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THE EDITOR thinks it a

duty incumbent to return his most fincere thanks to those Subfcribers who fo cheerfully have promoted the following little Work. With as much caution as poffible, he has kept his original Plan in view, to felect fuch pieces as might blend inftruction with amufement, and while the fancy is entertained, the mind may be A 2 improved.



improved. Several things will
be found replete with much
merit, though not univerfally
known, or rendered extreme-
ly popular; for Many a
flower is born to spread un-
feen, and wafte its fweet-
nefs on the defart air.' If,
in the prefent, the reader
mects with fomething to ap-
prove, and nothing to offend,
'tis all the praife he can take
to himfelf; for to use the
words of a celebrated Author,
and diftinguished Editor-
I have here only made a
SMALL nofegay of culled
• flowers,


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