
country and mankind, in the moft upright and difinterested manner: who, in fine, enjoys the goods of life with the greateft moderation, bear its ills with the greateft fortitude; and in thofe various circumftances of duty and trial, maintains and expreffes an habitual and fupreme reverence and love of God; that man is the worthieft character in this stage of life; paffes through it with the highest satisfaction and dignity; and paves the way to the moft eafy and honourable old age. Finally, he who, in the de cline of life preserves himself most exempt from the chagrins incident

incident to that period; cherishes the most equal and kind affections; uses his experience, wifdom and authority in the moft fatherly and venerable manner; acts under a sense of the infpection, and with a view to the ap-、 probation of his Maker; is daily afpiring after immortality, and ripening apace for it; and having fuftained his part with integrity and confiftency to the laft, quits the stage with a modeft and graceful triumph; this is the best, this is the happiest old mán.

Therefore, that whole life of youth, manhood and old age, which is fpent after this manE 3


ner, is the best and happiest



Character of a True Friend. CONCERNING the man you call your friend-tell me, Will he weep with you in the hour of your distress? Will he faithfully reprove you to your face, for actions for which others are ridiculing or censuring you behind your back? Will he dare to ftand forth in your defence, when detraction is fecretly aiming its deadly weapons at your reputation?

reputation? Will he acknowledge you with the fame cordiality, and behave to you with the fame friendly attention, in the company of your fuperiors in rank and fortune, as when the claims of pride or vanity do not interfere with those of friendship? If misfortunes and loffes fhould oblige you to retire into a walk of life, in which you cannot appear with the fame distraction, or entertain your friends with the fame liberality as formerly, will he still think himself happy in your fociety, and, instead of gradually withdrawing himself from an unprofitable connection, take pleasure


in profeffing himself your friend, and cheerfully affift you to fupport the burden of your afflictions? When ficknefs fhall call you to retire from the gay and bufy fcenes of the world, will he follow you into your gloomy retreat, liften with attention to your "tale of fymptoms," and minifter the balm of confolation to your fainting fpirit-And laftly, when death fhall burft afunder every earthly tie, will he fhed a tear upon your grave, and lodge the dear remembrance of your mutual friendship in his heart, as a treasure never to be refigned? The man who will not do all this, may be your companion

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