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(C 272)

Isaac Commenus: a play, by H. Taylor. (In his Poet. works. v. 2. 1864.)

Isaac monachus. Περὶ μέτρων ποιητικών. (In Bachmann, G. L. E. Anecd., v. 2. 1828.)

Isaacs, Hyam. Ceremonies, customs, etc., of the Jews. London, [183-]. 8°.

Isabel de Bavière; par A. Dumas. Nouv. éd. Paris, 1862. 2 v. 18°.

Isabel; or Sicily; a pilgrimage; by H. T. Tuckerman. Phila., 1839. 12°

Isabela; tragedia, de L. L. de Argensola.

Parnaso esp., v. 6. 1772;

del teatro espan., v. 1. 1832.)

(In Sedano, and in Ochoa. Tesoro

Isabella of Angoulême. Queen of King John. STRICKLAND, A. (In her Queens of Eng., v. 2. 1840.)

Isabella, Queen of Castile and Aragon.

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Elogio. (In Madrid. Ac. d. 1. Hist., v. 6. 1821.) JAMESON, A. (In her Mem. of female sov. 1831. Harper's fam. lib., v. 33, 34.)

See also Ferdinand und Isabella.

Isabella of France, Queen of Edward II. STRICKLAND, A.
(In her Queens of Eng., v. 2. 1840.)
Isabella, St., Queen of Portugal. BAYAM, J. P. (In his
Portugal glorioso. 1727.)

Isabella 11., Queen of Spain.

CALDERON DE LA BARCA, F. E. I. Attaché in Madrid; or, sketches of the court of I. N. Y., 1856. 12o. STRICKLAND, Isabella of Valois, 2d Queen of Richard II.

A. (In her Queens of England, v. 3. 1840.)

Isabella, tragedia. See Polidori, G.
Isabella, or the fatal marriage; a tragedy; by T. Southern.
London, n.d. 16°. (D 42)

Isabella Maria Louisa, Infanta of Spain, Princess of

Parma, Archduchess of Austria. CANTÙ, C. Isa. bella e la corte di Vienna. (In Archivio stor. ital., ser. 3. v. 7, pt. 2. 1868.)

Isabelle; drama; by J. B. Buckstone.

Mod. stand. dr., v. 22.)

(In Sargent, E.

Isaley, Jean Baptiste. BASSANVILLE, A. L., comtesse de. (In her Salons d'autrefois, sér. 1. 1862.) Isacco, figura del Redentore. (In Metastasio, P. Works. v. 7. 1782.)

Isæus. Orationes; recog. et comment. adj. G. F. Schömann. Gryphisw., 1831. 8°.

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Orationes, Gr. et Lat. (In Reiske, J. J. Oratores
Græci, v. 7. 1773.)

Isæus, Gr. cum trans. reficta a C. Mullero. (In Mueller, C. Oratores Attici, v. 1. 1847.) Speeches on succession to property at Athens; tr. with Sir W. Jones. Lond., 1779. 4°. - Oratio de hereditate Cleonymi. (In Mai. Class. auct., v. 4. 1831.)

Isaiah, Book of. See Bible (p. 281).
Isambert, François André.

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Manuel du publiciste et de l'homme d'état. Paris, 1826. 4 v. 8°. Géographie du VIe siècle et revision de la numismatique d'après la livre de Justinien. (In Procopius Casariensis. Anecdota. 1856.)

Rapport de M. Isambert sur les voyages de M. M.
Lynch et de Sauley. (In Paris. Soc. de Géog.
Bul.. 4e sér., v. 7. 1854.)

Ischander. Fragm. (In Wagner. Fr. Eurip. 1846.)
Ischia. CAPACCIO, G. C. De balneis liber.

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J. F. De balneis ænariarum. (In Grævius. Thes. antiq. Ital.. v. 9. pt. 4. 1723.)

Iseo, Giuseppe. Discorso sopra il poema del Tasso. (In Galilei, G. Opere, v. 15. 1856.)

Isherwood, Benjamin F. Engineering precedents for steam machinery. New York, 1859. 8°. Experimental researcles in steam engineering. Phila., 1863. 4°.

[ocr errors]

Description of timber bridges,

etc., on Utica and Syracuse R. R. (In Weale, J. Theory, v. 2. 1839.) Isidora. See Dudevant, A. A. L. Chateau des désertes. Isidorus. Fragm. (In Nauck, A. Trag. Gr. fragm. 1856.) Isidorus agricola Madriti. St. JOANNES diac. Ilispanus. Vita S. I. (In Acta sanct., v. 16. 1866.) Isidorus Characenus. Mansiones Parthicæ. (In Mueller, C. Geographi Gr. min., v. 1. 1855.)


Isidorus Hispalensis erisc. (Eng. Bp. of Seville), St. Comment. in canticum Salomonis. (In Mai. Class. auct., v. 9. 1837.)

