
Great Britain. Same. cont. (Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. V. 77. pp. 1283-1289.)

Correspondence respecting the settlement at Angra Pequena, on the s. w. coast of Africa. x., 60 pp. I map. f°.

(Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1884. v. 56. doc. [C-4190].) Same. cont.

(Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1884-5. v. 56. doc. C-4262]; [c4265].)

Same. cont. f°.

(Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1887. V. 61. [0-5180].)

German proclamation placing under the protection of the German Emperor the territory acquired by M. Luderitz on the South-west coast of Africa. August 16, 1884. (In: Corres. between Great Britain and Germany, respecting the establishment of a German protectorate.)

(Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. V. 75. P. 546.) Notification by the British and German commissioners of the date of meeting of the Angra Pequeña and West Coast claims commission.Cape Town, March 16, 1885.

(Hertslet. British & Foreign State Papers. v. 77. p. 9.) Foreign Office. Reports on Subjects of General and Commercial Interest. Germany. German Colonies in Africa and the South Pacific, Reyort for the year 1894-'95. London, 1896. 8°. (Misc. Ser. 402.) c-8278.

Reports on Subjects of General and Commercial Interest. German African Colonies, Report on the finances of... for 1897-'98. London, 1897. 8°. (Misc. Ser. 413.) c-8278.

Reports on subjects of general and commercial interest. Germany. Report on the German Colonies in Africa and the Southern Pacific. London, 1897. 8°. (Misc. Ser. 432.) c-8649-3. (Foreign Office.)

Rept. for... 1897 on the German Colonies. (Misc. Ser. 474.) c-9045-2.

Langhans (Paul). Deutscher Kolonial-Atlas. Gotha, 1897. 4°.

Volz (B.) Unsere Kolonien: Land und Leute. Leipzig, 1891. 8°.


Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Conferencias Celebradas na Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa ácerca dos descobriamentos e colonisações das Portuguezes na Africa (1877-1880). Lisboa, 1892. 8°.

Delagoa (The) Directory... 1899. Lourenço Marques & Barbeton, 1899. 8°.

Faria y Sousa (M. de). Africa portuguesa. Lisboa. 1681. 4.

"Bound with his "Europa portuguesa."

Great Britain. Africa No. 1 (1890) Correspondence respecting the action of Portugal in regard to the Delagoa Bay railway. iv., 74 pp. 11. f°.

(Gt. Brit. Parl. Papers. 1890. V. 51. C-5903.) Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorweg Maatschappij. Gedenkboek uitgegeven ter gelegenheid der feestelijke opening van den Delagoa-baai Spoorweg. 1895. Amsterdam, 1895. f°.

Os Portuguezes em Africa [&c]...; ou, Historia chronologica dos descobrimientos... dos Portuguezes. Lisboa, 1877-79. 7 v. 8°.

Tams (G.) Visit to the Portuguese possessions in South-Western Africa. London, n. d. 2 v. 12. Theal (G. M. C.) The Portuguese in South Africa... London, 1896. 8°.

Vogel (C.) Le Portugal et ses colonies... Paris, 1869. 8°.

White (W.) Voyage from Madras to Colombo and Delagoa Bay. London, 1800. 4°.

Zimmermann (A.) Die Kolonialpolitik Portugals. (In his: Die Europäischen Kolonien. Berlin, 1896. Bd. 1, pp. 1-222.)



The following list of documents of the first and second Congresses of the United States comprises the original editions at present to be found in the collections of the New York Public Library.

No attempt has been made to refer to the reprints of these documents. The library contains a complete file of the American State Papers, House and Senate Journals (Legislative and Executive), the Richardson Messages of the Presidents and of the Annals of Congress, which are the chief compilations containing the reprints of these documents.



[MARCH 4-SEPTEMBER 29, 1789.]

Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of New York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M, DCC, LXXXIX. And of the Independence of the United States, the thirteenth..... NewYork: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, Printers to the United States, n. d. xiv, 16-93, (1) clxv-clxxvii pp. F°.

Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of NewYork, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M, DCC, LXXXIX, and of the independence of the United States, the thirteenth. Being the acts passed at the first session of the first Congress of the United States, to wit, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New-York, NewJersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South-Carolina, and Georgia; which eleven states respectively ratified the Constitution of Government for the United States, proposed by the Federal convention, held in Philadelphia, on the seventeenth of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven. Richmond: A. Davis, printer, [1789.] xiv, 15-79, (1) pp. F°.


Journal of the first session of the Senate of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of New-York, March 4th, 1789, and in the thirteenth year of the Independence of the said states. New-York: Printed by Thomas Greenleaf, 1789. 172 pp. F°.


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A General Statement of the foreign loans. Shewing in Abstract, the Capital Sums borrowed; the Arrearages of Interest and Parts of Principal, which became due in 1786, 1787 and 1788, and remaining unpaid on the Ist January 1789; and the Interest and Parts of Principal becoming due in the year 1789.... 3d March, 1789. [n. t. p.] 2 ll. F°.

