
ju've nile (jū'vė nil), youthful. Lā ēr'tes (-tēz), brother to Ophelia in Shakespeare's "Hamlet." lard'ed (lärd), enriched. laud'able (ląd'à b'l), praiseworthy.

Mar seilles' (mär sälz'), the principal seaport town of France. me men'tos (-tōz), those things which recall to memory.

ru'ral (rural), pertaining to or

belonging to the country. Ruth'vēn (preferably Ruthin or Rhuthyn), a borough of Wales on the Clwyd.

sal'ly ing (săl'ly), bursting forth. Săl'må gŭn'di, a potpourri; a miscellany.

sanc'tion (sănk'shăn), to give authority to; to confirm.

men'ial (mēn'yal), a servant or sculp'tured (skŭlp'türd), carved ;

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Ork'ney (ôrk'nè) Islands, archi- so lic'i tude (so lis'i tūd), care;

pelago north of Scotland. o'siers (ō'zhērz), twigs of willow trees.

Ō'ver bury (-ber ĭ), Sir Thomas, an English poet and philosopher (1581-1613). pa'gan (pā'gan), one who wor

ships false gods; a heathen. pa'thos (pa'thos), that which

excites emotion and passion. peas'ant (pěz'ant), countryman; rustic.

pen'sive (-sĭv), thoughtful or sad. pil'grim (pil'grim), one who slowly and wearily treads his way.

pomp (pomp), brilliant display. pomp'ous (põmp'ŭs), stately. pre em'i nent (prẻ em'i nent), superior in excellence. pu'sillan'i mous (-lăn'i mŭs),

weak-spirited; cowardly. rev el ry (-rý), noise; festivity.


spi'cy (spi'sy), sharp; bright. spontaneous (spŏn tā'né ŭs), proceeding from natural feelings. Stăn'ley (-li), Esq., Thomas, an English poet and philosopher (1625-1678).

sub lime' (sub lim'), distinguished by lofty or noble traits. su per'flu ous (sú pēr'flú ŭs) useless; needless.

su'per in duced (-dūst), brought upon, added to something. sup plant'ed (-plănt), displaced or taken the place of. Sur'rey (sŭr'í), an agricultural county of England.

sym'pa thy (sim'på thỹ), kindness of feeling toward one who suffers.

Taylor (tā), Jeremy, an English

bishop and author(1613-1667).

tra duc'ed (trå dūst'), repre- | ben'e fi'cial (běn'ẻ fish'al), useful.

sented; exposed. tranquil (trăn/kwil), peaceful. trans late' (-lāt'), to change from one language to another.

trite (trīt), common by constant repetition.

cen ten'ni al (sen tèn'ní al), commemoration of an event that occurred a hundred years before.

Central Park, the great park of New York City.

un pol lu'ted (-pòl lū'ted), pure; cer'e mo ny (sĕr'e mo nỹ), forms of


vil'i fy (vil'i fi), traduce.

wan'ton (won'tăn), not regular; useless.

West min ster Ab bey, one of the finest churches of London, as well as of the world. Here all the kings and queens of England have been crowned since the time of Edward the Confessor, (1042-1066). Whĭt'sun tide (-s'n tid), the week commencing with Whit Sunday, the seventh Sunday after Easter.

with'er ing (with'er), losing fresh


civility prescribed by custom. commercial (kõm mēr'shal),

carrying on or occupied with commerce or trade. com mun'ion (kõm mūn'yŭn), intimate association. con'di ments (kon'di), something used to give relish to food. con serv'a to ry (kŏn sẽrv'à tỏ rỹ),

a house built especially for preserving plants and flowers. cul'ture (kŭl'tür), refinement in manner and taste.

de sign' (dê zin'), model; pattern. dig'ni fied (dig'ni fid), marked with dignity.

dis'ci pline (-plín), training.

zeal'ous ly (zěl'üs), with ardor dis tin'guished (dis tin'gwisht),

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ar tis'tic (är tis'tik), showing taste | in'flu en'tial (în'flū ĕn'shal), ex

or skill.

erting or possessing power.

jour'nal ism (jûr'nal ism), the act of editing or writing for a journal.

Maz zin'i (mät see'nee), an Italian patriot and revolutionist (1808-1872).

me dal’lion (mè dălyăn), a large medal.

med'i ta tive (měd'i ta tive), reflective.

mois'ture (mois'tür), a moderate degree of wetness.

or'na men ta'tion (-měn tā'shŭn), adorning.

per'ma nent (pēr’må nent), fixed; lasting.

project'ing (prð jěkt'), extending

beyond anything else.
(rèk'ré à'shŭn),

recre a'tion

sport; pastime. rev'er y (rěv ĕr y), a deep musing. ro bust' (ro bust'), indicating vig

orous strength.

is placed over a statue, which is removed with appropriate ceremonies at its completion. ven'er a ble (věn'ĕr å b'l), deserving of honor and respect. Williams College, a college founded in 1793. It is situated at Williamstown, Berkshire County, Massachusetts.


ac com'plished (ăk kom'plisht), effected; performed.

ad min'is tra'tion (ăd min'is trā'shun), term of an official service.

Ag'as siz (-a see), a Swiss natufalist, philosopher, and teacher of great eminence (1807-1873). am'a ranth (ăm'à rănth), an ornamental annual plant.

