
MUELLER (Phil.): Miracula et Mysteria Chymico-Medica.
MUETTER (Thos. D.): A Lecture on Club-Foot.


Philad., 1839.

Philad., 1843.

Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery. MULDER (Ger. J.): The Chemistry of Vegetable and Animal Physiology: Eng. by Fromberg: Notes by Johnston. Parts I-IV. Parts I-IV. Edinb., 1845-9. Liebig's Question to Mulder tested by Morality and Science: Fromberg.

De Wijn Scheikundig beschouwd.

: ―: Eng. : Jones.

MUNDE (Carl): Hydrotherapie.

MUNDELLA (Aloysius): Epistolæ Medicinales.

Theatrum Galeni, sive Index in omnes Galeni Libros.

Edinb., 1846.

Rotter., 1855.

Lond., 1857.

Leip., 1841.

Lugd., 1556.

Basil., 1568.

Lugd., 1551.

MUNDINUS: Curtii Comment. in ejus Anatomen.
MUNDY (Henry): Commentarii de Aere Vitali, de Esculentis, et de Potu-

lentis. 2 copies.

Oxford, 1680.

MUNFORD (Geo.): A List of Flowering Shrubs growing Wild in Western


MUNNICKS (Joan.): De Urinis.

Praxis Chirurgica. 2 copies.

Lond., 1841.

Trajecti, 1674.

Ultraj., 1689.

MURATORI (Lod. Ant.): Del Governo della Peste: Relazione della Peste

di Marsiglia.

Roma, 1743.

MURCHISON (Chas.): On the Continued Fevers of Britain. Lond., 1862.


Lond., 1873.

Lond., 1868.

Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Liver, Jaundice, and Abdominal

See Falconer (Hugh).

MURCHISON (Sir Roderick I.): On the Silurian Rocks of the South of


Lond., 1851.

Siluria-the History of the oldest known Rocks containing Organic
Remains, with a Sketch of the Distribution of Gold.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

MURPHY (Pat. J.): Practical Observations showing that Mercury is the

Sole Cause of Secondary Symptoms.

Lond., 1839. Edinb., 1801.

MURRAY (Adolphus): A Description of the Arteries.
MURRAY (Aw.): The Geographical Distribution of Mammals. Lond., 1866.
MURRAY (Jas.): A Dissertation on the Influence of Heat and Humidity,

with Practical Observations on the Inhalation of Iodine and various Vapours in Consumption, Asthma, and other Diseases. Lond., 1829. MURRAY (John), M.D.: A System of Chemistry. 4 vols. Edinb., 1806-7.

[blocks in formation]

A System of Materia Medica and Pharmacy. 2 vols.

Edinb., 1809.

Edinb., 1813.

Elements of Chemical Science applied to the Arts and Manufactures.

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MURRAY (John), M.D.: A Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption Lond.,1831.

A Memoir on the Diamond.

The Physiology of Plants.

A Manual of Experiments illustrative of Chemistry.

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Lond., 1833.

MURRAY (John): Report of the Privy Council in the Case of Wm. Rough, President of the Court of Civil and Criminal Justice, Demerara, against

John Murray, late Lieutenant-General of Demerara.

MURRAY (John A.): Opuscula Medica et Naturalia.

Apparatus Medicaminum: Althof. 5 vols.

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Goett., 1785.

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MURRAY (Wm.): A General View of the Agriculture of the Central High

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Exeter, 1707.

MUSGRAVE (Wm.): De Arthridite Anomala.

MUSHET (Rob.): On the Effect of the Issues of the Bank of England upon its own Interests, Public Credit, and Country Banks. Lond., 1826. MUSHET (Wm. B.): A Practical Treatise on Apoplexy, with an Essay on Nervous Apoplexy, on Congestion of the Brain, and Serous Effusion.

Lond., 1866. MUSITANUS (Car.): Opera Medica, Chirurgica, &c. 2 vols. Geneva, 1716. Chirurgia Theoretico-Practica, seu Trutina Chirurgico-Physica.

Col. Allob., 1698.

: De Febribus: Pyrotechnia Sophica: Celeberrimorum Virorum

Col. Allob., 1701.

Apologiæ pro ejus Trutina. MUSPRATT (Sheridan): Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. MUYS (Joan.): Praxis Medico-Chirurgica Rationalis: Decades I-V.

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Lond., 1860.

Lugd. Bat., 1685.

Amst., 1695.

