



2. Villa Nova Portugal, T. A. de. A pref. que entre nós merece o establecimento dos mercados ao uso das feiras de anno para o commercio intrinseco: - A cultura dos terrenos baldios que ba no termo da Villa de Ourem. Lacerdɔ Lɔbɔ, C B. de. Cultura das vinhas de Portugal. - Amorim Castro, J. de. A cochonilba do Brazil. Cabral, E. O paul de otta, suas causas e seu remedio; Os damnos causados pelo Téjo nas suas ribanceiras. - Ferreira da Camara, M. Obs. ácerca do carvao de pedra que se encontra na Freguezia da CarFragoso de Sequeira, J. P. Cultura e utilidade dos castanheiros na comarca de Portalegre; Sobre as azinheiras, sovereiras, e carvalhos do Além Téjo. Canha Pe330a, J. M. da. Fábricas de ferro de Figueiró. Andrada e Silva, J. B. de. A pesca das baleas e extracção do seu azeite. VaVandelli, D. rías misturas de materias vegetacs na factura dos chapéos; - Sobre o modo de aproveitar o carvao de pedra, e os paos bituminosos deste reino.



3. Neves Portugal, A. A. das. Utilidade dos conhe cimentos da chymica em quanto applicados á arte de construir edificios; Sobre as queimadas em quanto prejudiciaes á agric. Vandelli, D. Encanamento do Rio Mondego; - Sobre as Aguas-Livres. Sousa, J. J. Aguas ardentes da Companhia Geral do Alto. Douro. Rebello da Fonsecca, F. P. Descrip. econ. do Alto-Douro. Estado da agric. e commercio do Alto Douro. Barbosa, A. S. Causa da doença, chamada ferrugem, que vai graffando nos olivaes de Portugal. - Cabral, E. Os damuos do mondego no campo de Coimbra, e seu remedio; Tanque e torre no sitio chamado em Lisboa Amoreiras. — Villa Nova Portugal, T. A. de. Sobre os juros rel. á cultura das terras; Observ. para a descrip. econ. da Comarca de Setubal; Mappa da Povoaçao do termo da Villa de Azeitaō. Sa', J. A. de. Descr. econ. da Torre de Moncorvo. Oliveira, J. P. G. de. Extract o das posturas da Viila de Azeitao. Seabra Silva Telles, V. C. de. Cultura do ricino em Portugal e manufac. do seu oleo. - Lacerda Lobo, C. B. de. A decadencia da pescaria de Monte Gordo. Canha Azeredo Coutinho, J. J. da. O preço do assucar. Amorim Castro, J. de. Malvaisco do destricto da Villa da Cachoeira no Brasil.

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4. Oliveira Mendes, L. A. de. As doenças agudas. Vandelli, D. O sal gemma das Ilhas de Cabo Verde.Cabral, E. O modo de obter e de conservar agoa da chuva de optima qualidade; — Sobre o papel. - Vandelli, A. A. Sobre a gravidade espec. das agoas de Lisboa e seus arredores. Arruda da Camara, M. Sobre as plantas, de que se pode fazer a barrilha entre nós. - Lacerda Lobo, C. B. de. Estabelecimento da cultura do chenopodio maritimo, donde se tira a barrilha ou soda; - Sobre as marinhas de Portugal; -A analyse do sal commum das marinhas de Portugal; Sobre a preparação do peixe salgado e secco dar nossas pescarias; Decadencia das pescarias em Portugal; Sobre algumas obs. feitas no 1783, rel. ao estado da pescaria de Entre Douro e Minho. Ribeiro, J. P. Anal. chim. de varias raizes para extrahir farinha ou polvilhos. Eschwege, G. B. de. Difficuldades das fundições e refinações nas fabricas de ferro.- Barros, J. J. S. de. Os hospitaes do reino. — Fragoso de Siqueira, J. P. A creação e vantagens do Gado Cabrum em Portugal. — Foyos, J. de. Sobre qual convem ser a geira portugueza. -Canha Pessoa, J. M. da. O nitro. O modo de augmentar a abundancia das fontes e de multiplicar o numero dellas. - Campos de Mesquita, J. M. de. tracto do memoria sobre o destroço em que se achão as creações do gado vaccum.


