The Spinoza Conversations Between Lessing and Jacobi: Text with Excerpts from the Ensuing ControversyUniversity Press of America, 1988 - 174 pagina's Lessing's Spinozism looms up out of the numerous intellectual riddles of the past. Almost everything has been tried in an effort to sound and weigh the exact amount of Spinozism Lessing betrayed in his conversations with Jacobi. |
1 LessIngs Conversations with Jacob | 3 |
2 The Reliability of Jacobis Report | 16 |
3 Lessings Character | 18 |
4 Spinozism and Goethes Poem | 22 |
5 Jacobi and Lessings Spinozism | 27 |
6 Mendelssohn and Lessings Spinozism | 36 |
7 Lessings Panentheism | 46 |
8 The Lasting Ambivalence of Lessings Thought | 51 |
TEXTS | 63 |
M Mendelssohn Morgenstunden | 64 |
FH Jacobi Ober die Lehre des Spinoza | 78 |
M Mendelssohn An die Freunde Lessings | 126 |
H Jacobi Wider Mendelssohns Beschuldigungen | 150 |
161 | |
TABLES | 169 |
173 | |
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
The Spinoza Conversations Between Lessing and Jacobi: Text with Excerpts ... Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar - 1988 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
Altmann apodictically atheist Berlin Breslau cabbala Christian concepts concerning conversations with Jacobi conversations with Lessing conviction Daunicht defend deist demonstrated divinity doctrine Düsseldorf edition Education Elise Reimarus essay eternal everything existence expressed faith finite fragment Fragmentist Freiheit friend Elise friend Lessing German Gespräch God's Goethe Goethe's poem Gott Gotthold Ephraim Lessing H.S. Reimarus Hauptschriften Hemsterhuis Hen kai Pan Herr Jacobi ideas immanence infinite intent interpretation Jacobi and Mendelssohn Jacobi's account Jacobi's report Judaism Lehre des Spinoza Leibniz Lessing's character Lessing's Spinozism Lessing's thought matter metaphysical mind morality Morgenstunden Moses Mendelssohn Nathan natura naturans never panentheism panentheistic pantheism debate passage perfections philosophy present Prometheus poem rational refined pantheism revealed Rilla salto mortale Scholz seems sense soul speculative Spinoza conversations Spinoza's system Spinozist spirit statement theism Theodicy theology things thinking Timm totally transcendental unity truth understand Werke VIII Wolfenbüttel words write