A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARTOGRAPHY. [L. C. indicates that the work is in the Library of Congress.] Ackermann (Karl). Repertorium der landeskundlichen litteratur für den Preussischen regierungsbezirk Kassel. 11.15-175 pp. 8°. [Cassel, C. Richartz, 1884]. L. C. [Bibliotheca Hassiaca]. Repertorium der landeskundlichen litteratur für den Preussischen regierungsbezirk Kassel, das ehemalige kurfürstenthum Hessen. g. n. letzter nachtrag. 15 pp. 8°. Kassel, 1899. Adelung (J. C.) Kritisches verzeichniss der landkarten und vornehmsten topographischen blätter der chur- und fürstlich Sächsischen lande. 8°. Meissen, 1796. Africa (Cartography). Bartholomew (John George). The mapping of the world. Part 2. Maps of Africa. [With a map]. [In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & A. Constable, 1890. v. 6. pp. 575-597]. The cartography of Africa from 1492 to 1600. L. C. [In his A report of the kingdom of Congo and of the surrounding country, drawn out of the writings and discourses of the Duarte Lopez, by Filipino Pigafetta, in Rome, 1591. New translated from the Italian (etc.) by Margarite Hutchinson. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1881. pp. 140-145]. L. C. (Map of, 1591). Pigafetta (Felipe). On the map of Africa published in L. C. (West coast). Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Remarques sur la carte des côtes occidentales d'Afrique depuis le detroit de Gibraltar jusqu'à Sierra Leone. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1753. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Remarques sur la carte des côtes occidentales d'Afrique, depuis l'équateur jusqu'au cap de Bonne-Espérance. 7 pp. 4°. Paris, 1754. Agnese (Baptista). Winsor (Justin). Baptista Agnese, and American cartography in the sixteenth century. 167 pp. 8°. Cambridge, 1897. [Reprint from Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, may 1897]. Alaska (Cartography). Dall (William Healy) and Baker (Marcus). Partial list of charts, maps, and publications relative to Alaska and the adjacent region, from Puget sound and Hakodadi to the Arctic ocean between the Rocky and the Stanovoi mountains. [In United States. Coast and geodetic survey. Pacific coast pilot. 2d series. pp. 163-223]. L. C. 5 Alaska (Cartography). Phillips (Philip Lee). Alaska and the northwest part of L. C. (Sailing charts). United States. Treasury department. Coast and geodetic survey. Pacific coast pilot. Alaska. Pt. 1. fol. Washington, government printing office, 1883. NOTE. Contains from pp. 215-246 "List of charts useful for navigation in the region covered by part 1 of the Alaska pilot." L. C. Alexander VI, pope (Demarcation line). Dawson (Samuel Edward). The line of demarcation of Pope Alexander VI. in A. D. 1493 and that of the treaty of Tordesillas in 1494; with an inquiry concerning the metrology of ancient and mediæval times. [In Royal society of Canada. Transactions. 1899. 8°. Ottawa, J. Hope & son, 1899. v. 5. 2d series, section 2. pp. 467-546]. L. C. Alexander (John Henry). Report on the new map of Maryland, 1835. 84 pp. 11. [Baltimore, 1835]. L. C. 7 maps & plans. 8°. and Ducatel (Julius I.) Report of the engineer & geologist, in relation to the new map, to the executive of Maryland. 90 pp. 7 maps & plans. 8°. Annapolis, W. McNeir, 1836. L. C. Alingham (William). A shorte account of the nature and use of maps. [etc.] 8°. London, 1703. Allen (Jerome). Map-drawing. How, when, and why it should be taught. 1 p.l. 8 pp. 8°. New York and Chicago, A. S. Barnes & co. [1870]. National system of map drawing. 4 1. unp. sm. 4°. New York, A. S. L. C. Barnes & co. 1869. L. C. America. Bagnasco (Gioacchino Gambino). Americæ retectio atlas. Monography. 