
Mayerne Turquet (Louis de). Discours sur la carte universelle en laquelle le globe terrestre est entièrement réduit et représente dans un seul cercle, où il est traité des défauts des autres cartes, et des avantages de celle-ci. 18°. Paris, l'autheur, 1648.

McCrindle (J. W.) The Christian topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian monk. London, Hakluyt society. v. 98, 1897. 8°. xxvii, 388 pp. pl.

McDonald (A. W. ). Virginia's claim to the Potomac River. Report. [In Historical magazine. 4°. New York, 1865. v. 9. pp. 13-24]. NOTE.-Gives an account of Virginia maps.

L. C.

Mead(). The construction of maps and globes. In two parts. To which is added, an appendix, wherein the present state of geography is consider'd. [etc. anon.] 16 1. 216 pp. 18 pl. 8°. London, for T. Horne, etc.


L. C.

Mechanical geography. Jamieson (Alexander). A manual of map-making and mechanical geography. 8°. Edinburgh, 1846.

Medina (Jose T.) Ensayo acerca de una mapoteca Chilena ó sea de una colección de los titulos de los mapas, planos y vistas relativos á Chile, arreglados cronológicamente. Con una introducción histórica acerca de la geografía y cartografía del país. cxxviii, 254 pp. 11. Santiago de Chile, imprenta Ercilla, 1889.

L. C.

Mehedinti (S. ). Ueber die kartographische induktion. Inaugural-dissertation zur erlangung der doktorwürde bei der hohen philosophischen fakultät der Universität Leipzig. 51, (1) pp. 8°. Leipzig, Sellmann & Henne, 1899.

L. C.

Melish (John). A catalogue of maps and geographical works, published and for sale by John Melish. 24 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1822.

L. C.

A geographical description of the United States, with the contiguous British and Spanish possessions, intended as an accompaniment to Melish's map of these countries. 182 pp. 8°. 2d ed. Philadelphia, the author, 1816.

L. C.

Same. 186 pp. 4 maps. 3d ed. Philadelphia, the author, 1818.

L. C.

A geographical description of the United States, with the contiguous countries, including Mexico and the West Indies; intended as an accompaniment to Melish's map of these countries. A new edition, greatly improved. 21.491 pp. 81. 12 maps. 8°. Philadelphia, the author,


NOTE.-Imperfect: wanting maps of the Isthmus of Darien & Suez.

L. C.

Mercator (Gérard). Dinse (P.) Zum gedächtnis Gerhard Mercator's. [Gesellschaft für erdkunde. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1894. v. 21. no. 10. p. 568-584].

Raemdonck (J. van). Gérard Mercator, sa vie et ses œuvres. 8°. Saint-Nicolas, 1869.

Raemdonck (J. van). Les sphères terrestres et célestes de Gérard Mercator [1541-1551]. Notice publiée à l'occasion de la reproduction de ces sphères, à l'aide de facsimilé de leur fuseaux originaux, gravés par Mercator et conservés à la bibliothèque royale de Bruxelles. 8°. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1874.

Mercator globes, 1541-1551. Ceradini (G. ). A proposito dei due globi Mercatoriani 1541-1551. Appunti critici sulla storia della geografia nel secolo XV e XVI. 296 pp. 4°. Milano, 1894.

NOTE.-Publicazione interotta per la morte dell' autore.

Mexico (Bibliography). United States. War department, library. Subject catalogue no. 3. Index of publications, articles, and maps relating to Mexico in the war department library. 31. 120 pp. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1896.

L. C.

(Cartography). Lanzas (Pedro Torres). Relación descriptiva de los mapas, planos, &, de México y Floridas existentes en el Archivo general de Indias. 2 v. 223 pp; 202 pp. 16°. Sevilla, imp. de El Mercantil, 1900. L. C.

Orozco y Berra (Manuel). Materiales para una cartografía Mexicana. 335 pp. 11. 8°. Mexico, imprenta del gobierno, 1871.

L. C.

Phillips (Philip Lee). Cartography. List of maps of Mexico from 1858 to 1898.

[In Bureau of the American republics. Mexico. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1900. pp. 356-374].

L. C.

Uricoechea (Ezequiel). Mapoteca Colombiana. Coleccion de los títulos de todos los mapas, planos, vistas etc. relativos á la América Española, Brasil é islas adyacentes. xvi, 215 pp. 12°. Londres, Trübner & cia. 1860.

NOTE. pp. 35-53 contains a list of maps of Mexico to 1860.

L. C.

(Gulf of). Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Observations sur la carte du golfe du Méxique et des isles de l'Amérique. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1749.