With manuscript signature of Joseph Nourse. 1789. July, 10.

Report from the committee appointed to prepare an estimate of supplies requisite for the service of the United States, the current year.... Reported by Mr. Gerry, 10th July, 1789. Read, and ordered to be printed for the information of members. [n. t. p.] 3 pp. F°.

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[JANUARY 4-AUGUST 12, 1790.]

a. Separate Laws, or Acts; b. Collected Laws.


Each of the following group of the original acts of the United States is signed in manuscript by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State.

Congress of the United States: at the second session, Begun and held at the City of New York on Monday the fourth of January, 1790. An Act imposing Duties on the Tonnage of Ships or Vessels. Approved, July 20., 1790. [n. t. p.) 211. F°.


An Act for the Government and Regulation of Seamen in the Merchants Service. Approved, July 20., 1790. [n. t. p.] 4 pp. F°.

An Act to amend the Act for the Establishment and Support of Light-Houses, Beacons, Buoys, and Public Piers. Approved, July 22., 1790. [n. p. t.] 2 11. F°.

An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes. Approved, July 22., 1790. [n. t. p.] [2 pp.] F°.

An Act making further Provision for the Payment of the Debts of the United States. Approved, August 10., 1790. [n. t. p.] 4 pp. F.

An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to finish the Light-House, on PortlandHead, in the District of Maine. Approved, August 10., 1790. [n. t. p.) 211. F°.


Acts passed at the second session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of New-York, in the year M, DCC,XC: and of the Independence of the United States the fourteenth. New-York: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, printers to the Congress of the United States, n. d. 226, ccxxvii-ccxxviii pp. F°.


Journal of the second session of the Senate of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of New-York, January 4th, 1790; and in the fourteenth year of the Independence of the said States. New-York, Printed by John Fenno, M, DCC, XC. 224 pp. F°.

Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States Anno M, DCC, XC, and of the Independence of the United States the fourteenth. New-York: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, M, DCC, XC. 261 pp. F°.


1789. January, 14.

Report of the Secretary of the Treasury to the House of Representatives, relative to a provision for the support of the public credit of the United States, in conformity to a resolution of the twentyfirst day of September, 1789. Presented the House on Thursday, the 14th day of January, 1790. NewYork: F. Childs & J. Swaine, printers, 1790. 51 pp. F°.

Portrait of Alexander Hamilton and a. 1. s. inserted. Apparently the first document ever printed separately by the House. (Greely.)

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1790. August, 30.

Statements of the receipts and expenditures of public monies, during the administration of the finances By Robert Morris, Esquire, late Superintendent; with other extracts and accounts from the public records, Made out by the Register of the Treasury, By Direction of the Committee of the House of Representatives, appointed by an order of the House of the 19th March 1790, upon the Memorial of the said late Superintendent of Finance. August 30, 1790. [n. t. p.) 36, 4, 14 pp. F°.



a. Separate Laws, or Acts; b. Collected Laws.


Each of the following group of the original acts of the United States is signed in manuscript by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State.

Congress of the United States: at the third session, Begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the sixth of December, 1790. An Act supplementary to the Act, intitled "An Act making further provision for the Payment of the Debts of the United States." Approved, December 27., 1790. [n. t. p.] 2 11. F°.

An Act to provide for the unlading of Ships or Vessels, in Cases of Obstruction by Ice. Approved, January 7., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 11. F°.

An Act to continue an Act, intituled, "An Act declaring the Assent of Congress to certain Acts of the States of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, so far as the same respects the states of Georgia, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Approved, January 10., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 11. F°.

An Act declaring the Consent of Congress, that a new State be formed with the Jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and admitted into the Union, by the Name of the State of Kentucky. Approved, February 4., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 11. F°.

An Act declaring the Consent of Congress to a certain Act of the State of Maryland. Approved, February 9., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 11. F°. An Act making Appropriations for the Support of Government during the Year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, and for other Purposes. Approved, February 11., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 Il. F°.

An Act for the admission of the State of Vermont into this Union. Approved, February 18., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 11. F°.

An Act to continue in Force, for a limited Time, an Act passed at the first Session of Congress, intituled, "An Act to regulate Processes in the Courts of the United States." Approved, February 18, 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 ll. F.

[Resolution permitting Andrew Brown, or any other printer, to collate with and correct by the original rolls, the laws, resolutions and treaties of the United States to be by him printed.) Approved, February 18., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 ll. F°.

An Act regulating the Number of Representatives to be chosen by the States of Kentucky and Vermont. Approved, February 25., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 11.

F. An Act to incorporate the Subscribers to the Bank of the United States. Approved, February 25., 1791. [n. t. p.) 7 pp. F°.

An Act giving effect to the Laws of the United States within the State of Vermont. Approved, March 2., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 11. F°.

An Act supplementary to the Act, intituled, "An Act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States." Approved, March 2., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 11. F°.

