
sibility that they might come out at the end of six years; but not having since heard any more about them, I presume they are now immured among the family archives.

The house which contained these treasures was, in 1836, the residence of the late Duke of Leeds, whose ancestor, Francis Godolphin, fifth Duke of Leeds, married,* in 1773, the only child of Robert D'Arcy, fourth and last EARL of HOLDERNESSE, and succeeded, in 1778, to his Barony and estates. The only daughter of his son George William Frederick, sixth Duke of Leeds, was married, in 1826, to Sackville Lane Fox, Esq., M.P., who resided from 1836 until 1853 in the house in question, and appears to

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* Mr. Croker, in Boswell's Life of Johnson, (vol. vii. page 362, Bohn's edition,) says that the doggerel lines composed on the marriage of the Duke of Leeds by one of his inferior domestics, and so familiarly quoted by Dr. Johnson, were on the occasion of the marriage of this fifth Duke of Leeds with his second wife, Catherine Anguish. But this is clearly a mistake, as the marriage did not take place till 1788, four years after Johnson's death. In a copy of Boswell's Johnson, with unpublished MS. notes by Mrs. Piozzi and her daughter Lady Keith, which I happen to possess, there is this note. "I fancy I was the lady, whose uncle, Sir Thomas Salisbury, used to repeat it for ever. The song was made by the porter of that Duke of Leeds (viz. the 4th) who married Lady Mary Godolphin."

The following are the lines, as quoted by Dr. Johnson, but Mrs. Piozzi gave another version of the second verse, and added a third :

"When the Duke of Leeds shall married be

To a fine young lady of high quality,
How happy will that gentlewoman be
In his Grace of Leeds' good company!

She shall have all that's fine and fair,
And the best of silk and satin shall wear;
And ride in a coach to take the air,
And have a house in St. James's Square."

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have had possession of the family manuscripts and so much of the Library as had not been removed.

These are the simple facts. If they do not reveal who was the actual writer of the Letters of Junius, they at least point out the head quarters of information, and account for some of the hitherto irreconcilable difficulties in adjudicating on the claims of Sir Philip Francis, who I believe to have been largely concerned, though not the sole and unassisted writer. Mr. Woodfall may himself have been a considerable go-between in the matter, just as I was between the Englishman' and the Times,' without caring to pry into a secret which, by disclosure, would frustrate his own objects. I have no leisure to follow out all the ramifications to which this discovery may lead, and must leave the interesting task to others. The enquirer will be aided in his researches by referring to my edition of Junius, and especially Mr. Wade's Essay, prefixed to the second volume.

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January 30, 1860.


C.-The Com-
mons Petition of
long afflicted
England, to the


I. L.-The Reaction of a Conference touching the Reall Presence. Or a Bachelovrs Censvre of a Masters Apologie for Doctour Featlie. chiefeChancellor By L. I. B. of Arts, of Oxford: of Heaven, and Doway, 1635, 8vo. onely Ivdge of Earth, with his gracious Answere thereto. Lond.


1642. 4to.

In verse, 4 leaves.

[blocks in formation]

Nicholas French, Bp. of Ferns, out of this book reasoned for the Remonstrance

A copy of this curious work, containing notices of many persons then living, will be found in the Bodleian Library. It contains 600 pages, besides 48 of title,

preface, and errata.

[blocks in formation]

I. T.-A Cure for the Tongue

against those Irish that opposed it in Evill, by T. I. (in verse.) Lond.

Spain. It is very rare. Grenville Coll.

1662. 4to.

Steevens, 1051. IAMBLICHUS. De Mysteriis E

I. H.-See INSTITUTIONES PIÆ. I. I.-Ayme for Finsburie Archers, or an alphabeticall Table of the gyptiorum, Chaldæorum et AssyriNames of euery Marke within the orum Liber, necnon Epistola Porsame Fields, with their due Dis-phyrii ad Anebonem Egyptium, tances, both by the Map, and Di- Gr. et Lat. ex Interpr. et cum Notis mensuration with the Line. Pub- T. Gale. Oxon. 1678. folio. lished for the Ease of the Skilfull, and behoofe of the yoonge Beginners in the famous Exercise of Archerie: by I. I. and E. B. To be sold at the Sign of the Swan in Grub-Street by F. Sergeant. Lond. by Arn. Hatfield, 1594. 16mo.



