Knight-Bruce (G. W. H.) Memories of Mashonaland. London, 1895. 12°. MATABELELAND. Baden-Powell (R. S. S.) The Matabele Campaign, 1896... London, 1897. 8°. Donovan (C. H. W.) With Wilson in Matabeleland; or, Sport and War in Zambesia. London, 1894. 8°. Great Britain. Matabeleland and Mashonaland settlement. "Copy of correspondence between the British South Africa Company and the Colonial office, relating to clause 13 of the Matabeleland and Mashonaland agreement in reference to the limitation of customs duties." 8 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1894. v. 57. doc. 177.) Report of the land commission of 1894 and correspondence relating thereto. 16 pp. 2 maps. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1896. v. 59. c-8130.) Report by Mr. F. J. Newton...upon the circumstances connected with the collision between the Matabele and the forces of the British South Africa company at Fort Victoria in July 1893, and correspondence... iv., 61 pp., I map. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1894. V. 57. C-7555.) South Africa. Papers relating to the administration of Matabeleland and Mashonaland. 17 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1894. V. 57. C-7383.) Plumer (H.) An irregular Corps in Matabeleland. New York [1897?]. 8°. NATAL. Bird (J.) The annals of Natal. 1495-1845. Pietermaritzburg, 1888. 2 v. 4°. Ingram (J. F.) The Colony of Natal: an official handbook... London, 1895. 8°. Kermode (W.) Natal... London, 1882. 12°. Natal. Departmental reports 1896-'97. Pietermaritzburg, 1897-98. f°. Law of the Government of Natal, to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the extradition of criminals. [No. 6.) (June 29, 1892.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 85. pp. 324-332.) Law of the Government of Natal, to control recruiting in that colony for the service of foreign states. [No. 21.) [December 17, 1875.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 76. pp. 97-98.) Law of the Government of Natal, to facilitate the carrying out in that colony of the provisions of the Imperial Statute styled "The foreign ign deserters Act, 1852." (Publication of Orders in Council "Natal Gazette.") [No. 4.] [September 6, in 1871.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 76. pp. 94-95.) Law of the Government of Natal, to prevent the exportation, and the exportation coastwise of arms, ammunition, &c. [No. 3.] [April 11, 1888.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 79. pp. 132-133.) Law of the Government of Natal, to provide for the importation of gunpowder or ammuni tion by or on behalf of the governments of the inland states or persons residing therein. [No. 11.] [July 17, 1891.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 85. pp. 321-323.) Natal. Law of the Government of Natal, to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Law No. 8, 1874, "For further facilitating the naturalization of persons of European birth or descent." [No. 23.] [September 30, 1874.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 76. pp. 95-97.) Law of the lieutenant-governor of Natal, with the advice and consent of the legislative council thereof, to prevent the exportation of arms, ammunition, gunpowder, and certain military and naval stores, and other articles. (No. 8.] [August 13, 1862.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. V. 73. pp. 149-150.) Law of the lieutenant-governor of Natal, for further facilitating the naturalization of persons of European birth or descent. (No. 8.) [January 12, 1874.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 65. pp. 1234-1236.) Statistical year book of the Colony of Natal. 1896, 1898. Pietermaritzburg: Govt. Prtrs., 1897'99. f°. Census, 1891. Report [of Board]... Natal: Govt. Prtrs., 1891. f°. Civil Service List, 1899. 8°. book of... Natal. Pietermaritzburg, 1898. f°. Legislative Assembly. Debates. v. 21-25. 2 sess. I Parlt.-5 sess. I Parlt. Apr. 25, 1894May 20, 1897. Pietermaritzburg, 1893-'97. 8°. Sessional papers. I sess. I Parlt.I sess. 2 Parlt. 1893-97. Pietermaritzburg, 1893'97. 4°. Votes and proceedings. ν. 49-52. I sess. I Parlt.-4 sess. I Parlt, 1893-96. Pietermaritzburg, 1893-96. 4°. Legislative Council. Votes and Proceedings. 1898. 2 Parlt., 2 session. Pietermaritzburg, 1898. 4°. Mines Department. Departmental report of the Commissioner of Mines. 1896. Pietermaritzburg, 1898. f°. Statutes. Acts of the Parliament... 1894'98. 2-5 sess., I Parlt.,-1-2 sess., 2 Parlt. Natal, 1894-'98. 8°. 1893. 1, 14. [Natal, 1893.] 8°. almanac, directory and yearly register. 1898. Pietermaritzburg, 1898. 8°. Great Britain. Abstract of such portions of the land laws... as relate to the sale and occupation of Crown lands. f°. (In: Return to an address of the House of Commons, 16 AАр. 1869;for "abstract of such portions of the land laws of each of the colonies of Great Britain as relate to the sale and occupation of crown lands...") (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1868-9. v. 43. doc. 396. pp. 18-19.) Analysis of returns in reply to queries relating to colonial timber. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1878-79. V. 50. C-2197. pp. 8-10.) Great Britain. Army (Colonies) Statements showing the amounts included in the army estimates 1877-78, for military purposes in the colonies and the probable repayments by the several colonies on the same account. 16 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1877. v. 50. doc. 54.) Same. cont. 1878-79. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1878-79. V. 43. doc. 47.) Same. cont. 1880-81. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1880-81. V. 41. doc. 51.) British circular, notifying the accession of Natal to the International Telegraphic Convention of July 22, 1875. London, April 2, 1881. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 72. p. 870.) British Letters Patent, annexing port of Nomansland to the Colony of Natal. Westminster, December 9, 1863. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 76. pp. 217-219.) ment of Natal on the subject of the Colonial Chaplaincy in that colony, dated 12 Ag 1866. f°. (In: Church of England and Ireland in the colonies.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1867. v. 48. doc. 307. pp. [1]-2.) Great Britain. Correspondence relating to the affairs of Natal and Zululand. ix., 185 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1882. V. 47. C-3182.) Correspondence relating to the contributions to be made by the colonies of the Cape and Natal towards the cost of the Transkei and Zulu wars respectively. iv., 39 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1882. V. 47. C-3280.) Correspondence relating to a petition from the church council of the Church of England in Natal. 14 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1888. V. 75. 0-5410.) Correspondence on the subject of a proposal for the construction of railways in... Natal. 44 pp. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1872, V. 43. C-618.) f°. British Order in Council, defining the boundaries of the Colony of Natal. London, February 3, 1858. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 76. pp. 215-217.) British Order in Council, giving effect to the extradition law of the Legislature of Natal of 1877. Osborne, February 4, 1878. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 69. pp. 638-639.) History of the settlement of the land claims, and of the settlement of Mr. Byrne's emigrants. Colonial Land and Emigration Commission. Eleventh general rpt. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. V. 22. doc. 1383. pp. 25-28.) Same. cont. Sixteenth general report... 1856. [Changes in the land regulations; the revenue; a breakwater in course of construction.] 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1856. V. 24. doc. [2089]. pp. 3637.) Same. cont. Nineteenth general report, 1859. [Land regulations of 1857 revoked by the Governor's proclamation, 2 Jy 1858.] 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859. Sess. 2. V. 14. doc. [2555]. P. 45.) Same, cont. 20th general rpt., 1860. [Immigration of Coolies from the East Indies, and number and cost of persons sent out under the nominee regulations.] 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1860. V. 29. doc. [2696]. pp. 46-47.) Same. cont. Twenty third general report, 1863. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 15. doc. [3199]. pp. 53-55, 85.) Same. cont. Twenty-fourth report. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1864. v. 16. doc. [3341]. P. 49-51.) Same. cont. Twenty-ninth general report. [Land scheme for the encouragement of emigration, etc., and the discovery of gold in Natal.] 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1868-9. v. 17. doc. [4159]. pp. 43-44.) Contribution by the Natal Government toward expenses of the Zulu war. £250000. In: Financial accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for... 1882-3. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers, 1883. v. 38. doc. 281. p. 23.) Copy of a despatch of Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies to... the Govern Correspondence relating to the proposal to establish responsible government in Natal. iv., 77 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890-91. V. 57. C-6487.) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1893. v. 60. doc. 216.) Correspondence relative to the establishment of the settlement of Natal (with map.] f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1847-48. V. 42. [doc. 980.] pp. 265-492.) Same. cont. f°. (With the recent rebellion of the Boers and plan.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1849. v. 36. doc. [1059].) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1850. v. 38. doc. [1292].) Same. cont. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. v. 37. doc. [1417].) Despatch from governor Sir C. B. H. Mitchell, K.C.M.G. (with enclosures) on the subject of the liquor traffic among the natives of Natal. 18 pp. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890. v. 43. no. 83. C-5897-13.) - Despatches from the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope and the Lieut. -Governor of Natal on the subject of the recognition of Moshesh, Chief of the Basutos, and his tribe as British subjects. 2 maps. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1868-9. V. 43. doc. [4140]. pp. 98-134.) Further papers. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1870. V. 49. C-18. pp. [1]-4C-99. p. 4.) Despatches from the Lieut.-Governor of Natal relative to the enslaving of Africans by the Boers. (In: Correspondence relating to the alleged kidnapping... of young Africans by the people of the Trans-vaal Republic.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1868-9. V. 43. doc. [4141]. pp. 27-37.) Extracts from correspondence relative to the establishment of the settlement of Natal. (In: Third report from the select committee of the House of Lords on Colonization from Ireland; together with an appendix; and an index to minutes of evidence taken in sessions 1847 and 1847-8.