Roslyn (roz'lin), a town of Queens as'pho del (ǎs'fo del), a hardy

County, New York.

perennial plant.

sen'si tive (sen'sĩ tĭv), easily and au thor'i ties (a thor'i tiz), per sons exercising power or com mands.

acutely affected.

shackles, a ring or band enclosing

the wrist or ankle. stern'ness, state of being strict. sym met'ri cal (sim mět'ri kal),

proportionable in its form. Taylor (tā), Benjamin F., an American poet, author and newspaper correspondent of the present century. tes ti mo'ni al (-mō'ni al), something presented to a person as a token of respect. Than'a top'sis (-top'sis), a view of death. [image. typ'i fy (tip'i fi), represent by an un veil'ing (ŭn vāl′), uncovering.

Until entirely completed a veil

au'to graph (a'to gråf), a person'

own signature or writing. awed (ad), struck with fear or


back'woods'man, a man living in the forest, away from civilization. bal'us trade' (băl'ús trād'), a row

of balusters topped by a rail. ban dit'ti (băn dit'ti), outlaws. be hest' (be hěst'), command; injunction.

ben'e fact'or (běn'e făk'tĕr), one who confers a benefit. Bon'ni'vard (bo'ne/vär), François de, "The Prisoner of Chil


dis creet'ly (dis krēt'lý), prudently; cautiously.

lon," born in 1496. Impris- | dis cord'ant (dis kôrd'ant), not oned in the castle of Chillon for political reasons for six years. He died in 1570. boo'ty (boo'ty), plunder. bot'a ny (bot'ȧ ny), the science of plants.

Bow'doin (bō'den), a college situated in the town of Brunswick, Maine.

bru nette' (brụ nět'), a girl or woman having a somewhat dark complexion.

dis till'er ies (dis till'ēr iz), works
in which distillation, espe-
cially of alcoholic liquors, is
carried on.

dit'ties (dit'tiz), songs.
Ely'sian (ẻ lĩzh'an) Fields, the
Paradise or Happy Land of
the Greeks. Elysian means
happy or delightful.

bur'nished (bûr'nisht), glowing; en'ter tain'er (ĕn'tēr tān′ēr), one


who affords amusement.

Cas'co (kǎs'kō) Bay, a bay on the en'vel ope (ĕn'vělōp), the cover

coast of Maine.

ce les'tial (se lès chal), heavenly. chant'ed (chant'ed), recited in

measured musical tones. Chil'lon' (she'yon'), a castle or fortress on Lake Geneva, Switzerland, surrounded by deep water and connected with the mainland by a wooden bridge. clois'ter (klois'ter), a place for retirement from the world for religious duties.

com'pli men'ta ry (kõm'plí měn'tå ry), expressive of regard or praise.

or wrapper on a letter. fab'ric (făb'rik), manufactured cloth.

flam'ing (flām), brilliant; high-

flume (flūm), a stream.
for'a ger (for's jẽr), one who takes
without consent what he wants
or needs.

frig'ate (frig'åt), a war-ship.
fu ne're al (fù në're al), suiting a

goth'ic (goth'ĭk), a style of archi


harp (härp), a musical instrument.

couch (kouch), a place for repose Hěs'pér us, evening.

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Dăn'te, an Italian poet (1265-in struct'or (in struk'ter), a



ir res'o lute ly (ir rěz'ổ lūt lý), | resplendent (rẻ splěn’dent), very

without determination. Jū'nỏ, the sister and wife of Jupiter; the queen of Heaven. Kav'a nagh (-näh), a poem by Mr. Longfellow.

lauds (lądz), praises.

leg'is la'tor (leg'is lā'ter), one who makes laws for a country or



rev'er ent ly (rěv'er ent lý), with

respectful regard.

ro mance' (rò măns'), a tale of extravagant adventures of love and the like.

Rot'ter dăm', a manufacturing and commercial town of Germany.

li'bra ry (li'bră rỹ), a room in Si bē'ri a, a country of northern

which books are kept.

lin (lin), a pool of water.

lin'tel (lĭn'těl), the horizontal

Russia, in Asia.

sluggish (sluggish), having little motion.

teen lines.

cross-piece over any opening.som'bre (som'bēr), sad; grave. list'ed (list'ed), provided with an son'net (son'nět), a poem of fourenclosed field for combat. man'u scripts (măn't skripts), literary compositions written by the hand.

min'strel (min'strěl), one who subsists by the art of poetry and music.

squire (skwir), an armor-bearer who attended a knight. syl'van (sil'van), forest-like. tan'ner ies (tǎn'nēr iz), works where hides are tanned or made into leather.


molas'ses (mổ lås'sěz), a thick, ta'per (tā'pēr), a small wax can

dark-colored syrup.

Moore (mōr), Thomas, a famous
Irish poet (1780-1852).
(mōrn), grieving;


neck (něk), a long, narrow tract
of land stretching out into the
[stands in the way.
ob'sta cle (ob'stå k'l), that which
per'fume (per'fūm), a substance
that emits an agreeable odor.
Pēr'sian (-shan), from Persia, a
kingdom of Asia.
plov'ers (pluv'ērz), birds.
plum'age (plūm'aj), the entire

clothing of feathers of a bird. pol'len (pol/lĕn), the dust-like sub

stance of the anthers of flowers. pot'ter y (pot'těr y), place where earthen vessels are made.

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