
large; the flavering increased, and she swallowed with eafe. I ordered the blifter to be removed, and the draught and regimen to be continued.

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24th. The fweating kept up, and she was better in all refpects. I ordered her to be purged with rhubarb, to repeat the cordial draughts after the operation of the purge; to give her fome broth with lemon-juice in it, and continue the nourishing antiseptic regimen.

25th. She had a good night, the rhubarb gave her one large motion; fhe wast better, and continued her medicines and diet.

26th. She had two large poultaceous ftools in the night; the pulfe was now more full, and not fo quick; fhe flavered a good deal, and discharged confiderably at the nose the faid fhe was very hungry, and was ordered apple-pudding for dinner; which the ate of very heartily, although her throat was tender, occafioned by many of the little floughs having fallen off.

27th. The whole fever was now mended confiderably, and I looked upon it as judged; which was indeed the cafe.


CASE XIII. Simple.

April 21, 1770. Mr. W. G. a strong Cafe of Mr. young man, of a clean conftitution, accuf- W. G. tomed to high living and moderate exercife; had been fome years before this liable to a catarrh, which was radically cured by a fpring ague: but fince that had never ailed till the morning of this day, when he was taken with a rigor and fever, and all the symptoms of the angina maligna: the pain of his head, eyes, and back was fo confiderable by noon, that he was obliged to go to bed, and he could hardly speak or look up. His pulfe was large, foft, and quick his fkin was hot, and his hands rather damp; but he had no fickness at his ftomach, nor pain in his bowels; and he had been at ftool in the morning as usual.

In this fituation, Nature feemed to indicate a sweat, and nothing remained to be done, but to promote it; for which purpofe I ordered a fudorific draught to be taken every four hours, and to dilute plentifully with mountain whey, acidulated' with orange juice: his head and throat were covered with flannel, and he was ordered to breathe frequently under the bed-clothes by five o'clock in the afternoon, the sweat came on with relief.

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22d. The fweat continued all night, and afforded great relief; the pulfe was not quite fo quick, nor fo full; the pain of the head was better, but he complained of a weight in it, and a great lowness of fpirits; the throat was very painful, and much ulcerated, and he began to flaver: his urine was in fmall quantity, high coloured, and muddy; his skin was ftill damp, but more cool. I ordered the draught to be repeated once in fix hours only, and his diet to be mended.

23d. He had now fweated 40 hours, and was greatly better in all refpects: I ordered him to be purged with rhubarb and magnefia, and to take one of the fudorific draughts at night; to continue the restorative diet, and to dilute plentifully with the antiseptic drink.

24th. The purge moved him twice, and he now seemed pretty well: I ordered him to keep warm for fome days; to perfevere in the antiseptic regimen; to use the acid gargle for his throat frequently; to eat lean of meat to dinner only, and to drink fome wine after it: he foon recovered, and has remained well ever fince.

At this time the angina maligna was fo common, that it might be called epidemic; I attended from 12 to 14 every day; but as they were nearly fimilar, and treated as

above, I do not think it neceffary to multiply cafes, unless where there is something particular in the disease, or manner of treating it.

The meafles were alfo pretty frequent, and fometimes difficult to diftinguish from the angina maligna; as they were frequently attended with a fpecies of fore throat; of which I will give one cafe.


pon the 21ft of April, 1770, Mafter Cafe of the Carfe, a ftrong healthy child, fix years of Mater age, was feized with a fore throat, cough, Carle. pain in the head, fneezing, running at the eyes and nofe, hot skin, and flushing of the cheeks. On the 22d, a fmart fever came on with an increase of the former fymptoms, which continued very fevere all the 23d. On the 24th, an eruption came out over his whole body, with a fwelling in his face and both hands; on the 25th, at noon, I firft faw him, I found his pulfe was ftrong and full, his eyes were fwelled, watery and inflamed; the cough was very troublefome; the skin was hot and dry; and the eruption was rather prominent: the infide of his throat was of a bright red colour, greatly inflamed, but no where ulcerated. I therefore gave it as my opinion, that it was the meafles, and accordingly treated him in the high antiphlogistic manner. O 2



Upon the 26th, I found him greatly relieved by the evacuations, and he foon recovered, as is usual in that disease, nor has he ailed ever fince.

CASE XIV. Complicated with a fup puration.

Cafe of Mr. Upon the 22d of May, 1770, Mr. D-n, in Lothbury, a ftrong, healthy, young man, was feized with the first symptoms of the angin amaligna; fuch as, rigor, anxiety, pain in the head, back, and throat; with a confiderable fwelling on both fides of the neck. A dofe of phyfic was given, and afterwards faline draughts; but the fymptoms ftill increasing, the purge was repeated; then a blifter was put to each fide of the neck, and the faline draughts continued to the 27th, when I first saw him. The difficulty of fwallowing was very great; the pulfe was fmall, foft, and 110 in a minute; his fkin did not burn violently, but was quite dry and harsh; his mouth was very foul, his throat greatly ulcerated in many places: the fwelling on both fides of the jaw, was confiderable; and his fpirits were much funk: he had been two days without any proper paffage. I



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