
her. "Sir," said she, "I should be very ungrateful, if, after the signal protection you once afforded me, I should refuse to contribute towards your happiness, in any reasonable condescension." Transported at this acknowledgement, I threw myself at her feet, and begged she would regard my passion with a favourable eye: she was alarmed at my behaviour, entreated me to rise, lest her brother should discover me in that posture, and to spare her, for the present, upon a subject for which she was altogether unprepared. In consequence of this remonstrance, I arose, assuring her I would rather die than disobey her; but, in the mean time, begged her to consider how precious the minutes of this opportunity were, and what restraint I put upon my inclination in sacrificing them to her desire. She smiled with unspeakable sweetness, and said there would be no want of opportunities, provided I could maintain the good opinion her brother had conceived of me; and I, enchanted by her charms, seized her hand, which I well nigh devoured with kisses. But she checked my boldness with a severity of countenance, and desired I would not so far forget myself or her as to endanger the esteem she had for me: she reminded me of our being almost strangers to each other, and of the necessity there was for her knowing me better before she could take any resolution in my favour; and, in short, mingled so much good sense and complacency in her reproof, that I became as much enamoured of her understanding, as I had been before of her beauty, and asked pardon for my presumption with the utmost reverence of conviction. She forgave my offence with her usual affability; and sealed my pardon with a look so full of bewitching tenderness, that for some minutes my senses were lost in ecstasy. I afterwards endeavoured to regulate my behaviour according to her desire, and turn the conversation upon a more indifferent subject; but her presence was an insurmountable obstacle to my design. While I beheld so much excellence, I found it impossible to call my attention from the contemplation of it. I gazed with unutterable fondness; I grew mad with admiration.

became very drowsy, and, after several dread- | pensed by her kind compassion for what I ful yawns, got up, stretched himself, took had undergone, and declared that the future two or three turns across the room, begged happiness of my life depended solely upon we would allow him to take a short nap, and, having laid a strong injunction on his sister to detain us till his return, went to his repose without further ceremony. He had not been gone many minutes, when Freeman, guessing the situation of my heart, and thinking he could not do me a greater favour than to leave me alone with Narcissa, pretended to recollect himself all of a sudden, and starting up, begged the lady's pardon for half an hour, for he had luckily remembered an engagement of some consequence, that he must perform at that instant; so saying, he took his leave, promising to come back time enough for tea, leaving my mistress and me in great confusion. Now that I enjoyed an opportunity of disclosing the pantings of my soul, I had not power to use it. I studied many pathetic declarations, but when I attempted to give them utterance, my tongue denied its office; and she sat silent, with a downcast look, full of anxious alarm, her bosom heaving with expectation of some great event. At length I endeavoured to put an end to this solemn pause, and began with," It is very surprising, madam," here the sound dying away, I made a full stop-while Narcissa, starting, blushed, and, with a timid accent, answered,-" Sir ?" Confounded at this note of interrogation, I pronounced, with the most sheepish bashfulness,-"Madam!"-To which she replied, "I beg pardon-I thought you had spoken to me." Another pause ensued-I made another effort; and though my voice faltered very much at the beginning, made shift to express myself in this manner:-"I say, madam, 'tis very surprising that love should act so inconsistently with itself, as to deprive its votaries of the use of their faculties when they have most need of them. Since the happy occasion of being alone with you presented itself, I have made many unsuccessful attempts to declare my passion for the loveliest of her sex-a passion which took possession of my soul, while my cruel fate compelled me to wear a servile disguise so unsuitable to my birth, sentiments, and, let me add, my deserts: yet favourable in one respect, as it furnished me with opportunities of seeing and adoring your perfections-yes, madam, it was then My condition is insupportable!" cried I, "I your dear idea entered my bosom, where it am distracted with passion; why are you so has lived unimpaired in the midst of number- exquisitely fair? why are you so enchantingly less cares, and animated me against a thou-good? why has nature dignified you with sand dangers and calamities." While I spoke thus, she concealed her face with her fan, and when I ceased speaking, recovering herself from the most beautiful confusion, told me, she thought herself very much obliged by my favourable opinion of her, and that she was very sorry to hear I had been unfortunate. Encouraged by this gentle reply, I proceeded, owned myself sufficiently recom


charms so much above the standard of women? and, wretch that I ain, how dares my unworthiness aspire to the enjoyment of such perfection?"

