
et la discussion à la Chambre sur le budget des Postes et des Télégraphes. CH. MACLÈRE. JANUARY, 1913. Le Marché financier en 1912. ARTHUR RAFFALOVICH. L'Ecole autrichienne d'économie politique. FEILBOGEN. Eighth article.

L'Économiste Français (Paris).


JANUARY 11, 18 AND 25, 1913. Les Placements financiers. LEROY-BEAULIEU. A study, in three articles, of the change in prices of the leading French securities during 1912.

Revue Économique Internationale (Brussels).

la guerre.

NOVEMBER, 1912. L'Albanie économique et politique à la veille de A. BALDACCI. Évolution des Chemins de Fer F. W. PoWELL. Le Commerce extérieur des P. E. SMETS. Chiefly a discussion of the balance of trade. Les Emprunts chinois. E. CAMMAERTS. DECEMBER, 1912. La Bourse d'Alexandrie et le marché des cotons égyptiens. L. POLIER. La Culture du coton dans L'Asie Centrale Russe. M. LAMINCK. Le Coton oriental et méditerranéen. Y. M. GOBLET. JANUARY, 1913. Articles on the Panama Canal of considerable interest by three distinguished American writers. Histoire du Canal de Panama. WILLIAM H. BURR. Le Canal de Panama au point de vue économique. EMORY R. JOHNSON. Le Canal de Panama au point de vue militaire. ADMIRAL MAHAN.

Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik (Tübingen). NOVEMBER, 1912. Alte und neue Einwände gegen den historischen Materialismus. ACHILLE LORIA. Verschmelzung und gegenseitige Penetration der Rassen und Nationalitäten: Statistiche Untersuchungen. F. SAVORGNAN. An attempt to determine a coefficient of "homogamy" between races, colours, nationalities, etc. The illustrative statistics are mainly drawn from the Argentine, Budapest, and Boston. Die Arbeitsteilung im geistigen Leben: Eine Untersuchung ihrer hauptsächlichen Formen, Gesetze und Triebkräfte. W. HELLPACH. This study of the principle of division of labour is to be continued. Soziale Probleme des Dienstvertrages. Der Dienstvertrag im Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch für das Deutsche Reich und im neuen schweizerischen Obligationenrecht. Pp. 74. E. ADLER. Die gegenwärtige Lage der Arbeiter in Japan und das neue Fabrikgesetz. K. KUWATA.

Jahrbücher für Nationökonomie und Statistik (Jena).

JANUARY, 1913. Zur Theorie der Statistik. HELLMUTH WOLFF. A review of various schools of thought on the philosophy of statistical theory.

Annalen für Soziale Politik und Gesetzgebung (Berlin). PARTS III. AND IV., 1912. Der Ausbau der Erbschaftssteuer als Besitzsteuer für das Reich. H. WEISSENBORN. Geburten

rückgang und Sozialpolitik. O. LANDSBERG. Bergarbeiterschutz im Preussen und Oesterreich. F. BUSSON. Das Lohnämtergesetz. CONSTANCE SMITH. Deals with the British Act of 1909 relating to Trade Boards and Sweated Industries. Zur jüngsten Entwicklung der Arbeitgeber-Verbände. GERHARD KESSLER.

Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltung

PART VI., 1912.


Untersuchungen über Auslese und Anpassung der RICHARD SORER.

Scientia (Bologna).

JANUARY, 1913. The Sun-Spots. E. W. MAUnder. A summary of the latest views of the astronomers on the periodicity of sunspots.

Giornale degli Economisti (Rome). SEPTEMBER, 1912. Il primo annuario internazionale di Statistica Agraria. U. RICCI. An introductory description of the annual which the International Institute of Agriculture has begun to publish. La distribuzione della richezza. L. AMOROSO. A paper read to the economico-statistical section of the Congress of Mathematicians last year.


OCTOBER. Le Communicazioni ferroviarie in Cina. U. BENEDETTI. The development of railways in China augurs well for her economic progress. Monografia di famiglia. G. BAGLIO. Sicilian family budget. NOVEMBER-DECEMBER. L'azione recente dell' oro sui prezzi generali delle merci. R. BENINI. A severe criticism of Yves Guyot leads to a restatement of monetary principles purporting to form a bridge between the defenders and assailants of the quantity theory. Interferenze e gettito delle imposte sugli incrementi di valore. B. GRIZIOTTI.

JANUARY. Problemi del Tesoro e della circulazione. G. del VeccHIO. Gli odierni aspetti dell' Economia agraria. C. DI NOLA. Interesting statistics of the world's railways by G. MORTARA, and a study on the pure science of finance by B. GRIZIOTTI are buried in the small print which now, unfortunately, conceals the greater part of the Giornale.

