America (Cartography, Geological). Marcou (Jules) and Marcou (John Belknap). Mapoteca geologica Americana. A catalogue of geological maps of America (North and South) 1752-1881. 184 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1884. [United States. Department of the interior. Geological survey. Bulletin. no. 7]. L. C. (Discovery of). Kretschmer (Konrad). Die entdeckung Amerika's in ihrer L. C. Marcel (Gabriel). Quatrième centenaire de la découverte de l'Amérique. Catalogue des documents géographiques exposés à la section des cartes et plans de la Bibliothèque National. 7, 77 pp. 11. 8°. Paris, J. Maisonneuve, 1892. L. C. Marcel (Gabriel). Reproduction de cartes et de globes relatifs à la découverte de l'Amérique du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, avec texte explicatif. Texte, 4°. Atlas de 40 pl. in fol. Paris, 1893. L. C. Stevens (Henry). Historical and geographical notes. 1453-1530. On the earliest discoveries in America. 54 pp. 6 pl. 8°. New Haven, office of the American journal of science, 1869. L. C. (Geography). Scaife (Walter B. ). America; its geographical history, 1492-1892. Six lectures delivered to graduate students of the Johns Hopkins university, with a supplement entitled, Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo of the Spanish geographers the Mississippi? 5 1. 176 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins press, 1892. [Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science. Extra volume 13]. L. C. (Geography-History). Humboldt (Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, freiherr von). Examen critique de l'histoire de la géographie du Nouveau Continent et des progrès de l'astronomie nautique aux 15me et 16me siècle. 5 v. 8°. Paris, Gide, 1836-39. L. C. (Maps of, 1550 and 1555). Phillips (Henry, jr.) An account of two maps of L. C. NOTE.-Another copy, separate, "Read before the American philosophical society, March 19, 1880." (Map of, 1669). Marcou (Jules). Carte d'Amérique dite de Louis XIV de 1669. 32 pp. 8°. Besançon, Dodivers, 1893. [Géographie historique Américaine]. L. C. (Map of, 1753). Green (John, geographer). Remarks in support of the new North and South America; in six sheets. 1 p. 1. lv, 48 pp. sm. 4°. London, for T. Jefferies, 1753. chart of the L. C. Ames (John G. ). Checklist of public documents containing debates and proceedings of congress from the first to the fifty-third congress, together with miscellaneous lists of documents, and historical and bibliographical notes. 2d ed. rev. and enlarged. Issued by F. A. Crandall. 222 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1895. L. C. Ancient geography. Bunbury (Sir Edward Herbert). A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans from the earliest ages till the fall of the Roman empire. 2 v. xxx, 666 pp. 10 maps; xviii, 743 pp. 10 maps. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1879. L. C. |