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5. Fragosa de Siqueira, J. P. Introd. das gadanhas alemãs e flamenga em Portugal. - Campos de Meзquita, J. M. de. Cultura e utilidade dos nabos na Comarca de Trancoso. Mendo Trigozo, S. F. Sobre os terrenos abertos, o seu prejuizo na agric., e sobre os differentes methodos de tapumes; - Sobre os pesos e medidas portuguezas, e sobre a introd. do systema metro-decimal. Lacerdo Lobo, C. B. de. Estado das pescarias da Costa do Algarve, 1799. Alvares da Silva, J. V. Obs. botan.-meteorol., 1800, feitas em Thomar; - Sobre a agric. portugueza desde o tempo dos Romanos. — Silva Feijo', J. da. A urzella de Cabo Verde; As Ilhas de Cabo Verde, 1797. - Almeida, M. de. Sobre o modo de formar hum plano de statistica de Portugal. Bilsemão, Visconde de. A descrip. fisica e econom. do lugar da Marinha Grande. Freitas Soares, J. P. de. Sobre a pref. do leite de vaccas ao leite de cabras para o sustento das crianças.

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Lisbon. Academias dos Humildes e Ignorantes. Index das cousas de que trataõ os seis tomos. Lisboa, 1764. 4o.

Lisbon. British Factory. Memorials of the British consul and factory, at Lisbon, to H. M.'s ambassador, and the secretaries of state of this kingdom. London, 1766. 8°. (B 746)

Lisbon. Collegio Real de Nobres. Estatutos. [Lisboa,] 1761. f. (A 75)

Lisfranc, Jacques. Diseases of the uterus; clinical lectures; ed. by H. Pauly; tr. by G. H. Lodge. Boston, 1839. 8°.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Liske, Xaver. Des polischen Hofes Verhaltniss zur Wahl Kaiser Karls v. (In Historische Zeitschrift, v. 16. 1863.) Zur Geschichte der letzten Jahre der Republik Polen. (In v. 21. 1863.)

Lisle. See also Delisle; - Rouget de Lisle. Lisle, pseul. Letters upon the annexation of Texas, pub. in the Boston Atlas. Bost., 1845. 8°. (B 1510, 2544) Lisle, Reise nach Beresow in Sibirien, 1740. (In Allgemeine Hist., v. 19. 1763.)

Lisle, Elward. Observations in husbandry. 2d ed. London, 1757. 2 v. 8°.

Lisle, Henry Maurice. Address before the Grand Lodge of Mass., Dec. 27, 5395. Boston, 1805. 8°. (B 962, 994)

Address to the Roxbury Charitable Soc., Sept. 19,
1808. Boston, 1803. 8°. (B 133)

Milton hill; a poem. Boston, 1803. 4o. (B 650)
Oration, Dorchester, June 24.

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découvertes de l'amiral De Fonte et autres. Paris, 1753. 4o.

Lisle, Samuel, Bp. Sermon, bef. the Soc. Prop. Gosp. For. Parts, 1747. London, 1748. 8°. (B 140, 303)

Lismore, Sir James, Dean of. See M'Gregor, Sir J. Lison, Mateo. Voto y proposicion del reyno. (In Valladares, A. Seman, erud., v. 2). 1789.)

Lisonza, river. [3 maps of military operations.] n.p., 1617. (E 73, no. 192a)

Lissajous, Jules Antoine. L'étude optique des sons. (In
Paris. Soc. Chimique. Leçons. 1862.)
Lissoni, Antonio. Frasologia italiana.

2a ed.

accres. [di una] parte della Gram, del Sig. F. Bellisomi. Milano, 1835-39. 3 v. 8°.

List, Frederick. Outlines of Amer. political economy; letters to C. J. Ingersoll; [with] the letters of Jef ferson to Austin, and of Madison to the Lynchburg Virginian. Phila., 1827. 8. (B 1834)

- ACCOUNT of the dinner given to Prof. List, by the Pennsylvania Soc. for the Encouragement of Man. ufactures. Phila., 1827. 8°. (B 976)

List of printed service books according to the anc. uses of the Anglican Ch. London, 1850. 8°. List of the Scots and English noblemen and gentlemen, etc., taken at Preston, Nov. 13, 1715. n.p. 1715. 4°. (C 281) Lista, Alberto. Poesias. (In Wolf, F. J. Floresta de rimas, v. 2. 1837.)