La Riforma Sociale (Turin).

NOVEMBER, 1912. Questions of definition and taxation are discussed exhaustively, in connexion with Prof. Fisher's book on Capital and Income and Prof. Seligman's Income-tax by GIUSEPPE PRATO.

DECEMBER. The polemic against protected iron manufacturers is continued by L. EINAUDI.

JANUARY, 1913. The concept of taxable income, with reference to Prof. Einaudi's recent work, is the subject of an article by ACHILLE LORIA. There is also an instructive description of the failure of a Socialist business ("cantina comunale ") in an Italian locality.



ASHLEY (ANNIE). The Social Policy of Bismarck: A Critical Study, with a Comparison of German and English Insurance Legislation. With a Preface by Gustav von Schmoller. Longmans, Green. 1912. Pp. ix + 95. 28. net.

[Birmingham Studies in Social Economics. III. To be reviewed.]


ASHLEY (W. J.). Gold and Prices. London: Longmans, Green. 1912. Pp. 32. 1s. net.

[Reprinted from the Pall Mall Gazette. Noticed in the ECONOMIC JOURNAL. June, 1912, p. 358.]

BAIRD (W.). The One Pound Note: Its History, Place, and Power in Scotland and its adaptability for England. (Third edition revised and brought down to date.) Edinburgh: Baxendine. 1912. Pp. 72. 2s. net.


Manual of Railway Statistics. Railway Gazette. 1912. Pp. 185. 4s. net.


[By the Assistant Manager of the Great Southern of Spain Railway, who has also had railway experience in England, the Argentine, and Southern Nigeria. A discussion of principles followed by appendices of practical material.]

CARLYLE (A. J.). Wages. (Christian Social Union Handbooks.) London Mowbray. 1912. Pp. 125. 2s. net.

CHATTERTON (ALFRED). Industrial Evolution in India. Madras: The "Hindu" Office. 1912. Pp. 369.

[This volume, by the Special Adviser for Industries and Commerce in Mysore, is a reprint of a number of articles on Indian industrial and economic questions. To be reviewed.]

DOBSON (G.), translated by. Company Fire Insurance in Russia, 1827-1910. 1912. Pp. 145. Large 4to., with


St. Petersburg.

[Published by the Tariff Committee of Russian Insurance Companies.]

HENRY (ROBERT). Who Pays? The Real Incidence of Taxation. London: George Allen. 1912. Pp. vii+76. 2s. 6d.

[With some eccentric diagrams.]

LEAKE (P. D.). The Use and Misuse of the Sinking Fund. London: Gee & Co. 1912. Pp. 19.

[A paper read before the Chartered Accountant Students' Society of London, dealing in part with the proper use of the sinking fund by municipal bodies.]

PRATT (E. A.). Agricultural Organisation: Its Rise, Principles, and Practice abroad and at home. London: P. S. King. 1912. Pp. 272. 38. 6d. net.

PROTHERO (R. E.). English Farming Past and Present. London: Longmans, Green. 1912. Pp. xiii+504. 12s. 6d. net.

[To be reviewed.]

SEATON (R. C.). Power v. Plenty: Some Thoughts on the Tariff Question. London: P. S. King. 1912. Pp. 164. 2s. 6d. net.

[Tariff Reform "represents the policy of Productive power-a policy whose aim it is to develop all the resources of a State with a view to national 'independence' as opposed to national interdependence." The treatment of the subject is common-place.]

SHADWELL (ARTHUR), Edited by. Nelson's Encyclopædia of Industrialism. London: Thomas Nelson. 1913. Pp. 543. 1s. net.

[The editor of this encyclopædia has followed the wise course of including a comparatively small number of separate articles, but each of substantial length and by a distinguished contributor. For example, there are articles on Capital and Cost of Living by Prof. Ashley, Wages by Mr. Bowley, Employers' Unions by Sir Hugh Bell, Methods of Industrial Peace by Prof. Chapman, Factory Law by Mr. J. H. Greenwood, Hours of Labour by Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, Strikes by Prof. Nicholson, Labour and Politics by Mr. Philip Snowden. To be reviewed.]

THOMSON (MARY HORNER). Environment and Efficiency: A Study in the Records of Industrial Schools and Orphanages. With a Preface by J. Rendel Harris. London: Longmans, Green. 1912. Pp. viii+100. 2s. net.


[Birmingham Studies in Social Economics and Adjacent Fields. I. Studies in this Series," which is under the editorship of Prof. W. J. Ashley, "are the outcome of the inquiries of students working for the Social Study Higher Diploma or for the Higher Degrees of the University of Birmingham. To be reviewed.]