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MUYS (Wyerus G.): De Salis Ammoniaci ad Febres Intermittentes Usu.

Franeq., 1716.

MYLIUS (Joan. D.): Opus Medico-Chymicum, sive Basilica Medica, Chymica,

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MYNSICHT (Hadrianus a): Thesaurus et Armamentarium Medico

Chymicum Appendix de Aureo Philosophorum Lapide. Francof., 1675. MYREPSUS (Nic.): De Compositione Medicamentorum: Lat. a Fuchsio :

H. Stephanus. 2 copies.

Paris, 1567.


NACHTLIEB (Hildebrand): Allgemeines Volkschulen Krebsbuechlein. Nuernberg, 1834. NAEGELE (Franz C.): Des Principaux Vices de Conformation du Bassin, et spécialement du Rétrécissement Oblique: Notes: Danyau.

[blocks in formation]

A Essay on the Mechanism of Parturition: Rigby. NAEGELE (Herm. F.): Die Lehre vom Mechanismus

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Paris. Lond., 1829. der Geburt, und

Mainz, 1838. Manchester, 1849.

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Lond., 1839.

NAISMITH (John): A General View of the Agriculture of Clydesdale.

2 copies.

Brentford, 1794.

NANCELIUS (Nic.): Analogia Microcosmi ad Macrocosmon. Paris, 1611. NANNIUS (Petrus): Miscellanea.

NANNONI (Angelo): Dissertazioni Chirurgiche.
NAPLES: Giornale Medico Napolitano. Vols. I-IX.

Lovanii, 1548.

Parigi, 1748.

Napoli, 1823-5.

Napoli, 1837-42.

Annali Clinici dell' Ospedale degl' Incurabili, 1837-38, 1840-42.

Lond., 1868.

NAPOLEON I: The Code Napoleon: Mackenna. Book I. Lond., 1833.
NAQUET (A.): The Principles of Chemistry: Cortis.
NARDIUS (Joan.): Lactis Physica Analysis.

Noctes Geniales.

Florent., 1634.

Bonon., 1656.

NARES (John): A Summary of the Law of Penal Convictions. Lond., 1814. NASMYTH (Alex.): Researches on the Development, Structure, and Diseases

of the Teeth.

3 copies.

Lond., 1839-49.
Three Memoirs on the Development and Structure of the Teeth and
Lond., 1841.

NATURE: Natura Exenterata, or Nature Unbowelled, containing 1720


L'Auteur de la Nature: [Boissy]. 3 vols.

Nature, a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science.

Lond., 1655.

Paris, 1782. Vols. I

Lond., 1870

NAUMANN (Carl F.): Lehrbuch der Geognosie. Vols. I- Leip., 1858—

Leip., 1874.

Elemente der Mineralogie.

NAVY: A List of Medical Officers of the Fleet, with the Dates of their First


Lond., 1844.

Naval Medical Officers, "Everything about them," for Medical Students,
especially of the Scottish Universities.
Edinb., 1866.

NAYLER (Geo.): A Practical and Theoretical Treatise on the Diseases of the Skin.

Lond., 1874.

NEALE (Adam): Researches to establish the truth of the Linnæan Doctrine

of Animate Contagions.

Lond., 1831.

NEANDER (Joan.): Tabacologia.

Ultraj., 1644. NEEDHAM (J. P.): Facts and Observations relative to the Cholera in York.

Lond., 1833.
NEEDHAM (Walter): Disquisitio Anatomica de Formato Fœtu.Lond., 1667.
NEES VON ESENBECK (Christ. G.): See Esenbeck.
NEILL (John): Outlines of the Arteries, with Descriptions.
Outlines of the Nerves, with Short Descriptions.

NEILL (Pat.): The Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden.
NELATON (Aug.): Eléments de Pathologie Chirurgicale.

Philad., 1845.

Vols. I—

Philad., 1845.

Edinb., 1838.

Paris, 1868

Dublin, 1844.

Dublin, 1858.

Dublin, 1852.

Dublin, 1855.

NELIGAN (John M.): Medicines, their Uses and Mode of Administration.

A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin.
Atlas for Cutaneous Diseases.

NEMNICH (Phil. A.): Lexicon Nosologicum Polyglotton: Lat. Ger. Belg.

Dan. Suec. Angl. Gall. Ital. Hisp. Lusit.: Ger. Lat.

Belg. Lat. : Dan.

