PRAYER-continued. French. Bagster, 8vo. large type, 78.- Maskell. Second edition, Lond. 1846, 8vo. fcap. 8vo. 3s. 6d.-32mo. 3s. 6d. 15s. Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiæ Angli- TRANSLATIONS Alphabetically arranged ac- Liturgia Octoglotta. The Book of Com- English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Arabic. By the Society for Promoting Cree (American Indian). Society for P. Danish. Lond. 1707, 8vo. Danish. Society P. C. K. 24mo. 1s. 2d. 1718, 8vo. Dord. 1727, 12mo. Dutch. Hitherto this volume has been describ- French. Lond. J. Bill, 1661, 12mo. French. 1683. White Knights, 2432, French and English. Oxf. Baskett, French, by N. Wanostrocht. Lond. French, by Theoph. Abauzit, D.D. 1815, French. Society P. C. K. 24mo. 1s. 4d. French. Exeter Hall, 1849, 8vo. 4s. 6d. German, by Ant. Wilhelmus. Lond. German. For the use of the German German. Bagster, fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.-- German. Society P. C. K. 12mo. 1s. 4d. Greek and Latin. Lond. apud Reg. Lond. 1638, 8vo. Greek. Cantab. Field, 1665, 8vo. Edit- Greek. Edited by Duport. Camb. 1665, 18mo. Hindostanee, translated. Calcutta, Irish. Dublin. Printed by John Franck- TitleLeabhar na nurnaightheadh The volume is not paged. Collation.- Irish and English, with the Elements 3s. PRAYER-continued. Queen Anne and plates. The Form of Irish. Prayer Book and Hom. Soc. 12mo. Prayer used in Convocation is in this Italian. Lond. 1685, 8vo. Italian, by A, Montucci and L. Valetti, Italian, corrected by Giamb. Rolandi. Italian, corrected by F. Nott. Lond. Latin. 1720, 12mo. Printed by W. Bow- Latin, Lond. 1785, 12mo. This edition Latin. Lond. Bagster, 1821, 32mo. 3s. 6d. Latin. J. W. Parker, 1848, 24mo. 5s. 6d. Italian, Soc. P. C. K. 24mo. 10d. 12mo. roan, 4s. Italian. Exeter Hall, 1850, 12mo. 3s. 6d. Manks. Isle of Man. Lond. 1765, 8vo. 12mo. 2s. Lond. Latin. Londini apud Reginaldum Wol- Latin. Lond. apud R. Wolfium (1560?) Latin. Lond, apud Reg. Wolfium, n. d., Spanish. Aug. Trin. 1612, 4to. 4s.- Spanish, by D. Felix Anthony de Alva- Spanish. Lond, Bagster, 1821, 32mo. Spanish. Prayer Book and Hom. Soc. Spanish, Soc. P. C. K. 24mo. 10d. Latin. Lond. T. Vautrollier, 1574, 12mo. Latin. Liturgica sacra; Curru Thes- Latin, by Dr. John Durel. Lond. 1670, Welsh. Lond. 1664, folio. Dent, pt. i. Welsh, With the Psalms, by E. Prys. Welsh. Lond. 1770, Svo. Illustrated Welsh. Oxford University Press, folio. 1s. Welsh and English. Oxford University Latin, Lond. 1703, 12mo. Portrait of 2s. 6d. with Psalms. PRAYER-continued. PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO THE COMMON PRAYER BOOK. A brief Discours off the Troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany, A.D. 1554, abowte the Booke off Common Prayer and Ceremonies, and continued by the Englishe Men theyre to Thende of Q. Maries Reigne. M.D.LXXV. 4to. Secretly printed. The preface commences on p. i., and the pages are all marked with numeral letters on the middle of the page to p. ccxv, on the back of which is a correction of faults. Sotheby's, April, 1857, 11. 10s. Bright, 3466, 21. 2s-Lond. 1642, 4to.With an Introduction by J. Petheram. Lond. 1846, 8vo. LARGE PAPER. Eyton, 3s. Reprinted in the second Volume of the Phenix, 8vo. Certain Prayers set forth by Authority for Her Majesties Forces and Navy. Lond. Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1597, 4to. An Explanation of the terms, order, and usefulness, of the Liturgy of the Church of England, by way of question and answer. Lond. 1602, 8vo. An Abridgement of that Booke which the Ministers of Lincolne Diocesse de. livered to his Majestie, the first of December, 1605, 4to. Certaine Considerations for not subscribing to the booke of Common Prayer within the Diocesse of Worcester. Private. ly printed 1605, 4to. Bright, 13s. Reasons for Refusal of Subscription to the Books of Common Praier, with an Answere by Tho. Hutton. Oxford, 1605, 4to. Lloyd, 1047, 8s. G. Chalmers, pt, i. 2231, 11.5s. Defence of the Ministers' Reasons for Refusal of Subscription to the Booke of Common Prayer and of Conformitie. 