She was startled at my ravings, reasoned down my transport, and by her irresistible eloquence soothed my soul into a state of tranquil felicity; but, lest I might suffer a relapse, industriously promoted other sub

spending the evening at his house with such obstinacy of affection, that we were obliged to comply. For my own part, I should have been glad of the invitation, by which (in all likelihood) I should be blessed with more of his sister's company, had I not been afraid of risking her esteem by entering into a debauch of drinking with him-which, from the knowledge of his character, I foresaw would happen: but there was no remedy. I was forced to rely upon the strength of my constitution, which I hoped would resist intoxication longer than the squire's-and to trust to the good nature and discretion of my mistress for the rest.

Our entertainer, resolving to begin by times, ordered the table to be furnished with liquor and glasses immediately after tea; but we absolutely refused to set in for drinking so soon, and prevailed upon him to pass away an hour or two at whist, in which we engaged as soon as Narcissa returned. The savage and I happened to be partners at first; and as my thoughts were wholly employed in a more interesting game, I played so ill, that he lost all patience, swore bitterly, and threatened to call for wine if they would not

was gratified, and Narcissa and I were of a side; he won for the same reason that made him lose before: I was satisfied, my lovely partner did not repine, and the time slipped away very agreeably, until we were told that supper was served in another room.

jects to entertain my imagination. She chid me for having omitted to inquire about her aunt, who (she assured me), in the midst of all her absence of temper, and detachment ⚫ from common affairs, often talked of me with uncommon warmth. I professed my veneration for the good lady, excused my omission, by imputing it to the violence of my love, which engrossed my whole soul, and desired to know the situation of her health: upon which the amiable Narcissa repeated what I had heard before of her marriage, with all the tenderness for her reputation that the subject would admit of; told me she lived with her husband hard by, and was so much afflicted with the dropsy and wasted by a consumption, that she had small hopes of her recovery. Having expressed my sorrow for her distemper, I questioned her about my good friend Mrs Sagely, who I learned (to my great satisfaction) was still in good health, and who had, by the encomiums she bestowed upon me after I was gone, confirmed the favourable impressions my behaviour at parting had made on Narcissa's heart. The circumstance introduced an inquiry into the conduct of Sir Timothy Thicket, who (she informed me) had found means to in-grant him another associate. This desire cense her brother so much against me, that she found it impossible to undeceive him; but, on the contrary, suffered very much in her own character by his scandalous insinuations: that the whole parish was alarmed, and actually in pursuit of me; so that she had been in the utmost consternation upon The squire was enraged to find the evenmy account, well knowing how little my own ing so unprofitably spent, and wreaked his innocence and her testimony would have vengeance on the cards, which he tore, and weighed with the ignorance, prejudice, and committed to the flames with many execrabrutality, of those who must have judged me, tions, threatening to make us redeem our had I been apprehended; that Sir Timothy, loss with a large glass and quick circulation; having been seized with a fit of apoplexy, and indeed we had no sooner supped, and from which with great difficulty he was re- my charmer withdrawn, than he began to covered, began to be apprehensive of death, put his threats in execution. Three bottles and to prepare himself accordingly for that of port (for he drank no other sort of wine) great event; as a step to which he sent for were placed before us, with as many waterher brother, owned with great contrition the glasses, which were immediately filled to the brutal design he had upon her, and of conse-brim, after his example, by each out of his quence acquitted me of the assault, robbery, and correspondence with her, which he laid to my charge; after which confession he lived about a month in a languishing condition, and was carried off by a second assault. Every word that this dear creature spoke riveted the chains with which she held me enslaved my mischievous fancy began to work, and the tempest of my passion to wake again, when the return of Freeman destroyed the tempting opportunity, and enabled me to quell the rising tumult. A little while after the squire staggered into the room rubbing his eyes, and called for his tea, which he drank out of a small bowl, qualified with brandy, while we took it in the usual way. Narcissa left us in order to visit her aunt; and when Freeman and I proposed to take our leave, the fox-hunter insisted on our

respective allowance, and emptied in a trice, to the best in Christendom. Though I swallowed this and the next as fast as the glass could be replenished, without hesitation or show of reluctance, I perceived that my brain would not be able to bear many bumpers of this sort; and, dreading the perseverance of a champion who began with such vigour, I determined to make up for the deficiency of my strength by a stratagem, which I actually put in practice when the second course of bottles was called for. The wine being strong and heady, I was already a good deal discomposed by the dispatch we had made, Freeman's eyes began to reel, and Bruin himself was elevated into a song, which he uttered with great vociferation. When I therefore saw the second round brought in, I assumed a gay air, entertained



