
Florenz, Dr. K. A. Zur Psychologie des japanischen Witzes, (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens vol. V [pt. 49] PP. 424-430), Yokohama, 4to, 1892. Fu-so-siù-jeô-siû.-A. Pfizmaier. Ueber die Sammlung der aufgelesenen Blaetter des Fusang; with extracts of the Japanese text in Katakana and Roman characters, German translation and notes (Sitzungsberichte d. philosoph.hist. Classe d. kaiserl. Akademie vol. 67 pp. 725 and foll.) 38 pp. 8vo, Wien, 1871.

Fu-sò-siù-jeô-siû. - Die aelteren Reisen nach dem Osten Japans, Extracts of the Japanese text in Katakana and Roman characters, with German translation and numerous notes by A. Pfizmaier, 98 pp. (Denkschriften d. philos.-histor.Classe d. kais. Akademie, vol. 31), imp. 4to, Wien, 1880 (Mk. 4.—). Futa-tsu-domo-e. Die Zeichnungen der zwei Pa, Jap. text in Kata-kana and Roman characters, with German translation and notes, ed. by A. Pfizmaier. 2 parts, 82 pp. each, (Sitzungsberichte der philosoph.-histor. Classe d. Kaiserl. Akademie d. Wissenschaften, vol. 88, pp. 19 and foll. and vol. 92 pp. 615 and foll.), roy. 8vo, Wien, 1877-78.

Futa-tsu-domo-e. Der Palast Josi-Teru's. Jap. text in Kata-kana and Roman characters with German translation and notes by A. Pfizmaier, 82 pp. (Sitzungsberichte d. philosoph.-histor. Classe d. Kaiserl. Akademie d. Wissenschaften, vol. 90 pp. 461 and foll.), roy. 8vo, Wien, 1878.

Forms a continuation to the "Zeichnungen der zwei Pa."

Gautier, J. Poèmes de la libellule, traduits du japonais d'après la version littérale de Mr. Saionzi, conseiller d'Etat de S. M. l'empereur du Japon, with illustrations by Yamamoto, 121 pp. 4to, Paris, printed by Gillot, 1885 (fr. 28.-).

Genji Monogatari, the most celebrated of the classical Japanese romances, translated into English by Suyematz Kenchio, XVI and 254 pp. 8vo, London, 1882. (7s 6ď).

Goh, Daigoro, The system of analysis and review of literary work in China and Japan, paper read before the International Congress of Orientalists, London in 1891. 15 pp.

Hering, Dr. O. Die Frauen Japans im Lichte der fuer sie bestimmten Litteratur. (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens vol. V [pt. 41] pp. 10-28), 4to, Yokohama, 1889.

Reprinted in the "Zeitschrift fuer Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft," vol. V [pts. 1. 2] pp. 15-28 and 101-112), 8vo, Berlin, 1890. Hoffner, Japanische Novellen (Westermann's Monatshefte, vol. 40 pp. 577592), 8vo, Braunschweig, 1876.

Hokusai, Fugaku Hiyaku-Kei, or a hundred views of Fuji (Fusiyama). Introductory and explanatory prefaces, with translations from the Japanese and description ot the plates, by F. V. Dickins, (3 parts of Japanese plates and text; one part English translation etc. pp. XXVIII and 70), 8vo, London, 1880.

“Hon-teu bu-yuu den”. Racconti di atti di valore eroico nel nostro impero, libretto di letteratura popolare giapponese. Japanese text in Chinese and Roman characters, with Italian translation by Prof. Carlo Valenziani, (Giornale della Societa Asiatica italiana, vol. VI, pp. 85-110), 8vo, Firenze, 1892. H'yak Nin Is' shiu. [Stanzas from a hundred poëts]. Translations from it into English verse, and a litteral translation with notes by a Medical Officer of the Royal Navy (Chinese and Japanese Repository, vol. III [Nos 20-28] Pp. 137-139, 185-187, 249-251, 296-299, 343-345, 389-394, 438-443, 484487, 537-538), 8vo, London, 1865.

Hyaku Nin Is' shiu, or stanzas by a century of poets being Japanese lyrical odes, Japanese text in Grasshand, with transliteration, English translation with explanatory notes and a full index by F. V. Dickins, IX +52 + XVIII + XV + 19 pp. 8vo, London, 1866 (75). Ije-no siû. Die japanischen Werke aus den Sammlungen der Haeuser, Extracts of the Japanese text in Katakana and Roman characters with German translation and notes by A. Pfizmaier, 88 pp. (Denkschriften d. philos.histor. Classe d. kais. Academie, vol. 31), imp. 4to, Wien, 1881 (Mk. 4.—).