1607, 4to. A Survey of the Book of Common Prayer by way of 197 Queries grounded on 58 places ministering just matter of question, s. 1. 1610, 18mo. A Defence of the Liturgie of the Church of England, or the Booke of Common Prayer, in a dialogue betweene Novatus and Irenæus. By Ambrose Fisher, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Lond. 1630, sm. 4to. pp. 309. Dedicated to Sir Rob. Filmer, Knight, by John Grant, with three Epitaphs. 1. By Sir Rob. Ayton. 11. Dr. Thory. III. In English, by John Harris, at C. C. Oxford. Certaine Grievances, &c. for the Satis. faction of those that do clamour and revile them that labour to have the Common Prayer reformed. Lond. 1640, 4to. 5s. Certaine Reasons why the Booke of Common Prayer being corrected, should continue. By I. W. Lond. 1641, 4to. The Use of daily publick Prayers in three Positions. Lond. 1641, 4to. LIX Exceptions against the Booke of Common Prayer. Lond. 1644, 4to. 8 pages, no title. The Common Prayer Book unmasked, 1660, 4to. Common Prayer no divine Service, &c. By V. Powell. Lond. 1660, 4to. (The Savoy Liturgy.) The Reformation of the Liturgy, as it was presented to the Right Reverend Bishops by the Divines appointed by His Majesties Commission, to treat of the alterations of it. Printed anno 1661, 4to. [By Richard Baxter], preceded by the Petition for Peace for the reformation of the Liturgy. 1641, 4to. Both reprinted in the History of Nonconformity, Lond. 1704, 8vo. See Reliquiæ Baxterianæ, pt. iv. p. 306. Life of Baxter, by Orme, vol. ii. p. 420. Cardwell's History of Conferences, Oxf. 1841, 8vo. Collier's Church History. An accompt of the Proceedings of the Commissioners appointed by his Majesty (Charles II.) for the Review and Amendment of the Book of Common Prayer, &c. 1661, 4to. Sotheby's, April, 1857, 11s. A Collection of Tracts relating to the proceeding, of the Savoy Conference, was sold at Sotheby's (Bp. Daly), June, 1858, for 5l. 12s. The old Puritan detected and defeated. A Treatise, shewing how by the artifice of pulpit prayer the dissenters have at all times endeavoured to undermine the Liturgy of the Church of England. Lond. 1682. 4to. Several short, but reasonable discourses touching common and private prayer, relating to the publick offices of the Church, Oxf. 1684, 8vo. Vox Cleri, or the Sense of the Clergy; concerning the making of alterations in the Established Liturgy (by Mr. Thomas Long). Lond. 1690, 4to. An Answer to Vox Cleri, &c. examining the reasons against making any alterations. Lond. 1690, 4to. Liberty of Prayer asserted. Lond. 1695, 8vo. Liturgies Vindicated against John Bunyan. Lond. 1700, 8vo. The Common Prayer-book, the best companion in the house and closet, as well as in the temple, or a Collection of Prayers. Lond. 1704, 8vo. Rule for finding Easter, against Wallis, Baxter, and other Dissenters; St. Matthias' Day, in Leap year, &c. [byR. Watts). Oxford, 1711.-Lond. 1712, 8vo. Reasons for restoring some prayers and directions as they stand in the communion service of the first English reform'd Liturgy, completed in the 2nd and 3rd years of Edward VI. Lond. 1717, 8vo. PRAYER-continued. A Defence of the Reasons, being a reply to No Reason for restoring them. Lond. 1718. 8vo. Origines Liturgicæ, 1832, &c. See PALMER, William. The book of Common Prayer illustrated so as to shew its various modifications; No Reason to alter the present Liturgy the date of its several parts, and the of the Church of England, on account of authority on which they rest. With an prayers for the dead. Lond. 1718, 8vo. Appendix, containing the order of the A Dialogue in vindication of our pre-communion, the four Acts of Uniformity, sent Liturgy and Service, between Timo- the Long Parliainent Directory, and sunthy, a churchman, and Thomas, an es- dry other documents, by William Keating sentialist. Lond. 1719, 8vo. Clay. Lond. 1841, 12mo. 7s. 6d. An Essay for a review of the Book of Common Prayer, with a Specimen attempted by an impartial hand. Lond. 1734, 8vo. A Defence of the Essay for a review, &c. Lond. 1734, 8vo, Observations on the Liturgy, with Proposals for its reform. Lond. 1789, 8vo. Christian Devotion recommended under the two following heads: 1. The great and most beneficial Duty of Prayer made Easy and Delightful. 