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Verrazano the navigator, or, notes on Giovanni da Verrazano, and on a planisphere of 1529, illustrating his American voyage in 1524. With a reduced copy of the map. New York, [Albany, the Argus press], 1874. 159 pp. 1 1. 1 map. 8°. L. C. Briet (Philippe). 1601-1668. A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages célèbres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 354-355]. L. C. Brinton (Daniel Garrison). The linguistic cartography of the Chaco region. 30 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. [Proc. of the Am. philos. society. v. 37]. L. C. British museum. Catalogue of maps, prints, drawings etc. forming the geographical and topographical collection attached to the library of his late majesty king George the third, and presented by his majesty king George the fourth to the British museum. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 732 pp; 535, clxxxiv pp. 8°. London, trustees, 1829. L. C. Catalogue of the manuscript maps, charts and plans, and of the topоgraphical drawings in the British museum. v. 1 & 2. 8°. London, by order of the trustees, 1844. L. C. Catalogue of the printed maps, plans, and charts in the British museum. 2 v. 1 р. 1. 2252 pp; 2253-4648 pp. 4°. London, printed by order of the trustees, 1885. L. C. Brittany (Cartography). Vignols (L. ). Listes des pièces composant ma collection de cartographie Bretonne antérieure à 1790. 8°. Rennes, 1896. Brodhead (John Romeyn). Observations respecting the two ancient maps of New Netherland found in the royal archives of the Hague in 1841, by J. Romeyn Brodhead. [In New York historical society. Proceedings, 1845. 8°. New York, for the society, 1846. pp. 183-192]. Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y. L. C. Catalogue of the exhibition of geographical appliances used in schools or libraries; collected from various countries and exhibited by the department of geography of the Brooklyn institute, Brooklyn. 1891. 1 p. 1. 85 pp. 8°. [Brooklyn, Brooklyn eagle book printing dep't, 1891]. L. C. Brownell (F. C.) How to use globes in the school and family. 2d ed. 12° New York and Chicago, 1860. L. C. Bruce (Edward) and Bruce (John). An introduction to geography and astronomy, with the construction of maps, [etc.] 4th ed. 12°. London, 1813. Brussels-Concours international, 1888 (Cartography). Hennequin (É.) Notice sur les cartes, documents & objets exposés au grand concours international de Bruxelles en 1888. 32 pp. Bruxelles, 1888. [Belgium. Institut cartographique militaire]. Buache (Philippe). 1700-1773. A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages célèbres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 368-371]. L. C. Buchon (J. A. C.) and Tastu (S. C. A. V.) Notice d'un atlas en langue Catalane, manuscrit de l'an 1375, conservé parmi les mss. de la bibliothèque royale. 144 pp. 6 maps. 8°. Paris, imp. roy. 1839. NOTE.-Same publication in Institut de France. Paris. Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Notices des manuscrits. 4°. Paris, 1841. v. 14. 2o partie. pp. 1-152. 6 pl. Buckinck (Arnold). A biographical sketch. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages célèbres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. pp. 338-340]. L. C. Bunbury (Sir Edward Herbert). A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans from the earliest ages till the fall of the Roman empire. 2 v. xxx, 666 pp. 10 maps; xviii, 743 pp. 10 maps. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1879. Buy de Mornas. 17-2-1783. A biographical sketch. L. C. [In Walckenaer (C. A.) Vies de plusieurs personnages célèbres. 12°. Laon, Melleville, 1830. v. 1. p. 372]. L. C. Bynneman (Henry). Certaine briefe rules of geographie seruing for the understanding of maps and charts; collected by D. P. 8°. London, 1573. Cabot (John). Horsford (Eben Norton). John Cabot's landfall in 1497, and the site of Norumbega. A letter to chief-justice Daly. 42 pp. 6 maps. 2 plans. 1 plate. 