(Map of). Garcia y Cubas (Antonia). Memoria para servir á la carta general de la república Mexicana. 168 pp. 1 fold. map. 8°. Mexico, Andrade y Escalante, 1861.

L. C.

Mexico. Secretaría de fomento, etc. Memoria para la carta general geográfica de la república Mexicana. Año de 1889. 27 pp. 4°. Mexico, oficina tip. de la secretaría de fomento, 1890.

L. C.

Notice sur la carte du Mexique au 3.000.000°. 22 pp. 8°. Paris, librairie militaire de J. Dumaine, 1874.

[Extrait du Bulletin de la société de géographie].

L. C.

Secretaría de fomento, etc. Memoria para la carta general geográfica de la república Mexicana. Año de 1889. 27 pp. 4°. Mexico, oficina tip. de la secretaría de fomento, 1890.

L. C.

Meyboom (P. J. M.) Lijst van gedruckte kaarten voorhanden in het archief der genie van het ministerie van Oorlog. 4°. 's Gravenhage, 1857. Michigan (Cartography). Farmer (Silas). The history of Detroit and Michigan.

4°. Detroit, 1884.

NOTE. Contains from pp. 32-25, 697-699, an account of the maps of Detroit and Michigan.

L. C.

Michow (H.) Die ältesten karten von Russland; ein Beitrag zur historischen geographie. 8°. Hamburg, 1884.

Military maps. Beach (capt. William D.) Military map-reading, field, outposts and road sketching for non-commissioned officers. 83 pp. incl. 1 map. 16°. Kansas City, Mo. Hudson-Kimberly publishing co. 1897.

L. C.

Mill (Hugh Robert). The geographical work of the future.

[In Scottish (The) geographical magazine. Feb. 1895 v. 11. pp. 49-56].

Miller (K. ). Die weltkarte des Castorius genannt die Peutingersche Tafel. 8°. Ravensburg, 1888.

Mississippi basin (Cartography). Winsor (Justin). Cartography of Louisiana

and Mississippi basin, under the French dominion. [In his Narrative and critical history of America. 4°. Boston and New York, 1887. v.5. pp. 79-86].

L. C.

Winsor (Justin). The Mississippi basin. The struggle in America between England and France, 1697-1763. With cartographical illustrations. ix, 484 pp. 8°. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1895.

L. C.

(Map of). Nicollet (J. N. ). Report intended to illustrate a map of the hydrographical basin of the upper Mississippi river. 170 pp. 8°. Washington, Blair and Rives, 1843.

[U.S. 26th congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 237].

L. C.

river (Cartography). Parkman (Francis). Early unpublished maps of the Mississippi and the great lakes.

[In his France and England in North America. pt. 3. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown & co. 1879. pp. 449-458].

L. C.

Warren (Gouverneur Kemble). Maps of the Mississippi. [In United States. 45th congress, 2d session. Senate Ex. doc. no. 69. Report on bridging the Mississippi river. 1878. pp. 231-232.]

L. C.

- (Discovery). Griffin (Appleton P. C.) The discovery of the Mississippi. A bibliographical account with a fac-simile of the map of Louis Joliet, 1674. [etc.] Reprinted from the Magazine of American history, march and april, 1883. 20 pp. 1 fold. map. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1883.

L. C.

Modern geography (History of). Beazley (C.

Raymond). The dawn of mod

ern geography. A history of exploration and geographical science, from the conversion of the Roman empire to A. D. 900. [etc.] xvi, 538 pp. 29 maps & pl. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1897.

L. C.

Mollweide (C. B. ). Map on Mollweide's equivalent or homalographic projection.

[In Schott (C. A.) Recent contributions to our knowledge of the earth's shape and size by the United States coast and geodetic survey. Published in The National Geographic magazine for jan., 1901. pp. 36-41. 1 map].

L. C.

Molucca islands (Discovery of). Hamy (Ernest Théodor). L'œuvre géographique des Reinel et la découverte des Moluques. Mémoir lu à l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres dans sa séance du 26 juin 1891. 35 pp. 2 maps. 8°. Paris, E. Leroux, 1891.

Montenegro (J.

L. C.

Arthur). Notas para a carta geographica do Rio Grande do Sul. 60 pp. 8°. Rio Grande, C. Pinto, & c. successores, 1895. L. C. Morocco (Bibliography). Playfair (Sir R. Lambert) and Brown (Dr. Robert). A bibliography of Morocco from the earliest times to the end of 1891. [With a map].

[In Royal geographical society. Supplementary papers. 1893. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1893. v. 3. pt. 3. pp. 203-476].

NOTE.-Interspersed with cartographical data.

L. C.

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