
Canada. Map of Canada, copied from the 2d ed. of Mitchell's map of the British

Colonies of North America.

16 x 23.

[In Cavendish (Sir Henry). Government of Canada. 8°. London, Ridgway, 1839].

Portion of the map of Canada. Copied from the 1st ed. of Mitchell's map, published in 1755. 12 x 7.

[In Cavendish (Sir Henry). Government of Canada. 8° London, Ridg-
way, 1839].

Partie occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. Par mr. Bellin, pour
servir à l'intelligence des affaires et de l'état présent de l'Amérique, com-
muniquée au public par les héritiers de Homann en l'an 1755. 17 x 21.
[In Homann (J.B.) Atlas geographicus major. fol. Norimbergæ, Homan-
nianis heredibus, 1759. v. 1. no. 146].

Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. Par mr. Bellin, pour
servir á l'intelligence des affaires et de l'état présent en Amérique com-
muniquée au public par les héritiers de Homann en l'an 1755. 17 x 21.
[In Homann (J. B.) Atlas geographicus major. fol. Norimbergæ, Homan-
nianis heredibus, 1759. v. 1. no. 145].

Partie orientale du Canada. Traduite de l'Anglois de la carte de Jefferys
publiée à Londres en mai, 1755. 20 x 24. Paris, Le Rouge, [1777?].
[Rochambeau: 2].

Karte von den seen in Canada. Von M. B. 1757. 7 x 11.

[In Allgemeine historie des reisen zu wasser und lande. 4°. Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1758. v. 16. p. 680].

A map of New England and Nova Scotia, with part of New York, Canada and New Britain & the adjacent islands of New Foundland, Cape Breton, etc. By T. Kitchin. 10 x 13.

[In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1758]. v. 27. Sept. 1758. opp. p. 440].

A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana with the adjacent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. 12 x 21.

[In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in North and South America. fol. London, 1760. opp. p. 1. pt. 1].

Carte de la Nouvelle France pour servir à l'étude de l'histoire du Canada
depuis sa découverte jusqu'en 1760. Par P. M. A. Genest. col. 37 x 59.
Montréal, la compagnie de lithographie Burland-Despérats, [1875].

Plan of a route undertaken in winter, jan. 26, from Quebec, the capital of
Canada, to the frontier settlements of the township of Topsham, near
Brunswick Fort, on the river Ammerascaegin in the province of New
Hampshire, feb. 20, 1760. John Montresor, sub. eng'r & lieu't. Scale
of miles 3 to an inch. ms. 84 x 41. [1760].

A new map of Nova Scotia, and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New
England and Canada. 18 x 24.

[In Jefferys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French dominion in
North and South America. fol. London, 1760. pt. 1. opp. p. 119].

An accurate map of Canada, with the adjacent countries, exhibiting the late seat of war between the English & French in those parts. R. W. Seale del. et sculp. [anon.] 10 x 13.

[In Universal (The) magazine. 8°. London, J. Hinton, 1761. v. 28. feb. 1761. opp. p. 57].

Canada. A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana, with the adjacent countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. 14 x 31. London, T. Jefferys, 1762. [In Muller (G. F.) Voyages from Asia to America. 4°. London, 1761]. NOTE.-Extending to the Pacific ocean.

A map of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana with the adjacent
countrys. By Thos. Jefferys. London, T. Jefferys, 1762.

[In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and
the West Indies. fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no. 14].
A new and correct map of the isles of Newfoundland, Cape Breton etc. with
the province of Nova Scotia. J. Gibson sculpt. (anon.] 10 x 13.
[In American (The) gazetteer.
[anon.] 12°.
London, for A. Millar, [etc.]
1762. v. 3].

A new and correct map of the provinces of
Canada or New France. J. Gibson sculpt.
[In American (The) gazetteer. [anon.] 12°.
1762. v. 2].

New England, New York and (anon.) 11 x 13.

London, for A. Millar, [etc.]

Louisiana, as formerly claimed by France, now containing part of British
America to the east & Spanish America to the west of the Mississippi.
By T. Kitchin. 7 x 9.

[In London (The) magazine. 8°. London, for R. Baldwin, [1763]. ν. 34.
june, 1765. opp. p. 276].

A chorographical map of the country between Albany, Oswego, Fort Fron-
tenac, and Les Trois Rivières; exhibiting all the grants made by the
French governors on lake Champlain; and between that lake and
Montreal. Drawn from authentic surveys by Thomas Jefferys. 27 x 21.
[In Jefferys (T.engraver). A general topography of North America and
the West Indies. fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no.33].
Same. [American maps. v. 2. no. 4].

A new map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of
New England and Canada. [By Thomas Jefferys. anon.] 18 x 24.
[In Jefferys (T. engraver). A general topography of North America and
the West Indies. fol. London, for R. Sayer & T. Jefferys, 1768. no.21].
The provinces of New York, and New Jersey, with part of Pensilvania and
the government of Trois Rivières and Montreal; drawn by capt. Holland.
Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. 54 x 20. London, for R. Sayer & T.
Jefferys, [1768?].

Nieuwe kaart van Kanada, de landen aan de Hudsons-baay en de noordweste-
lyke deelen van Noord-Amerika. 12 x 17. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion,

[Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwordige staat van Amerika. [anon.] 8°. Te Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1769. v. 3. p. 427].

États Unis. Partie septentrionale. [Comprising Canada, part of New England, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and the territory bordering on lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, etc. anon.] ms. 20 x 26. [177-?].

[Rochambeau: 35].

Operations in Canada.

[In Carrington (Henry B.) Battle maps and charts of the American revolution. 8°. New York, 1881].

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