trade. 1 Ap. 1850-31. Mr. 1851. Class A. pp. 39-46. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. v. 56. Pt. I. doc. [1424]. Class A. pp. 39-46.) Great Britain. Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, Havana, the Cape of Good Hope, Loanda, and New York, and reports from British Vice-Admiralty Courts, ... relating to the slave trade. [1864.] f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1865. v. 56. doc. [3503]. pp. 60-70.) Correspondence with the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope relative to the assumption of sovereignty [by Gt. Britain], over the territory between the Vaal and Orange rivers. vi., 99 pp. I map. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. V. 37. doc. 1360.) Further correspondence relative to the state of the Orange River Territory. (In contin. of Papers presented 19 My. 1851.) viii., 134 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1852-3. v. 66. doc. [1646].) Correspondence with the Governor of the Cape... relative to the state of the Kafir tribes on the eastern frontier of the colony. (With map of that district and part of Kafirland.) 199 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1847. v. 38. doc. [786].) Same. cont. [With maps.] Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1847-48. V. 43. docs. [912-969.] Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1849. v. 36. doc. [1056].) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1850. v. 38. doc. [1288].) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. V. 37. doc. 1362.) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. v. 38. docs. 1334; 1352; 1380.) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1852-3. v. 66. doc. [1635].) Correspondence regarding the establishment of responsible government at the Cape of Good Hope... iv., 26 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1870. V. 49. doc. 181; 181-1; 181-11.) Correspondence relating to the contributions to be made by the colonies of the Cape and Natal towards the cost of the Transkei and Zulu wars respectively. iv., 39 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1882. V. 47. C-3280.) Correspondence relating to emigration to the C. of G. H. (In: Third Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on colonization from Ireland; together with an appendix and an index to minutes of evidence taken in sessions 1847 and 1847-8.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1849. V. 11. doc. 86. App. Τ. pp. 105-106.) Correspondence relative to the establishment of a representative assembly at the C. of G. H. 108 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1850. v. 38. docs. [1137]; [1234].) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1852-3. v. 66. docs. [1581]; [1636]; [1640].) Correspondence respecting the affairs of the Cape of Good Hope; presented to Parliament 17 Ag. 1871. viii, 200 pp. I map. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1871. V. 47. C-459.) Great Britain. Same. cont. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1872. V. 43. 0-508.) Same. cont. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1873. V. 49. C-732.) Correspondence respecting the sale of intoxicating liquors in the Transkeian Territory. 7 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1886. v. 48. C-4700.) Despatches from the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope relative to the enslaving of Africans by the Boers. (In: Correspondence relating to the alleged kidnapping... of young Africans by the people of the Trans-vaal Republic.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1868-9. v. 43. doc. [4141.] pp. 1-26.) Emigration. Return for each year 1837 to 1846, from each of the British Colonies, of the amount of land revenue; price at which crown lands have been sold; amount expended on emigration; number of emigrants;...number of persons aided in emigration under the provisions of the poor law amendment act. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1847-48. V. 47. doc. 345. P. 13.) Estimate of amount proposed to be voted for the year ending 31 Mr. 1856, to defray the cost of executing public works, maintaining educational and benevolent institutions, and promoting civilization amongst the native tribes of South Africa, [with] papers show[ing] the grounds on which this vote is submitted to Parliament. £40000. In: Estimates, &c., [for] Civil Services, for the year ending 31 Mr. 1856. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1854-5. V. 31. doc. 140-VII. pp. 31-41.) Estimate of the sum required to defray in the year 1856, ending 31 Mr. 1857, pecuniary claims arising out of arrangements connected with the Orange River Territory (Cape of Good Hope), on account of which £45000 was voted by Parliament in 1854-55. £3691. (In: Estimates, &c.. [for] civil services, for the year ending 31 Mr. 1857.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1856. v. 39. doc. 90-VII. p. 31.) Estimate of the sum required... to defray the charge for half salary payable to officers lately employed in the settlement of the Orange River Territory. £1000. (In: Estimates, &c., [for] Civil Services for the year ending 31 Mr. 1860.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859. Sess. 2. v. 16. doc. 58VII. p. 26.) Estimate of the sum to be voted in the year ending 31. Mar. 1862, to defray charges connected with the... territory. (In: Estimates for civil services for 1861-2, compared with similar charges for 1860-1.