And cruel is the wintry wind that chills myheart with cold, But crueller than all, the lad that left my love for gold! Hush, hush my lovely baby, and warm thee in my breast ; Ah little thinks thy father how fadly we're diftreft; For cruel as he is, did he know but how we fare, He'd fhield us in his arms from this bitter piercing air. Cold, cold my deareft jewel thy little life is gone: Oh let my tears revive thee, fo warm that trickle down : My tears that gush so warm, oh they freeze before they fall : Ah wretched, wretched mother! thou'rt now bereft of all." Then Then down she funk despairing upon the drifted fnow, And wrung with killing anguifh, lamented loud her woe; She kifs'd her baby's pale lips, and laid it by her fide; Then caft her eyes to heaven, then bow'd her head, and died. A. The Paffions. [From the inimitable unimitated manner in which Mr. Palmer recites and acts the Paffions, together with the excellence of the Ode, 'twas fuppofed the infertion would be highly agreeable, especially to those who have had the fatisfaction in feeing that truly great performer.] WHEN Mufic, heavenly maid, was young, While yet in early Greece the fung, The 1 The Paffions oft, to hear her shell, From the supporting myrtles round Each, for madness rul'd the hour, First Fear his hand, its fkill to try, Next Anger rufh'd, his eyes on fire, With With woeful measures wan Defpair- But thou, O Hope, with eyes fo fair, She call'd on Echo ftill thro' all the fong; And where her fweeteft theme the chofe, A foft refponfive voice was heard at every clofe, And Hope enchanted fimil'd, and wav'd her golden hair. And longer had the fung,-but, with a frown, Revenge impatient rose, He threw his blood-ftain'd fword in thunder down, And with a withering look, The war-denouncing trumpet took, And And blew a blaft fo loud and dread, Were ne'er prophetic founds fo full of woe; And ever and anon he beat The doubling drum with furious heat: And tho' fometimes, each dreary pause between, Dejected Pity at his fide, Her foul-fubduing voice applied, Yet ftill he kept his wild unalter'd mien, While each ftrain'd ball of fight feem'd bursting from his head. Thy numbers, Jealoufy, to nought were fix'd, Sad proof of thy distressful state, Of differing themes the veering fong was mix'd, And now it courted Love, now raving call'd on Hate. With eyes up-rais'd, as one inspir'd, And from her wild fequester'd seat, In notes by distance made more fweet, Pour'd |