

Duval, Mathias Marie, 1844-1907.


[ocr errors]

743 D953

Histoire de l'anatomie plastique. Les maitres, les livres et les écorchés par Mathias-Duval, [et] Édouard Cuyer, ... Paris, A. Picard & Kaan, [pref. 1898].


xiii, 351 p. 118 illus. 22cm. (Half-title: Bibliothèque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts.)

Series title also at head of t.-p.

"Table alphabétique des noms cités," p. 345-348.

Hyrtl, Joseph, 1811-1894.


S611.03 N200

Das Arabische und Hebräische in der Anatomie. Von Dr. Joseph Hyrtl, .... Wien, W. Braumüller, 1879.

xlvii, 311 p. 23cm.

Mondeville, Henri de, d. 1320?

S611.04 M74

Die Anatomie des Heinrich von Mondeville. Nach einer Hand109091 schrift der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin vom Jahre 1304, zum ersten Male herausgegeben von Dr. Pagel, ... .

mer, 1889.

79, [1] p. 21cm.

With critical and bibliographical introduction.

.. Berlin, G. Rei

A summary of Achille Chéreau's Biography of Mondeville, published in Mémoires de la Société des antiquaires de Normandie, 1863, p. [5]-15.


Ackermann, Jacob Fidelis, 1765-1815.

Infantis androgyni historia et ichnographia. 69341 et generatione disquisitiones physiologicae et cisae. Auctore Jacobo Fidele Ackermann, sumptibus Maukianis, 1805.

[blocks in formation]

(In Smithsonian Institution. Annual report. 1910. Washington, 1911. 23cm. P. 473-485.)

"Reprinted from Science progress, London, no. 13. July 1909, p. 90-104."


Flourens, Pierre i.e. Marie Jean Pierre, 1794-1867.

S612.1 L400

96076 Histoire de la découverte de la circulation du sang, par P. Flourens, Paris, J.-B. Baillière; New York, H. Baillière, [etc., etc.],


vii, [1], 216 p. 18cm.

Bibliographical foot-notes.

Remondino, Peter Charles, 1846–



612.6 P100

History of circumcision from the earliest times to the pres

ent. Moral and physical reasons for its performance,
P. C. Remondino,





Philadelphia and London, F. A. Davis,

x, 346 p. front. 20cm. (Physicians' and students' ready reference series, no. 11.) "Works and authorities quoted," p. 336-338.




614.0943 B14

Mittelalterliche Gesundheitspflege im heutigen Baden. Von Karl Baas. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1909.

[4], 84 p. 23cm.

"[Bibliographische] Anmerkungen,” p. 76–81.

Burggraeve, Adolphe, b. 1806.

L614.471 N500

Monument à Edw. Jenner, ou, Histoire générale de la vaccine, à 102354 l'occasion du premier centenaire de son invention, publiée sous le patronage des administrations et du corps médical. Par le docteur Burggraeve, ... . Bruxelles, J. Merzbach successeur, [etc., etc.], 1875.

xvi, 377 p. incl. tables. front. (port.) 364cm.
"Autobibliographie ou ouvrages de l'auteur,” p. [373]-377.

Crookshank, Edgar March.

L614.471 0900 By Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son, &

History and pathology of vaccination. Vol. 1–[11].

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

XXIII pl. (incl. front. (port.),

Contents. vol. 1. A critical inquiry. xxiii, 466 p. partly col. ), 2 facsim. vol. 2. Selected essays. vi, 610 p.

Finke, Leonhard Ludwig, 1747-1837.


S613.11 F1

Versuch einer allgemeinen medicinifch-praktischen Geographie, worin der hiftorifche Theil der einheimifchen Völkerund Staaten-Arzeneykunde vorgetragen wird. Erster - [dritter] Band, ... Leipzig, Weidmannfche Buchhandlung, 1792-1795.

[blocks in formation]

Floyer, Sir John, 1649–1734.

613.43 FI

Yuxpoλovoría: or, The history of cold-bathing, both ancient and 108380 modern. In two parts. The firft written by Sir John Floyer, of Litchfield, Kt. The second, treating of the genuine ule of hot and cold baths. Together with the wonderful effects of the Bathwater, drank hot from the pump, in decay'd stomachs, and in molt difeales of the bowels, liver, and (pleen, etc. Allo proving, that the best cures done by the cold baths, are lately observed to arise from the temperate ule of the hot baths firft. To which is added, an appendix, by Dr. Edward Baynard, The fifth edition. London, W. and J. Innys, [pref. 1702].

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

S613.67 N201

96139 Histoire médicale du blocus de Metz, par E. Grellois, ris, J. B. Baillière et fils, [etc., etc.], 1872.

[8], 406, [2] p. front. 254cm.

Hue, Louis.


[ocr errors]

614.34 Q300

La falsification des boissons. Histoire législation jurisprudence en France et à l'étranger. Paris,

Rivière, 1903.

[4], 324 p. 23cm.

At head of title: Louis Hue

Chevalier et

Kotelmann, Ludwig Wilhelm Johannes, 1839-1908. 614.09401 I 8676 Gesundheitspflege im Mittelalter. Kulturgeschichtliche Studien nach Predigten des 13., 14., und 15. Jahrhunderts, von Dr. med. et phil. L. Kotelmann, Hamburg und Leipzig, L. Voss,


viii, 276 p. 241cm.