[ocr errors]

Trades for London Boys and How to Enter Them. Revised with additions. London: Longmans, Green. 1912. Pp. 204. 18. net. [Compiled by the Apprenticeship and Skilled Employment Association. valuable handbook of practical details in regard to a great number of trades.]


WALSH (ROBERT). The Principles of Industrial Economy, illustrated by an inquiry into the comparative benefits conferred on the State and on the Community by Free Trade and Fair Trade or Moderate Protection. London: P. S. King. 1912. Pp. xiv +257. 6s. net.

[An advocacy of Protection. The author contends that, if all the wheat required by the United Kingdom were grown within the country, this would lead to an additional creation of wealth amounting annually to £64,922,946.]

WATSON (ALFRED WILLIAM). Friendly Society Finance considered in its actuarial aspect. London: C. & E. Layton.

Pp. v+132.

[Lectures delivered at the Institute of Actuaries, 1911–12.]


WINDER (PHYLLIS D.). The Public Feeding of Elementary School Children: A Review of the General Situation, and an Inquiry into Birmingham experience. With a Preface by Norman Chamberlain. London: Longmans, Green. 1913. Pp. ix+84. 28. net. [Birmingham Studies in Social Economics. II. To be reviewed.]


COMAN (KATHARINE). Economic Beginnings of the Far West: How we won the land beyond the Mississippi. Vol. I. Explorers and Colonisers. Vol. II. American Settlers. New York: The Macmillan Co. 1912. Pp. xix + 418+ ix + 450. 17s. net. [A readable rather than a learned work.] FARNAM (HENRY W.). Bibliography of the Department of Economics and Sociology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1912. Pp. 17.

[The Department has been engaged since 1903 on organising work entitled "Contributions to American Economic History." 238 monographs or parts of monographs have been prepared, 108 of which are unpublished. This is a complete list of the titles and authors of these monographs.]

MOULTON (HAROLD G.). Waterways versus Railways. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1912. Pp. xviii+468. $2 net.

[Reviewed above.]

PATTEN (SIMON N.). The Reconstruction of Economic Theory. Philadelphia: American Academy. 1912. Pp. 99.

[Supplement to The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November, 1912. The thesis of this very interesting essay is not easily summarised. To be reviewed.]


Railway Economics. Chicago: University Press. 12s. net.

1912. Pp.

[A collective catalogue of books in fourteen American libraries, prepared by the Bureau of Railway Economics, Washington, D.C.]


Railroads: Rates and Regulations. London: Longmans, Green. 1913. Pp. xviii+659. 148. net.

[An important and comprehensive treatise, to be followed shortly by a companion volume on Railways: Finance and Organization. To be reviewed.]

STEVENS (WILLIAM S.), Edited by. Industrial Combinations and Trusts. New York: The Macmillan Co. 1913. Pp. xiv+593. 8s. 6d. net.

[A collection of first-hand materials, which aims at putting within the reach of students the original documents relating to "Pooling, Trust, Factors', and International Agreements; court decisions and laws against Trusts; Trust methods of fixing prices, eliminating competition, and restraining trade; the dissolution plans of dissolved Trusts; lease and license agreements of representative patent monopolies; and the views of eminent business and professional men." To be reviewed.]

UPSON (LENT DAYTON). Sources of Municipal Revenue in Illinois. Illinois: The University. 1912. Pp. 126. 75 cents.

[University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences.]


BELLOM (MAURICE). La Définition Légale del 'Invalidité en matière d'Assurance Sociale: Recherche d'une formule. Paris: Rousseau. 1912. Pp. 28.

[Based on a comparison of the practice of different countries.]

FISCHEL (MARCEL-MAURICE). Le Thaler de Marie-Thérèse : Étude de Sociologie et d'Histoire Économique. Paris: Giard & Brière. 1912. Pp. xxi + 208. Fr. 5.

[To be reviewed.]


La Gestion par l'Etat et les municipalités. Paris Félix Alcan. 1913. Pp. viii+437. Fr. 3.50.

[Reviewed above.]

MAHAIM (ERNEST). Le Droit international ouvrier. Paris: Sirey. 1913. Pp. 385. Fr. 6.

[Lectures delivered before the Faculty of Law in the University of Paris. To be reviewed.]

MATAJA (VICTOR). La Réclame dans ses rapports avec les Affaires et le Public. Paris: Polmoss. 1912. Pp. 77. Fr. 2. [Translated from the German. Reviewed above.]

NOGARO (BERTRAND). Éléments d'Économie politique: Production-Circulation. Paris: Giard. 1913. Pp. vii +388. Fr. 6. [A text book, primarily intended for French law students in their first and second years.]

No. 89.-VOL. XXIII.


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