Lista y Aragon, Alberto. Elogio historico del conde de Floridablanca. (In Moniño, J. Obras. 1867; v. 53 of Aribau. Bibl.)

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Poesias. (In Wolf, F. J. Floresta, v. 2. 1837.) Liste des noms des ci-devant nobles, etc., [par J. A. Dulaure]. Paris, le ptie, 2e éd., n.d., 2e, 3e ptie, an II [1791?]. 3 v. 8°.

Liste générale de tous ceux qui ont été condamnés mort par le Tribunal Révolutionnaire. Paris, an 3 [1791]. 8°.

Same. No. 1-11. Paris, an 3 [1795]. 8. (C 100)
Same. Londres, 1795. 8°. (B 804)

Lister, Christopher. Voy. as far as 44° S. lat., 1586. (In
Hakluyt, R. Col., v. 4. 1811.)

Lister, Joseph. Amputation. Anæsthetics. (In Holmes, T. Syst. of surg., v. 3. 1862.)

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De calculo humano. (In Sydenham, T. Opera, v. 1. 1723.)

London, 1699. 8°.

Journey to Paris, 1698. Same. (In Pinkerton, J. Col. of voy., v. 4. 1809.) Lister, Thomas Henry. Anne Grey, a novel. New

York, 1851. 8°.

Granby; a novel. New York, 1826. 2 v. 12o.
Herbert Lacy. Phila., 1828. 2 v. 12o.

Life and administration of Edw. Earl of Clar-
endon. London, 1838. 3 v. 8°.

Liston, Robert. Practical surgery, with notes by G. W. Norris. Phila., 1838. 8°. son's Amer. med. lib.)

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2d Amer. ed.; added, notes by G. W. Norris. Phila., 1842. 8°.

Liszt, Franz. Life of F. F. Chopin; from the French by M. W. Cook. Phila., 1863. 18°. Lohengrin et Tannhaüser de R. Wagner. Lpz.,

1851. 8°.

Litais de Gaux. Grammaire nationale, 1835-36. See Bescherelle, L. N., and others.


Litanies of the sacrament. [London, 181-.] 8°. (C 30) Litch, Josiah. Prophetic expositions, or view of the testimony of the prophets conc. the kingdom of God. Vol. 1. Boston, 1842. 12o. Dissertation on the second advent. Dissertation on the chronology of prophecy. (In Himes, J. V. First report. 1841.) Litchfield, Paul. Sermon before the Mass. Miss. Soc., Boston, May 28. Salem, 1805. 8°. (B 203, 1853) Litchfield, R. B. Social economy of a working men's college. (In Nat. Assoc. Prom. Soc. Sci. Trans., 1862.) Litchfield family. MORSE, A. (In his Geneal. reg., v. 1. 1855.)

Litchfield, N. H. Fox, C. J. (In his Hist. of the old township of Dunstable. 1846.)

Litchfield County, Conn. Centennial celebration, at Litchfield, 4 Aug. Hartford, 1851. 8°. Literary addresses, at popular institutions.