"Die benutzten Quellen," p. 1-5.

Martin, Alfred, 1874


L391.6 Q600

Deutsches Badewesen in vergangenen Tagen. Nebst einem Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Wasserheilkunde. Mit 159 Abbildungen nach alten Holzschnitten und Kupferstichen. Jena, E. Diederichs, 1906.

[4], 448 p. illus., I fold. pl. 29cm.
"Literatur," p. [408]-432.

Mezger, Otto.

L614.3 R300

Über die Entwicklung der Lebensmittelkontrolle in den verschie95846 denen Kulturstaaten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Württembergischen Verhältnisse, von Dr. Otto Mezger, .. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1913.

[merged small][ocr errors]


Weyl, Theodor, 1851-1913.


L613.02 P300 sup.4

93765 Zur Geschichte des sozialen Hygiene. Von Th. Weyl. Mit Bei

trägen von Marg. Weinberg.

(In Handbuch der Hygiene.

Jena, 1904. 26cm. Vierter Supplement-Band,

p. [791]-1046. 8 illus., pl. xx, xxI.)

"Literatur," with each subject.

Weyl, Theodor, 1851

614.09 3

84249 Histoire de l'hygiène sociale par le docteur Th. Weyl, avec la collaboration de M. Marg. Weinberg. Traduit de l'allemand par le docteur Robert André, avec une préface de M. le docteur Imbeaux, .. Paris, H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1910.

vii, 472 p. 8 illus., 1 fold. map, I fold. plan. 22cm.

"Littérature" with each chapter.

Ancient times

Grunwald, Max, 1871


296 R102

Die Hygiene der Juden, im Anschluss an die Internationale Hy-
giene-Ausstellung Dresden, 1911, herausgegeben von Dr. Max
Grunwald. Dresden, Historische Abteilung der Internationalen
Hygiene-Ausstellung, 1911.

vi, [2], 325, lxiv p. 23cm.

Hueppe, Ferdinand Adolph Theophil, 1852

614.0938 I

$1905 Zur Rassen- und Socialhygiene der Griechen im Alterthum und in der Gegenwart. Von Dr. Ferdinand Hueppe, .. Mit 9 Abbildungen im Text. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1897.

viii, 113 p. 9 illus. 25cm.

Meyer-Steineg, Theodor, 1873



[ocr errors][merged small]

Kranken-Anstalten im griechisch-römischen Altertum, von

Dr. med. et jur. Theod. Meyer-Steineg,

gen. Jena, G. Fischer, 1912.

[blocks in formation]

46 p. 9 illus. 24 cm. (In Jenaer medizin-historische Beiträge, Heft 3.)
"Literaturverzeichnis," p. 46.

Söllner, Albert.


610.9 R201 v.4

Die hygienischen Anschauungen des römischen Architekten Vitruvius. Ein Beitrag zur antiken Hygiene, von Dr. med. Albert Söllner. Jena, G. Fischer, 1913.

iv, 64 p. 244cm. (In Jenaer medizin-historische Beiträge, Heft 4.)
Bibliographical foot-notes.


Gannal, Jean Nicolas, 1791-1852.

614.64 Koor

History of embalming, and of preparations in anatomy, pathology, 110557 and natural history; including an account of a new process for embalming. By J. N. Gannal ... . Translated from the French,

with notes and additions. By R. Harlan, M.D. Philadelphia,

J. Dobson, 1840.

[4], 264 p. 23cm.

Magnus, Julius.

S614.64 J900

79400 Das Einbalsamiren der Leichen in alter und neuer Zeit. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medicin, von Dr. Jul. Magnus, Braunschweig, G. Westermann, 1839.

iv, 128 p. 23cm.

Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph.

L393.3 J400

16354 A history of Egyptian mummies, and an account of the worship and embalming of the sacred animals by the Egyptians; with remarks on the funeral ceremonies of different nations, and observations on the mummies of the Canary Islands, of the ancient Peruvians, Burman priests, &c. xxi,264,[2] p. 13 pl. sq.F London: Longman, & Longman, 1834.

Reutter, Louis.




L614.64 R200

De l'embaumement avant et après Jésus-Christ. Avec analyses de masses résineuses ayant servi à la conservation des corps chez les anciens Égyptiens et les Carthaginois. Paris, Vigot frères, [etc., etc., 1912].

[6], xli, 172, [2] p. illus., I col. pl. 25cm.

Ai head of title: Dr Louis Reutter.



614.909 N600

A century of nursing, with hints toward the organization 103237 of a training school. By a member of the Hospital Committee. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1876.

133 p. 23cm.

(No. 11. State Charities Aid Association.)

Nutting, Mary Adelaide, 1858

614.909 Q700

A history of nursing; the evolution of nursing systems from the 107469 earliest times to the foundation of the first English and American training schools for nurses, by M. Adelaide Nutting, ... and Lavinia L. Dock, New York and London, G. P. Putnam's

Sons, 1907.

2 vol. fronts., illus., plates, ports. 21cm.

"Bibliography," vol. 2, p. 437-446.



Balland, Antoine i.e. Joseph Antoine Félix, 1845– L615.092 B21 Les pharmaciens militaires français, par A. Balland, ... Paris,

103427 L. Fournier, 1913.

[8], 419, [1] p. 254cm.

"Les publications,” p. [249]-395; “Index bibliographique des principaux cuvrages consultés," p. [399]-401.

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