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TERMS: No charge is made to School Officers or to parties engaging Teachers. Applicants for positions pay us $1 as a registration fee, and one-fifth of the first month's salary on securing a position. Only Teachers of unquestioned moral character and approved fitness for teaching need apply. Good Teachers seeking positions should send for Application Form. For testimony in regard to the efficient service rendered by this Agency, we refer to the Superintendents of Counties and Trustees of Districts where teachers have been secured, and also to Hon. F. M. Campbell, ex-State Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. John Swett, Principal San Francisco Girls' High School; Prof. J. B. McChesney, Principal Oakland High School; Prof. Charles H. Allen, Principal California State Normal School; Albert Lyser, Editor "Pacific School Journal." All communications must be addressed to California Teachers' Agency, GERTRUDE HILTON, Manager. 806 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JOHNSON'S New Universal Cyclopedia "THE BEST." PLANNED BY HON. HORACE GREELEY, LL.D. ;} Editors in Chief. PRESIDENT F. A. P. BARNARD, LL.D, Columbia College, N. Y.,) PROFESSOR ARNOLD H. GUYOT, LL.D., College of New Jersey, Who wrote and signed more than 150 of the 8,000 great special articles, besides supervising the whole work. It has 31 departments, with an editor of the highest scholarly standing for each, viz., "Public Laws," etc., by Pres. T. D. Woolsey, LL.D.; "Civil Law," etc., by Prof. T. W. Dwight, LL.D.: "American History," etc., by Hon. Horace Greeley, LL.D., and Hon. Alex. H. Stevens, LL.D.; "Botany," etc., by Prof. Asa Gray, LL.D.; "Medicine," etc., by Prof. Willard Parker, M. D., LL.D., etc., etc. It has 2,000 eminent contributors from all parts of America and Europe, whose names are signed to their articles. It is "THE BEST" and the only original American Cyclopædia. It contains more than Appleton's in 16 volumes, and at half the price. 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