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1861. v. 39. doc. 131-V. p. 8.) Same. cont. 1862-63. vations... at Cape of Good Hope. f°. In: Estimates, &c., [for] civil services for the year ending 31 Mr. 1867. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1866. v. 48. doc. 48-IV. p. 41.) Great Britain. An estimate of the sum that will probably be required towards defraying the expenses beyond the ordinary grants for...1846-47 and 1847-48, for army and ordnance services, occasioned by the Kaffir War. Il. fo. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1847-48. v. 40. doc. 479.) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. V. 32. doc. 227.) Further papers relative to the state of the Kafir tribes. (In contin. of Papers presented 31 My. 1853.) vi., 73 pp. I map. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1854-5. V. 38. doc. [1969].) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1856. V. 42. doc. [2096].) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1857. V. 10. doc. [2202].) Gen. ann. return of the British army for the year 1876 with abstracts for the years 1861 to 1876 inclusive. vii., 82 pp. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1877. V. 50. C-1888.) Return to an address of the House of Commons, 9 D 1852;-for "Copies of all correspondence... between the Board of Admiralty, the General Screw Steam Shipping Co., and the General Post Office, relating to the application of that company for the substitution of Southampton for Plymouth as the port of departure for the steamers which carry the mails to the Cape of Good Hope" 4 pp. f°. ... (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1852-3. V. 95. doc. 120.) [Naval] station. (In: A statistical return of the health of the Royal Navy, for the year 1859.) 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. V. 34. doc. 199. pp. 110119.) Same. cont. 1861. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1864. V. 37. doc. 455. pp. 149163.) Number and tonnage of British and foreign vessels entered and cleared, etc., from various countries and ports in the United Kingdom. (In: Annual statement of trade and navigation of the United Kingdom. 1855.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1856. v. 56. doc. [2139]. pp. 226-227, 328-329.) Same. cont. 1858. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859. Sess. 2. V. 28. doc. [2562] PP 390-391.) Same. cont. 1861. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1861. v. 60. doc. [2894]. pp. 394-397.) Same. cont. 1861. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 56. doc. [3062]. pp. 414-474.) Same. cont. 1862. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 65. doc. [3218]. pp. 360370.) Same. cont. 1865. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1866. v. 68. doc. [3723]. PP. 404405.) Observatory accounts. (In: Navy estimates for the year 1862-63... f.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 34. doc. 41. p. 27.) Great Britain. On the health [and sanitary arrangements] of the troops serving at the Cape. (In: Army medical department. Statistical, sanitary, and medical reports for the year 1862.) 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1864. v. 36. doc. [3404]. pp. 91, 262.) Papers relative to the condition and treatment of the native inhabitants of Southern Africa, within the colony of the C. of G. H., or beyond the frontier of that colony. Pt. I. Hottentots and Bosjesmen; Caffres: Griquas. Pt II. Despatches and letters, and further papers relative to Caffres [with map]. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1835. v. 39. docs. 50; 252.) Portuguese Portaria, sanctioning the voluntary emigration of African labourers from Lorenço Marques to the Cape of Good Hope. Lisbon, July 18, 1876. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 72. p. 1143.) Report [eighth] of the commissioners of Her Majesty's customs on the customs. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1864. v. 30. doc. [3574]. p. 14.) Report [ninth] of the Postmaster General on the Post-Office. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 26. doc. [3155]. pp. 17-18, 40.) Report from the select committee on the accounts of Colonial receipt and expenditure; with the minutes of evidence, app. and index. [Statement of accounts, etc., of C. of G. H. from 1. Apr. to 30. June, 1833.] f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers 1837. v. 7. doc. 516. pp. 33-37.) Report from the Select Committee on Cape of Good Hope and Zanzibar mail contracts... xxiv., 253 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1873. v. 9. doc. 334.) Report from the select committee on the disposal of lands in the British colonies; together with the minutes of evidence, and appendix. viii., 259 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1836. V. 11. doc. 512.) Report from the select committee [of the House of Commons] on aborigines (British settlements) with the minutes of evidence, app. and index. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1837. v.7. doc. 425. pp. 1-212. Report from select committee [of the House of Commons] on the colonial military expenditure: with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. [Return of the members and distribution of the effective force... of the British army, including Colonial corps, in each year since 1815... including artillery and engineers.