him with a French catch on the subject of drinking, which, though he did not understand it, delighted him highly; and, telling him that your choice spirits at Paris never troubled themselves with glasses, asked if he had not a bowl or cup in the house that would contain a whole quart of wine? "Odds niggers!" cried he, "I have a silver caudle cup that holds just the quantity, for all the world-fetch it hither, Numps." The vessel being produced I made him decant his bottle into it, which he having done, I nodded in a very deliberate manner, and said," Pledge you." He stared at me for some time, and crying,-" What! all at one pull, Measter Randan!" I answered,-"At one pull, sir,-you are no milk-sop-we shall do you justice." Shall you," said he, shaking me by the hand, odd then I'll see it out, an 't were a mile to the bottom. Here's to our better acquaintance, Measter Randan." So saying, he applied it to his lips, and emptied it in a breath. I knew As I fervently wished for another interthe effect of it would be almost instantaneous; view, where I might pour out the effusions therefore, taking the cup, began to discharge of my love without danger of being intermy bottle into it, telling him he was now rupted, and perhaps reap some endearing qualified to drink with the cham of Tartary. return from the queen of my desires, I imI had no sooner pronounced these words, plored her advice and assistance in promoting than he took umbrage at them, and, after this event; but she gave me to understand, several attempts to spit, made shift to stutter that Narcissa would make no precipitate out,-"A f-t for your chams of T-Tartary! compliances of this kind, and that I would a am a f-f-free-born Englishman, worth do well to cultivate her brother's acquaintth-three thousand a-year, and v-value no ance, in the course of which I should not man, damme !" Then dropping his jaw, want opportunities of removing that reserve and fixing his eyes, he hiccuped aloud, and which my mistress thought herself obliged fell upon the floor, as mute as a flounder. to maintain during the infancy of our corresMr Freeman, heartily glad at his defeat, as-pondence. In the mean time she promised sisted me in carrying him to bed, where we left him to the care of his servants, and went home to our respective habitations, congratulating each other on our good fortune.

after she had retired the night before from our company. I could scarce believe her information, when she recounted her expressions in my favour, so much more warm and passionate were they than my most sanguine hopes had presaged; and was particularly pleased to hear that she approved of my behaviour to her brother after she withdrew. Transported at the news of my happiness, I presented my ring to the messenger, as a testimony of my gratitude and satisfaction; but she was above such mercenary considerations, and refused my compliment with some resentment, saying she was not a little mortified to see my opinion of her so low and contemptible. I did myself a piece of justice by explaining my behaviour on this head, and, to convince her of my esteem, promised to be ruled by her directions in the prosecution of the whole affair, which I had so much at heart, that the repose of my life depended upon the consequence.


to tell her lady, that I had endeavoured, by presents and persuasions, to prevail upon her (Miss Williams) to deliver a letter from me, which she had refused to charge herself with until she should know Narcissa's sentiments of the matter; and said, by these means she did not doubt of being able to open a literary communication between us, which could not fail of introducing more intimate connexions.

Miss Williams informs me of Narcissa's approbation of my flame-I appease the squire-write to my mistress, am blessed I approved of her counsel, and our appointwith an answer-beg leave of her brother ment being renewed for next day, left her to dance with her at a ball; obtain his with an intent of falling upon some method consent and hers-enjoy a private con- of being reconciled to the squire, who, 1 "versation with her-am perplexed with supposed, would be offended with the trick reflections have the honour of appearing we had put upon him. With this view, I her partner at a ball-we are compliment-consulted Freeman, who, from his knowed by a certain nobleman-he discovers ledge of the fox-hunter's disposition, assured some symptoms of a passion for Narcissa me there was no other method of pacifying -I am stung with jealousy-Narcissa, alarmed, retires-I observe Melinda in the company-the squire is captivated by her beauty.