An Act to explain and amend an Act, intituled, "An Act making further Provision for the Payment of the Debts of the United States." Approved, March 2., 1791. [n. t. p.) 211. F°. Approved

An Act fixing the time for the next Annual Meeting of Congress. Approved, March 2., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 11. F°.

Resolution requesting the President to cause to be communicated to the National Assembly of France the pecular sensibility of Congress to the tribute paid to the memory of Benjamin Franklin, by the enlightened and free representatives of a great nation, in their decree of the eleventh of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety.] Approved, March 2., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 ll. F.

An Act relative to the Rix-Dollar of Denmark. Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 11. F°.

An Act in addition to an Act, intituled, "An Act for establishing the Salaries of the Executive Officers of Government, with their Assistants and Clerks." Approved, March 3, 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 ll. F°.

An Act repealing, after the last Day of June next, the Duties heretofore laid upon Distilled Spirits imported from abroad, and laying others in their Stead; and also upon Spirits Distilled within the United States, and for appropriating the same. Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.) 16 pp. F°.

An Act Providing Compensations for the Officers of the Judicial Courts of the United States, and for Jurors and Witnesses, and for other Purposes. Approved, March 3, 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 11. F°.

An Act for raising and adding another Regiment to the Military Establishment of the

United States, and for making farther Provision for the Protection of the Frontiers. Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 ll. F°.

An Act to continue in force the Act therein mentioned, and to make further Provision for the payment of Pensions to Invalids, and for the support of Light-Houses, Beacons, Buoys, and Public Piers. Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 11. F°.

[Resolution for the establishment of a mint.] Approved. March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 ll. F°.

An Act to amend "An Act, for establishing the Temporary and Permanent Seat of the Government of the United States." Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 ll. F°.

[Resolution providing for the safe-keeping of prisoners committed under the authority of the United States.) Approved March 3., 1791. [n.t.p.] 2 ll. F°.

An Act for making Compensations to the Commissioners of Loans for extraordinary Expenses. Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 11. F°.

An Act supplementary to the Act making Provision for the Reduction of the Public Debt. Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 ll. F°.

An Act to continue in force for a limited time, an Act, intituled "An Act for the temporary establishment of the Post-Office." Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 11. F.

An Act for granting Lands to the Inhabitants and Settlers at Vincennes and the Illinois Country, in the Territory northwest of the Ohio, and for confirming them in their Possessions. Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.) 2 ll. F°.

An Act supplemental to the Act "establishing the Treasury Department," and for a farther Compensation to certain Officers. Approved. March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 11. F°.

An Act making Appropriation for the Purpose therein mentioned. (effecting a recognition of the treaty of the United States with Morocco.] Approved, March 3., 1791. [n. t. p.] 2 ll. F°.

[Resolution requesting the President to cause an estimate to be made of the quantity and situation of the lands not claimed by the Indians.] Approved, March 3, 1791. (n. t. p.) 211. F°.

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a. Separate Laws, or Acts; b. Collected Laws.


Second Congress of the United States At the First Session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia; in the State of Pennsylvania, on Monday the twenty fourth of October, 1791. An Act granting farther Time for making Return of the Enumeration of the Inhabitants, in the District of South Carolina. Approved Nov. 8, 1791. [n. t. p.) 11. F°.

An Act for the Relief of David Cook and Thomas Campbell. Approved Dec. 16, 1791. [n. t. p.] [Philadelphia: Printed by Childs and Swaine, [1791.] 11. F°.

An Act making Appropriations for the Support of Government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety two. Approved, December 23, [Philadelphia: Printed by Childs and 1791. Swaine, [1791.] 2 11. F°.

An Act for carrying into effect a Contract between the United States and the State of Pennsylvania. Approved, Jan. 3, 1792. [n. t. p.) 11. F°.

An Act to extend the Time limited for settling the Accounts of the United States with the individual States. Approved, Jan. 23, 1792. [n. t. p.] Il. F.

Certified in manuscript by Thomas Jefferson.

An Act concerning certain Fisheries of the United States and for the Regulation and Government of the Fishermen employed therein. Approved, Feb. 16, 1792. [n. t. p.) 211. F°.

An Act to establish the Post-Office and Post-Roads within the United States. Approved, Feb. 20, 1792. [n. t. p.] 8 pp. F°.

An Act relative to the Election of a President and Vice-President of the United States, and declaring the Officer who shall act as President in case of Vacancies in the offices both of President and Vice-President. Approved, March 1, 1792. [n. t. p.] [Philadelphia:] Printed by Childs and Swaine, [1792.] 11. F°.

An Act for making farther and more effectual Provision for the Protection of the Frontiers of the United States. Approved, March 5, 1792. [n. t. p.] [Philadelphia: Printed by Childs and Swaine, [1792.] 2 11. F.

An Act declaring the consent of Congress to a certain Act of the State of Maryland, and to continue for a longer time, an Act declaring the assent of Congress to certain Acts of the States of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, so far as the same respects the States of Georgia, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Approved, March 19, 1792. [n. t. p.) 11. F°.

An Act to provide for the settlement of the

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