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1834. v. 6. doc. 570. pp. 27-34.) Report from the Select Committee on the Kafir tribes; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. x., 607 pp. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. V. 14. doc. 635.) Reports exhibiting the past and present state of Her Majesty's colonial possessions, 184446. [report accompanying Blue book.] f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1847. V. 37. doc. [869.] pp. 149-166.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers, 1864. V. 40. doc. 3304-I. pp. 32-34.) Same for 1863. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1865. v. 37. doc. [3423-1.] pp. 39-40.) Same for 1865. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1867. v. 48. doc. [3812-1.] pp. 18-19.) Same for 1867, (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1868-9. v. 43. doc. [4090-II.] p. 30.) Same for 1868. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1870. V. 49. C. 149. pp.31-32.) Same for 1870. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1872. V. 42. c. 617. pp. 76-85. Same for 1871. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1873. V. 48. C. 709-I. pp. 225242.) Same for 1872. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1874. V. 44. c. 882. pp. 141147.) Same for 1873. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1875. V. 51. c. 1183. pp. 9398; c. 1335. pp. 82-89.) Same for 1874. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1875. V. 51. c. 1336. pp. 232236.) Same for 1875. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1876. v. 51. doc. [1622-1.] pp. 51-72.) Return to address of the House of Commons, dated 24 Feb., 1846;-for, "copies of all applications from the colonists of the C. of G. H., made to the Colonial Office for Representative Government, together with copies of the answers thereto;..." f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1846. v. 29. doc. 400. pp. 1-7.) Return to an address of the House of Commons, 7 F°. 1860;-for, "copies... of all correspondence between the Colonial Office and Governor Sir George Grey respecting his recall from the Cape of Good Hope, and his subsequent re-appointment..." 39 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1860. V. 45. docs. 216.; 357.) Return to an address of the House of Commons, 2 Je 1851; -for "copies or extracts of correspondence relative to the Kafir tribes between... 1837 and 1845." x., 271 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. v. 38. doc. 424.) Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 8 Feb. 1850;-for, "Copies or extracts of despatches relative to convict discipline, and the employment of colonial convicts in the formation and improvement of roads at the Cape." I l., 66 pp. f. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1850. V. 38. doc. 104.) Great Britain. Return to an address of the House of Commons, 26 N 1852;-for copies "of the letters patent of F 1852, appointing Gen. Carthcart Governor of the Cape of Good Hope; and Mr. Darling Lieutenant-Governor, and the instructions therewith given, and of petitions for the dismissal of Mr. Montagu, together with any replies made to such petitions." iv., 48 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1852-3. V. 66. doc. 130.) Return to an address of the... House of Commons, dated 4 July 1862; for, copy of the correspondence between the war office, the treasury and the governor of the Cape... relating to any payment made to the Cape German settlers during the financial year 1860-61." 2 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 36. doc. 403.) Return to an address of the House of Commons, 13 Ap. 1875;-for, "copy of a despatch... [18 Ag 1866]... from Sir Philip Wodehouse to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, regarding the distress prevailing at the Cape of Good Hope... with the reply of the Secretary of State. 3 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1875. v. 52. doc. 182.) Return of all the colonies of Gt. Brit., specifying the date of their accession or plantation, whether they have legislative councils and representative assemblies; what amount of Her Majesty's... troops have been employed in each during the last five years, and at what cost to Gt. Brit. also, what amount of colonial military force, as far as it can be furnished from the latest colonial blue books. I l., I tab. f. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1849. v. 34. doc. 239.) Return of cases tried in the British and Portuguese mixed commission court at the Cape... between 1843-1862, and the yearly salary paid to the commissioner and arbitrator. 4 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 36. doc. [237].) Return of cases tried in the Mixed Commission courts of Sierra Leone, Havana, Loanda, Cape of Good Hope, and New York... [18601864]. 2 pp. f°. [Slave trade.] (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1865. v. 56. doc. [3490].) Same, for 1865. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1866. 13-19.) v. 75. doc. [3635]. pp. Return of the names of Governors... and persons acting in such capacities, of the different colonies stating, in British money, their salaries and the dates of their appointments... residence and the districts over which they preside; distinguishing those who have served in the army and navy, and also stating the amount of the... emoluments, which they may be in receipt of respectively, in addition to their salaries as governors. 