I was met next morning, at the usual place, by Miss Williams, who gave me joy of the progress I had made in the affection of her mistress, and blessed me with an account of that dear creature's conversation with her,

him, than that of sacrificing ourselves for one night to an equal match with him in drinking. This expedient I found myself necessitated to comply with for the interest of my passion, and therefore determined to commit the debauch at my own lodgings, that I might run no risk of being discovered by Narcissa in a state of brutal degeneracy. Mr Freeman, who was to be of the party, went at my desire, to the squire, in order to

the next assembly. I was a good deal concerned to find myself become the town-talk on this subject, lest the squire, having notice of my inclinations, should disapprove of them, and, by breaking off all correspondence with me, deprive me of the opportunities I now enjoyed. But I resolved to use the interest I had with him while it lasted; and that very night, meeting him occasionally, asked his permission to solicit her company at the ball, which he very readily granted, to my inexpressible satisfaction.

engage him, while I took care to furnish | and asked if I intended to dance with her at myself for his reception. My invitation was accepted, my guests honoured me with their company in the evening, when Bruin gave me to understand that he had drank many tuns of wine in his life, but was never served such a trick as I had played upon him the night before. I promised to atone for my trespass, and having ordered to every man his bottle, began the contest with a bumper to the health of Narcissa. The toasts circulated with great devotion, the liquor began to operate, our mirth grew noisy, and as Freeman and I had the advantage of drinking small French claret, the savage was effectually tamed before our senses were in the least affected, and carried home in an apo-by times, and, flying to the place of rendezplexy of drunkenness.

I was next morning, as usual, favoured with a visit from my kind and punctual confidante, who telling me she was permitted to receive my letters for her mistress, I took up my pen immediately, and following the first dictates of my passion, wrote as follows:"DEAR MADAM,

Having been kept awake the greatest part of the night by a thousand delightful reveries that took possession of my fancy, I got up

vous, had in a little time the pleasure of seeing Miss Williams approach with a smile on her countenance, which I interpreted into a good omen. Neither was I mistaken in my presage; she presented me with a letter from the idol of my soul, which, after having kissed it devoutly, I opened with the utmost eagerness, and was blessed with her appro

"Were it possible for the powers of utter-bation in these terms:ance to reveal the soft emotions of my soul, "SIR, the fond anxiety, the glowing hopes, the chilling fears, that rule my breast by turns, I should need no other witness than this paper to evince the purity and ardour of that flame your charms have kindled in my heart. But, alas! expression wrongs my love! I am inspired with conceptions that no language can convey! Your beauty fills me with wonder, your understanding with ravishment, and your goodness with adoration! I am transported with desire, distracted with doubts, and tortured with impatience! Suffer me, then, lovely arbitress of my fate, to approach you in person, to breathe in soft murmurs my passion to your ear, to offer the sacrifice of a heart overflowing with the most genuine and disinterested love, to gaze with ecstasy on the divine object of my wishes, to hear the music of her enchanting tongue, and to rejoice in her smiles of approbation, which will banish the most intolerable suspense from the bosom of your enraptured

"To say I look upon you with indifference, would be a piece of dissimulation, which I think no decorum requires, and no custom can justify. As my heart never felt an impression that my tongue was ashamed to declare, I will not scruple to own myself pleased with your passion, confident of your integrity, and so well convinced of my own discretion, that I should not hesitate in granting you the interview you desire, were I not overawed by the prying curiosity of a malicious world, the censure of which might be fatally prejudicial to the reputation of your NARCISSA."

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"R- RHaving finished this effusion, I committed it to the care of my faithful friend, with an injunction to second my entreaty with all her eloquence and influence; and, in the mean time, went to dress, with an intention of visiting Mrs Snapper and Miss, whom I had utterly neglected, and indeed almost forgot, since my dear Narcissa had resumed the empire of my soul. The old gentlewoman received me very kindly, and miss affected a frankness and gaiety, which, however, I could easily perceive were forced and dissembled; among other things, she pretended to joke me upon my passion for Narcissa, which she averred was no secret,


No anchorite in the ecstasy of devotion ever adored a relique with more fervour than that with which I kissed this inimitable proof of my charmer's candour, generosity, and affection. I read it over a hundred times; was ravished with her confession in the beginning; but the subscription of your Narcissa yielded me such delight as I had never felt before. My happiness was still increased by Miss Williams, who blessed me with a repetition of her lady's tender expressions in my favour, when she received and read my letter. In short, I had all the reason in the world to believe that this gentle creature's bosom was possessed by a passion for me, as warm, though perhaps not so impetuous, as mine for her.