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Glossarium; cum notis J. G. Grævii. (In Martinius, M. Lexicon philol.)

De nativitate Domini.

Teut.. v. 1. 1728.)

(In Schilter, J. Thes. antiq.

De viris illustribus. (In Florez, H. España sagrada, v. 5. 1750.) - Chronicon I. ac Melliti. Historia de regibus Gothorum, Wandalorum, et Suevorum. (In v. 6.) Epistolæ Isidori et Braulionis Cæsaraugus. tani mutuo directæ. (In v. 30. 1775.) VERSUS in bibliotheca Isidori. - VIDA escrita por el Cerratense. - De TRANSITU Isidori. (In v. 9.) DAMASCIUS. Vita Isidori, a Photio excerpta. Diogenes Laertius. De clar. philos. 1850.) VITA. (In Acta sanct., v. 10. 1866.)


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Isidro, St. VEGA CARPIO, L. F. de. Justa poetica al san I. Vida del santo y Relacion de las fiestas que Madrid hizo en [su] canonizacion. (In his Obras no dramaticas. 1856; v. 38 of Aribau. Bibl.) Isigonus Nicaensis. Fragm. (In Mueller, C. Fr. hist. Gr., v. 4. 1851.) Isis.

PLUTARCHUS. Ueber Isis und Osiris mit Uebersetz. von G. Parthey. Berlin, 1850. 8. Isizulu. GROUT, L. Observations on the particles of the Isizulu and its cognate languages. (In Amer. Orient. Soc. Journ., v. 6. 1860.)

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Iskender Munshi. ERDMANN, F. von. I. und sein Werk. (In Zeitschr. d. D. morg. Ges., v. 15. 1861.) Isla, José Francisco de. Obras escogidas; con una noticia de su vida y escritos por P. F. Mondau. Madrid, 1850. 8. (Aribau. Bibl., v. 15.) Contents. Noticia de la vida y obras [de] Isla. Vida [de] Isla. Triunfo del amor y de la lealtad, dia grande de Navarra. Historia del famoso predicador Gerundio de Campazas, aliàs Zotes. - Varios escritos con motivo de la historia de Gerundio. Prólogo. Carta de A. de la Verdad. Reparos de un penitente [de] M. Marquina. Apologia de N. Cernadas contra los Reparos de M. Marquina. - Carta [de] C. Criton al morondo J. Benoit. Dia: o entre el cura del Zangano y el guardian de Loriana, obre Gerundio. El circunloquio [de] Isla. Jácara nueva y curioso romance. - Cartas apologéticas. - Carta escrita por el barbero de Corpa a J. Maimo y Ribes. - Carta [de] J. de Aravaca en respuesta á otra de A. de Montiano. Carta de L. Comitolo. - Los aldeanos criticos, ó cartas críticas sobre lo que se verá. Romance contra Gerundio, por el marques de la Olmeda. Carta de St pino á Gerundio. Al ente sin sustancia, al átomo bullicioso, al orate de las tertulias, etc.. y fingido A. de la Verdad. Un apasionado de la verdad. Endechas del padre Marco contra Gerundio y su autor. Decimos de un cocinero de cierta religion contra Gerundio. - Memorial de un Gerundio converso. Noticioso Gerundio de que le busca su autor, le participa su paradero. - Decimas [de] Isla. - Seguidillas aseguran ser de un novicio de la Compañía de Jesus. Cartas de J. de la Encina. Cartas familiares. Los aldianos críticos, ó cartas críticas. Madrid, [17-]. 8°.

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Carta del barbero de Corpa. (In Valladares, A.
Seman., v. 20. 1789; Carta sobre el terremoto de
Portugal. (In v. 16. 1788.)
Cartas de J. de la Encina, contra un libro [de]
J. de Carmona, 'Metodo racional de curar sa-
bañones'. Madrid, [17-]. 8°.

Cartas familiares. Madrid, 1785. 2 v. 8°. Cartas familiares. 2a ed. Madrid, 1790. 6 v. 8°. Collecion de papeles critico-apologeticos contra P. de Aquenza y D. de Torres en defensa de Feyjoó y Martinez. Madrid, 1788. 8°. Conversaciones entre Fabio y Silvio, sobre cierto sermon. 1740. (In Valladares, A. Seman., v. 34. 1790.) Description de la mascara en Salamanca con motivo de la canonizacion de S. Luis Gonzaga y S. Estanislao de Koska. Madrid, 1787. 8°.



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Sermones morales. Madrid, 1792-93. 6 v. 4o. Triunfo del amor; festiva del rey Fernando II. 2a reimpr. Madrid, [1746?] 4°.

FOLRA, J. J. Compendio hist. de la vida, etc. t.p.w. [Madrid, 1803?] 18°

Isla, Juan de. Representation en derecho. (In Valladares, A. Seman., v. 34. 1790.)