I. L.-Knaves are no honest men, or more Knaves yet. Without printer's name or date (about 1648).

A valuable edition. Hibbert, 4367, 9s. Willett, 1335, 16s. 6d. Heath, 3740, 12s. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. ii. 160, morocco, 21. 12s. 6d.

Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life,

with a Collection of Pythagoric Sentences,
translated by Thomas Taylor.
1818, 8vo. 10s. 6d. An esteemed translation.


On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians, translated by Thomas Taylor. Chiswick, 1821, 8vo. 15s. See BRIDGMAN, William.

IBBETSON, LAPORTE, and HASSELL. A picturesque Guide to Bath, Bristol Hot-Wells, the River

Avon, and the adjacent Country.
Lond. 1793, 4to. 7s.

Pp. 266, besides title, directions for placing the (16) plates, and errata, two leaves. Some copies have coloured plates. IBBOT, Ben. D.D. Thirty-six Discourses on practical Subjects. Lond. 1776. 8vo. 2 vols. 5s.

IGNATIUS, S. Martyr, Archiep. Antiocha. Ignatii et Polycarpi Epistolæ, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis et Dissertatione de Scriptis ejus per Jac. Usserium. Appendix Igna

tiana. Oxon. 1644, 7. 4to. 10s. 6d.

Ignatii et Barnabæ Epistolæ, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Is. Vossii. Lond. 1680. 4to.

Best edition. Hollis, 615, 10s. 6d. This edition is inferior to that of Amster1726, 8vo. 2 vols. dam, 1646. Drury, 2210, 4s. LARGE PAPER. 10s. 6d.

See BOYLE'S Lecture.

IBRAHIM. See SCUDERY, Mad. de. ICON Libellorum. See DAVIES, Miles, p. 600.

ICHABOD, or Five Groanes of the Church. Camb. 1663. 4to. IDES, Evert Ysbrandts. Three Years' Travels from Moscow over Land to China. Lond. 1706. 4to.

White Knights, 2130, russia, 47. 58. Gough, 4046, 1l. 4s. Willett, 1292, 21. 7s. Roxburghe, 7302, 1. 16s. Dent, pt. ii. 421, morocco, 27. 16s. Heath, 2639*, 21. Marquis of Townshend, 1681, 17. 18. Jadis, 227, russia, 17. 9s. Reprinted in the second volume of Harris's Collection of Voyages and Travels.

Journal of an Embassy from the Em. peror of Muscovy to China. Lond. 1698,


S. Ignatii Antiochensis Episcopi Epistolæ vii. genuinæ, quas collegit S. Polycarpus suæque ad Philippenses Epistolæ subjecit, Gr. et Lat. Oxon. 1708, 8vo. 5s. One hundred copies printed under the care of Dr. Aldrich, Dean of Christ Church. A correct and valuable edition. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 1181*, russia, 17. 11s. Duke of Grafton, 70, 8s. Williams, 958, morocco, 17. 5s.

Annotat. Joan. Pearsoni et Th. Smithi: Ignatii Epistolæ vii. Gr. et Lat. cum accedunt Epistola S. Polycarpi, &c. Oxon. 1709, 4to. 12s. A very excellent edition, with some new and unedited notes of Pearson. Heath, 630, 17s. LARGE PAPER, 17. 1s.

The Epistles of St. Ignatius, translated by Wm. Wake, Abp. of Canterbury, with Answer to W. Jamieson. By R. Calder. a Vindication by L. E. Du Pin, and an Edinb. 1708, 12mo. 6s. English transIDLENESS. The Image of Idle- lations of these Epistles will be found in nesse, conteynynge certeyne Mat- Whiston's Primitive Christianity Reters moved between Walter Wed-vived. Lond. 1711, 8vo. and in Abp. Wake's Epistles of the Apostolical Falock and Bawdyn Bachelor. Lond. thers. by W. Seres. 16mo.

A copy is in the British Museum. The Enemy of Idleness. Lond. Allde, 1621, 12mo. Bib, Poet. 27. 5s.


[blocks in formation]

Corpus Ignatianum, a Collection of Epistles, in Syriac, edited by W. Cureton. Lond. 1849, royal 8vo. 17. 11s. 6d.

Ignatius, the Epistles of, Syriac ver. sion, with English translation by W. Cureton. Lond. 1845, Svo. 10s. 6d.

The Epistles of Barnabas, Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, and the Epistle to Diognetus; edited from the text of Hefele, non Grenfell. Rugby, 1844, 8vo. with an introduction and notes by Alger


IGNATIUS. See LOYOLA, Ignatius. IGNATS, J. A. Epicedium; a funeral oration on the death of Q. Elizabeth, 1603, 4to.

