Globes (Catalogues of). Gair (Robert). Descriptive catalogue of territorial and celestial educational globes. 66 pp. obl. 12°. New York, R. Gair, [1897]. (Use of). Brownell (F. C. ). How to use globes in the school and family. 2d ed. 12°. New York and Chicago, 1860. Clegg (John). Elements of geography, or an easy introduction to the use of the globes and maps [etc.] 4°. Liverpool, 1796. Du Val (Pierre). La connoissance et l'usage des globes et des cartes de géographie. 12°. Paris, 1654. Fenning (Daniel). A new and easy guide to the use of the globes and the rudiments of geography. 7th ed. Corrected and improved by Joseph Moon, [etc.] xii, 213 pp. 6 maps. 16°. Dublin, P. Wogan, 1797. L. C. Harris (John, assay master of the mint). The description and use of globes and the orrery, [etc.] 7th ed. 8°. London, 1751. Mair (John). Brief survey of the terraqueous globe, containing: 1. The description and use of the globe. 2. The construction and use of maps. 3. Geography. 8°. Edinburgh, 1762. Gosselin (Pascal François Joseph). Géographie des Grecs analysée, ou les systèmes d'Eratosthènes, de Strabon et de Ptolémée comparés entre eux et avec nos connaissances modernes. 4 p. 1. 148, xxvii pp. 91. 10 maps. 4°. Paris, Didot l'aîné, 1790. L. C. Recherches sur la géographie systématique et positive des anciens, pour servir de base à l'histoire de la géographie ancienne. 4 v. 4°. Paris, impr. nationale, 1798-1813. Gough (Richard). A catalogue of the books relating to British topography. 4°. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1814. NOTE.-Maps, plans, views, etc. of England. pp.5-14. Graf (J. H.) Bibliographie nationale Suisse. II b. Cartes spéciales et locales du térritoire Suisse. Berne, 1892. 82.-II c. Plans de villes et de lieux habités. Berne, 1893. 8°. Grandidier (Alfred). Rapport sur les cartes et les appareils de géographie et de cosmographie, sur les cartes géologiques, et sur les ouvrages de météorologie et de statistique, ayant figuré à l'exposition universelle de 1878. 8°. Paris, 1882. Gravier (Gabriel). Étude sur une carte inconnue, la première dressée par Louis Joliet en 1674, après son exploration du Mississippi avec le p. Jacques Marquette en 1673. Avec 1 carte. 8°. Paris, 1880. La cartographie de Madagascar. vii, 469 pp. 11 maps, 1 table. 4°. Paris, A. Challamel, 1896. L. C. Le globe Lenox, par M. E. F. de Costa. Carte. [Forme avec d'autres articles, octobre à décembre 1879, du Bull. de la soc. Normande de géographie]. I. Notice sur m. D'Avezac. II. Bibliographie. [In Avezac de Castera-Macaya (M. A. P. d'). Le Ravennate [etc.] 8°. Rouen, E. Cagniard, 1888. pp.5-29]. L. C. (Jean). Observations sur le mode de restitution proposé par m. D'Avezac et les auteurs postérieurs. [In Avezac de Castera-Macaya (M. A. P. d'). Le Ravennate [etc.] 8°. Rouen, E. Cagniard, 1888. pp. 105-117]. L. C. Great Britain. A catalogue of maps of the British possessions in India and other parts of Asia. 59 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, W. H. Allen & co. 1870. L. C. List F. Memoirs, maps, &c. issued by the geological survey of the United kingdom and the museum of practical geology. 67 pp. 8°. [London], 1896. Admiralty. Catalogue of charts, plans, views, and sailing directions, [etc. for] 1832, 49, 52, 55, 57, 60, 62, 66, 68, 69, 70, 75, suppl. to 1876, 1880–85, 1887, 1889, 1891-96, 1898, 1899. 28 v. 8°. London, G. Hayden, [& others], 1832-1899. L. C. Geological survey. Catalogue of the publications of the geological survey of the United kingdom. Ireland. Official copy. 23 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, for her majesty's stationery office, 1884. L. C. India office. Geographical department. A catalogue of maps of the British possessions in India and other parts of Asia. 59 pp. 8°. London, T. Letts, 1870. L. C. A continuation to a catalogue of maps of the British possessions in India and other parts of Asia. 1870. 14 pp. 8°. London, T. Letts, 1872. L. C. Ordnance survey. Carusso (C. D.) Importance de la cartographie officielle. Étud esur l' "ordnance survey" du royaume-uni de GrandeBretagne et d'Irlande. 51 pp. 8°. Genève, C. Schuchardt, 1886. L. C. Catalogue of the maps and plans and other publications of the ordnance survey of England and Wales and the Isle of Man. To 23rd april, 1883. 8°. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1883. Catalogue of the maps and plans and other publications of the ordnance survey of England and Wales, and the Isle of Man, [etc.] 2 v. 8°. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1884-93. L. C. Catalogue of the maps and plans and other publications of the ordnance survey of Ireland, to 31st december, 1862. 20 pp. 2 maps. 8°. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1862. L. C. Catalogue of the maps and plans and other publications of the ordnance survey of Ireland, to 1st january, 1892. 50 pp. 2 maps. 8°. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1892. L. C. Catalogue of the maps and plans and other publications of the ordnance survey of Scotland, to 1st october, 1880. [to 1st february, 1884; to 1st june, 1892; & 2 supplements for 1881 & 1884]. 5 pms. 8°. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1880- [1882]. L. C. Topography. Gough (Richard). A catalogue of the books relating to British topography. 4°. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1814. NOTE.-Maps, plans, views, etc. of England. pp.5-14. War office. Intelligence division. A guide to recent large scale maps, including both surveys and compilations; together with a list of some large sheet atlases, forming a supplement to "Notes on the government surveys of the principal countries of the world" [1882]. vii, 182 pp. 8°. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1899. L. C. |