CATALOGUE OF A VERY SELECT COLLECTION OF BOOKS ENGLISH AND FOREIGN OFFERED AT THE LOW PRICES AFFIXED BY HENRY G. BOHN No. 4, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. LONDON: PRINTED BY C. RICHARDS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. 1831. HENRY G. BOHN, in soliciting the support of his friends and the public, feels the propriety of offering some explanation of the causes which have led him to prefer this claim on his own individual account. It had always been his hope and expectation, that he should eventually obtain a share of that business, with which he had been, in a manner, identified for so many years; but circumstances, over which he had no control, having deprived him of that prospect, and some plan for the future becoming necessary, it was concluded that he should enter on a separate concern. This arrangement, he is happy to add, has been effected without any interruption of that amicable feeling, which, it is hoped, will always continue to exist. Embarked anew in the difficulties, and exposed to the discouragements, of an unmatured business, he looks with anxiety for the occasional remembrance of his former friends. He firmly purposes the most unremitting assiduity and attention, and invariable moderation of charges: which, joined to a knowledge of books acquired by years of close application, and facilitated by opportunities not often exceeded, will, he trusts, secure for him that consideration which he so anxiously seeks iv Whether called upon to supply the publications of this country, or those of France, Italy, Germany, Holland, or Spain -from the largest to the smallest extent-he will feel equally grateful for the favor; pledging himself to leave no possibility of being excelled in the execution of his commissions. The books which appear in the present Catalogue, have all been collected within the last six months; - the Foreign, during an extensive tour on the Continent, at a time peculiarly favorable, and the English, for the most part, from a fine private library in this country. They have been selected, he conceives, with some judgment; and he feels confident that the prices, in proportion to the general fine condition of the articles, will be found unusually moderate. With these claims, he consigns his first essay to a discerning public, and ventures to indulge a reasonable hope, that his humble endeavours will not pass unrewarded. INDEX. BOOKS OF PRINTS, PICTURE GALLERIES, DRAWINGS, ETC. Bible Prints Emblems Heraldry Missals ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS BOOKS PRINTED ON VELLUM BLACK LETTER AND EARLY PRINTED BOOKS ALDINE EDITIONS EARLY VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, in Foreign Languages in Foreign Languages Page 1 4 13 20 25 39 43 45 54 71 83 91 95 NATURAL HISTORY, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, Medicine, etc. Church, Foreign Theology, Philology, and Modern Latin Writers 168 PHYSICS AND METAPHYSICS, including Mathematics, Astronomy, Astrology, Alchemy, &c. in Foreign Languages |