Lloyd, 17. 10s.

ILL-BREWERS, in Somersetshire. A true Relation of a monstrous female Child, born about the 19 of May last. folio.

A copy is in the British Museum.

ILLINGWORTH, Rev. Cayley. A topographical Account of the Parish of Scampton, in the County of Lincoln, and of the Roman Antiquities lately discovered there; together with Anecdotes of the Family of Bolle. Lond. 1810, 4to.

[blocks in formation]

Pp. 65, not including the title, two ad- IMLAY, G. A Topographical Devertisements, and list of (15) plates. scription of the western Territory Bindley, pt. ii. 2128, Ss. 6d. Sir M. M. of North America, with the disSykes, pt. ii. 76, 1. Hollis, 667, 9s.1808, 4to. This edition was privately covery, settlement, &c. of Kentucky; printed. Bindley, pt. ii. 2127, 16s. 6d. the Adventures of Col. David Ja., D.D. A genuine Ac-Boone, &c. Lond. 1792. 8vo. count of the Man whose Hands and Legs rotted off in the Parish of King's-Swinford. Lond. 1678. 8vo.

The name of the man was Joh. Duncalf. -Lond. (1751), 8vo. Best edition.

Illustrations of Northern Antiquities. Edinb. 1814. royal 4to.

17. 1s.

A valuable work, the joint labour of Henry Weber, Robert Jamieson, and Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Hibbert, 5824, 19s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. 946, 17.

IMBER, Matt. The Case, or an Abstract of the Customs of the Manor of Merdon, in the Parish of Hursley, co. Southampton.

Lond. 1707. 8vo.

Lond. 1797, 8vo. Fonthill, 2777, 11. 7e.
An interesting work. --Lond. 1793, 8vo.

The Adventures of Boone have been several times printed in America in 12mo. IMRIE, Lieut.-Col. Catalogue of specimens illustrative of the Geology of Greece, and part of Macedonia. Lond. 1817. 4to.

Privately printed, 17. 1s.

INATULLA of Delhi. Tales translated from the Persian of Inatulla of Delhi into English (by Alex. Dow). Lond. 1768. 12mo. 2 vols.

Fonthill, 3469, 17s.-Dublin, 1769, 12mo. 2 vols.

INCHBALD, Elizabeth. A Simple Story. Lond. 1791. 12mo. 4 vols. Nature and Art, a Story. Lond. 1796, 2 vols. 12mo.

Besides these novels, which were po

Printed for private use. Nassau, pt. i. 1770, 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 35, 17. 2s. Heber, pt. vii. pular in their day, Mrs. Inchbald wrote


several Comedies, among which were, Such Things Are; Lovers' Vows; To IMHOFF, Ja: Wil. Regum Pa- Marry or Not to Marry, &c.; all of which riumque Magnæ Britanniæ Historia met with considerable applause. She also edited a Series of Plays, entitled the Genealogica; qua veterum juxta ac BRITISH THEATRE, with Biographical and recentium in illa Familiarum Ori-Critical Remarks, 25 vols. 1806-1809; gines, Stemmata & Res memorabiliores, Ordine ad novissimum Angliæ Statum aptato, recensentur atque explicantur, additis æneis Insignium Tabulis et Indice necessario, cum Appendice. Norimberga, 1690. folio.

Sir P. Thompson, 564. 17. Bp. of Ely, 1002, 17. 1s. Collation.-A-Eee, in fours, M 2 blank, besides title, half-title, dedication Mauritio Wihelmo Duci Saxoniæ,' To the reader, and half-title to pt. i. 6 leaves. Plates. Front. by Sandrart, and two plates of arms (one printed on both sides) before page 64, and plate of the

MODERN THEATRE, 10 vols. 12mo. 1809; 1809. In all, 42 vols. Some copies were and a COLLECTION of FARCES, &c. 7 vols. printed on FINE PAPER, with portraits.

Memoirs, including her Familiar Correspondence, by James Boaden, Esq. Lond. 1832. 8vo. 2 vols. portrait.

Mrs. Inchbald had written her own Autobiography, for which she was of fered 1000. by the late Sir Richard Phillips; but, by the advice of the Rev. Mr. Poynder, she suppressed it.

INCHIQUEN, the Jesuit's Letters during a Residence in the United

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