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London and Glasgow, 1855. 3 ser. 16o. Contents. Vol. 1. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. To the subscribers to the Windsor and Eton Public Library, 29 Jan. 1833. — Disraeli, B. To the Manchester Athenæum, 23 Oct. 1844. Manners, Lord J. To the Manchester Athenæum, 23 Oct. 1844. Talfourd, Sir T. N. To the Manchester Athenæum. 23 Oct. 1845. — - Phillips, J. At the opening of the new hall of the York New Inst. of Popular Science, 31 March 1846. - Howard, G. W. F.. Earl of Carlisle. To the Manchester Athenæum, 22 Oct. 1846. Whateley, R. To the Manchester Athenæum. 21 Oct. 1846.- Knight, C. Lecture to the Sheffield Athenæum, 5 May 1847. Alison, Sir A. To the Manchester Athenæum, 18 Nov. 1847. - Stanhope, P. H., Earl. To the Manchester Athenæum, 11 Nov. 1848. - Nichol, J. P. At the Stirling School of Arts, 10 Jan. 1849. - - Campbell, G. D., Duke of Argyll. To the Glasgow Athenæum. 21 Jan. 1851. Brewster, Sir D. To the Edin. Philos. Inst., 11 Nov. 1851. Bell, H. G. To the Glasgow Athenæum, 11 Nov. 1851. 2. Stephen, Sir J. Lecture on the right use of books, 15 Sept. 1853. Playfair, L. The study of abstract science essential to the progress of industry; lecture, in 1851. Lytton, E. G. E. L. B., Ld. Address to the Associated Societies of the Univ. of Edin., Jan. 18, 1854. Cobden, R. To the Mechanics' Institution at Barnsley, Oct. 25, 1853. Russell, Lord J. To the Leeds Me. chanics' Inst., Dec. 8, 1852. - Macaulay, T. B. Inaug. address on his installation as Lord Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow, March 21, 1849. - Brougham, H., Ld. To the members of the Manchester Mechanics' Institution, July 21, 1835. Peel, Sir R. Inaug. address, instal. as Lord Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow, Jan. 11, 1837. Scott, A. J. Lect. on Univ. education, Oct. 3, 1851. Wilson,-. Introd. lecture to the Edin. Philos. Inst.. Nov. 1, 1850. Campbell, T. Inaug. address on his instal. as Lord Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow. April 12, 1827. Masson, D. College-education and self-education; lect. in Univ. College, London, Oct. 17. 1854. 3. Layard, A. H. Inaug. address on his instal. as Lord Rector of the Marischall Coll. and Univ. of Aberdeen, 5 April 1855. - Campbell, G. D., Duke of Argyll. Inaug. address on his instal. as Lord Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow, 29 March 1855. Neaves,


Introd. address to the Edin. Philos. Inst., 3 Nov. 1854. Terrot, C. H. Concluding address to the Edin. Philos. Inst., 10 April 1855. - Macara, M. To the Mercantile Lib. Assoc.. Hamilton, Canada W., 1 Feb. 1855. Montgomerie, A. W., 13th Earl of Eglinton. Moncrieff, To the Glasgow Athenæum, 7 Dec. 1855.

J. Address to the Glasgow Athenæum, 7 Dec., 1855.
Rutherfurd, A. Inaug. address on his instal. as Lord
Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow, 10 Jan. 1845. Gur-
ney, J. J. On the right use and application of knowl-
Gordon, J.
edge; to the Manchester Mechanics' Inst. -
T. To the Glasgow Athenæum, 27 Feb. 1852. - Paton,
A. P. The home of the workman; lecture. Dawes, R.
To the Huddersford Mechanics' Inst., 13 Dec. 1855.
Warren, S. Before the Hull Mechanics' Inst., 3 Jan.
1856. Shuttleworth, Sir J. R. To the Burnley Ch.
of Eng. Literary Inst.

Literary advertiser, The; Mar. n.p., 1827. 8°. (B 1873) Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Collection de mémoires et de relations sur l'histoire ancienne du Canada, d'après des mss. des archives publics en France. Québec, 1840. 8.

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Contents. Vol. 1. Talon, présent du Canada. 1667. Hocquart, sur le Canada. 1736. - Querdisien Trémais. ConsiBelmont, dérations sur l'état présent du Canada. 1738.L'abbé de. Histoire du Canada. Relation du siége de Québec. 1759. Jugement impartial sur les opérations milit. de la campagne en Canada, en 1759. - Ré. flections sommaires sur le commerce qui s'est fait en Canada. Histoire de l'eau-de-vie en Canada. Mémoires sur le Canada, 1749-60, [par S- de C-]. Québec, 1838. 8°.

Sewell, J.