Japanese editors, (Saturday Review, vol. 72 pp. 415 and foll.), London.
Japanese Literature and Art, (Art. Journal vol. 23 p. 160 and foll.), London.
Japanese Love-story, (London Society, vol. 31, p. 138 and foll.).
Japanese miniature odes.

(Cornhill Magazine vol. 36 p. 72 and foll.), 8vo, London, 1877

(Eclectic Magazine vol. 89 p. 362 and foll.), New York.

Japanese sonnets [uta]. Japanese text in Roman character with English translation and notes, (The Phoenix, vol. III pp. 145-146, 177-178), 4to, London, 1871-72.

Japanese story. (Cornhill Magazine, vol. 44 p. 345 and foll.), 8vo, London, 1881. Japanesiske Eventyr, [i. e. Japanese tales], illustrated in the Japanese style parts and following, 8vo, Kjøbenhavn, 1888 [?] and foll.

Japanische Zeitungspresse, (Archiv f. Post und Telegraphie 1888 [No 9] pp. 281-283), Berlin.

Kamon-No-Kami, De avonturen van Fô. Een Japansch verhaal met 5 platen 216 pp. 8vo, 's Gravenhage, 1888 (flor. 1.50c). Kioden's historischer Roman "Der treue Ritter Uto Yasukata [die Empoerung des Masakado im IXtm Jahrhundert behandelnd] nebst biographischen Bemerkungen ueber den Verfasser und andere zeitgenoessische Schriftsteller des 18ten Jahrhunderts (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Naturund Voelkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokio, vol. V [pt. 46] pp. 282-284), 4to, Yokohama, 1891.

Kiu-ô Dau-wa. Extracts of it translated from the Japanese into French by comte Ch. de Montblanc. (Mémoires de la Société des études jap. etc. vol. II 135-154), 8vo, Paris, 1878.

Kokinwakashu. - Altjapanische Fruehlingslieder aus der Sammlung Kokinwakashu, translated into German with notes by R. Lange, XXII, 112 pp. 8vo, Berlin, 1884. (3 Mk.).

Kokinwakashu.-Sommergedichte aus der Sammlung Kokinwakashu, Jap. text in Sosho and in Roman characters with a German translation and numerous grammatical and other explanatory notes by R. Lange, (Toung Pao, vol. II [pt. 3] pp. 179-207 and 15 pp. Japanese text) royal 8vo, Leide, 1891. Kokinwakashu.-Altjapanische Winterlieder aus dem Kokinwakashu, Japanese Text in Sosho, transliteration and German translation, with a Vocabulary and Notes by Dr. A. Gramatzky. (Toung Pao vol. III [pt. 4] pp. 323380 and 13 pp. Japan. text) 8vo, Leide, 1892.

Kudriaffsky, E. von, Japan und seine Litteratur. (Ausland, 1873 No 38) 4to, Stuttgart.

Kuseki, O. The Azuma Nagori, with illustrations. Tokio, 1885.

La curiosità di Jocohama, Japanese text with translation in Roman characters and Italian translation by A. Severini, 8vo, (Collezione scolastica della Accademia Orientale di R. Istituto di Studi Superiori Pratici).

Part. I, containing photolithographic facsimile of the text with illustrations, 52 pp. 1878 (liras 3.—).

Parts II and III, containing transliteration, Italian translation and notes, 12+86 pp. 1884.

Langegg, F. A. Junker von, Midzuho-gusa. Segenbringende Reisaehren. Nationalroman und Schilderungen aus Japan, translated into German.

Vol. I: Vasallentreue, 8vo, Leipzig, 1880. (Mk. 4.50 pf).

For English and other editions of this work see under Chiushingura." Vol. II: Schilderungen aus Japan, VI 417 pp. 8vo, Leipzig, 1880. (Mk. 6.50 pf).

Vol. III: Schilderungen aus Japan, VI 474 pp. 8vo, Leipzig, 1880. (Mk. 7.50 pf).

Literarisches ueber China und Japan. (Magazin fuer die Literatur des Inund Auslandes vol. 46 pt. 20) 4to, Leipzig, 1877. Makura-sô-zi, das Polsterschreibebuch oder "Faru-no ake-bono" die Morgendaemmerung des Fruehlings [written at the end of the X Century A. D.] Extracts of it under the title "Die Aufzeichnungen der jap. Dichterin Sei Seô-Na-Gon", Jap. text with transliteration in Roman characters, German translation and notes by Dr. A. Pfizmaier, 74 pp. (Sitzungsberichte d. philos.-hist. Classe d. kaiserl. Akademie vol. 81 pp. 7-78), 8vo, Wien, 1875.