2. Spiritual Entertainment; or some of the soul's best repast against all the Troubles of this life. Whereto is annexed a large Preface, designed to enforce and recommend the whole, by Edmund Brown, B.D., 1737, 8vo. pp. cxviii and 236. The expediency and necessity of revising aud improving the public Liturgy, being the substance of an Essay, &c. Lond. 1749, 8vo. An objection drawn from the Act of Union against a review of the Liturgy, and other ecclesiastical forms considered, submitted to the after thoughts of W. Blackstone. Lond. 1770, 8vo. A Commentary, Practical, and Explanatory, on the Liturgy, as used on Sunday; including the Athanasian Creed, by a Layman. Lond. J. Walter, 1772, 8vo. Observations upon the Liturgy, with a Proposal for its Reform, &c. By a Layman; with the Journals of the American Convention appointed to propose a Liturgy for the Episcopal Churches in the United States. Lond. 1789, 8vo. The Manner pointed out in which the Common Prayer was read in Private by the late Mr. Garrick, for the Instruction of a young Clergyman: from whose MS. this Publication is composed. By J. W. Anderson, A.M. Lond. 1797, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Lives of the Compilers of the Liturgy. Lond. n. d. 8vo. In Sparrow's Rationale, 1722, 8vo. A chapter on Liturgies, by C.W. Baird.. With the Conference of Dissenting Ministers as to whether they ought to have a Liturgy. Edited by Burney. Lond. 1856, 12mo. 5s. A History of the Book of Common Prayer, and other Books of Authority, &c. By the Rev. Thomas Lathbury. Lond. 1858, 8vo.-Second edit. 1859, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Sixty-five historical Cuts for the Book of Common Prayer, by John Sturt, small 8vo. Illustrations to the Book of Common Prayer by Richard Westall, R.,A. Lond. 1813, 8vo. PROOFS in 4to. Duke of York, 751, morocco, 31. Twelve Illustrations to the Book of Common Prayer engraved by John Scott, from Drawings by Burney and Thurston, royal 8vo. 10s. 6d. In the British Museum and the Bodleian Library are many tracts relative to the Common Prayer, likewise many Forms of Prayer. See Catalogue of the Library, art. Common Prayer. Liturgia. Prayer. Preces. See CLARKSON. COMBER, Thos. Liturgy. NICHOLLS, Wm. PRIMERS. L'ESTRANGE, Hamon. SPARROW, A. WHEATLEY, C. PRAYERS, PRIVATE FORMS, COLLECTIONS, &c. PRAYERS.-Thiese prayers tofore wreton ben enprited bi the comaudements of the moste hye and vertuous pryncesse our liege ladi Elizabeth, by the grace of God Quene of Englonde and of France, and also of the right high and most noble pryncesse Margarete moder vnto our soverayn lorde the kyng. TBy their most humble subget and Sm. 4to. servaut, William Caxton.' 22 leaves. Collation.-Sig. a, b, eight leaves each; and c, six leaves. The reverse of the first leaf has a wood engraving of the Crucifixion. Each page is surrounded by a woodcut border. The type is the same as that used by Caxton for the Virgil of 1490. At the beginning of the volume PRAYER-continued. are the prayers called the 'Fifteen O's,' with others in English; the remaining prayers are in Latin. On the last page of which is the Colophon, as above. This unique and recently discovered book differs in style from any other production from Caxton's press, inasmuch as each page is printed within narrow borders of animals, fruits, &c.; no date is given with the Colophon, but as the Lady Elizabeth (of York) was not united to Henry (of Lancaster), afterwards Henry VII., until 1486, and the date of Caxton's demise being 1491, this interesting volume must have issued from the press between those years. The book has been recently added to the treasures of the British Museum. In the small catalogue issued in 1850, it is there called 'The fifteen Oo's in English,' but why, is doubtful-the Book being noticed by Dr. Thomas Fuller, as being THE FIRST BOOK OF PRAYERS tending to forward the Reformation. Also by Ames, though placed among Books printed by Winkyn de Worde; for his conjectural account of it, read Ames. by Herbert, vol i. p. 117; to his account Herbert or Dibdin have added nothing. PRAYERS.