See Mohammedanism.

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Islington, Eng. BRAYLEY, E. W. Views in Isling

ton, fr. drawings by Pugin. Lond., 1819. 4° HOWITT, W. Historical associations of I. (In his Northern heights of London. 1869.)

Ismael pasha. ENGLISH, G. B. Expedition to Dongola and Senaar. 1st Amer. ed. Boston, 1823. 8°.

--Another copy. (C 150) Ismailes. SALISBURY, E. E. Translation of two unpub. lished Arabic documents relating to the doctrines of the Ismâ'iles and other Bârtinian sects. (In Amer. Orient. Soc. Journ., v. 2. 1851.)

Ismeer; or, Smyrna and its British hospital in 1855. London, 1856. 8°.

Isménide et Hylas; par J. B. I. de Lisle. (In Biblioth. univ. des romans, Nouv., v. 74. 1803.)

Isoard, Jean Baptiste Claude, afterwards Delisle de Sales. See Delisle de Sales.

Isocrates. Orationes et epistolæ; recog. J. G.

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Nicocles, de como los súbditos deben haberse con el principe. Or. suasorias. El panegirico. A Filipo, sobre reconciliar las ciudades griegas. 2. Archîdamo. Areopagitica. La social o de la paz. Elogios y reprensiones. Elog. de Evágoras. - De Helena. - De Busiris. El panateniaco. - Contra los Sofistas. 3. Or. judiciales. Plataica. De la permuta. - Del par de caballos. La trapecitica. Paragráfica. Eginética. Lochîtes. La sin testigos. - Cartas. Ausgewählte Reden des Isokrates: Panegyricus, und Areopagiticus; erklært von R. Rauchenstein. 2e Aufl. Berlin, 1855. 8° Panegyricus; cum animad. S. F. N. Mori suisque ed. F. A. G. Spohn. Lips., 1817. 8°. Panegyricus; from the text of Bremi, with Eng. notes by C. C. Felton. Camb., 1847. 12o. PERROT, G. (In Revue d. D. Mondes, nov. 1871.) Isola disabitata, L'. See Metastasio, P. Ispahan. BUCKINGHAM, J. S. Researches in Ispahan. (In his Travels in Assyria. 1829.)

Israel, Judges of. AUCHINLECK. H. B. Chronology of the
J. (In Royal Irish Acad. Trans., v. 11. 1810.)
Israeli, Isaac d'. See D'Israeli.
Issaurat, C. Moments perdus de Pierre-Jean; ob-
servations, objections, etc. Paris, 1868. 18o.
Isselburg, P. Eigentliche Entwerffung dessn Marquis Spi-
nola Lägern bey Maintz und Oppenheim. Dess
gleichen der unirten Fursten Läger bey Wormbs,
1620. Norimb.. [16]. (E 78, no. 92b)

Issipile. See Metastasio, P.
Istakhri, Abú Ishak, called Al Kitabú-l-alkálim. ELLIOT,
H. M. (In his Hist. of India, v. 1. 1867.)
Ister. Atthis, etc. Fragm. (In Mueller, C. Fr. hist. Gr..
v. 1. 1841.)
Isthmian games.

KRAUSE, J. H. Die Pythien, Nemeen, und Isthmien aus den Schrift- und Bildwerken des Alterthums. Lpz., 1841. 8°. (Krause, J. H. Enviкá, 2r Th., 2r Bd.) Isthmus of Panama, of Suez. See Panama, Suez. Istorici delle cose veneziane.

10 v. 8°.

Venezia, 1718-22.

Contents. Vol. 1. M. A. Sabellico. 2. P. Bembo. 3-4. P. Paruta. 5-7. A. Morosini. 8-9. B. Nani. 10. M. Foscarini.

Istorie pistolesi ov. delle cose in Toscana, 1300-48, See
e diario del Monaldi. Firenze, 1773. 8°. 3/E-L
Istria, Dora d', pseud. See Koltzof-Massalsky, H. G.,

Istria. LAVALLÉE, J. Voyage pittoresque de
l'Istrie et de la Dalmatie; après l'itinéraire
de L. F. Cassas. Paris, 1802. fo.
CHMEL, J. (In his Urkunden zur Geschichte von
Istrien, etc. Fontes rer. Aust., 2e Abth, 1r B. 1849.)
FERRARIO, G. (In his Costume, v. 7. 1829.)
GOINEO, G. De situ Istriæ. (In Græs. Thes. antiq.
Ital., v. 8, pt. 4. 1723.)

Isumbras, The romance of. (In Halliwell, J. O. Thorn-
ton romances, 1744. Camden Soc., v. 30.)
See also Sir Isumbras.

Iswara Krishna. Sankhya Karika; tr. by Cole-
brooke, with the comment. of Guarapada by
Wilson. Oxf., Orient. Trans. Fund, 1837. 4o.
It is never too late to mend; by C. Reade. Boston,
1856. 2 v. 12.