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1849. V. 11. doc. 591. app. pp. 96-104.) Great Britain. Instructions addressed to Sir H. Bulwer, on his appointment to the government of Natal and papers relating thereto. 27 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1882. V. 47. C-3174.) Langalibalele and the Amahlubi tribe; being remarks upon the official record of the trials of the chief... and other members of the Amahlubi tribes. v., 166 pp. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1875. V. 53. C-1141.) Number of vessels entered and cleared, etc. 1861. (In: Annual statement of the trade and navigation of the United Kingdom with foreign countries and British possessions in the year 1861.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1962. v. 56. doc. [3062]. pp. 414-474.) Same for 1862. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 65. doc. [3218]. pp. 360-370.) Same for 1865. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1866. v. 68. doc. [3723]. pp. 404-405, 410-411.) Papers relating to the late Kafir outbreak, and affairs in Natal. vi., 84 pp. I plan. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1874. V. 45. C-1025.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1868-9. V. 43. doc. 396. p. 61.) Report of the expedition sent by the Government of Natal to instal Cetywayo as king of the Zulus... 27 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl, Papers. 1875. V. 53. C-1137.) Reports made for 1854... to the Secretary of State having the Department of Colonies; by the Governors of the British Colonies, [on] the past and present state of Her Majesty's colonial possessions; transmitted with the Blue Books for 1854. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1856. V. 42. doc. [2050]. pp. 202-212.) Same for 1855. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1857. V. 10. doc. [2198]. pp. 260-266.) Same for 1857. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859. Sess. 2. V. 21. doc. [2567]. pp. 191-196.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890. V. 43. no. 104. C-589734.) Same. cont. (Col. Rpts. Ann. no. 61. 1891-2.) 8°. Return to an address of the... House of Commons, dated 2 May 1862;-for, "Copy of any despatches from the governor of Natal transmitting the report of the select committee of the legislative council relative to tribal titles to land; the petition of the...council for the recall of the governor, and the resolution... raising the salary of future governors from £1,200 to £3,000 per annum." 25 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 36. doc. 293.) Return to an address of the House of Commons, 3 My 1881; -for "Copy of papers relating to native customs in Natal." 6 pp. f. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1881. v. 67. doc. 292.) Return to an address of the House of Commons, 17 F. 1860; -for "returns of the names of all governors, lieutenant-governors, and persons administering the governments of the different colonies..." f°. 454 (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 38. doc. 430. p. 7.) Statement of imports, exports etc. 1854'58. f°. (In: Annual statement of the trade and navigation of the United Kingdom with foreign countries and British possessions... 1858.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859. Sess. 2. v. 28. doc. [2562]. Same for 1855-'59. P. 379. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1860. v. 64. doc. [2752]. P. 384.) Same for 1856-'60. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1861. v. 60. doc. 2894. P. 387.) Same for 1857-'61. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 56. doc. [3062]. pp. 403-404.) Same for 1858-'62. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 65. doc. [3218]. pp. 5, 9, 349.) Statement of the number of troops... stationed in Natal and the Transvaal, [1881]. I p. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1881. V. 58. C-2963. Statistical papers relating to the colonial possessions of the United Kingdom. Pt. iv. (1857.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1859. Sess. 2. V. 31. doc. [2565]. PP. 364-369.) Same for 1860. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 57. doc. [3065]. pp. 391-397.) Same for 1861. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1863. v. 69. doc. [3219]. pp. 396-404.) Swiss notification of the accession of Natal to the Universal Postal Union of July 4, 1891.Berne, June 17, 1892. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. V. 84. pp. 69-70. Tables of... duties of customs payable on goods... imported into... Natal... 1849. (In: Return of the duties payable under colonial enactments on goods imported into the British colonies.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1851. V. 34. doc. 667. pp. 4647.) Same for 1859 and 1861. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1862. v. 36. doc. 474. P. 58.) Same for 1863. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. V. 40. doc. 560. р. 48.) Troops for Natal. 11. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1878-79. V. 43. C-2310.) PONDOLAND. Cape of Good Hope. Agreement between Nquiliso, Chief of Pondoland, and the Cape government.-July 17, 1878. (In: Treaties, &c., between Gt. Brit. and native chiefs and states of South Africa.-1869-1879. no. 7.) (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 70. pp. 332-333.) Great Britain. Same. cont. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1887. V. 61. C-5022.) