Clegg (John). Elements of geography, or an easy introduction to the use of the globes and maps, [etc.] 4°. Liverpool, 1796. Cluver (Philipp). Partsch (Joseph). Philipp Cluver der begründer der histori schen länderkunde. Wien, 1891. Collingridge (George). The early cartography of Japan. [Geog. Journal, London, May, 1894. v. 3. pp. 403-409]. Colombina library. Arboli y Faraudo (S.) Biblioteca Colombina. Catálogo de L. C. sus libros impresos. 3 v. 8°. Sévilla, 1894. Columbus (Christopher). De Costa (Benjamin Franklin). Columbus and the geographers of the north. 23 pp. Hartford, M. H. Mallory & co. 1872. Compasses (Nautical). Bertelli (P. nautica. L. C. т. ) Studi storici intorno alla bussola [Memorie della Pont. accad. dei nuovi Lincei. t. IX, 1893. I, pp. 77-178. II, pp. 131-218]. Confederate war maps. Campbell (Albert H.) The lost war maps of the Confederates. [In Century (The) illustrated monthly magazine. 8°. New York, the Century co., jan. 1888. v. 35, pp. 479-481]. L. C. Construction (The) of maps and globes, 1717. See Mead (—). Cook (James). Jackson (James). James Cook, 27 octobre 1728-14 février 1779. Cartographie et bibliographie. 60 pp. 8°. [Extrait du Bulletin de la société de géographie. Mai 1879]. L. C. Cooley (William Desborough). Claudius Ptolemy and the Nile; an inquiry into that geographer's real merits [etc.] iv, 113 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, L. C. The history of maritime and inland discovery. A new ed. 3v. 16°. London, Longmans, 1846-48. [Lardner's cabinet cyclopædia. v. 7-9]. Coote (C. H. ). Bibliography of Schöner's works. L. C. [In Schöner (Johann). Johann Schöner, professor of mathematics at Nuremberg. A reproduction of his globe of 1523 long lost, [etc.] 12°. London, H. Stevens, 1888. pp. 147-170]. L. C. Maps of the XVIIth century, illustrating the cartography of Australia, twenty maps with notes, in portfolio. Amsterdam, 1895. NOTE.-Includes reproductions of the Dutch ms. map of the discoveries in 1623, of Tasman's discoveries, 1642-44, etc. Cosmas. The christian topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian monk. Translated from the Greek by J. W. McCrinde. xxvii, 398 pp. 4 pl. 8°. London, society, 1897. [Hakluyt society. Works no. 98]. L. C. Cosmography. Cunningham (Dr. William, of Norwich). The cosmographical glasse, conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or navigation Londini, in officina Joan Daij, 1559. ... Phillips (Henry), jr. An account of an old work on cosmography. (Read before the American philosophical society, january 16, 1880.) 9 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1880]. L. C. (History). Santarem (Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, visconde de). Essai sur l'histoire de la cosmographie et de la cartographie, pendant le moyen-âge, et sur les progrès de la géographie après les grandes découvertes. du XVe siècle. 3 v. 8°. Paris, Maulde, 1849-52. L. C. Cotta (Bernhard). Geognostische karten unseres jahrhunderts. 60 pp. 8° Freiberg, Saxony, 1850. Crace (Frederick). A catalogue of maps, plans, and views of London, Westminister & Southwark. Edited by his son John Gregory Crace. xxii, 696 pp. 1 port. 8°. London, 1878. Crook (H. L. C. T. ). Maps of the ordnance survey, as they are and as they ought to be. 42 pp. roy. 8°. London, Simpkins, 1892. Cuba (Cartography). Phillips (Philip Lee) and Griffin (Appleton P. C.) List of books relating to Cuba, by A. P. C. Griffin, with bibliography of maps by P. L. Phillips. 61 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1898. [U. S. Senate. 55th congress, document no. 161]. L. C. Cundall (Frank). Jamaica cartography. Chronological list of the maps of Jamaica in the library of the Institute of Jamaica, both on separate sheets and in books; with some notes on the history of the parishes of the island. 15 pp. 1 fold. table. 8°. Kingston, Jamaica, inst of Jamaica, [1897]. NOTE.-Reprint from "Handbook of Jamaica” for 1897. L. C. Cunningham (Dr. William, of Norwich). The cosmographical glasse, conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or navigation... Londini, in officina Joan Daij, 1559. Dacier (). Éloge dem. D'Anville. [In Manne (Louis C. J. de) and Barbié du Bocage (Jean Denis). Notice des ouvrages de m. D'Anville. 12°. Paris, Fuchs, 1802. pp. 17-44]. L. C. Dall (William Healey) and Baker (Marcus). Partial list of charts, maps, and publications relating to Alaska and the adjacent region, from Puget sound and Hakodadi to the Arctic ocean, between the Rocky and the Stanovoi mountains. [In United States. Coast and geodetic survey. Pacific coast pilot. 2d series. pp. 163-223]. Dalorco (Angellinus de). Maghnaghi (A. L. C. ). Angellinus de Dalorco, cartografo Italiano della prima metâ del secolo XIV. [Riv. geog. ital. IV, 1897. pp. 282-294, 361-369]. b. Carte nautiche esistenti a Volterra. [Ibid. pp. 34-40]. L. C. Daly (Charles P.) Annual address: the early history of cartography, or what we know of maps and map-making before the time of Mercator. 4 p. 1. 40 pp. 2 port. 19 maps. 8°. New York, for the society, 1879. [American geographical society. Bulletin. no. 1]. NOTE. An abridgment of this, called "Maps and map making before Mercator," is found in Popular science monthly, v. 16. 1880. p. 478. L. C. Dawson (Samuel Edward). The line of demarcation of Pope Alexander VI. in A. D. 1493 and that of the treaty of Tordesillas in A. D. 1494; with an inquiry concerning the metrology of ancient and mediæval times. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1899. 8°. Ottawa, J. Hope & son, 1899. v. 5. 2d series, section 2. pp. 467-546]. L. C. The voyages of the Cabots. Latest phases of the controversy. (Read june 23, 1897). [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1897. 8°. Ottawa, J. Durie & son, 1897. v. 3. 2d series, section 2. pp. 139-268]. L. C. |