4°. Cambridge, J. Wilson & son, 1886. L. C. O'Brien (Cornelius, archbishop). Cabot's landfall and chart: some criticisms answered. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1899. 8°. Ottawa, J. Hope & son, 1899. v.5. 2d series, section 2. pp. 427-455]. L. C. Cabot (John and Sebastian). Dawson (Samuel Edward). The voyages of the Cabots. Latest phases of the controversy. (Read june 23, 1899). [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1897. 8°. Ottawa, J. Durie & son, 1897. v. 2. 2d series, section 2. pp. 139-268]. L. C. Harrisse (Henry). Jean et Sebastien Cabot, leur origine et leur voyages. Étude d'histoire critique, suivi d'une cartographie, d'une bibliographie et d'une chronologie des voyages au nord-ouest, de 1497 à 1559. D'après des documents inédits. 8°. Paris, 1882. NOTE.-With facsimile of the North American section of the Cabotian planisphere of 1544. L. C. (Sebastian). Harrisse (Henry). Sébastien Cabot, pilot major de l'Espagne considéré comme cartographe. [Revue de géographie, v. 40, 1897. pp. 401-407; v. 41, 1897. pp. 36-43]. L. C.. Cabot's mappemonde. Deane (Charles). Remarks on Sebastian Cabot's mappemonde. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American antiquarian society, for april, 1867. 1 p. 1. 80 pp. 12°. Cambridge, [Mass.), J. Wilson & son, 1867. L. C. Smith (Charles C.). Cabot's mappemonde. Remarks [in communicating from the papers of the late Charles Deane, copies of the Spanish and Latin inscriptions on Cabot's mappemonde, now in the National library at Paris, with a translation of them into English]. 35 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1891]. [Reprinted for private distribution from Mass. hist. soc. Proceedings, feb. 12, 1891]. L. C. California. Rowell (Joseph Cummings). List of printed maps of California (Supplement to the report of the secretary of the board of regents). 33 pp. 8°. Berkeley, 1887. [University of California. Library bulletin, no. 9]. L. C. California State library. List of printed maps contained in the map department. 43 pp. 8°. Sacramento, A. J. Johnston, 1899. L. C. Campbell (Albert H.) The lost war maps of the Confederates. [In Century (The) illustrated monthly magazine. 8°. New York, the Century co. jan. 1888. v. 35, pp. 479-481]. L. C. Canada. Estampes comprenant cartes, plans, vues, portraits, etc. [In Gagnon (Philéas). Essai de bibliographie Canadienne. 8°. Quebec, 1895. pp. 659-695]. L. C. (Cartography). Scadding (Henry, d.d.) On the early gazetteer and map literature of western Canada. [In Canadian (The) journal of science, literature and history. New series. 1876-78. 8°. Toronto, Canadian institute, 1878. v. 15. pp. 23-45]. L. C. Caneiro (Nicolas de). Gallois (Léonard). Une nouvelle carte marine du 16o siècle. Le portulan de Nicolas de Caneiro. Extrait du "Bulletin de la société de géographie." 23 pp. 2 fold. maps. 8°. Lyon, E. Vitte, 1890. L. C. Canto (E. do). Quem deu o nome ao Labrador? [Archivo dos Açores, t. XII, nos. 70, pp. 353-371, et 72, pp. 529-530. 1894]. Canzler (F. G. kertrachten 1795. ). Literaturarchiv für landkarten, seekarten, pläne, völu. dahin gehörige nachrichten für 1793. 8°. Berlin, Cape Breton Island. Bourinot (John George). Historical and descriptive account of the island of Cape Breton and of its memorials of the French régime, with bibliographical, historical, and critical notes. 183 pp. 13 maps & ill. 4°. Montreal, 1893. NOTE. The inspection of early cartography exhibits Cape Breton in many changing guises. All these references are collected and compared. L. C. Carpenter (Nathaniel). Geography delineated forth in two bookes. Containing the sphæricall and topicall parts thereof. 2 v. 9 p. 1. 274 pp; 8 p. 1. 286 pp. sm. 4°. Oxford, J. Lichfield & W. Turner, 1625. L. C. Cartier (Jean Jacques). Avezac de Castera-Macaya (Marie-Armand Pascal d'). Bref récit et succinte narration de la navigation fait en 1535 et 1536 par le capitaine Jacques Cartier aux îles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres [etc.] 8°. [Lyon, Perrin], 1864. Cartographical work in Russia in 1884. [anon.] [In Nature. 1885. v. 33. p. 92.] L. C. |