
1At the exit she waves her hand her left hand-to Bassanio up R. Nerissa does the same business to Gratiano, following Portia up R.

2 At the end of the scene Antonio's friends surround him, and take him off to have a good time.

The Clerks are still writing when scene finishes. If Elizabethan, they gather up the tables, stools, papers, etc., and take them off with much animation. Be very careful to have all such details thoroughly carried out.

On a scenic stage this is the end of the Fourth Act. Curtain falls. There may be a little distant music.

For giving it to me.1 Well, peace be with you! [Exeunt Portia and Nerissa.

Ant. L C. My Lord Bassanio, let him have the ring:

Let his deservings and my love withal

Be valued against your wife's commandment. Bass. C. Go, Gratiano, run and overtake him;

Give him the ring, and bring him, if thou canst, Unto Antonio's house: away! make haste.

[Exit Gratiano off up R. Come, you and I will thither presently; And in the morning early will we both Fly toward Belmont:2 come, Antonio.



In setting the scenes the platform and steps can be used all through the comedy — in all the full


On scenic stage, lights lowered: to moonlight. 1Lorenzo and Jessica should be looking out over the terrace. He is on her left side.

[blocks in formation]


SCENE I. Belmont. Avenue to PORTIA's house.

Enter LORENZO and JESSICA on platform

Lor.1 The moon shines bright: in such a night as this,

When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees, And they did make no noise.

Jes. In such a night

Did Thisbe fearfully o'ertrip the dew

And saw the lion's shadow ere himself

And ran dismayed away.

Lor. In such a night

Stood Dido with a willow in her hand

Upon the wild sea banks and waft her love

To come again to Carthage.

Jes. In such a night

Medea gathered the enchanted herbs

That did renew old son.

Lor. In such a night

1Launcelot runs around smacking his whip and jumping. He carries a lantern.

In Elizabethan theatre lanterns and torches are carried to indicate night-time.

'He kisses his hand to Jessica, when Lorenzo runs across R after him; this brings Lorenzo to R of Jessica.

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