Ita, Countess of Hapsburg. See Hapsburg.
Italia liberata, L'. See Trissino, G. G.
Italiaenische Leider des hohenstaufischen Hofes
in Sicilien; [genommen aus den 'Discorsi' von
R. di Gregorio]. Stuttg., Lit. Verein, 1843. 8°.
Italian comedies, tr. N. Y., and Phila., 1849. 8°.
Contents. Goldoni, C. An odd mistake; -The mo-
rose good man. Giraud, G. Jealousy at fault;
The mad prophet. Nota, A. The projector; - The
first steps to folly.

Italian merchants in London. Case of the Italian merchants. [London, 16-—.] fo. (A 52)

Italy, Ancient. FABRETTI, A. Corpus inscrip

tionum Italicarum antiquioris ævi et Glossarium Italicum in quo omnia vocabula ex Umbricis, Sabinis, Oscis, Volscis, Etruscis, aliisq. monum. Aug. Taur., [1858-67]. 4o


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DYER, T. H. Early populations of Italy. (In his Hist. of the kings of Rome. 1868.) GASTALDI, B. Lake habitations and pre-historic remains of northern and central Italy; tr. by C. H. Chambers. London, 1865. 8° KEIGHTLEY, T. Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy. London, 1831. 8°

MOMMSEN, T. Die unteritalischen Dialeckte. Lpz., 1850. 4°.

VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Eneis. See Virgilius Maro. See also Etruria; Latinum; Umbria; and especially Rome.

Italy, Kingdom of. Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Documenti diplomatici presentati al parlamento, 21 déc. 1866. Firenze, [1867?]. 4°. Ministero dell' Interno. Calendario gen. d'Italia, 1862-64, 67-72. Roma, 1862-72. 9 v. 8°.

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FORSYTH, J. Antiquities, etc. Lond., 1813. 8°. MURATORI, L. A. Antiquitates Italicæ Medii Evi. Mediol., 1738-42. 6 v. fo.

-- Dissertazioni sopra le antichità ital.; [pub. da] G. F. S. Muratori. Napoli, 1752-53. 3 v. 4o. See also Baia; Bosia;- Castel Gondolfo ; - Cora; Cumæ; Etruria; Faenza; - Falisci; - Fermo; Florence; Herculaneum; - Pompeii; Classical antiquities; - Italy, (Ancient); - Rome. Antiq.; also Revue d. D. Mondes, table gén., p. 453.

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CLOCHAR, P. Palais, maisons, etc., d'Italie. Paris, 1809. fo.

CRESY, E., and TAYLOR, G. L. Architecture of the Middle Ages in Italy. London, 1829. fo. GRUNER, L. The terra-cotta architecture of North Italy, 12th-15th cent.; from drawings by F. Lose, with descriptive text by V. Ottolini and F. Lose. London, 1867. 4°. STREET, G. E. Brick and marble in the Middle Ages. London, 1855. 8°.

WOODS, J. Letter of an architect from France, Italy, and Greece. London, 1828. 2 v. 4o. See also Architecture (p. 126-129).


CANESTRINI, G. Documenti per servire alla storia della milizia italiana dal 130 sec. al 160. (In Archivio stor. ital., v. 15. 1851.)

GALEANI NAPIONE, G. F. Notizia de' principali scrittori de arte militare italiani. (In Turin. Ac. d. Sci. Mem., v. 13. 1803.)

Art (chiefly painting and sculpture; for Music see p. 1549).

Bibliography. REUMONT, A. Notizie bibliog. dei' lavori pub. in Germania trattanti delle belle arti in Italia. (In Archivio stor. ital., App., v. 5. 1847.) ARUNDEL SOCIETY. Italian jewellery worn by peasants; col. by Castellani, and purchased for the South Kensington Museum. London, 1868. fo.

- Italian sculpture of the Middle Ages and period of the revival of art. London, 1869. fo. BALDINUCCI, F. Vocabolario toscano dell' arte del disegno. (In his Opere, v. 2, 3. 1809.) - Notizie de' professori del disegno da Cimabue in quà. (In v. 4, 5. 1811.)

BARRI, G. A painter's voyage to Italy; Eng. by W. L[odge]. London, 1679. 8°.

BARRY, J. (In his Works, v. 2. 1809.)

BEYLE, M. H. Histoire de la peinture en Italie. Paris, 1817. 2 v. 8°.

Same. Revue. Paris, 1854. 16°


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BOTTARI, G. Raccolta di lettere sulla pittura, scultura, ec.; contin. da S. Ticozzi. Milano, 1822–25. 3 v. 16

BURCKHARDT, J. Der Cicerone; Anleitung zum Genuss der Kunstwerke I.'s. Basel, 1855. 16o. - Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien. Basel, 1860. 8°.

