






ABDELAZYR or ABDILAZUS. Alchabitius cum comento. (libellus magisterium judiciorum astrorum interpretatus a Joanne Hispalensi, scriptumque in eundem a Joanne Saxonie editum.) 4o Venetiis, 1503.





ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES. An account of the measure of a degree of a great circle of the Earth. See Academies, &c. Académie des Sciences de Paris. Memoirs for a natural history of animals, &c. fol. 1688. (Transactions.)

Pièces......sur la meilleure manière de trouver l'heure en mer. See Academies, &c. Académie des Sciences de Paris. Pièces......qui ont remporté le prix sur la, &c. 4° 1750. (Transactions.)

Recueil d'observations......pour perfectionner l'astronomie. See Academies, &c. Académie des Sciences de Paris. Recueil d'observations, &c. fol. 1693. (Transactions.)

- Connoissance des temps. See Lieutaud (J.). Connoissance, &c. 12° and 8° 1702, &c.

XELLES. Annuaire de. See Anonymous. Annuaire.

Akademische Stern

karten; Zone X, XIV, xv, und XVIII; 4 Nos. fol. Berlin, 1830-1831. Recueil de tables astronomiques, publié sous la direction de l'Acad. Roy. de Sciences et Belles Lettres de Prusse [by Lambert, Bode, Schultze, and Lagrange]; 3 vols. 8° Berlin, 1776.

Sammlung astronomischer Tafeln, under Aufsicht der Preussis

chen Akademie; 3 vols. 8° Berlin, 1776.

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. Bye-Laws. Charter, &c. 12° 1831. - Address, January, 1820. 8° [London, 1820.]

Memoirs; vol. 1-VIII. 4o London, 1822-1833.

Monthly notices, containing abstracts of papers, and the reports of the proceedings, from February 1827 to December 1830. 8° London, 1831.

ACADEMIES, &c., continued.

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. Meridian ephemeris of the Sun and planets for the year 1835. 8° London, 1835.*

Report of the Council to the first annual general meeting, February 9, 1821. 8° London.

BUREAU DES Longitudes. Annuaires pour 1798-1802; 1804-1815; 1819-1821; 1825-1828; 1830-1835. 12° Paris.

Connoissance des temps. See Lieutaud (J.). Connoissance, &c. 12o and 8° 1702, &c.

Tables astronomiques; prem. partie; tables du Soleil par Delambre; tables de la Lune par Bürg. 4° Paris, 1806. ACHILLES TATIUS or STATIUS. See Tatius (A.).

ADMIRALTY, Board of. See Almanacks. The nautical almanack. 8o


Catalogue of charts, plans, views, and sailing directions constructed under the orders of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, for the use of His Majesty's navy. 8° London, 1832.

ÆTIUS Amidenus. De significationibus stellarum; ex serm. III Tetrabibli c. 164. See Petavius (D.). Uranologion. fol. 1630.

AGUILA (C. J. E. H. d'). Découverte de l'orbite de la terre du point central de l'orbite du soleil, leur situation et leur forme; de la section du zodiaque par le plan de l'équateur, et du mouvement concordant des deux globes. 8° Paris, 1806.

AILLY (PIERRE). See Aliaco (P. de).

Chaulnes (M. F. d'Albert d'Ailly de).

AIRY (GEORGE BIDDELL). Gravitation. See Airy (G. B.). Gravitation, &c. 12° 1834. (Mechanics.)

Astronomical observations made at the observatory of Cambridge; for 1828-1834; 7 vols. 4° Cambridge, 1829-1834.

Mathematical tracts on physical astronomy, the figure of the earth, precession and nutation, and the calculus of variations; for the use of students. 8° Cambridge, 1826.

Mathematical tracts on the lunar and planetary theories, the figure of the Earth, precession and nutation, the calculus of variations, and the undulatory theory of optics; for the use of students. 8° Cambridge, 1831.

ALBATEGNIUS or ALBATENIUS, See Mahometus Albat. ALBENAIT. See Collections. Liber novem judicum. 4° 1509. ALBERGOTTI (ULISSE). Dialogo nel quale si tiene la luna esser per se luminosa, &c. 4° Viterbo, 1613.

ALBERT d'AILLY de CHAULNES (MICHEL-FERDINAND d'). See Chaulnes (M. F. d'Albert d'Ailly de).

ALBERTO Neapolitano. Pronosticho sopra lanno 1529; con el tacuin dela luna intitulato al populo Christiano. 4o

ALBOHAZENHALIUS Abenragelis. De cometarum significationibus. See Frytschius (M.). Meteororum, hoc est impressionum aerearum, &c. 8° 1563. (Chemistry.)

Præclarissimus in judiciis astrorum Haly Albohazen filius. (Liber quem................ Yhuda filius Musce transtulit in hyspanicum idioma, et quem Egidius de Tebaldis una cum Petro de Regio transtulit in Latinum.) fol. Venetiis, 1503.

* For the preceding year, see Stratford (W. S. ).

ALBUBATHER Alchasili. (Liber nativitatum Padue de Arabico in Latinum translatus [by Antonio Lauro de Palatiis]); et centiloquium divi Hermetis; [to which is added] Almansoris judicia seu propositiones. Incipiunt capitula [150] stellarum oblata regi Magno Saracenorum ab Almansore astrologo, et a Platone Tyburtino translata. fol. Venetiis, 1501.

ALBUMASAR ABALACHI. Introductorium in astronomiam, octo continens libros partiales. 4° Augusta Vindelicorum, 1489. ALCALA-GALIANO (DIONISIO). Memoria sobra el cálculo de la latitud del lugar por dos alturas de Sol. 4° Madrid, 1795.