Man-jeô-siù [or Joródzu-no fa-no atsŭme]. Gedichte aus der Sammlung der "Zehntausend Blaetter," Text in Sinico-Japanese, with Roman transliteration, German translation, numerous notes and introduction by Dr. A. Pfizmaier, 92 pp. (Denkschriften d. philos.-histor. Classe d. kais. Academie, vol. 21). 4to, Wien, 1872.

Man-yeo-siu. — Five poëms from it. Japanese text in facsimile [on 8 plates], and in Roman characters with French translation by Imamura Warau (Compte-rendu du Congrès international des Orientalistes à Paris en 1873, vol. I pp. 273-279), 8vo, 1874.

Man-yô-siû. Antique anthologie japonaise translated into French by Matunami Masa-nobu, pt. I (Mémoires de la Société des études jap. etc. vol. IV [No 1] pp. 5-16) pt. II (ibidem vol. IV [No 3] pp. 202-211) and pt. III (ibidem vol. VII [No 4] pp. 203-211), 8vo, Paris, 1885-88.

Matu-nami, Sur l'ancienne littérature japonaise. (Mémoires de la Société des études japon. vol. IV [pt. I] pp. 56-57), 8vo, Paris, 1885.

Matu-nami, Masa-Nobu. Isi-kawa Go-yé-mon et les voleurs du Japon with plate (Le Lotus. Mémoires de la Société sinico-jap., vol. VII [pt. 3] pp. 183-189), 8vo, Paris, 1888.

Modern Japanese stories (Belgravia, vol. 37 p. 183 and foll.) London.
Mori, Dr. Rintaro, Ueber eine neue Richtung der japanischen Litteratur (Von
West nach Ost No 3.)

Motoori, Norinaga, Dei Jasogami e Camicoto cioè la leggenda dei molti fratelli congiurati ai danni di uno e le cinque più antiche poesie giapponesi, episodio del Racconto dei Fatti Antichi preceduto da un saggio di critica della storia giapponese (Bollettino italiano degli studii orientali vol. II pp. 429-476), 8vo, Firenze, 1877-82.

Nageki-no kiri.-Der Nebel der Klage; ein japanesisches Zeitbild, Japanese text in Roman characters with German translation and introduction by A. Pfizmaier, 2 pts. 96 and 84 pp. (Denkschriften d. philos.-hist. Classe d. k. Akademie, Wien, vols. 26 and 27), 4to, 1876-77.

Nicolay, C. Die beiden Maler. Eine japanische Geschichte aus dem Anfange des 17ten Jahrhunderts. (Aus allen Zeiten und Landen vol. II pp. 321-338, 433-460, 529-552), 4to, Gera, 1884.

North, L. The Literature of Japan. (The Churchman 1888 April 21st p. 491 and foll.). New York.

Ode from the Japanese (Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 8, pp. 613). 1821.

Pfizmaier, A., Beitrag zur Kenntniss der aeltesten japanischen Poesie, (Sitzungsberichte d. philos.-histor. Classe der kais. Akademie, vol. III, pp. 315329 and 386-406), Wien, 8vo, 1849 (Title in "Pagès, Bibliogr. jap." No 603 incorrect).

Pfizmaier, A., Les trois soirées de la poésie japonaise with facsimile of the text on a plate. (Compte-rendu du Congrès international des Orientalistes à Paris en 1873, vol. I pp. 240-245), 8, 1874.

Pfoundes, C., The popular literature of Old Japan; (Transaction Royal Society of Literature, 1881), London.

Abridged in Chrysanthemum, vol. I pp. 300-301, Yokohama, 1881. Protche de Viville, J. (Mme Protche née Jos. de Viville), Le Sosie, conte japonais, with 14 illustrations by V. A. Poirson, 77 pp., 4to, Paris, 1889. (fr. 1.25€).

Purcell, Dr. T. A. and W. G. Aston, A literary lady of Old Japan (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan vol. XVI [pt. III] pp. 215-224), 8vo, Yokohama, 1888.

Riutei Tanefico [Novellist of the first half of the present century], Uki yo gata roku-mai-biyau-bu. Sechs Wandschirme in Gestalten der vergaenglichen Welt; ein japanischer Roman im Originaltexte sammt den Facsimiles von 57 japanischen Holzschnitten, translated into German by A. Pfizmaier, pp. XIV. 40, and 80, 8vo, Wien 1847.