CIAMPI, S. Notizie inedite della sagrestia pistoiese de' belli arredi, del Campo Santo pisano, e di altre opere di disegno, sec. XII.-XV. Firenze, 1810. 4°.

CICOGNARA, L. Storia della scultura in Italia. Ed. 2a. Prato, 1823-24. 7 v. 8°. COCHIN, C. N. Voyage d'Italie; recueil de notes sur les ouvrages de peinture et de sculpture. Paris, 1769. 3 v. 8°.

CROWE, J. A., and CAVALCASELLE, G. B. Hist. of painting in Italy. Lond., 1864-66. 3 v. 8°. Same. In North I. London, 1871. 2 v. 8°. DEZALLIER D'ARGENVILLE, A. J. Peintres italiens.

(In Descamps, J. B. Vie des peintres, v. 4, 5. 1843.) DUMAS, A. Ital. et Flamands. Par., 1862. 2 v. 18° FIORILLO, J. D. (In his Gesch. der zeichnenden Künste, v. 1, 2. 1798-1801.)

FORSYTH, J. See Antiquities, in the previous column. GANDELLINI, G. G. Notizie istoriche degli intagliatori. 2a ed. Siena, 1808-16. 15 v. 8°. GAYE, G. Carteggio ined. d'artisti dei secoli XIV-XVI. Firenze, 1839-40. 3 v. 8°. GUALANDI, M. A. Memorie originali italiani risg. le belle arti. Bologna, 1840-45. 6 v. 8°. HEMANS, C. I. Ancient Christianity and sacred art in Italy. London, 1866. 12° JAMES, J. T. The Italian schools of painting. London, 1820. 8°.

JAMESON, A. Memoirs of early Italian painters. London, 1859. 12o.

JARVES, J. J. Art studies; 'the old masters' of Italy; painting. New York, 1861. 8°. KUGLER, F. Hand-book of history of painting. Pt. 1: Italian schools; ed. by C. E. Eastlake. London, 1842. 8°.

LANZI, L. Storia pittorica della Italia. Ed. 3a. Bassano, 1809. 6 v. 8°.

- Eng. History of painting in Italy; tr. by T. Roscoe. London, 1828. 6 v. 8°.

MURATORI, L. A. De artibus Ital. post inclinationem Romani imperii. (In his Antiq. Ital., v. 2. 1839.) OTTLEY, W. G. The Italian school of design; fac-similes of drawings by eminent painters and sculptors of Italy. London, 1823. fo. PERKINS, C. C. Ital. sculptors; a hist. of sculpture in N., S., and E. Italy. Lond., 1868. 4°. Tuscan sculptors. London, 1864. 2 v. 4°. ROBINSON, J. C. South Kensington Museum: Italian sculpture of the Middle Ages and period of the revival of art. London, 1862. 8°. ROSINI, G. Storia della pittura italiana. Pisa, 1839-47. 7 v. 8° and Plates, 1839-55. 6 v. fo. RUMOHR, C. F. v. Italienische Forschungen. Berlin, 1827. 2 v. 8°. SCHULZ, H. W. Denkmäler der Kunst des Mittelalters in Unterital.; hrsg. von F. von Quast. Dresden, 1860. 4 v. 4° and Atlas fo STURGIS, R. Manual of the Jarves collection of early Italian pictures deposited in the Yale School of Fine Arts. N. Haven, 1868. 8°. TAINE, H. A. Philosophie de l'art en Italie. Paris, 1866. 12o.

VIARDOT, L. Les musées d'Italie, guide et memento. Paris, 1842. 12°

- Wonders of Italian art; [paintings]. London, 1870. 8°.





WYATT, M. D., and WARING, J. B. Mediæval, renaissance, and Italian courts. (In Crystal Palace. Fine arts, v. 2. 1854.)

ZANETTI, A. Le premier siècle de la calcographie Ecole d'Italie. Venise, 1838. 8°. ZIRARDINI, G. See Literature: History (p. 1547). See also Ancona, Marca di; - Bologna; - Florence; Naples; Pisa; - Rome; -Siena; Tuscany; Vatican; - Venice; also Ancient Art; - Christian Art; Middle Ages. Art; and the general histories of the Fine Arts (pp. 146-148); also Furniture; also Revue d. D. Mondes, table gén., p. 452.

