First Lessons in Speech ImprovementC. Scribner's Sons, 1922 - 212 pagina's |
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Overige edities - Alles bekijken
First Lessons in Speech Improvement George Philip Krapp,Anna Birmingham Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar - 2016 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
ashes band beautiful bought breath with vibration brook CELIA THAXTER child Chippy clang CLINTON SCOLLARD Containing the Sounds diphthong dream dress Drill earth ee oo expel the breath fairy final combinations distinctly Final Consonant Combinations flowers Funk and Wagnalls gave girls goose green grow Hark hath hear heard heart hermit thrush hill history poem HOLMES honey Initial Consonant Combinations lake LONGFELLOW medially Miss moon nasal consonant o'er oong ooth ooze oxen Phonetic Symbol Pronounce the final Pronounce these words pupils Quotations Containing rats SCOTT SHAKESPEARE SHELLEY sing soft palate song sound occurs initially stream Substitution sweet TENNYSON thaw thee thou tinkle tongue took toot tree upper teeth vertically then horizontally vocal cords voiced consonant vowel vowel sound Webster WHITTIER wild wind words vertically WORDSWORTH