. durch Joss Amman. M. deutsch. Reim. begriff.-v. H. Pt. Rebenstock. Ff. a M. 1573. oblong 4°. 4 leaves of preliminary matter and 108 numbered leaves, and the same number of woodcuts. 517

gynæceum s. theatrum mulierum, in quo præcipuar. nationum

fœmineos habitus videre est. Ff. a

M. 1586. 4°. with woodcuts printed

in the text.


In all 120 unnumbered leaves. with the German text: Im Frauenzimmer wirt vermeldt v. allerley schön. Kleidung. u. Tracht. d. Weib. Ff. 1586. 4°.

518 Effigies regum Francor. omnium a Pharamundo ad Henric. III. cælatoribus Virg. Solis et Justo Ammon. Nrb. 1576. 4°.

64 numbered leaves, with 62 neat plates. The same plates in Iconographia reg. Franc. d. i. Abconterfeitung aller Kön. in Frkr. bis Henr. IV. Cölln, 1598. 4°. 4 leaves of preliminary matter, and 130 pages, and 63 plates. The first and third plates in the Dresden copy are pasted over with others by Virg. Solis. Mth. Quadt was the publisher. Also, Frankf. 1614, 1622, and 1644. 4°.

h. e. pontificior. ordinum omnium habitus artificiosiss. figuris expressi. (acc. Fr. Modius de ordd. eccl.) F. a. M. 1585. 4°. In all, 114 unnumbered leaves, with woodcuts.

Also with a German text, Ständ u. Orden d. Röm. Kirch. durch J. Ad. Lonicerum. Ff. a. M. 1585. 4°. 116 unnumbered leaves, with the same woodcuts, but in different order. Also, Frankf. 1661. 4°.

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522 Kunnst u. Lehr' ächlein für die anfahenden Jungen Daraus reissen u. Malen zu lernen. Ff. a. M.

1578. 4°. 4 leaves of preliminary matter, 101 leaves, woodcuts, and ander Theil... durch Jost Ammon one leaf with the colophon.-Der u. Tb. Stimmer. Ff. 1580. 4°. I leaf, title, 62 leaves, woodcuts, and one leaf with the colophon.

Contains costly plates. Several copies with the monograph L. F. A second edition is, Kunstbuchlein &c. Franckf. 1599. 4°. with 298 woodcuts.

523 Wapen u. Stammbuch m. kunstr. Figur. durch Jod. Amman gerissen samt ihr. Symbolis u. m. deutsch. Reim. Ff. 1589. 4°. with 119 woodcuts.

Concerning the rest of his works, see Heineken in other places. The woodcuts also in Stamm- od. Gesellenbuch, Ff. a. M. 1579. 8°. 199 leaves, appear to be by him.

524 AMMANN, J. Cr. Diss. de loquela, qua traduntur media, quib. surdi et muti loquelam adipisci possint. Amst. 1700. small 8°.

Under the title, Surdus loquens, at first Amst. 1692. 8°. and often. The last time with J. Wallis de loquela L. B. 1740. 8°. Also German, French, English, and Dutch translations.

525 AMMIANUS Marcellinus. Historiar. lib. XIV-XXVI. ex recognitione et c. præf. Aug. (Cneji) Sabini. Rom., G. Sachsel de Reichenhal et Bm. Golsch de Hohenbart, 1474, d. 7 Junii. fol.

The first edition, from a very imperfect and faulty codex, but very faithfully printed. 135 leaves, and 38 lines in a full page. Space is left for the Greek words; without catchwords, signatures, and pagination. The second edition, by Pt. Castellus, Bonon., de Benedictis, 1517. fol. (117 leaves without the index), is arbitrarily and ignorantly altered, and not from MSS.

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Containing at first books xxvii-xxxi. and corrected from MSS. Of the same date is the edition by Sgm. Gelenius, Bas., Froben., 1533, I Juli, fol. which has books xxvii-xxx. printed from a Hirschfeld MS. and compared with more MSS. After it, with the 31st book from Accursius, Par., Rb. Steph. 1544. 8°. Repeated, and enlarged with the conclusion of the 30th book, and with the 31st from Accursius, Bus., Frob. 1546. fol. All the subsequent editions up to 1609. are after this.

527 rerum gestar. 11. XVIII. Ad fid. MSS. et vett. codd. recensiti et obss. illustrati. Ex bibl. F. Lindenbrogii. Hmb. 1609. 4°. 504 and 276 pages.

A new recension.-Rec. et illustr. M. Zuer. Boxhorn. LB., Maire, 1632. 12°.

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Rer. gest. 11. XVIII. Ope MSS. codd. emendati ab H. Valesio c. annotatt. Nec non excerpta vett. de gestis Constantini et regum Italiæ. Ed. posterior cura Hadr. Valesii. Par., Dezallier, 1681. fol.

Revised and corrected from fresh MSS.


rer. gest. ll. XVIII. emendati a F. Lindenbrogio et Valesiis c. eor. annotatt. Omnia recognita a Jac. Gronovio. LB., v. d. Aa, 1693. fol.

Besides there being the portrait of Gronovius, and 6 leaves of coins, and II plates, on page 124 is to be found a large leaf, Obeliscus Ramessæus. Copies in 4°. with smaller type, particularly on large paper, seem to be less frequent. A new revision of the text, but without MSS., with new explanations.-Reprints without notes are, c. ind. dignitatum et glossario cura A. Gu. Ernesti. Lps. 1773. large 8°. (2 d., on writing paper 2 d. 12 gr.) and Biponti, 1786. 8°. (1 d., on writing paper 1 d. 6 gr.)

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531 Ammiano Marcellino delle guerre de Romani. Trad. per Remigio (Nannini). Ven., Giolito, 1550. 8°.

338 leaves without the preliminary matter containing 18 books.

532 Ammien Marcellin trad. en fr. (par Gu. de Moulines). Berl., 1775. 12°. 3 voll. (4 d. 12 gr.)

Reprinted, Lyon, 1778. 12. vols. Earlier by Mch. de Marolles, Par. 1672. 12°. 3 vols.

533 - a. d. Lat. m. erl. Anmm. v. J. Agst. Wagner. Ff. a. M., Hermann, 1792-94. 8°. 3 voll. (2 d. 14 gr.)

In English by Philemon Holland. Lond. 1609. fol. 534 AMMIRATO, Scip. Istorie fiorentine sino all' anno 1574, con l' aggiunte di Scip. Ammirato il giovane (Cp. Bianchi). Tom. I. Fir. 1647. 2 voll. T. II. ib. 1641. fol. Altogether 3 vols.

Of the first vol. (which at first appeared, Fir. 1600. in folio) a copy on large paper in the Crevenna library.

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4°. 3 voll.

Only copies on large paper are sought after. 536 AMMONIUS Grammaticus de

Before this at Par., Camusat, 1636. 4°.

adfinium vocabulor. differentia. Acc.

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