Transactions. Quebec, 1829-31. 2 v. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. List of officers. Inaug. address. Bayfield, H. W. Geology of Lake Superior. - Green, Wm. Colouring materials produced in Canada; Notes on the country about the Falls of Montmorenci; On the myrtus cerifera, or myrtle wax shrub. Bonnycastle, R. H. Meteorol. phenomena observed in Canada; On a few of the rocks and minerals of Upper Canada. - Stuart, A. Notes on the Saguenay country; - Ancient Etruscans, Tyrrhenians, or Tuscans. - Baddeley, F. H. Geology of a portion of the Labrador coast; - Geognosy of a part of the Saguenay country. - Sheppard, Mrs. On the recent shells which characterise Quebec and its environs. Le Page du Pratz. Journey across the continent of North America, by an Indian chief. Sheppard, W. On the American plants described by Charlevoix. Mercer, Major. Catalogue of remarkable coincidences inducing a belief of the Asiatic origin of N. Amer. In. dians. Hale, J. On crickets in Canada. - Catalogue of Canadian plants, presented to the Lit. and Hist. Soc. by the Countess of Dalhousie. - Catalogue of the mineralogical collection. - Prints.

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2. List of officers. - Bayfield, H. W. On coral animals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. - Ingall, Lieut. Dis. trict traversed by the St. Maurice expedition, in 1829; On the country lying between the St. Maurice and Saguenay. - Green, Wm. Processes used in dyeing, among the Huron Indians; On textile substances in use among the N. Amer. Indians. Adams, J. Sketches of the Tête de Boule Indians. - - Sheppard, W. Notes on some of the plants of Lower Canada. - Wilkie, D. On length and space. - Baddeley, F. H. Addit. notes on the geognosy of St. Paul's Bay; - On the localities of metallic minerals in the Canadas. - Grammar of the Huron language, by a missionary of the village of Huron Indians; tr. by J. Wilkie. Berthelot, A. Sur

le canon de bronze trouvé en 1826, sur un banc de sable, dans le fleuve St. Laurent. Sewell, Chief Justice. Notes upon the dark days of Canada; - On stoves used in Russia for warming dwelling houses. Shireff, A. Topog. notices of the country between the mouth of the Rideau and Penetanguishine. - Mather, C. Autograph Jetter on witcheraft. - Perrault, J. F. Plan raisonné d'éducation générale et permanente. - Letters on minerals, mineral waters. - List of donations. Catalogue of the library. Catalogue of instruments and apparatus. Skey, J. Address. - 2 maps and a plan wanting. Voyages de découverte au Canada, 1534-42, par J. Quartier, le sieur de Roberval, J. A. de Xanctoigne, etc. Quebec, 1843. 8°.

Note. Also Deux lettres de J. Noel sur la découverte des saults en Canada, 1587. Appendices Deser. de Québec, et de ses environs en 1608, extr. des Voyages de Champlain et divers extraits rel. au lieu de l'hivernement de Jacques Quartier en 1535-36.

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Contents. Vol. 1. Laws and regulations; with a list of the members. Bell, G. On the opinion that the animal body possesses the power of generating cold. — Henry, T. Advantages of literature and philosophy, and especially on the consistency of literary and philosophical with commercial pursuits; - Preservation of sea water from putrefaction by quicklime; added, an account of a machine for impregnating fluids with fixed air. Eason, A. On crystallization. Barnes, T.


Wall. M. The symFalconer, W. The

Nature of poetry; The affinity between the arts. Aikin, J. The different success, with respect to health, of some attempts to pass the winter in high northern latitudes. Polier, C. de. The pleasure from the exercise of taste. - Wimpey, J. Economical registers. Barnes, T. Pleasures which the mind receives from contemplating scenes of distress.- Bew, G. Blindness, and the employment of the other senses to supply the loss of sight. Massey, J. Saltpetre. Hall, S. That a taste for the beauties of nature and the fine arts has no influence favourable to morals. Eason, A. Use of acids in bleaching linen. bols of the planets and metals. knowledge of the ancients; Influence of the scenery of a country on the manners of its inhabitants; - - Style and taste of gardening among the ancients. - Percival, T. Tribute to C. de Polier. - White, C. Regeneration of animal substances. - Hunting, shooting, fishing, as compatible with humanity. Fothergill, A. Longevity. Barnes, T. Influence of the imagination and the passions upon the understanding. - Eason, A. Ascent of vapour. Kershaw, T. Comparative merit of the ancients and the moderns with respect to the imitative arts. - Wimpey, J. Impropriety of allowing a bounty to encourage the exportation of corn. White, C. Natural history of the cow. Henry, T. Magnesian earth..

