Winsor (Justin). The Cabot controversies and the right of England to North America. 16 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson & son, 1896. [From Proc. of Mass. hist. society, 1896]. L. C. Cartier to Frontenac. Geographical discovery in the interior of North America in the historical relations. 1534-1700. With full cartographical illustrations from contemporary sources. viii, 379 pp. 8°. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1894. L. C. The cartographical history of the northeastern boundary controversy between the United States and Great Britain. 24 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson & son, 1887. [Massachusetts historical society. Privately reprinted from the Proceedings, october, 1887]. L. C. Cartography of Louisiana and Mississippi basin, under the French dominion. [In his Narrative and critical history of America. 4°. Boston and New York, 1887. v.5. pp. 79-86]. L. C. The earliest maps of Massachusetts bay and Boston harbor. [In his The memorial history of Boston. 8°. Boston, J. R. Osgood & co. 1880. v. 1. pp. 37-67]. L. C. The Kohl collection of maps relating to America. 70 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Mass. issued by the library, 1886. [Harvard University. Library. Bibliographical contributions. no. 19]. NOTE. This collection is in the United States department of state. L. C. Maps of the revolutionary period. [In his The memorial history of Boston. 8°. Boston, J. R. Osgood & co. 1881. v. 3. pp. i-xii]. L. C. The Mississippi basin. The struggle in America between England and France, 1697-1763. With full cartographical illustrations. ix, 484 pp. 8°. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1895. L. C. Remarks on Fitch's map of the northwest territory. [In Massachusetts hist. soc. Proceedings. v. 7. pp. Boston, 1892]. L. C. The westward movement. The colonies and the republic west of the Alleghanies. 1763-1798. With full cartographical illustrations from *contemporary sources. viii, 595 pp. 8°. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1897. See also Boston public library. Bulletin. L. C. no. 38, 39, 41. 1876-1877. Wisotki (Emil.) Zeitströmungen in der geographie. x, 467 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Duncker und Humblot, 1897. Wolkenhauer (W. ). J. B. Bourguignon d'Anville. Ein erinnerungsblatt zu seinem 200. geburtstage. [Deutsche Rundschau f. geographie u. statistik. 1897. v. 19. pp. 468-471]. Répertoire des Woltendorf(). Repertorium der land- und seekarten, cartes géographiques et maritimes et des plans des principales villes. v. 1. 8°. Vienne, 1813. NOTE.-Only one volume published. World (Cartography). Sanson (Nicolas). Description de tout l'univers en plusieurs cartes et en divers traitez de géographie et d'histoire, où sont décris succinctement ses empires, ses peuples, etc.; on a ajouté un traité des globes céleste et terrestre. 4°. Amsterdam, F. Halma, 1700. World (Map of). Arrowsmith (Aaron). A companion to a map of the world. L. C. 1 p. 1. 25 pp. 4°. London, G. Bigg, for the author, 1794. (Surveys). Wheeler (George M.) Facts concerning the origin, organization, administration, functions, history and progress of the principal government land and marine surveys of the world, being extracts from the report of the third international geographical congress and exhibition. vii, 13-16, 76-569, xiii pp. 7 pl. 4 maps. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1885. [United States. War department. Corps of engineers]. L. C. Yorktown, Va. (Cartography). Johnston (Henry P.) List of maps and plans of the siege of Yorktown, Va. [In his Yorktown (The) campaign. 