-Thyse forsayd prayers as the XV O's in Englysshe and the other folowyng ben emprynted by the commaundementys of the moost hye and virtuous pryncesse our lyege lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God quene of england and of fraunce, and also of the ryght hye and moost noble pryncesse Margarete, moder to our souerayn lord the kyng. Wynkyn de Worde, 4to. no date. A copy printed on VELLUM is in the Lambeth library. Prayers of the Byble, taken out of the olde testament and the newe, as olde fathers bothe men and women, were wont to pray in tyme of tribulation, deuyded in VI partes, etc. Lond. Rob. Redman. n. d. (1530) 8vo. A copy is in the Lambeth Library, supposed to be unique. Deuoute Prayers in Englysshe of Thactes of our Redemption. Impr. by me Robert Redman, n. d. (1535), 16mo. Contains C 4, in octaves. PRAYERS.-Certeine prayers and godly meditacyons very nedefull for every christen. Emprented at Malborow the yeare of our Lorde, a. M.CCCcc. xxxviij. per me Joannem Philoponon. 24mo. In BLACK LETTER. Queen Elizabeth's copy is in the British Museum. An Exhortation vnto Prayer, thought mete by the Kings Maiestie and his Clergy to be read to the People in every Church afore Processyons. Also a Letania with Suffrages to be sayd or sung in the sayd Processyons. Lond. by Tho. Ber thelet, 1544, 4to. An edition by same printer, in 8vo. Bright, 407. 10s.--The Exin red and black printed on a fresh set of hortation contains 11 leaves, the Letania, signatures, ends on C 4. Again, 1546, 8vo. Heber, pt. vi. 17. 1s. This Litany was edited by Cranmer. It was circulated by royal authority. With a few omissions it is the same as that in the Common Prayer, 1549. See Lathbury's Hist. of Com. Prayer, p. 10. The Forme of Common Prayer, vsed in the Churches of Geneva, and the Catechism made by John Calvin, translated from the Frenche by William Huyck. Lond. E. Whitchurche, 1550, 12mo. Wrangham, 207. 10s. A copy in the Gren ville Collection. See CALVIN, John. GENEVA. Liturgia sacra, seu Ritus Ministerii in Ecclesia peregrinorum Profugorum propter Euangelium Christi Argentinae. Adjecta est ad finem breuis Apologia pro hac Liturgia, per Valerandum Pollanum Flandrum. 1551, sm. 8vo. Printed by Stephen Myerdman or Mierdman. (Leipsic.) See Strype's Eccl. Mem. ii. 317. Liturgia Sacra, seu Ministerii in Ecclesia peregrinorum Francofordia ad Moenum. Francof. 1554, 8vo.-A second edition in 1555, without the names of the English exiles which appeared in the first. A Praier to be sayd of all trewe Chris tianes against the Pope and all the Enemyes of Christ and his Gospell. Grenewych by Conrade Freeman, 1554. Four octavo pages in BLACK LETTER. Reprinted in the first number of Morgan's Phenix Britannicus. An excellent and a right learned Meditacion, compiled in two Prayers, most frutefull and necessary to be used and said of al true Englishmen in these daungerous daies of affliction, for the comfort and better stay of the Christen conscience, bewailing the deserved plages of England. Printed at Roane, by an English Scholer's copie, by Michael Wodde, the third daye of Januarye, 1554, sm. 8vo, pp. 12, including title. Sotheby's (Bandinel), Aug. 1861, 31. 13s. 6d. The Forme of Prayers and Ministration of the Sacraments, &c. vsed in the ENGLISHE CONGREGATION AT GENEVA,and approued by the famous and godly learned Man, John Caluin. Geneva, by Jo. Crespin, 1556, 12mo. With Psalms by Sternhold, n. d., and Calvin's Catechism, 1556, in 1 vol. Heber, pt. ix. 8, 12s.- Geneva, 1558, 16mo.- Another edition, n. p. or name, 1561, 12mo. Eighty-four leaves. Edinb. by R. Lekprevik, 1562, sm. 8vo. Reprinted in Laing's edition of Knox's Works, vol. iii. pp. 149-214, from a col. lation of these early editions, and also of |