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2. Barnes, T. Public and private education; - Ex. tension of liberal education in Manchester; Plan of liberal education for young men designed for civil and active life. - Constitutions of the college of arts and sciences in Manchester. - Watson, R. Orichalcum. Wall, M. Origin of the vegetable fixed alkali, with obs. on nitre. Johnstone, J. Life and writings of Prof. Gregory. -Falconer, Dr. Knowledge of the ancients resp. glass. Percival, T. On the different quantities of rain which fall at different heights over the same spot of ground, with a letter from B. Franklin; Perceptive power of vegetables. - Delaval, E. H. Cause of the permanent colours of opake bodies. - Henry, T. Ferments and fermentation. Wakefield, G. Origin of alphabetical characters. Turner, W. Crimes and punishments. Percival, T. Experimental philosophy; Influence of fixed air on vegetation. White, C. A thigh bone of uncommon length. - Franklin, B. Meteorological imaginations and conjectures. White, T. Subterraneous cavern at Paris. Nicholson, W. New instrument for measuring specific gravity. Currie, J. Memoirs of Dr. Bell. Bell, Dr. Thesis, De physiologia plantarum; tr. Wall, M. Phenomena which take place between oil and water. - Percival, T. Attraction and repulsion. - Wall, Dr. Two letters in reply. - Barnes, T. Voluntary power of the mind over bodily sensation. Percival, T. Sufferings of a collier confined in a coal pit. Rush, B. Obs. during his attendance as physician-general of the military hospitals of the United States. — Delivery of the gold and silver medals to E. A. Delaval and T. Henry, Jr.


3. Percival, T. Principles and limits of taxation; Attraction and repulsion.- Ferriar, J. Popular illusions, and particularly medical demonology;- Dramatic writings of Massinger. Henry, T. Bills of mortality for Manchester and Salford;- A person becoming shortsighted in age. Henry, T., Jr. Increase of weight during cooling. - Banks, -. Floating of cork balls. — Rush, B. Population, etc., in Penn. — - Percival, T. Operation of medicines. — Ferriar, J. Vital principle. - Roscoe, W. Comparative excellence of the sciences and arts. - Clayton, R. Cretins of the Vallais. -Hey, Mr. Eye of the seal. Falconer, W. Knowledge of the ancients resp. electricity. Barritt, T. Druidical remains near Halifax. Ferriar, J. Ancient monument in Huln Abbey. Sharp, R. Nature and utility of eloquence. Rotherham, J. Properties of geometrical series in a problem thought indeterminate. Wood, J. Halos. Henry, T. Wool, silk, and cotton, in dyeing. Cooper, T. History of physiognomy; Foundation


of civil government; Art of painting among the an. Glory. cients. Haygarth, J. - Willis, T. Fusion of platina. Watt, J., Jr. Acrated barytes; -Combinations of the terra ponderosa. Principle of taxa



4, pt. 1. Gough, J. Lakes more numerous than at present. Ferriar, J. Argument against materialism; Comments on Sterne. Willis, T. Blue colours from soda phosporata. - Aikin, J. The impression of reality attending dramatic representations. Gregory, G. Uses of classical learning. Riddell, R. Ancient carved stone monuments in Scotland. - Harvey, S. On alphabetical characters. - Henry, P. Action of metallic oxydes and earths upon oils. Copland, A. Ancient mode of sepulture in Scotland. - Garnett, T. Meteorological obs. on the western coast of Great Britain.

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4, pt. 2. Gough, J. Laws of motion of a cylinder;Exper. on the vegetation of seeds. Falconer, W. History of sugar. - Beddoes, T. Letter to T. Henry; Obs, on flints of chalk-beds. — Hoffman, F. Plica Polonica. Copland, A. Combustion of dead bodies. Richardson, T. On planting waste land. Inverse method of central forces. — Ferriar, J. Use of ancient terrassed works. - Bardsley, S. A. Hydrophobia. Barritt, T. Origin of anc. carved pillars and obelisks in Gr. Brit. Meteorological observations.