4 pp. f. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1849. V. 34. doc. 3.) Same. cont. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1860. v. 45. doc. 569. P. 4.) Same. cont. [with, the number of colonial bishops, their salaries, etc.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 36. doc. 475. P. 4.) Same. cont. [with no. of bishops, etc.] f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1864. V. 40. doc. 561.) Return of the number and names of the persons appointed to any judicial or other legal office in the... British colonies, since 1. Jan. 1832, specifying date of each appointment, and amount of (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1847-48. V. 51. doc. 473-II. p. 2.) Great Britain. Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1850. V. 36. doc. 536.) Return to an order of the... House of Commons dated 20. Mar. 1849;-for, Copy " of any report of the commissioners of audit to the Treasury upon the despatches referred to them by a Treasury minute of the 2d... May, 1848, of Sir Henry Pottinger, relating to the great irregularities, which, in his... opinion, existed in the system of. maintaining the native levies at the C. of G. H., and generally in the public expenditure occasioned by the Kaffir War. 4 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1849. v. 30. doc. 180.) Return showing principal statistics and amount of Imperial expenditure, 1860 and 1861. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 38. doc. 147. pp. 2-7.) Returns for... 1860-1862, and first half of 1863, showing the number of emigrants who left the United Kingdom...; of Emigration for 18151863, (first half) in continuation of App. I. to the Emigration Commissioners' reports: and, copy of the last memorandum issued by the... Commissioners relative to free and assisted passage to the colonies. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 38. doc. 430. p. 7.) Salaries of the commissioner, arbitrator, and registrar of the commission for the suppression of the slave trade, at Cape of Good Hope, 1865-6, 1866-7. f°. (In: Estimates, &c., [for] civil services for the year ending 31 Mr. 1867.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1866. v. 48. doc. 18-V. p. 15.) Account of penalties incurred and remitted, and amount of subsidy paid under the late contract with Mr. Dungas for the conveyance of H. M.'s mails to and from the Cape of Good Hope. (In: Select Committee on Packet and Telegraphic Contracts (first report), with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1860. v. 14. doc. 328. p. 434.) Statement of the apportionment of the division of Albert, with a short description of the climate, soil, and water supply of the district. Reasons for suspending arrangements for the sale of land in the division of Victoria; and revival of the practice of 1845-6 not to attempt anchorage in Table Bay in winter weather. (In: Colonial Land and Emigration Commission. Eleventh general rpt.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. V. 22. doc. 1383. pp. 2425.) Same. cont. Sixteenth general report... 1856. [Changes in the land regulations.] 8°. (Gt. Brit Parl. Papers. 1856. v. 24. doc. [2089.] p. 36. Same. cont. Nineteenth general report, 1859. [Emigration from England and Germany to the Cape of Good Hope.] 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859, Sess. 2. V. 14. doc. [2555.] PP. 44-45.) Same. cont. Twentieth general report, 1860. [Act to continue present system of emigration and number of emigrants despatched in 185859.] 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1860. V. 29. doc. [2696.] p. 46.) Great Britain. Same. cont. Twenty-first general report, 1861. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1861. V. 22. doc. [2842.] p. 39.) Same. cont. Twenty-third report. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 15. doc. [3199.] pp. 66, 84.) Same. cont. Twenty-fourth report. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1864. v. 16. doc. [3341.]. p. 49.) Same. cont. Twenty-ninth general report. (Land acts passed in 1867.] 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1868-9. v. 17. doc. [4159.] p. 43.) Statement of imports and exports, specifying principal articles, and distinguishing the proportions imported from each country. (In: Tables of the revenue, population, commerce, &c., of the United Kingdom, and its dependencies. Pt. XVI.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1847-48. v. 62. doc. [1004]. pp. 305-313.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers, 1856. v. 56. doc. [2139.] pp. 314, 315.) Same. cont. for 1854-58. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859. Sess. 2. v. 28. doc. [2562.] P. 377.) Same. cont. for 1855-59. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1860. v. 64. doc. [2752.] p. 382.) Same. cont. for 1856-1860. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1861. v. 60. doc. [2894.] pp. 385-386.) Same. cont. for 1857-1861. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers, 1862. V. 56. doc. [3062.] pp. 400-402.) Same. cont. for 1858-62. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 65. doc. [3218.] pp. 346-347.) Statistical tables relating to the colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom. Pt. IV. 1857. