
Appendix. Part 3.
Appendix. Part 4.
Appendix. Part 5.
(England and Wales.)

Municipal corporations. Appendix. Part 1. Southernmidland, Western and South-eastern circuits, and part of the North-eastern circuit.

Appendix. Part 1. Midland-western and Southwestern circuits.

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Appendix. Part 2. Conclusion of the Northeastern circuit, and part of the North-western circuit. Part 3. Conclusion of the North-western circuit. Appendix. Part 2. South-eastern and Southern


cuits. circuits.

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Mar. 30, 1835.

Mar. 30, 1835.

Northern and Midland cir

Mar. 30, 1835.

Eastern and North-western

Mar. 30, 1835.

Places not in any district.

Mar. 30, 1835.

Protest by Mr. Hogg,

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and unincorporated towns.

(Ireland.) First report.

Supplement to the first report. Tables.

Appendix. Report on the City of Dublin.

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Part 2. From Glasgow to Wigton, inclu


Part 3. Burghs of regality and barony,

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Office of works and public buildings.

June 19, 1828.

Offices under the crown of Ireland, which shall disqua

lify persons from sitting in the House of Commons of the United Parliament.

[blocks in formation]

Orange institutions in Great Britain and the Colonies.

Orkney islands, petition from the.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Aug. 6, 1835.

Sept. 7, 1835.

June 5, 1804.

June 28, 1825.

May 19, 1815

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1st Report.

Feb. 21, 1834.

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Aug. 10, 1835.

Part 2..

Appendix to Report (A.) Assistant Commis

sioners' Reports. Part 1.

E. Chadwick, Esq.

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(B. 1.). Answer to rural queries, in 5 parts. (B. 2.). Answers to town queries, in 2 vols. Vol. i. containing parts 1 and 2. Vol. ii. containing parts 3, 4, and 5.

(C.). Communications.

Index to Appendix (C.).

Appendix to Report (D.). Labour rate.

(E.). Vagrancy.

Feb. 21, 1834.

Feb. 21, 1834.

Feb. 21, 1834.

Feb. 21, 1834.

Feb. 21, 1834.

Feb. 21, 1834.

Feb. 21, 1834.

Feb. 21, 1834.

(F.). Foreign communications. Part 1.

Feb. 21, 1834.

Poor laws. Appendix to Report (F.). Foreign communications. Part 2.

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2nd Report. With Appendixes A. B. C. D.

Appendix E.

Poor rate returns.

[ocr errors]
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Poor of Ireland.

Employment of.

Poor Inquiry. Ireland. First Report. Appendix (A.) and Supplement.

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Appendix (B.)

Appendix (C.). Parts 1 and 2. Part 1. Reports on the state of the poor, and on the charitable institutions in some of the principal towns. Part 2. Report on the city of Dublin.

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Appendix (D.). Containing baronial examinations relative to earnings of labourers and other tenants, employment of women and children, expenditure, &c.

Appendix (E.). Containing baronial examinations relative to food, cottages and cabins, clothing and furniture, pawnbroking and savings'-banks, drinking, &c.

Appendix (F.). Containing baronial examinations to con acre, quatter, or score ground, small tenantry, consolidation of farms and dislodged tenantry, emigration, landlord and tenant, nature and state of agriculture, taxation, roads, observations on the nature and state of agriculture.

Appendix (G.). Report on the state of Irish poor in Great Britain.

Appendix (H.). Part 1. Containing reasons for recommending voluntary associations for the relief of

poor, and reasons for dissenting from the principle
of raising funds for the relief of the poor by the vo-
luntary system, as recommended in the report.

Part 2. Remarks on the evidence contained

in the Appendices (D.) (E.) (F.), by one of the Commissioners.

Supplement 2. to Appendices (D.) (E.) (F.), containing returns from the clerks of the peace of civil bill ejectments, from 1827 to 1833.

Poorer classes in Ireland. Third report of the Commissioners for inquiring into the condition of.

Poor in Scotland, management of the.

[ocr errors]

Population of Great Britain. Vols. 1. & 2. Enume

ration abstract. Vol. 3. Parish register abstract. Post communication with Ireland.

Post-office, intended improvements in the.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Printed papers, with the minutes of evidence. First re

port from select committee on.

Mar. 20, 1835.

Second report.

July 16, 1835.

relative to the House of Commons' offices. Third

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[merged small][ocr errors]

Thirteenth report of the inspectors-general.
Fourteenth report of the inspectors-general.
Appendix to the fourteenth report.

Private bills. Constitution of committees on.

Privilege. Member summoned as a juryman in the Court

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[blocks in formation]

Second report.

Public instruction (Ireland). Report of the commis

Feb. 23, 1801.
Mar. 20, 1801.
April 2, 1801.
May 22, 1801.
June 24, 1801.

Mar. 7, 1821.

Aug. 20, 1836.

Mar. 1, 1833.
Aug. 23, 1833.

[blocks in formation]

Regent-street paving.

Register, general.

Registry of deeds (Ireland) bill.

Registrar at Madras. Claims of sufferers by the insolvency of the late..

Regulation of Roman catholic subjects in foreign states.
Revenue, population, commerce, &c. of the United king-
dom and its dependencies, tables of the. Part 3.
from 1820-1833, both inclusive.

Supplement to Part 3. Colonies.
Part 4.
Supplement to Part 4. Colonies.

Ribbon-weavers' petitions. (Second Report.)

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April and May, 1818.

Rice's (Spring) petition, complaining of an undue elec-
tion return for Limerick.
Rideau canal.


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and highways of the kingdom, acts regarding the use of broad wheels, and other matters relating to the preservation of turnpike.

Carlisle and Glasgow.

and bridges, Highland. Twentieth Report..
Twenty-second Report of Commissioners..
turnpike, and highways of England and Wales.
Highways of the kingdom. (Three Reports.)

and harbour, Holyhead.

Mar. 2, 1819.

Apr. 22, 1831.

July 18, 1806.

July 28, 1815.

Mar. 25, 1834.

Mar. 25, 1836.

June 14, 1811.


and June, 1808. June 25, 1819.

June 9, 1810.

(Second Report.)

June 9, 1810.


May 30, 1811.

June 27, 1815.

Holyhead and Liverpool.

May 20, 1830.

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vation of the. (Broad wheels.) [Second Report.]

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