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5, pt. 1. Bardsley, S. A. Party-prejudice. - Dalton, J. Vision of colours. Uredale, R. Founder of Huln Abbey. Gough, J. Variety of voices. - Gisborne, T. Benefits of societies for the advancement of literature, etc. Anderson, J. Universal character. - Holme, Dr. Inverse method of central forces. Collier, J. Iron and steel. - -Rupp, T. L. Priestley's experiments on atmospheric air. White, C. Three kinds of timber trees. — Lambe, W. Mineral springs at Leamington Priors. Guthrie, M. Persian cotton tree. — Hoyle, T., Jr. Oxygenated muriat of potash. - Collier, J. Distillation of ardent spirit. Brown, W. Universal written charac ter. - Rupp, T. L. Bleaching with the oxygenated muriatic acid. Fisher, M. Change of colour in a negro.

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5, pt. 2. Walker, G. Tragedy. Dalton, J. Obs. whether the quantity of rain and dew is equal to the water carried off by rivers; with enquiry on springs; Power of fluids to conduct heat, with reference to Rum. ford's essay. Banks,-. Velocity of air issuing out of a vessel; with instrument to measure the force of the blast in bellows. — Walker, G. The beautiful in the human form; - Defence of learning and arts against Rousseau. Hull, J. Nervous systems of animals. - Dalton, J. Heat and cold produced by mechanical condensation and rarefaction of air; Mixed gases; force of steam; evaporation; expansion of gases by heat. Barritt, T. Antiques found in the Ribble. - Henry, W. Materiality of heat. - Gough, J. Method whereby men judge by the ear of the position of sonorous bodies; — Theory of compound sounds. Dalton, J. Meteorolog. obs. at Manchester. Barritt, T. Roman inscription in Cas tlefield, Manchester. - Note to Henry's paper on heat. 2d series. Vol. 1. Alexander, W. Effects of opium. Walker, G. Machinery of the ancient epic poem. Gibson, B. Effect of madder root on the of animals. - Bardsley, S. A. Use and abuse of popular sports and exercises. - Grant, J. Reverie. — Dalton, J. Enquiry into the proportion of the several gases or elastic fluids constituting the atmosphere; Tendency of elastic fluids to diffusion through each other; Absorption of gases by water. - Gough, J. Property of caoutchouc; - Theory of mixed gases, and state of water in the atmosphere. Gibson, B. Use of the sutures in the skulls of animals. Walker, G. Moral influence of history; Natural and moral philos ophy, and the proper manner of philosophising. Holland, J. History and historians. Gough, J. Reply to Dalton's objections to a late theory of mixed gases. Dalton, J. Remarks on Gough's essays on mixed gases; and on Schmidt's experiments on expansion of air by heat.

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2. Sharp, J. To ascertain whether the force of steam be in proportion to the generating heat. Dalton, J. Respiration and animal heat. Dewar, H. Principles by which the importance of foreign cominerce ought to be estimated. Johns, W. Figurative language. - Ewart, P. Measure of moving force. - Nicholson, M. Effect produced by a stroke of lightning. Gough, J. Vis viva; Ebbing and flowing well at Giggleswick; with a theory of reciprocating fountains; On summer birds of passage, and on migration. Henry, W. Theories of the excitement of galvanic electricity; - Eudiometer, and other apparatus employed in experiments on Uric acid. gases; Martin, W. Rottenstone. Jarrold, T. National character. Wildbore, C. Dem. onstration of Lawson's geometical theorems.

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Combinations of carbonic acid and ammonia; — Analysis of spring and mineral waters. Henry, T. Memoirs of C. White. - - Otley, J. Floating island in Derwent Lake. - - Creighton, H. Refractive powers of muriatic acid and water. - Turner, W., Jr. Origin of alphabetical characters. — Kennedy, J. Progress of the cotton trade in Gr. Brit. White, J. New system of cog wheels. - - Longmire, J. B. Flexibility of mineral substances, and causes of creeps in old coal mines. Otley, J. Black lead mine in Borrowdale, Cumberland.

Smethurst, R. A white solar rainbow. — - Moore, J., Jr. Remarks, Westmoreland and Cumberland, 1815. Henry, W. Tribute to T. Henry. - Carbutt, E. Signs of ideas. Lucas, S. Deoxidation of metals, particularly silver and copper. - Wood, K. Callous tumour. Kenrick, J. Possibility of reconciling the Scriptural and profane accounts of the Assyrian monarchy. Parkes, S. Manufacture of tin plate. Gough, J. Laws of statical equilibrium. Henry, W. The gas from coal. - Kennedy, J. Effects of the poor laws. Dalton, J. Sulphuric ether; Obs. on the barometer, etc., 1794-1818.