Memoria sobra las observaciones de latitud y longitud en el mar. 8° Madrid, 1796.

ALCHABITIUS. See Abdilazus.


ALEMBERT (JEAN LEROND d'). Mémoires......d'astronomie. Alembert (J. L. d'). Opuscules mathématiques. 4o 1761, &c. (Mathematics.)

Recherches sur la précession des équinoxes, et sur la nutation de l'axe de la Terre dans le système Newtonien. 4° Paris, 1749.

Recherches sur les differens points importans du système du monde; 3 vols. 4o Paris, 1754 and 1756.


ALFONSUS X. Rex Castella. Tabule astronomice; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4o Venetiis, 1492.

ALFONSUS de Corduba. Tabulæ astronomica Elisabeth Reginæ ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4o Venetiis, 1503. (Two copies.)

ALFRAGANUS. Elementa astronomica, Arab. et Lat. cum notis ad res exoticas sive orientales quæ in iis occurrunt; opera J. Golii. 4° Amstelodami, 1669.

ALGAROTTI (FRANCESCO). Il Newtonianismo per le dame, ovvero dialoghi sopra......l'attrazione. See Algarotti (F.). Il Newtonianismo, &c. 80 1739. (Optics.)

ALHAZEN. See Albohazenhalius Abenragelis.

ALIACO (PETRUS de). Concordantia astronomie cum theologia; concordantia astronomie cum hystorica narratione; et elucidarium duorum precedentium domini Petri de Aliaco Cardinalis Cameracensis. 4° Augusta Vindelicorum, 1490.

ALIMARUS (DOROTHEUS). Longitudinis aut terra aut mari investigandæ methodus. 8° Londini, 1715.

ALKINDUS. See Collections. Liber novem judicum. 4o 1509.
ALLODIUS (CAJETANUS). Observationes Veneris, an. 1781, &c.
Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1783. 8°

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Observatio occultationis, 1 Libræ, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1782. 8°

Observatio oppositionis Jovis, 1781. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c., an. 1783. 8°

Oppositio Jovis an. 1782. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c., an. 1784. 8°

an. 1783. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c., an. 1785. 8° Oppositio Urani cum Sole, an. 1787. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c., an. 1789. 8°

ALMANACKS. See Anonymous. American (the) Almanack. 12° (Miscellaneous.)

- See Anonymous. Coimbra. 4o 1803, &c.

[merged small][ocr errors]

See Hell (M.).

See Lieutaud (J.)

See Sanchez Cerquero (J.).

The nautical almanack and astronomical ephemeris, published by order of the commissioners of longitude, 1767-1838; [for 1767-1810, by N. Maskelyne; for 1811-1833, by J. Pond; and for 1834-1838 by Lieut. Stratford, R.N.] 8° London, 1766-1835.

Supplement to the nautical almanac for the year 1828. 8°


for the year 1829. 8° London.

ALMANAQUE NAUTICO. See Sanchez Cerquero (J.).

ALMANSOR Astrologus. Judicia seu propositiones, &c. See Albubather Alchasili. (Liber nativitatum, &c.) fol. 1501.

Propositiones ad Saracenorum regem. See Firmicus (J. M.). Ad Mavortium Lollianum, &c. fol. 1551.

Centum quinquaginta propositiones. See Ptolomæus (C.). Liber quadripartiti, &c. fol. 1493.

ALMEIDA (THEODORO de). Descripção do novo planetario universal. 8° Lisboa, 1797. (Two copies.)

ALPHONSO el Sabio. See Alfonsus X. Rex Castellæ.

ALPHONSUS de Corduba. See Alfonsus de Corduba.
ANDRÉ (Noel). See Chrysologue de Gy.

ANDREAS Episc. Cretensis. Computus. Methodus investigandi cycli Solaris et Lunaris, nec non Paschatis. See Petavius (D.). Uranologion. fol. 1630.

ANDREW (JAMES). Astronomical and nautical tables, with precepts for finding the longitude and latitude of places. 8° London, 1805. ANGELI (JOANNES). Astrolabium planum in tabulis ascendens continens qualibet hora atque minuto equationes domorum celi; moram nati in utero matris, cum quodam tractatu de nativitatum; nec non horas inequales pro quolibet climate mundi. 4° Augusta Vindelicorum, 1488. ANGELI or ANGELIS (STEFANO degli or STEPHANUS de). Considera zioni sopra la forza di alcune ragioni addotte da Riccioli...contra il sistema Copernicano. See Angeli (S. degli). Considerazioni, &c. 4° 1667. (Mathematics.)

Seconde considerazioni sopra la forza dell' argomento fisicomattematico di G. B. Riccioli contro il moto diurno della terra spiegato dal Sr M. Manfredi nelle sue risposte e riflessioni sopra le prime considerazioni. 4o Padova, 1668.

ANICH (PETRUS). Elogium. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1767. 8° ANONYMOUS.

ADDITION (an) unto the use of the...circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions, &c. See Anonymous. Addition (an) unto the use of the...circles, &c. 4° 1633. (Mathematics.) EQUATORIUM astronomicum. fol. Babenberge, 1521. ALMANACH royal, pour l'an 1826. 8° Paris, 1826.

et national pour l'an 1832. 8° Paris, 1832.

AMERICAN (the) almanac. See Anonymous. American (the) almanac, &c. 12° (Miscellaneous.)

ANAXAGORAS. Theory of the sun's orbit. 4° London, 1834.

ANNUAIRE de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Bruxelles, deuxième année. 18° Bruxelles, 1836.

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