Ladd's "Solace" Reclining Easy Chair. In Leather, $30 00. Without Book-Rest, $25 00. Folds perfectly flat for shipping. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL, CHURCH AND LODGE FURNITURE. Agency for Pacific Coast DOERRER'S ELASTIC SLATING, in use in San Francisco, Alameda, Oakland, Modesto and other public schools. Testimonials on file, and samples furnished on application. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. GEO. H. FULLER, 19 New Montgomery St., Opposite Main Entrance Palace Hotel. San Francisco, CAL. ANNUAL STATISTICIAN, Published March 1st of Each Year. SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS. I consider the "Annual Statistician" next to a dictionary for a teacher.-Rev. O. P. Fitzgerald, exState Sup't. The "Annual Statistician" is invaluable for reference. It ought to be in the hands of every teacher and school officer in the State.-E. S. Carr, ex-State Sup't. The new matter and corrections of the present volume have been obtained in most part by direct correspondence, and exceed in quantity and variety (not to mention correctness) any previous edition. There are over 100 pages in the present number that cost the publisher an average of $50 per page, and since Oct., 1874, $80,000 has been expended in publishing and perfecting this work. The encomiums received at the hands of the "Press," both at home and abroad, for the edition of 1884, induced us to delve deeper, use more care, present a greater variety and nearer to date in the present volume, than any other publication (issued annually) in the English language. To all those who have ever possessed a copy of this Work, it is enough to say, that it is throughly corrected to January 1st, 1885; but to those not familiar with it, we would say, that it contains 624 pages, aggregating 100,000 facts, over 25,000 of which are new to the present number. In the United States 50 different productions are quoted to June 30th, 1884; the important events occupy 3 pages, and bring the U. S. Chronology down to January 15th, 1885, and complete census and election tables to date. The new data, regarding Foreign Countries, occupies about 100 pages, 19 of which are Foreign Cities with their populations; the most complete list ever published, containing, as it does, every city, over 10,000 in the world; every mountain, over 10,000 feet elevation; every river, over 150 miles in length; every lake, over 25 square miles in area, and complete statistics of China, Russia, Japan, Siam, Chile, Costa Rica, and Mexico, received by direct correspondence. Six pages of Chronology bring the important events of both the Old and New World down to January 15, 1885. It also contains 120 pages of mathematical tables. The "Statistician," as a whole, contains the correct answers to more than 90 per cent of all the questions asked, or likely to come before a Board of Education in the United States. OVER 1,000 PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF CALIFORNIA purchase the "Annual Statistician" each year; to induce the other 1,500 to do likewise, I make the following offer, to District Clerks of the Boards of Education; School Trustees; District School Teachers, and County Superintendents of Public Schools, to furnish the "Annual Statistician" at 25 per cent off from the published rates, and in consideration for purchasing the latter I will furnish any library book (excluding text books) at 25 per cent off from listed rates, and all reference books at 20 per cent off. The above rates are for cash down, (a school order is considered cash). I publish no catalogue. Note. There have been nine editions of the "Annual Statistician" issued, viz: 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880-81, 1882, 1883, 1884 and 1885. Each volume is complete within itself, but the last five contain all the matter from the commencement, with the exception of that which is obsolete, or of a very local character. Sent postage or express paid, on receipt of the price. Send money order or check, if possible. Back volumes will be furnished at special rates on application. Address, L. P. MCCARTY, Editor and Proprietor. "Annual Statistician," 706 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. THE ATLANTIC, dependent alone on reading matter for its success, is brilliant above all others in this respect, and never has been so fresh, so versatile, so genial, as it is now."-The Literary World, Boston. THE JANUARY NUMBER OF THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR 1885 Will contain the first of a series of papers entitled, THE NEW PORTFOLIO, By OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. It will also contain the first installments of three serial stories, namely:— A COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, By MRS. OLIPHANT, Author of "The Ladies Lindores," "The Wizard's Son," etc. THE PROPHET OF THE GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS, By CHARLES EGBERT CRADDOCK, Author of "In the Tennessee Mountains." A MARSH ISLAND, By SARAH ORNE JEWETT, 66 Author of "A Country Doctor," Deephaven," etc. The July ATLANTIC will contain the opening chapters of THE PRINCESS CASAMASSIMA, By HENRY JAMES, Author of "The Portrait of a Lady," etc. TERMS: $4.00 a year, in advance, POSTAGE FREE; 35 cents a number. With superb life-size portrait of Hawthorne, Emerson, Longfellow, Bryant, Whittier, Lowell, or Holmes, $5.00; each additional portrait, $1.00. New subscribers to THE ATLANTIC for 1885, whose subscriptions are received before December 20th, will receive the November and December numbers of the magazine free of charge. Postal Notes and Money are at the risk of the sender, and therefore remittances should be made by money-order, draft, or registered letter, to HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, 4 PARK STREET, BOSTON, MASS. |