Ancient geography. Gosselin (Pascal François Joseph). Recherches sur la géographie systématique et positive des anciens, pour servir de base à l'histoire de la géographie ancienne. 4 v. 4°. Paris, impr. nationale, 1798-1813. L. C. Tozer (Henry Fanshawe). A history of ancient geography. xix, 387 pp. 10 maps. 12°. Cambridge, [Eng.] at the university press, 1897. Cambridge geographical series]. L. C. Vivien de Saint Martin (Louis). Études de géographie ancienne et d'ethnographie Asiatique. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 351 pp. 330 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1850-52. L. C. André (George G. ). Draughtsman's handbook of plan and map drawing, including instructions for the preparation of engineering, architectural and mechanical drawings. ill. 4°. London, 1874. Andrews (William Loring). The Bradford map. The city of New York at the time of the granting of the Montgomerie charter. A description thereof, to accompany a facsimile of an actual survey made by James Lyne and printed by William Bradford in 1731. xv pp. 1 1. 19-115 pp. 1 facs. 1 plan. 9 pl. 12°. New York, De Vinne press, 1893. L. C. Fragments of American history illustrated solely by the works of those of our own engravers who flourished in the 18th century. xvi, 68 pp. 11. 2 col. pl. 12°. New York, for W. L. Andrews, 1898. L. C. James Lyne's survey; or as it is more commonly known the Bradford map. A plan of the city of New York at the time of the granting of the Montgomery charter in 1731. An appendix to an account of the same compiled in 1893. 5 p. 1. 38 pp. 2 fold. maps. 12°. New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1900. NOTE. Originally published in The Bookman, for july 1900. L. C. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. A chronologically arranged account of engraved views of the city from the first picture published in 1651 until the year 1800. xxxi, 142 pp. + 61. 21 pl. 5 port. 5 maps. 3 facs. 1 plan. 8°. New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1897. L. C. Année (L') géographique. Revue annuelle des voyages de terre et de mer, ainsi que des explorations, missions et publications diverses relatives ethnographiques. Par m. Vivien de Saint Martin, 1862. 12°. Paris, 1863. NOTE.-in progress. Antarctic cartography. Bartholomew (J. G.) Antarctic cartography. L. C. [In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. Oct. 1898. 8°. Edinburgh, the royal Scottish geographical society, 1898. v. 14. no. 10. pp. 568-570]. NOTE.-Appended to this number is a "South Polar chart, by J. G. Bartholomew, showing sir John Murray's proposed scheme for Antarctic exploration." L. C. Antwerp (Cartography). Dejardin (Ad.) d'Anvers et des plans de la ville. Descriptions des cartes de la province Anvers, 1863. 8°. [Extr. des Annales de l'académie d'archéologie de Belgique, XIX-XX.Supplément (mêmes Annales,) XLII, 1886, pp. 229-460, et XLVI, 1890, pp. 238-557]. L. C. (School of geography). Wauwermans (H. E.) Histoire de l'école anversoise de géographie. [Bulletin de la société de géographie. Anvers, t. XIX, 1894. facs. 1, 2, 3. pp. 73-375]. L. C. Anville (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'). Barbié du Bocage (Jean Denis) and Manne (Louis C. Notice des ouvrages de m. D'Anville, précédée de son éloge. [Par m. Dacier]. 21. (6) pp. 11. 5-120 pp. 12°. Paris, Fuchs, 1802. fol. L. C. Inventaire de la collection de cartes de m. D'Anville. 355 1. unpd. NOTE.-An eighteenth century manuscript, being a catalogue of 8,793 maps, giving scales, authors, engravers, etc. with notes. Enclosed are two leaves in ms. referring to the arrangement of a catalogue of his manuscripts, addressed to monsieur Maisonneuve. L. C. Wolkenhauer (W. ). J. B. Bourguignon d'Anville. Ein erinnerungsblatt zu seinem 200. geburtstage. [D. rundschau f. geog. u. stat. XIX, 1897. pp. 468-471]. Apgar (E. A. & A. C.) Apgar's geographical drawing book. A new and improved system of map-drawing. 40 pp. obl. 8°. Philadelphia, Cowperthwait & co. 1869. L. C. A system of map drawing with points and diagrams for each grand division. Compiled from Apgar's method by the sisters of mercy of the St. Francis Xavier female academy of Chicago. 40 pp. 12°. Chicago, M. J. Cahill & co. [1882]. L. C. Appenzell (Topographical map of). Zeigler (J. M.) Ueber die zeichnung und gebirgsdarstellung der topographischen karte der kantone St. Gallen und Appenzell. 