The library contains lives of the following Italian artists: Angelico da Fiesole, Fra; Buonarroti, M. A.;- Cellini, B.; Ghirlandaio, D.; Giotto; Nelli, O.; Perugino, P.; - Pinturicchio, B.; - Raffaello Santi or Sanzio; Sanzio, G.; ~ Vecellio, T.; Vinci, L. da; - and of the Vecelli family; and copies of works by Angelico da Fiesole, Fra; Barbieri, G. F.; Berrettini, P.; -Buonarroti, M. A.; Canova, A.; Carracci, The, (L., A., and A.); Francia, F.; - Masaccio ;- Mazzuoli, F.; — Montelupo, R. da; - Orcagna, A.; - Piazzetta, J. B.; — Piranesi, G. B. and F.; Raffaello Santi or Sanzio; Rosa, S.; Sanderi, A.; - Vinci, L. da; - Zampieri, D.; and by the following engravers: Cosio, C.; Giacomelli, S.; Morghen, R.; - Raimondi, M. A.; Roccheggiani, L.; -and copies of works by these and other artists may be found in various collections, as Ticozzi, S. Vita di Gesu e di Maria vergine con rami tratti dalle pui cel. pitture delle scuole d'Italia. 1826; and others enumerated under Painting.

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AMATO, G. d'.

ertà italiana.


Panteon dei martiri della lib-
Torino, 1851. 2 v. 8o.

AYALA, M. d'. Degl' ingegneri militari italiani dal secolo XIII al XVIII. (In Archivio stor. ital., ser. 3, v. 9, pt. 2. 1869.)

BISTICCI, V. da. Vite di uomini illustri del secolo xv. Firenze, 1859. 8°

DAVID, R. G., and VINCENT, C. Le tueur de brigands; hist. des principaux bandits de l'Italie. Paris, 1859. 18°

GIOVIO, P. Vitæ illustrium virorum. Basil., 1578, 77. 2 v. fo.

LITTA, P. Famiglie celebri di Italia. Milano, 1819-74. 15 v. and 34 fasc. fo.

POLIDORI, F. Vite di illustri italiani inedite o rare, con illust. (In Archivio stor. hist., v. 4. pt. 1, 2. 1853.) SHEIL, R. S. (In his Sketches, v. 1. 1855.) TROLLOPE, T. A. Decade of Italian women. London, 1859. 2 v. 8°.

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See also Achilli, G.; — Balsamo, G.; crezia, duchessa di Ferrara; - Cavour, C. B.; - Cenci, B.; - Coleoni, B.; Columbus, C.; Ezzelino III.; Ferdinand Falletti, marchesa G.; - Farnese, A.; — II, gran duca di Toscana; Finati, G.;- - Gajani, G.; Garibaldi, G.; Joanna I., Queen of Naples; Maceroni, F.; — Manin, D.; Matilda, gran contessa di Toscana; Mazzini, G.; — Medici, Cosimo 1.; Medici, L. de'; Oria, A. d'; Pellico, S.; Priocca, C. D.; Renata, duchessa di Ferrara; Rienzi; Strozzi, F.; Tasso, T.; Urbino, Dukes of; - Vespucci, A.; Vico, G. B.; - Victor Emmanuel; also Bevilacqua family; also the names of cities. For lives of artists see Art (p. 1540, 41), and for lives of authors see Literature: History (p. 1547).

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ITALY (Descr.)

MONTAIGNE, M. E. de. Diary of a journey into Italy, 1580-81. (In his Works. 1842.)

SCHOTT, F. Itinerarii Italiæ rerumque Romanarum lib. III. Ed. 4a. Antverp., 1625. 12o. GREAVES, J. Travels in Italy, etc., [1639]. (In his Miscel. works, v. 2. 1737.)

ZEILLER, M. Itinerarium Italiæ.

M., 1640. fo.

Franck. a.

RAY, F. J. [1663-65.] (In his Journey. 1673.) SKIPPON, P. Journey through Italy, etc., [1663-65]. (In Churchill, O. and J. Col. of voy., v. 6. 1746.) SEIGNELAY, marquis de. Relation [d'un] voyage en I., [1671]. (In Gazette des beaux-arts, v. 18. 1865.) SPON, J., and WHELER, G. Voy. d' Italie, etc., [1675-76]. La Haye, 1724. 2 v. 12o. VERYARD, É. Account of a journey through Italy, etc., [1682]. Exon, 1701. fo.

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TRAVELS in Italy, [1685-88]. (In Harris, J. Col. of voy., v. 2. 1764.)

BURNET, G. Travels through France, etc.,

[1686]. Edin., 1752. 12°

GEMELLI CARERI, J. F. Italy, [1699]. (In Churchill, O. and J. Col. of voy., v. 4. 1745.)

ADDISON, J. Remarks on several parts of Italy,

1701-03. London, 1705. 8°.

Same. (In his Works, v. 2. 1811.)

BERKELEY, G., Bp. Journal of a tour in Italy, [171718]. (In his Works, v. 4. 1871.)

WRIGHT, E. Travels in France, Italy, etc., [1720-22]. London, 1730. 2 v. in 1. 4o. BLAEU, J. Nieuw vermeerderd groot stebeboek van geheel Italie. Graavenhaage, 1724. 4 v. fo. KEYSLER, J. G. [1729-31.] (In his Trav. in Germany, etc., 1758.)

