Attorney-at-Law. 213 Sansome Street, San Francisco. &CO.S.F. For Beauty of Tone, Touch GENERAL AGENTS and Action I have never seen their equal. CLARA LOUISE PIONEER MILL. SOUTH COAST MILL. SAN GERONIMO MILL. SUCCESSOR TO Medical College of the Pacific. N. E. cor. Sacramento and Webster Sts. FACULTY: HENRY GIBBONS, M.D.; Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine. L. C. LANE. M.D., Professor of Surgery. C. N. ELLINWOOD, M.D., Professor of Physiology. ADOLPH BARKAN, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology. JOSEPH H. WYTHE, M D., Professor of Microscopy and Otology. HENRY GIBBONS, JR., M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. JOSEPH O. HIRSCHFELDER, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine. CLINTON CUSHING, M.D., Professor of Gynecology. W. D. JOHNSTON, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. R. H. PLUMMER, M.D., Professor of Anatomy. CHAS. H. STEELE, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. W. S. WHITWELL, M.D., Adjunct to the Chair of Obstetrics. THE COLLEGE BUILDING, The gift of Professor Lane, is an imposing brick and stone structure, five stories and basement in hight and having a frontage of eighty feet on each of two streets. THE THREE-YEAR CURRICULUM Is adopted by this college; attendance upon three Regular Courses at least one in this institution-being obligatory. A matriculation examination, or other evidence of possessing a fair education, will be required on entering. Of Lectures commences on the first Monday in June of each year, and continues until November. It is thus a Summer course, contrary to the general usage. Commences early in January of each year, and continues nearly four months. It is of great assistance as a preparatory step to the Regular Course, and as offering the fullest opportunities for the prosecution of dissection. Although attendance upon this course is not obligatory, except in the graduating year, it is earnestly recommended that all attend it who can possibly do so. Clinics are given regularly at the City and County Hospital (450 beds) and the Morse Dispensary, where several thousand patients are treated annually. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. 1. The candidate must be of good moral character, and at least twenty-one years of age. 2. Must have attended three Regular Courses of Medical Lectures, one of which must have been delivered in this institution, and two Courses of Clinical Instruction. Attendance upon the Intermediate or Winter Course will not fill the conditions of this requirement. 3. He must have attended at least one Course of Practical Anatomy in the dissecting room, and present evidence of having dissected the entire subject. 4. He must write a Medical Thesis, and subinit the same to the Faculty on or before the 1st of October. 5. He must have passed successfully the examinations required by the Faculty, and have paid all fees due the College. Graduates from other Medical Colleges in good standing, desiring to attend lectures, are required to matriculate only. Those desiring the degree are required, in addition, to present satisfactory testimonials of character and professional standing, to submit to examination in the various branches, and to pay a fee of fifty dollars. BOARDING. Students may obtain good rooms and board at prices varying from five to ten dollars per week. All further information that may be desired can be obtained by applying in person or by letter to HENRY GIBBONS, Jr., M.D., Dean of the Faculty, No. 920 POLK STREET, CORNER OF GEARY STREFT Wm. T. Harris, B. H. Smart, R. W. Emerson, Now supplied, at a small additional cost, with DENISON'S PATENT REFERENCE INDEX. "The greatest improvement in book-making that has been made in a hundred years." The Cut gives but an incomplete idea of its utility. "A LIBRARY IN ITSELF.” The latest edition, in the quantity of matter it contains, is believed to be the largest volume published. It has 3000 more Words than any other Ameriean Dictionary, and nearly three times the number of Engravings. It is an ever-present and reliable schoolmaster to the whole family.-S. S. Herald. THE STANDARD. GET Webster it has 118,000 Words, THE 3000 Engravings, and a New Biographical Dictionary. Standard in Gov't Printing Office. 32,000 copies in Public Schools. Sale 20 to 1 of any other series. BESTaid to make a Family intelligent. Best help for SCHOLARS, Webster is Standard Authority with the U. S. It has all along kept a leading place, and the Supreme Court. Recommended by the State New Edition brings it fairly up to date.-London Sup'ts of Schools in 36 States, and by over 50 Times, June, 1882. College Presidents. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfield, Mass. Ladd's "Solace" Reclining Easy Chair. In Leather, $30 00. Without Book-Rest, $25 00. Folds perfectly flat for shipping. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL, CHURCH AND LODGE FURNITURE. Agency for Pacific Coast DOERRER'S ELASTIC SLATING, in use in San Francisco, Alameda, Oakland, Modesto and other public schools. Testimonials on file, and samples furnished'on application. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. GEO. H. FULLER, 19 New Montgomery St., Opposite Main Entrance Palace Hotel. San Francisco, CAL |