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" Though poor the peasant's hut, his feasts though small, He sees his little lot the lot of all ; Sees no contiguous palace rear its head, To shame the meanness of his humble shed ; No costly lord the sumptuous banquet deal, To make him loathe his vegetable... "
Beauties of literature, selected from various authors by H. Waylett - Pagina 8
door Beauties - 1791
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The British Magazine, Or, Monthly Repository for Gentlemen & Ladies

724 pagina’s
...charm, Kedrefs the clime, and all its rage difarm. Tho' poor the peafant's hut, hi* ftafts tho* fmall, He fees his little lot, the lot of all ; Sees no contiguous palace rear its head To flume the meannefs of his humble fhed ; Mo coftly loid the fumptuous banquet deal To make him loath...
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The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal, Volume 32

Ralph Griffiths, G. E. Griffiths - 1764 - 608 pagina’s
...Redrefs the clime, and all its rage difarm. Though poor the peafant's hut, his feafts though fmal), He fees his little lot, the lot of all ; Sees no contiguous palace rear its head, To (hame the meannefs of his humble (lied ; No coftly. Lord the fumptuous banquet deal, To make him loath...
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: Now ..., Volume 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1780 - 204 pagina’s
...Redrefs the clime, and all its rage difarm. Though poor the peafant's hut, his feafts though fmall, He fees his little lot the lot of all ; Sees no contiguous...rear its head To fhame the meannefs of his humble fbed ; No coftly lord the fumptuous banquet deal To make him loath his vegetable meal ; But calm, and...
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The muse's pocket companion. A collection of poems. By lord Carlisle [and ...

Muse - 1785 - 316 pagina’s
...charm, Redrefs the clime, and all its rage difarm. Though poor the peafants hut, his feafts though He fees his little lot the lot of all; Sees no contiguous...coftly lord the fumptuous banquet deal To make him loath his vegetable meal; But calm, and bred in ignorance and toil, , Each wifh contra&ing, fits him...
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The Muse's Pocket Companion: A Collection of Poems

1785 - 306 pagina’s
...charm, Redrefs the clime, and all its rage difarm. Though poor the peafanu hut, his fcafts though fmall, He fees his little lot the lot of all; Sees no contiguous...rear its head To fhame the meannefs of his humble med ; • No coftly lord the fumptuous banquet deal To make him loath his vegetable meal ; But calm,...
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The Muse's Pocket Companion. A Collection of Poems: By Lord Carlisle. Lord ...

1785 - 304 pagina’s
...Redrefc the clime, and all its rage difarm. Though poor the peafants hut, his feafts though fmall, He fees his little lot the lot of all; Sees no contiguous palace rear its head To fhauic the meanncfs of his humble fhed ; No coftly lord the fumptuous banquet (it;il To make him loath...
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Miscellanies, Moral and Instructive, in Prose and Verse

1787 - 430 pagina’s
...could be fhewn how much farther he might go. T HO' poor the peafant's hut, his feafts tho' final!. He fees his little lot, the lot of all ; Sees no contiguous...fhame the meannefs of his humble fhed ; No coftly lords the fumptuous banquet deal, To make him loathe his vegetable mealBut calm, and bred in ignorance...
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Bell's Classical Arrangement of Fugitive Poetry ...

John Bell - 1789 - 202 pagina’s
...the clime, and all its rage disarm. Thtnigh poor the peasant's hut, his feasts though small, He sees his little lot the lot of all ; Sees no contiguous palace rear its head To shame the meanness of his humble shed ; No costly lord the sumptuous banquet deal To make him loath...
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: With an Account ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1791 - 206 pagina’s
...charm, Redrefs the clime, and all its rage difarm. Though poor the peafant's hut, his feafts tho' fmail, He fees his little lot the lot of all ; Sees no contiguous...coftly lord the fumptuous banquet deal To make him loath his vegetable meal ; But calm, and bred in ignorance and toil, Each wifh contrafting, fits him...
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Extracts, Elegant, Instructive, and Entertaining, in Poetry, Volume 1

Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 pagina’s
...charm, Rcdrcfs the clime, and all its rage difarm, Tho' poor the pcafant's hut, his feaft tho' final!, it brings. In youth aj^ne * rlow'r the early fpring fupplics, That gaily blooms, mamc the meannefs of his humble flied ; No coftly lord the fumptuous banquet deal, To make him loath...
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