BROSSES, C. de. Lettres sur l'Italie, [173940. Paris, 1799. 3 v. 8°.

Same. 2e éd. Paris, 1858. 2 v. 8°. BOYLE, J., Earl of Cork and Orrery.


from I., [1754-55]. 2d ed. Lond., 1774. 12o. BARTHÉLEMY, J. J. Voyage littéraire en Italie, [175556]. (In his Œuvres, v. 2. 1798.)

STERNE, L. Sentimental journey through France and Italy, [1762-64]. (In his Works, v. 7. 1795.) SMOLLETT, T. Travels through France and Italy, [1863-65]. (In his Miscel. works, v. 8. 1820.) LALANDE, J. J. le F. de. Voyage d'un François en Italie, 1765-66.

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FERBER, J. J. Travels through Italy, 1771-72; tr. by R. E. Raspe. London, 1776. 8° GUYS, P. A. Journal d'un voyage d'Italie, [1772]. (In his Voyage lit. de la Grèce, v. 3. 1783.) SHERLOCK, M. Letters from an Eng. traveller, [1777]; tr. from the French, with notes. New ed. London, 1780. 8%

- New letters from an Eng. traveller, [1778 ?]; tr. from the French. London, 1781. 8°. BECKFORD, W. Italy, etc., [1780-82]. London, 1834. 2 v. 8°.

DUPATY, C. M. J. B. M.

Lettres sur l'Italie,

1785. Paris, 1812. 3 v. 12%

- Eng. Travels through Italy, 1785. London, 1788. 8o.

GOETHE, J. W. von. Italiänische Reise, [1786-87]. (In his Sämm. Werke, v. 4. 1854.)

SMITH, J. Select views in Italy. London,

1792-96. 2 v. obl. fo.

STACL-HOLSTEIN, A. L. G. N., baronne de. Corinne ou l'Italie, [1794-96]. (Vol. 8, 9 of her Euvres. 1820.)

Same. Paris, 1851. 12.

- Eng. Corinna; or, Italy. Boston, 1808. 2 v. 12

NAPOLEON I. Description d'Italie, [1796-97]. (In his Commentaires, v. 1. 1867.)

MAFFEI, A. Brigand life in Italy, [1799-1864]. London, 1865. 2 v. 8o.

ITALY (Descr.)

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VIEUSSEUX, A. Italy and the Italians in the 19th cent., [1800-20]. Lond., 1824. 2 v. 8°. GEOGRAPHICAL, historical, and polit. description of Italy, etc., with a gazetteer, etc. London, 1800. 4o.

SANSON, J. Letters during tour in Switzerland and Italy, [1801-02]. Phila., 1805. 2 v. 8°. EUSTACE, J. C. Classical tour through Italy, 1802. 2d ed. London, 1814. 2 v. 4°. Same. 3d ed.

London, 1815. 4 v. 8°. Same. London, 1841. 3 v. 16°. (Fam. lib., v. 76-78.)

SEUME, J. G. Spaziergang nach Syrakus, 1802. 4e Aufl. Leipz., 1817-19. 3 v. 8°. CHATEAUBRIAND, F. A. R. de. Voyages en Italie, [1803-04]. (In his Souvenirs d'Italie, v. 1. 1815; and in his Œuvres complètes, v. 7. 1827; v. 7. 1859.) KOTZEBUE, A. F. F. von. Travels through Italy, 1804-05. London, 1806. 4 v. 12° DENINA, C. Tableau histor., statist., et moral de la Haute-Italie. Paris, 1805. 8°. FRANCE. Administration des Postes. Etat général des routes de poste de l'Empire Franç., Italie, etc. Paris, 1811-12. 2 v. 8°. NEERGAARD, T. C. B. Voyage pittoresque du nord de l'Italie. Paris, 1811. 4. (A 17) HOARE, Sir R. C. Classical tour through Italy and Sicily, [1813-18]. London, 1819. 4°. HOBHOUSE, J. C., Ld. Broughton. Italy, 181654. London, 1859. 2 v. 8°.

BEYLE, M. H. Rome, Naples, et Florence, [1816-17]. Paris, 1854. 12°

GALIFFE, J. A. Italy and its inhabitants, 181617. London, 1820. 2 v. 8°.

HAGEN, F. H. v. d. Briefe aus Italien, [181617]. Breslau, 1818-21. 4 v. 16o.

HAKEWILL, J. Picturesque tour in Italy, 181617. London, 1820. 4°.

JAMES, J. Travels in Sicily, Italy, [1816-17].
Albany, 1820. 12°.

View of society in Italy, [1817-
Dublin, 1792. 3 v. 12.


22]. 4th ed.


19]. 5th ed.

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Diary of an invalid, [1817-
London, 1835. 12°

Travels in France and Italy,

1817-18. New York, 1821. 8°.