Also published under the title: A. Pfizmaier, Jap. Chrestomathie, I. [for which see page 78 of this Bibliography].

Riu-Tei Tane-Hico, Uomini e Paraventi, a Japanese story, translated into Italian, by A. Severini, 32mo, Firenze, 1872.

Riutei Tanefico, Komats et Sakitsi ou le rencontre de deux nobles cœurs dans une pauvre existence. [Uki yo gata roku mai byau bou]. Nouvelles scènes de ce monde périssable exposées sur six feuilles de paravant. Japanese text in Chinese characters, transliteration in Roman characters and French translation by F. Turrettini, 5 + 15 + 180 pp. aud 4 plates (Ban Zai Sau, sheets 73-102 of vols. II and III), royal 8vo, Genève, 1875-76. Riutei, Tanefico, Misawo the Japanese girl, translated from the Japanese by the Rev. S. C. Malan (The Phoenix, vol. I pp. 157-163, 196-199, 208-213), 4to, London, no date [1870-71].

Riutei Tanefico, Komats and Sakitsi. Esame critico delle traduzioni dell' Uki-yo kata roku-mai fiyau-fu di A. S[everini]. (Bollettino italiano degli studii orientali, vol. I pp. 28-32, 73-77, 105-113, 250-252, 271-279, 346-351, 371378, 405-409), 8vo, Firenze, 1876-77.

Romance in Japan.

(National Review, vol. 12 p. 340 and foll.), London.

(Eclectic Magazine, vol. 53 p. 299 and foll.), New-York).

Rosny, L. de, La littérature des Japonais. Conférence faite à l'Ecole des langues orientales. (Revue de linguistique, vol. XIII, April 15th), 25 pp. 8vo, Paris, 1880.

Rosny, L. de, Les bibliophiles et les livres rares de l'extrême orient [regarding Chinese und Jap. books] (Le Livre, 1884 p. 724 and foll.), Paris.

Rosny, L. de, Distiques populaires de Nippon. Extrait du Gi-retu Hyakunin is-syu, translated from the Japanese (Mém. de la Soc. des études japon., chin. etc., vol. II pp. 99-112), 8vo, Paris, 1878.

Rosny, L. de, Note sur la poëtesse Ko-mati (Lotus: Mémoires de la Société des études jap. etc., vol. VI pp. 51-53), 8vo, Paris, 1887. Siaku-geô-kò, Die Reise zu dem Berge Fu-Zi [1432 A. D.] Jap. text in Katakana and Roman characters with German translation and notes, by A. Pfizmaier, 82 pp. (Sitzungsberichte d. kais. Akademie d. Wissenschaften, philol.-histor. Classe, vol. 96 pp. 557 and foll.), roy. 8 o. Wien, 1880. Siaku-zô-moto-i, Kuma-no-no ki-giò. - Die Wanderung eines japanischen Bonzen [aus dem dritten Bande der "Sammlung der aufgelesenen Blaetter der Fusang"] Japanese text in Katakana aud Roman characters with German translation and notes by A. Pfizmaier [Sitzungsberichte d. philos.histor. Classe d. kaiserl. Akademie, vol. 68, p. 7 and foll.), 32 pp. 8vo, Wien, 1871.

Simidso-sedji, Recits japonais, translated into French by R. Lindau. (Revue des Deux Mondes May, 1st 1870), 8vo, Paris. Taketori Monogatari oder das Maedchen aus dem Monde, Japanese text in facsimile with German translation, by R. Lange, 37 pp. 8vo, Yokohama, 1879. Reprinted from the "Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Natur- and Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. II [pt. 17] pp. 303-318", 4to, Yokohama, 1879. Taketori Monogatari ossia la fiaba del Nonno Tagliabambù, a Japanese work written in the IXth Century, part I containing an Italian translation with notes by A. Severini, 88 pp., 8vo, Firenze, 188. (liras 2.-) part II. [ever pub?] (Published in the "Collezione scolastica della Accademia Orientale di R. Istituto di Studi Superiori". Taketori no Okina no Monogatari (Old Bamboo Hewer's Story), the Earliest of the Japanese Romances, written in the 10th Century, translated, with observations and notes, by F. V. Dickins, with 3 chromo-lithographic illustrations taken from Japanese Makimono, to which is added the original text in Roman, with Grammar, Analytical Notes and Vocabulary, 8vo cloth, pp. 118. London 1888. (7s 6ď). Taketori no Okina no Monogatari.