27 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Palermo, Virzi, 1892. L. C. (Cartography). Berkenmeyer (Paul Ludolph). Le curieux antiquaire, ou recueil géographique et historique des choses les plus remarquables qu'on trouve dans les quatre parties de l'univers, tirées des voyages de divers hommes célèbres. 3 v. 8°. Leide, P. van der Aa, 1729. NOTE.-"La 2a partie du t. 3 contient la description de l'Amérique. A la fin de ce tome se trouve: catalogue des cartes géographiques des villes tant en plan qu'en profil, et d'autres estampes qui se trouve à Leyde chez P. van der Aa." L. C. Boston. Public library. Bulletin no. 38, 39, 41, 1876-1877. 8°. Boston, 1876-77. CONTENTS. No. 38. Early explorations and maps, 1494-1510. pp. 103-106. L. C. De Costa (Benjamin Franklin). Descriptions of five charts of America anterior to 1528. [In Bardsen (Ivar). Sailing directions of Henry Hudson, prepared for his use in 1608. [etc.] 8°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1869]. L. C. De Costa (Benjamin Franklin). Early cartography of America. [In Bardsen (Ivar). Sailing directions of Henry Hudson. 8°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1869. pp. 44-47]. L. C. America (Cartography). Ebeling (Christoph Daniel). Erdbeschreibung und geschichte von Amerika. 7 v. 16°. Hamburg, 1793–1816. NOTE.-Contains considerable American cartography. L. C. Ghillany (Friedrich Wilhelm). Geschichte des seefahrers ritter Martin Behaim nach den ältesten vorhandenen urkunden bearbeitet. Eingeleitet durch eine abhandlung: ueber die ältesten karten des neuen continents und den namen Amerika von Alexander v. Humboldt. v, 122 pp. 1 port. 1 pl. 2 maps. 4°. Nürnberg, Bauer & Raspe, 1853. LC. Hale (Edward Everett). Early maps [of America] in Munich. [Also] Notes on Robert Dudley, duke of Northumberland, and his Arcano del mare. [In American antiquarian society. Proceedings, oct. 21, 1873. 8°. Wor- Harrisse (Henry). Account of the oldest maps of America. [In his Notes on Columbus. New York, 1860. pp. 170-180]. L. C. L. C. Harrisse (Henry). The early cartography of the New World [and] Cartographia Americana vetustissima (1461–1536). [In Harrisse (Henry). The discovery of North America. 4°. London, H. Stevens & son, 1892. pp. 253-314, 363-648. 23 facs. maps]. L. C. Kohl (Johann Georg). A descriptive catalogue of those maps, charts and surveys relating to America, which are mentioned in vol. III of Hakluyt's great work. 86 pp. 8°. Washington, H. Polkinhorn, 1857. NOTE. The author prepared in 1853 a general catalogue of American maps and charts, which has never been published. L. C. Kohl (Johann Georg). Die beiden ältesten generalkarten von Amerika. Ausgeführt in den jahren 1527 und 1529 auf befehl kaiser Karl's V. im besitz der grossherzoglichen bibliothek zu Weimar. x, 185 pp. 2 fold. maps. fol. Weimar, geographisches institut, 1860. L. C. Ruge (Sophus). The development of the cartography of America up to the year 1570. From the Smithsonian report for 1894. pages 281–296. 1 р. 1. 281-296 pp. 29 pl. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1896. L. C. Ruge (Sophus). Die entwickelung der kartographie von Amerika bis 1570. Festschrift zur 400 jährigen feier der entdeckung Amerikas. 11. 86 pp. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1892. [Ergänzungsheft no. 106 zu "Petermanns Mitteilungen]. L. C. Salkeld (J. ). Maps and charts of America. London, 1877-1881. [In Bib. Americana, pt. 1, page 39, and pt. 2, page 42]. Winsor (Justin). Baptista Agnese, and American cartography in the sixteenth century. 167 pp. 8°. Cambridge, 1897. [Reprint from Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, may 1897]. L. C. Winsor (Justin). The Kohl collection of maps relating to America. 70 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., issued by the library, 1886. [Harvard university. Library. Bibliographical contributions. no. 19]. NOTE.-Now in the United States department of state. L. C. |