R., W. S. Letters from the North of Italy, [1817-18]. London, 1819. 2 v. 8°.

SIMOND, L. Tour in Italy and Sicily, [181718]. London, 1828. 8°.

BELL, J. Observ. on I., [1817]. Edin., 1825. 4°. Same. Boston, 1826. 12.

SASS, H. Journey to Rome and Naples, 1817. London, 1818. 8°.

SHELLEY, P. B. Letters from Italy, [1818-22]. (In his Essay, v. 2. 1840.)

LAURENT, P. E. 1818-19. (In his Tourin Greece, etc., v. 1. 1822.)

M., S. Narrative of three years' residence in
Italy, 1819-22. London, 1828. 12°
MORGAN, Lady S. Italy, [1819-20].
York, 1821. 2 v. 8°.



Classical excursion from Rome to Arpino, [1819]. Geneva, 1820. 8° BODDINGTON, Mrs. [182-.] (In her Slight reminiscences of the Rhine, Switzerland, etc. 1834.) JOURNAL of a tour in Italy in 1821; by an American. New York, 1824. 8° GARDINER, M., Countess of Blessington. Idler in I., [1822-28]. London, 1839-40. 3 v. 8°. THIERSCH, F. W., and others. Reisen in Italien seit 1822. Lpz., 1826. 8°.

THOMSON, W. Journeys in Italy and Switzerland, [1824-26]. London, 1835. 12°

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ITALY (Descr.)

- HAZLITT, W. Notes of a journey through France and Italy, [1824-25]. Lond., 1826. 8% JAMESON, Mrs. A. Diary of an ennuyée, [1825]. Phila,, 1826. 12

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Same. (In her Visits, v. 2. 1834.) WOLOWSKI, F. Podroz do Szwajcaryi i Włoch, 1825. Paryż, 1845. 8%

VALERY, A. C. P. Voyages hist. et lit. en Italie, 1826-28. Paris, 1831-33. 5 v. 8°. Same. 2e éd. Paris, 1838. 3 v. 8°.

Eng. Historical, lit., and artistical travels in Italy, etc.; tr. from the 2d ed. by C. E. Clifton. Paris, 1839. 8°.

FRANKLAND, C. C. [1827-28.] (In his Travels to and from Constantinople. 1829.)

GRIFFIN, E. D. Tour through Italy, 1829. (In his Remains, v. 1. 1831.)

My travels [in France, Italy, etc., 1831-32].

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Same. 3d ed. New York, 1848. 12o. DUDEVANT, A. L. A. D. (G. SAND). Lettres d'un voyageur, [1834-36]. Paris, 1857. 18. WEATHERHEAD, G. H. Philosophical rambler [in] France and Italy. London, 1834. 8° WILSON, W. R. Route through France and Italy. London, 1835. 8°.

ROBY, J. [1835.] (In his Seven weeks, v. 2. 1838.) QUINET, E. Italie, [1836]. (In his Euvres, v. 6. 1857.) COOPER, J. F. Gleanings in Europe: Italy, [1837 ?]. Phila., 1838. 2 v. 12°

RIDE on horseback to Florence through France and Switzerland, [1838-39]; by a lady. London, 1842. 2 v. 12.

HALL, B. Patchwork, [1839?]. Phila., 1841. 2 v. 12

RAUMER, F. v. Italy and the Italians, [1839]. London, 1840. 2 v. 12°

WHITE, T. H. Fragments of Italy and Rhineland, [1839]. London, 1841. 12.

TROLLOPE, F. Visit to Italy, [1841-42]. London, 1842. 2 v. 8°.

HEADLEY, J. T. Letters from Italy, 1842-43.
New York, 1845. 12.
HANDBOOK, N.Italy. Lond., Murray, 1842. 12o.
LEAR, E. Illustrated excursions in Italy,
[1843-44]. London, 1846. 2 v. 4°.

HANDBOOK, Central I. Lond., Murray, 1843. 12°.
NUOVISSIMA guida dei viaggiatori in Italia.
Milano, Artaria, 1843. 8°.

LESTER, C. E. My consulship, [1844-52]. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12°

DICKENS, C. Pictures from Italy, [1844]. Lpz., Tauchnitz, 1846. 16°

STAHR, A. Ein Jahr in Italien, [1845-46]. 3e Aufl. Oldenburg, 1863-65. 3 v. 8°. KEMBLE, F. A. Year of consolation, [1846]. New York, 1847. 2 v. 12°

AZEGLIO, M. T., marchese d'. L'Italie, 184765. Paris, 1867. fo.

HONAN, M. B. Our own correspondent in Italy, [1847-51]. London, 1852. 2 v. 12°. WHITESIDE, J. Italy in the 19th century, [1847-48]. 2d ed. London, 1849. 3 v. 8°. HILLARD, G. S. Six months in Italy, 1847. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 16o.

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