Lat. Suec. Lat. Angl. Lat. : Gall. Lat. Ital. Lat.
Lusit. Lat. 2 copies.

Hisp. Lat. : Hamb., 1801.

NERVES: Scriptores Neurologici Minores Selecti. 4 vols. Lipsiæ, 1791-5. Documents and Dates of Modern Discoveries in the Nervous System: [Walker].

NESSEL (Edm.): On the Medicinal Spa Waters.: Fr. Eng.
NEUBAUER (C.) and Vogel: A Guide to Analysis


NEUCRANTZIUS (Paulus): De Purpura.

Lond., 1839.

Lond., 1714.

of the Urine:

Lond., 1863.

Francof., 1660.

NEUMANN (Caspar): His Chemical Works Abridged, with Notes: Lewis.

: Lewis. 2 vols.

Lond., 1759.

Lond., 1773.

Lond., 1836.

NEVILLE (Wm. B.): The Nature, Causes, and Cure of Insanity.

Wash., 1857.

NEWBERRY (J. S.): Reports on the Botany and Zoology of Explorations for Railroad Routes in California and Oregon. The U, S. Sanitary Commission in the Valley of the Mississippi, 1861-66.

Cleveland, 1871.

Lond., 1671.

NEWCASTLE (Wm., Duke of): Méthode Nouvelle et Invention Extraordinaire de Dresser les Chevaux. NEWLAND (John): The Practice of the Court of Chancery, with Forms of Proceedings. 2 vols.

2 vols.

NEWMAN (Edw.): The Grammar of Entomology.

Lond., 1819.

Lond., 1830.

Lond., 1835.

NEWNHAM (W.): An Essay on the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of

[blocks in formation]

NEW YORK: The New York Journal of Medicine and Surgery.

The New York Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Vols.


Vol. VIII.

NEW YORK: Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York.
New York, 1867.
Medical, Surgical, and Obstetrical Statistics of the Bellvue and Charity
Hospitals of New York, 1870.
New York, 1871.

NICANDER: Alexipharmaca: Gr. Lat. Nota: Gorræus.

Paris, 1549.

[blocks in formation]

Paris, 1839.

NICARD (M. J.): Etudes sur la Vie et les Travaux de M. de Blainville.

NICHOLSON (Henry A.): A Manual of Zoology. 2 copies. Edinb., 1871. NICHOLSON (Wm.): The First Principles of Chemistry.

A Dictionary of Chemistry. 2 vols.

NICKLES (J.): See Chemistry.

NICOL (Jas.): A Guide to the Geology of Scotland.

Lond., 1792.

Lond., 1795.

Edinb., 1844.

Edinb., 1849.

NICOLAS (Sir Harris): Report of the Proceedings on the Claim to the Earl

A Manual of Mineralogy.

dom of Devon in the House of Lords: Notes.

Lond., 1832.

NICOLAUS: Antidotarium, cum Glossis Platearii et Expositione Joannis de Sancto Amando.

Venet., 1558.


Venet., 1602.

NIEMEYER (Felix von): Clinical Lectures on Pulmonary Consumption:


Lond., 1870.

A Text-Book of Practical Medicine: Humphreys and Hackley. 2 vols.
Lond., 1871.

NIEREMBERGIUS (Joan. E.): Historia Naturæ, maxime Peregrinæ :
De Miraculosis Naturis in Europa, et de iisdem in Terra Hebræis

Antv., 1635. Ebroduni, 1766.

NIETZKI (Adamus): Elementa Pathologiæ Universe. NIGHTINGALE (Florence): Notes on Hospitals, with the Evidence given by her to the Royal Commissioners on the State of the Army in 1857.

Lond., 1859.

Notes on Nursing, what it is and what it is not.

Lond., 1860.

Observations on the Evidence contained in the Stational Reports submitted to her by the Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Army in India. Lond., 1863. NIGRISOLUS (Fras. M.): Febris China China Expugnata, sive variorum Opuscula de Febribus China China Curandis : Notæ. Ferraria, 1700. NIHELL (Jas.): New Observations concerning the Prediction of various Crises by the Pulse. Lond., 1741. NISBET (Wm.): First Lines of the Theory and Practice in Venereal Diseases. Edinb., 1787.

On the History, Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Scrofula and Cancer.

Edinb., 1795.

Edinb., 1799.

The Clinical Guide: A Surgical Pharmacopoeia.
A Medical Guide for the Invalid to the Principal Watering-Places of
Great Britain.

Lond., 1804.

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