America. A new map of the whole continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies. Wherein are exactly described the United States of North America as well as the several European possessions according to the preliminaries of peace signed at Versailles, jan. 20, 1783. Compiled from mr. d'Anville's maps of that continent with the addition of the Spanish discoveries in 1775 to the north of California and corrected in the several parts belonging to Great Britain, from the original materials of governor Pownall. col. 41 x 47. London, for R. Sayer, 15 aug. 1786. (North-west). A chart of the north west coast of America, in 1786 & 87, by Nathaniel Portlock. 19 x 36. [In Portlock (N.) A voyage round the world. 4°. London, 1789]. Nouvelle carte des parties occidentales du monde; servant à indiquer les navigations, découvertes et établissements des Hollandois en Amérique. 13 x 14. [In Genty (L.) L'influence de la découverte de l'Amérique. 8°. Paris, 1788]. (North). Clark (Matthew). Chart of the coast of America. 1 p. 1. 9 sheets. fol. Boston, M. Clark, 1789. NOTE.-From Cape Breton to the gulf of Mexico. Carte des Séches & des Bas Fonds entre l'Afrique et l'Amérique. 61 x 6. Amérique ou Indes Occidentales, avec les nouvelles découvertes du capitaine [Inserted in Le Rouge (Georges Louis). Atlas Amériquain Septentrional. Mapa del Nuevo-Mundo. 124 x 15. [In Muñoz (Juan Baut.) Historia del Nuevo-Mundo. sm. fol. Madrid, An American atlas. Engraved by J. Russell. title. 9 maps. fol. London, Map of America with the new discovered islands. Neele sculp. 7 x 7. Carte générale et politique de l' Amérique par E. Mentelle, et P. G. Chanlaire. Map of America, by A. Arrowsmith. col. fold. 45 x 56. Philadelphia, Portulano de la America Setentrional. Construido en la direcion de los tra bajos hidrograficos. 2 p. 1. 16, 46, 34, 16,9 maps. obl. fol. Madrid, 1809. 1809. aumentado y corregido en 1818. Nouveau continent. Dressé par P. Lapie. 1810. Gravé par J. B. Tardieu. 18 x 18. [In Lacroix (S. F.) Introduction à la géographie. 8°. Paris, 1847]. America. Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo; or dictionary of America & West Indies; collated with all the most recent authorities, and composed chiefly from scarce and original documents for that work by A. Arrowsmith, London. 1 p. 1. 5 maps on 19 sheets. fol. London, G. Smeeton, 1816. A geographical map of America. In the margin will be found a description Geographical, historical, and statistical map of America. Young & Delleker, North America, drawn from the most recent authorities with the tracks of [In Lavoisne (C. V.) geographical atlas, Acomplete genealogical, historical, chronological, and [etc.] 3d American ed. rev. fol. Philadelphia, M. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of America. 84 x 15. [In Complete (A) historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas. fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822. no. 1]. Carey (H. C.) & Lea (I.) A complete historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America and the West Indies. 3d ed. 3 p. 1. 53 sheets. fol. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1827. Atlas von Amerika, in 30 charten und einem erläuternden texte entworfen von W. C. A. von Schlieben. 2 p. 1. 54 pp. 11. 30 maps. 4°. Leipzig, G. J. Edschen, 1830. America. By J. Arrowsmith. Geographical miles: 60=one degree. English [In Arrowsmith (John). London atlas. [Consisting of folded maps in 4 Amérique historique, phisique et politique actuelle. 19 x 25. [In Las Casas (E. A. D. M. J. comte de). Atlas historique. fol. Paris, 1835. L'Amérique actuelle avec ses nouveaux états. Gravé par Moisy. Ecrit par [In Las Casas (E. A. D. M. J. comte de). Atlas historique, généalogique, Map of the western coast of America with the extended track of the steamers from New York to the isthmus of Panama and from Panama along the western coast northerly as far as California and southerly as far as Conception. doc. 322. h. r. [anon.] col. 7 x 13. Washington, lith. by P. Haas, [1839]. [In United States. Congress. A collection of maps, etc. published by order of Congress. fol. Washington, 1843. no. 121]. |