Story of the Old Bamboo Hewer: a Japanese romance of the Xth Century, translated with notes etc. by F. V. Dickins, with 3 plates (Journal Royal Asiatic Society London, New Ser. vol. XIX [pt. I] pp. 1-58), 8vo, 1887.

Tami-no Nigivai. L'activité humaine. Contes moraux part I [all published], Japanese text, with transliteration in Roman characters and French translation by F. Turrettini, 55 pp. with engravings, (Atsume Gusa vol. I, sheets 410), 4to, Genève 1871.

Tchou-Chin-Goura ou une vengeance japonaise. A Japanese novel translated into French by A. Dousdebès, with many illustrations by Japanese artists. 232 pp., 8vo, Paris, 1886. (fr. 12.-).

For English translation see under "Chiushingura”.

For German translation see under "Langegg, Midzuho-gusa, vol. I". Turner, W. W. Account of a Japanese romance with an introduction, (Journal American Oriental Society, vol. II pp. 27-54), 8vo, New York (now New Haven, U. S. A.), 1851.

Valenziani, Sul letterato giapponese Kaïbara Yosi-Kuru e sulla sua opera Kotowaza-gusa. (Reale Accad. Lincei, Rendi-Conti 1892 p. 167). Roma. Wa-Kan San-sai-du-ye. A. Rémusat Notice sur l'encyclopédie japonoise [Wa-kan san-sai du-ye] et sur quelques ouvrages du même genre, 187 pp., 4to, Paris, 1827. (Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale vol. XI part I). Wa-Kan San-Sai Tu-Ye.-Enciclopedia sinico-giapponese. Notizie estratte dal Wa-Kan San-Sai Tu-Ye" sulla religione, gli usi, i costumi, la storia, l'etnologia e la geografia della Cina e del Giappone per Carlo Puini, parte prima, sezione prima: Buddismo 84 pp. (Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto di Studi Superiori pratice e di perfezionamento in Firenze: Sezione di filosofia e filologia, vol. II pt. 1), pp. 67-151 8vo, Firenze, 1876 (liras 4.—). Wedderburn, Sir D. A Japanese Romance. (Fortnightly Review, vol. 31, pp. 273-289), 8vo, London, 1879.

White, C. A. Classical Litterature, principally Sanscrit, Greek and Roman, with some account of the Persian, Chinese and Japanese, in the forms of sketches of authors and specimens from translations of their works, XVIII and 431 pp. 12mo, New York, 1877 ($ 2.50c).

Yamato-Monogatari.—B. H. Chamberlain. The maiden of Unahi. (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan vol. VI [pt. I] pp. 106-118), 8vo, Yokohama, 1878. Yoshida, G. Belles du matin. A Japanese novel written in French, 348 pp. 12mo, Paris, 1892.

Zeitungen in Japan. (Leipziger Zeitung 1889 Nos 4 and 5 Wissenschaftliche Beilage).


a. General works and chronology.-b. History of Old Japan up to Perry's Expedition, including Mythology, Cosmogony etc. c. History of the relations of Japan with other nations up to 1854. [For History of Early Travels aud Early Missions see pages 36-38 and 59-61 respectively]. —d. History of modern Expeditions sent to Japan by European and American Governments. —e. History of Modern Japan since 1854. [For treaties with Foreign Governments see under "International Law."]

[blocks in formation]

Adams, F. O. The history of Japan from the earliest period to the present time, with maps, 2 vols, 8vo, London, 1874-75. (£ 2. 2—).

Adams, F. O. Geschichte von Japan von den fruehesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart, translated from the English into German by E. Lehmann, vol. I [all published]: Bis zum Jahre 1864, XV and 468 pp. with a map and 2 plans, 8vo, Gotha, 1876. (Mk. 12.-).

Appert, G. et H. Kinoshita, Ancien Japon. 252 pp. with plate and large map. 8vo, Tokyo, 1888. ($ 3.50c).

Contents: Lecture des dates.-Liste alphabétique des empereurs, des shoguns, des nengos, des daimyos et des châteaux. - Liste des peintres.Dictionnaire des institutions, coutûmes et des personnages de l'ancien Japon. Beaumont, F. M. M. de, Beautés de l'histoire de la Chine, du Japan et des Tartares, ou tableau des principaux événements de l'histoire de ces peuples..., la religion, les mœurs et le commerce de ces pays. 2 vols, with 12 plates, 12mo, Paris, 1818.

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