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1888. V. 75. C-5410.) Notification by the High Commissioner for South Africa of the exercise by Her Majesty's Government of a protectorate over the Coast of Pondoland. Cape Town, January 5, 1885. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 76. р. 720.) RHODESIA. Knight (E. F.) Rhodesia of to-day. London, 1895. 12°. The Victoria Falls of the Mohr (Eduard). Zambesi. Translated... by N. D'Anvers. London, 1876. 8°. Thomson (H. C.) Rhodesia and its government... London, 1898. 12°. ST. LUCIA BAY. Great Britain. Notification of the hoisting of the British flag and the taking possession, in the name of Her Majesty, of St. Lucia Bay. - December 18, 1884. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 75. PP. 607-608.) SWAZILAND. Great Britain. Convention between Great Britain and the South African Republic for the settlement of the affairs of Swaziland. Signed at Cape Town, July 24, 1890; and at Pretoria, August 2, 1890. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 82. pp. 1062-1071.) Convention between Great Britain and the South African Republic, relative to the affairs of Swazieland. Signed at Cape Town, November 1, and at Pretoria, November 8, 1893. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 85. PP. 680-683.) Correspondence respecting the affairs of Swaziland. vi, 74 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1887. v. 61. C-5089.) Same. cont. [and Tongaland]. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890. V. 52. c-6200.) Same. cont. [A convention between H. M. and South African Republic for the settlement of affairs of Swaziland.) f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890-91. V. 57. C-6217.) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1893. V. 62. C-7212.) Same. cont. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1885. V.71. C-7611.) Declaration by the King of Swaziland, respecting the cession to the South African Republic of a strip of land for the construction of a railway.Soboti, November 25, 1890. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 82. pp. 962-963.) Proclamation by the King of Swaziland, respecting the constitution of a Government Committee, the establishment of Courts of Justice, &c.September 13, 1890. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers, v. 82. pp. 958-962.) Army (South African field force). Copy of the report made by Major General Newdigate, commanding the second division of the South African field force... to the Adjutant General of the forces, on the discipline and conduct of the troops composing that division during the campaign in Zululand." 4 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1880. V. 42. doc. 95.) British notification, declaring a state of war between Great Britain and the Zulu king Cetywayo. --Pietermaritzburg, January 4, 1879. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 70. pp. 145-147.) British notification to the Powers of the taking possession of Zululand. London, July 8, 1887. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 78. pp. 759-760.) British proclamation, taking over Zululand as a British possession. Pietermaritzburg, May 14, 1887. [No. 33.] [1887.] (Hertslet. British & Fcreign State Papers. v. 78. p. 758.) British Royal Commission, appointing the Governor or the officer administering the government of the Colony of Natal to be Governor of the British Possession of Zululand, and providing for the government thereof. Windsor, May 19, 1887. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 78. p. 759.) Great Britain. Correspondence relating to the affairs of Natal and Zululand. ix., 185 pp. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1882. V. 47. C-3182.) Correspondence relating to the affairs of Zululand... 1898. London, 1898. f°. c-8782. -Correspondence respecting the affairs of Zululand and adjacent territories, and the proposed visit of Cetywayo to England. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1882. V. 47. docs. [C-3247], [C-3270]; [C-3293]. (Gi. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1888. V. 75. C-53313 C-5522.) Same cont. f° (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890. V. 52. C-5892; C-5893; с6070.) Correspondence respecting certain boundary questions in Zululand. iv. pp. 4 maps. f°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1892. V. 56. с-6684.) Her Majesty's colonial possessions. no. 89. Report on. Blue book for 1889. II pp. 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890. V. 43. C-5897-19.) (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1893. v. 60. C-6857-41.) Same. cont. (Col. Rpts. Ann. no. 137. 1894.) 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1895. V. 69. с-7629-20.) Same. cont. (Col. Rpts. Ann. no. 169.) 1895.) 8°. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1896. V. 57. C-7944-21.) Notification of the inclusion within the boundaries of Zululand of the territories of the Chiefs Deamana (Umcamana) and Sibonda. Pietermaritzburg, December 9, 1888. [Zululand. no. 32.] [1888.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 79. pp. 884-885.) Proclamation of the governor of Natal and of Zululand, respecting the exportation from Zululand of arms, ammunition, &c. Pietermaritzburg, December 4, 1888. [Zululand. no. 6.] [1888.] (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 79. pp. 708-710.) Report of the forests of Zululand. (Col. no. 2.) 26 pp. 8°. Rpts. Misc. (Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers, 1890-91. V. 55. c-6270-1.) |