8°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1881. p. 198]. L. C. Yucatan (Map of, 1878). Valentini (Philipp F. J.) A new and ancient map of Yucatan. [In Magazine of American history. 1879. 4°. New York and Chicago, A. S. Barnes, [1879]. v. 3. pt. 1. pp. 294-299]. NOTE. The map referred to is entitled "Mapa de la peninsula de Yucatan. L. C. Zahn & Jaensch. Katalog no. 103. Ethnographie, reisen, geographie, topogra phie. title. 80 pp. 8°. Dresden, 1899. L. C. Zanoni (Giovanni Antonio Rizzi). Drapeyron (L. ). J. A. Rizzi Zanoni, géographe Italien (1757-1776). [Revue de géographie, vol. 41, 1897. pp. 401-413]. Zeno chart. Christy (Miller). The silver map of the world. A contemporary medallion commemorative of Drake's great voyage [1577-80]. A geographical essay including some critical remarks on the Zeno narrative and chart of 1558 and on the curious misconception as to the position of the discoveries made by Martin Frobisher in 1576-7-8, [etc.] xii, 71 pp. 10 maps & pl. 8°. London, H. Stevens, son & Stiles, 1900. L. C. De Costa (Benjamin Franklin). The Northmen in Maine. 146 pp. 12°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1870. Chart of the Zeno brothers. Voyage of John Rut. Voyage of André Thevet, &c. &c. Ziegler (J. CONTENTS. L. C. M.) Ueber die zeichnung und gebirgsdarstellung der topographischen karte der kantone St. Gallen und Appenzell. 12 pp. 12°. [Aus den Mittheilungen der Zürch. naturf. gesellschaft. no. 64]. L. C. Zurla (Placedo). Di Marco Polo e degli altri viaggiatori Veneziani. Con appendice sopra le antiche mappe lavorate in Venezia e con quattro carte geografiche. 2 v. vii, 391 pp. 1 map; 408 pp. 3 maps. 4°. Venezia, G. G. Fuchs, 1818. L. C. Il mappamondo di fra Mauro diecritto ed illustrato. fol. Venezia, 1806. MAPS OF AMERICA IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Abington, Mass. Sherman (W.A.) Atlas of Abington and Rockland, Mass. 39 pp. incl. 9 maps. fol. New York, Comstock & Cline, 1874. Abraham, Quebec, Ca. Plan of the battle of the 28th. of April, 1760, fought on heights of Abraham near Quebec. ms. [anon.] 10 x 22. [1760]. Sketch of the review on the plains of Abraham, aug. 29, 1781, in presence of prince William Henry. ms. [anon.] 20 x 28. [1781]. [Faden collection. no. 23]. NOTE. From the collection of one of the royal dukes. See also Quebec, Canada. Acadia. See Nova Scotia. Acapulco, Mexico. Pianta del porto d'Acapulco. 81⁄2 x 62. [In Atlante dell' America. [anon.] fol. Livorno, 1778. no.29]. Adams, Mass. Miller (D. L.) Atlas of the towns of North Adams, Adams, Williamstown and Cheshire, Berkshire co., Mass. title. 19 pl. 11. 4°. New York, D. S. Miller & co. 1894. Adams county, Penn. Map of York and Adams counties, Penn. By D. Small & W. Wagner. col. 15 x 23. [n. p.], D. Small & W. Wagner, 1821. Map of Adams co. Pa. From actual survey by G. M. Hopkins. 1858. fold. 38 x 53. Philadelphia, M. S. & E. Converse, 1858. Addison county, Vermont. Atlas of Addison co., Vermont. by and under the direction of F. W. Beers & others. maps. fol. New York, F. W. Beers & co. 1871. From actual surveys title. 48 pp. incl. 33 Adirondack Wilderness, N. Y. Colton's map of the New York Wilderness and the Adirondacks. Compiled by W. W. Ely, m. d.; revised by Edwin R. Wallace. 26 x 31. [New York], G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. 1881. Map of the Adirondack Wilderness. Compiled by S. R. Stoddard. 2d ed. Same. 4th rev. ed. 31 x 242. 1 sheet. fold. 16°. New York, L. E. Same. 5th rev. ed. 31 x 24. 1 sheet. fold. 16°. New York, L. E. Same. 6th rev. ed. 31 x 241. 1 sheet. fold. 16°. New York, L. E. Same. 7th rev. ed. 31 x 241. 1 sheet. fold. 16°. New York, L. E. 91 |