12 pp. 12°. [Aus den Mittheilungen der Zürch. naturf. gesellschaft, no. 64]. Arboli y Faraudo (S.) Biblioteca Colombina. Catálogo de sus libros impresos. 3 vols. 8° Sevilla, 1894. Arctic discovery. Markham (Sir Clements R.) The promotion of further discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. 11. 317-341 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. [From the Smithsonian report for 1894, pages 317-341]. L. C. Arrowsmith (Aaron). A companion to a map of the world. 1 p. 1. 25 pp. 4°. London, G. Bigg, for the author, 1794. L. C. (John). Biographical notice. [In Royal geographical society. Proceedings. Session 1872-73. 8°. London, 1873. v. 17. pp. 243-245]. L. C. Artaria & co. Verzeichniss der landkarten im verlage von Artaria & comp. Dépôt der generalstabs-karten des k. k. militär. geogr. instituts. 36 pp. 11. 8°. Wien, 1871. NOTE. Title also in French. L. C. Asher (Adolph). Bibliographical essay on the collection of voyages and travels, edited and published by Levinus Hulsius and his successors at Nuremburg and Francfort from anno 1598 to 1660. 3 p. 1. 118 pp. sm. 4°. London and Berlin, A. Asher, 1839. L. C. (George Michael). A bibliographical and historical essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New Netherland, etc. As also on the maps, charts, etc. of New Netherland, with facsimiles of the map of New Netherland by N. I. Visscher, and of the three existing views of New Amsterdam. lii, 234, 22, 23 pp. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1854-67. L. C. Asher (George Michael). A list of the maps and charts of New Netherland, and of the views of New Amsterdam. A supplement to his bibliographical essay on New Netherland. 22, 120 pp. 25 1. 4°. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1855. L. C. Asia (Cartography). Bartholomew (John George). The mapping of the world. Part 3. Maps of Asia. (With a map). [In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & A. Constable, 1891. v. 7. pp. 124-152]. L. C. Great Britain. A catalogue of maps of the British possessions in India and other parts of Asia. 59 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, W. H. Allen & co. 1870. L. C. Great Britain. India office. Geographical department. A catalogue of maps of the British possessions in India and other parts of Asia. 59 рр. 8°. London, T. Letts, 1870. L. C. Great Britain. India office. Geographical department. A continuation to a catalogue of maps of the British possessions in India and other parts of Asia, 1870. 14 pp. 8°. London, T. Letts, 1872. L. C. Saunders (T. ). A catalogue of maps of the British possessions in India and other parts of Asia. London, 1870.-A continuation. London, 1872. 8°. L. C. Atlases (Bibliography). General atlases of geography (ancient and modern) in the New York Public Library. [In New York Public Library. Bulletin. 8°. New York, 1900. vol. 4. no. 2. pp. 63-69]. L. C. (Physical). Johnston (Alexander Keith). The physical atlas; a series of maps and notes illustrative of the geographical distribution of natural phenomena. By Alexander Keith Johnston. [etc. Review]. [In Edinburgh (The) review. April 1849. 8°. Edinburgh, 1849. v. 89. pp. 327-352]. L. C. Atlantic ocean. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Observations sur la construction de la carte de l'océan méridional (entre l'Afrique et l'Amérique). 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1739. Audry (C. ). Carte des communications postales maritimes des lignes télégraphiques du globe. 8°. Paris, 1891. August, kurfürst von Sachsen (Elector). Schmidt (Ludwig). Kurfürst August von Sachsen als geograph. Ein beitrag zur geschichte der erdkunde. 18 pp. 13 pl. fol. Dresden, W. Hoffmann, 1898. L. C. Austria. Anhang zu den catalog der im k. k. kriegs-archive befindlichen gestochenen karten. 8 p. 1. 172 pp. 12°. Wien, aus der k. k. hof- und staats-aerarial druckerey, 1825. L. C. (Cartography). Institut (L') royal des ingénieurs neerlandais. Repertoire 8°. L. C. Avezac de Castera-Macaya (Marie Armand Pascale d'). Atlas hydrographique de 1511 du Génois, vesconte de Maggiolo. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, Challamel Ainé, 1871. NOTE.-Extrait des Annales des voyages de la géographie, de l'histoire et de l'archéologie, juillet 1870. L. C. |