INTRODUCTION. This publication constitutes a subject-chronological monograph relating to the maps of America in the Library of Congress. Many maps of rare interest are buried in books and atlases, and difficult to find when most wanted. They are often torn from their original places, their history becomes a question of doubt, and they are sold at a greater price than the atlas in which they were originally found. These I have endeavored to identify. The manuscript maps of the Revolutionary war, contained in the Faden, Force, and Rochambeau collections, many of them unknown to the historian, are in the Library and here noted. The maps in atlases are each separately catalogued. A large number of old state and county maps and plans of cities are fully described. The original spelling in the titles of old maps has been retained. The measurements of the maps are in inches. I have prefaced this volume with a list of works relating to cartography. This list only includes such maps as were in the Library at the time of the opening of the new building, in November, 1897. The large increase since then will eventually result in a supplemental volume. Some important titles of recent date, however, have been inserted. HERBERT PUTNAM, P. LEE PHILLIPS, Chief of Division of Maps and Charts. Librarian of Congress. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 1, 1901. 3 |