I informed my friend of the squire's consent to my dancing with Narcissa at the ball, and desired her to tell her mistress, that I would do myself the honour of visiting her in the afternoon, in consequence of his permission, when I hoped to find her as indulgent as her brother had been complaisant in that particular. Miss Williams expressed a

good deal of joy at hearing I was so much in favour with the fox-hunter, and ventured to assure me, that my visit would be very agreeable to my mistress, the rather because Bruin was engaged to dine abroad. This was a circumstance which I scarce need say pleased me. I went immediately to the long-room, where I found him, and, affecting to know nothing of his engagement, told him, I would do myself the pleasure to wait upon him in the afternoon, and present his sister with a ticket for the ball. He shook me by the hand, according to custom, and, giving me to understand that he was to dine abroad, desired me to go and drink tea with Narcissa notwithstanding, and promised to prepare her for my visit in the mean time.

to my embraces, while I, encircling all that I held dear within my arms, tasted in advance the joys of that paradise I hoped in a little time wholly to possess. We spent the afternoon in all the ecstasy of hope, that the most fervent love, exchanged by mutual vows, could inspire; and Miss Williams was so much affected with our chaste caresses, which recalled the sad remembrance of what she was, that her eyes were filled with tears.

The evening being pretty far advanced, I forced myself from the dear object of my flame, who indulged me in a tender embrace at parting; and, repairing to my lodgings, communicated to my friend Strap every circumstance of my happiness, which filled him with so much pleasure, that it ran over at his eyes; and he prayed heartily, that no envious devil might, as formerly, dash the cup of blessing from my lip. When I reflected on what had happened, and especially on the unreserved protestations of Narcissa's love, I could not help being amazed at her omitting to inquire into the particular circumstances of the life and fortune of one whom she had favoured with her affection; and I began to be a little anxious about the situation of her finances, well knowing that I should do an irreparable injury to the person my soul held most dear, if I should espouse her, without being able to support her in the rank which was certainly her due. I had heard, indeed, while I served her aunt, that her father had left her a considerable sum, and that every body believed she would inherit the greatest part of her kinswoman's dowry; but I did not know how far she might be restricted by the old gentleman's will in the enjoyment of what he left her; and I was too well informed of the virtuoso's late conduct, to think my mistress could have any expectations from that quarter. I confided, however, in the good sense and policy of my charmer, who, I was sure, would not consent to unite her fate with mine, before she had fully considered and provided for the consequence.

Every thing succeeding thus to my wish, I waited with incredible impatience for the time, which no sooner arrived than I hastened to the scene, which my fancy had pre-occupied long before. I was introduced accordingly to the dear enchantress, whom I found accompanied by Miss Williams, who, on pretence of ordering tea, retired at my approach. This favourable accident, which alarmed my whole soul, disordered her also. I found myself actuated by an irresistible impulse; I advanced to her with eagerness and awe, and, profiting by the confusion that prevailed over her, clasped the fair angel in my arms and imprinted a glowing kiss upon her lips, more soft and fragrant than the dewy rose-bud just bursting from the stem. Her face was in an instant covered with blushes her eyes sparkled with resentment -I threw myself at her feet, and implored her pardon. Her love became an advocate in my cause; her look softened into forgiveness; she raised me up, and chid me with so much sweetness of displeasure, that I should have been tempted to repeat the offence, had not the coming in of a servant with the teaboard prevented my presumption. While we were subject to be interrupted or overheard, we conversed about the approaching ball, at which she promised to grace me as a partner; but when the equipage was removed, and we were left alone, I resumed the more interesting theme, and expressed myself with such transport and agitation, that my mistress, fearing I would commit some extravagance, rung the bell for her maid, whom she detained in the room as a check upon my vivacity. I was not sorry for this precaution, because I could unhosom myself without reserve before Miss Williams, who was the confidante of us both. I therefore gave aa certain nobleman, remarkable for his figure loose to the inspirations of my passion, which operated so successfully upon the tender affections of Narcissa, that she laid aside the constraint she had hitherto worn, and blessed me with the most melting declaration of her mutual flame. It was impossible for me to forbear taking the advantage of this endearing condescension. She now gently yielded

The ball-night being arrived, I dressed myself in a suit I had reserved for some grand occasion; and, having drank tea with Narcissa and her brother, conducted my angel to the scene, where she in a moment eclipsed all her female competitors for beauty, and attracted the admiration of the whole assembly. My heart dilated with pride on this occasion, and my triumph rejected all bounds, when, after we had danced together,

and influence in the beau monde, came up, and, in the hearing of all present, honoured us with a very particular compliment upon our accomplishments and appearance; but this transport was soon checked, when I perceived his lordship attach himself with great assiduity to my mistress, and say some warm things, which I thought savoured too

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