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859. Sess. 2. V. 31. doc. [2565.] PP. 370-383.) Same for 1860. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. V. 57. doc. [3065.] pp. 398-413.) Same for 1861. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 69. doc. [3219.] 405420.) Return to three addresses of the... House of Commons dated 8 & 19 Mar. and 3 Apr. 1849;for "copies or extracts" of correspondence with the governors of Ceylon & the Cape, respecting the transportation of convicts to those colonies; of any remonstrance from inhabitants of the Cape; and of memorial of land owners, etc., respecting the introduction of convicts; also, of correspondence with the governor of Bermuda on the removal of convicts from that station to the Cape. iv., 58 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1849. V. 43. doc. 217.) Great Britain. Table of duties on goods imported into the colony... (imposed by the customs tariff act, 1855.) (In: Customs tariffs (colonies). A "return of the changes made in the customs tariffs of Her Majesty's possessions abroad since the last information with respect to such colonial tariffs was laid before Parliament" (in cont. of Parl. Paper No. 598). (1860.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers, 1862. v. 36. doc. 474. p. 57.) Treaty with Chief of the Bondelzwartz. Springbokfontein, January 31, 1870. (In: Treaties, etc., between Gt. Brit. and native chiefs and states of South Africa.-1869-1879. no. 2.) (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 70. p. 327.) Wages, Cape Town and Kimberley. (In: Emigration (colonies). Report on the emigrants' information office, for the year ended 31 Dec.1891. In cont. of [c-6277] Febr. 1891.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1892. V. 56. c-6573. PP. 39-47.) Hartmann (A.) Reportorium op de literatuur betreffende de nederlandsche Koloniën. hage, 1895. 8°. Graven Hopp (H.) Neue Kurzgefasste Beschreibung des Vorgebirges der guten Hoffnung aus dem Holländischen. Leipzig, 1779. 8°. Kay (Stephen). Travels and researches in Caffraria... New York, 1834. nar. 8°. King Williams Town Museum [Cape of Good Hope]. Report of the Committee... [Cape Town. 1897.1 f°. Kolbe (Pierre). Description du Cap de BonneEspérance... tirée des Mémoires de K. Amsterdam, 1741. 3 v. 12°. Account of Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. (In: Knox (J.), Col., v. 2., 1767.) La Caille (N. L. de) abbé. Journal historique du voyage fait au Cap de Bonne-Espérance. Paris, 1763. 12°. Latrobe (C. I.) Journal of a visit to South Africa in 1815 & 1816. With some account of the United Brethren near the Cape... New York, 1818. 8°. ... Nieuwe algemene beschryving van der Kaap de Goede Hoop. Amsterdam, 1777. 8°. Percival (Robert). An account of the Cape of Good Hope... London, 1804. 4°. Port Elizabeth Museum. [Cape of Good Hope). Report... [Cape Town, 1897]. f°. Results of Astronomical observations... 1834-38... London, 1847. f°. South African College. [Cape of Good Hope.] Report... [Cape Town, 1897.] f°. (Colonial Secretary's Div.) 1896. South African Museum. Report... for the year ending 31 Dec. 1896. Cape Town, 1897. F°. (Cape of Good Hope. Colonial Secretary's Office.) Sparrman (Andrew). Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope... 1772-1776. London, 1785. 2 v. 4°. Great Britain. Appropriation account of the vote of credit for the war in South Africa (Griqualand West), for the year ended 31 Mr. 1880;... with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. 3 pp. f. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers, 1881. v. 58. doc. 164.) British Order in Council, giving effect to the Extradition Ordinance of the legislature of Griqualand West of 1879.--Windsor, June 26, 1879. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 70. pp. 138-139.) Papers relating to Her Majesty's colonial possessions. Reports for 1875-76 and '77. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1877. V. 59. C-1825. pp. 118133.) War in South Africa (Note of credit) (Suppl. vote.) Estimate of the further amount required beyond the ordinary grants of Parliament... during the year ending Mar. 1880... [to replace advances made out of the treasury chest in the years 1878 and 1879, in order to assist the colonial government of Griqualand West in suppressing a native rebellion. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1880. V. 41. doc. 105+.) MASHONALAND. Alderson (E. A. H.) With the mounted infantry and the Mashonaland field force 1896. London, 1898. 8°. De Waal (D. C.) With Rhodes in Mashonaland. Cape Town, 1896. 12°. Great Britain. Africa. No. 2. (1890.) Correspondence respecting the action of Portugal in Mashonaland and in the districts of the Shiré and Lake Nyassa. xi, 231 pp. f. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890. V. 51. C-5904.) Correspondence between Great Britain and Portugal, respecting the action of Portugal in Mashonaland, and in the districts of Shiré and Lake Nyassa (British protest against Portuguese claims not founded on occupation of territories, especially in regard to certain districts of Lake Nyassa, and to Matabeleland. &c.-1887, 1888. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 79. pp. 1062-1063.) Same. cont. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. V. 81. pp. 977-1033.) Same. cont. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. V. 82. pp. 297-317.) |