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4. Robinson, S. Life of Ferdoosee. Dalton, J. Oil, and the gases obtained from it by heat; - Obs. in meteorology, with regard to the dew-point. Wood, K. Local prevalence of idiotism, and its connection with goitre. Blackwall, J. Periodical birds observed near Manchester; Notes of birds. - Greg, R. H. Site of Troy: Round towers of Ireland. Hodgkinson, E. Transverse strain, and strength of materials. Dalton, J. Saline impregnation of the rain, Dec. 5, 1822; -Nature and properties of indigo. Tayler, J. J. Nature of genius. Blackwall, J. Of the cuckoo. Whatton, W. Armorial bearing of Manchester, and on the descent of the baronial family of Grelley. Henry, W. Analysis of aeriform compounds of nitrogen. 5. Gibson, E. Curve of quickest descent in reference to Ewart's problem memoirs. — Otley, J. Floating isl and of Derwent Lake. - Kennedy, J. Influence of machinery. Blackwall, J. Remarkable fact in the natural history of the swallow tribe; Meteorol. obs. in Crumpsall; -Anthelia obs. in ascending Snowdon; White lunar rainbow; Twinkling of the stars; Injury done to the foliage of the oaks. - Hopkins, T. State of Britain at its conquest by the Romans. Moore, J. Study of entomology, and on an insect which devours the leaves of the gooseberry bush. Dalton, J. Nature of the rock strata. Thomson, W. Nat. hist. of Llandudno parish. Potter, J. Weights of gases. Hadfield, W. Astron. obs. at Ivy Cottage to determine its latitude and longitude. Hopkins, T. Diverging streams of compressed air. Otley, J. On 'a floating island at Newberry Port, by A. Pettingall'. — Dalton, J. Rain at Geneva and St. Bernard; Effects of atmospheric pressure;-Quantity of food taken by a person in health. Fleming, T. Rain on the line of the Rochdale Canal. - Blackwall, J. Instincts of birds. Kennedy, J. Memoir of S. Crompton. Hodgkinson, E. Forms of the catenary in suspension bridges; on the chain bridge at Broughton; on the Menai bridge; and researches to ascertain the strength and best forms of iron beams.

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6. Moore, J. Effects of frost on the blossoms of the jargonelle pear. Hadfield, W. Quantity of carbonic acid in the atmosphere. Greg, W. R. Sepulchral monuments of Sardis and Mycenæ. Kenrick, J. Origin of modern corporations from the municipia of the Romans. - Watson, H. H. Efflorescing properties of some salts of soda. Henry, W. C. Memoir of Dr. Henry. Johns, W. Use of Greek letters by the Gauls and Druids. Hadfield, W. Specific gravities of the steam or vapour from water, alcohol, ether, pyroxilic spirit, and nitric acid. - Fairbairn, W. Cast iron. Watson, H. H. Dr. Thompson's paper on the combinations of sulphuric acid and water; Relative attractions of sulphuric acid for water. - Moore, J. Memoir of E. Hobson. Greg, W. R. Cyclopian, Pelasgic, and Etruscan remains. - Albert, D. Rohan potatoe; Just, Carbonizing turf without producing ashes. — J. Roman road in the vicinity of Bury. Heywood, J. Coal district of South Lancashire. James, P. M. Sculpture. Nasmyth, J. Origin of the Babylonian or arrow-headed character. - Fairbairn, W. Anthracite cast iron. Dalton, J. Barometer, etc.. obs. at Manchester; - Aurora Borealis of Nov. 3, 1834. — Watson, H. H. On detecting the presence of arsenic. 7. Just, J. Roman military road between Manches. ter and Ribchester. Johns, W. Surnames. - Taylor, J. J. Life of J. E. Bowman. Joule, J. P. Heat evolved during the electrolysis of water. Henry, W. C. Notice of P. Ewart. Hodgkinson, E. Account of Ewart's paper on moving force. - Bateman, JJ. F. Rain-fall, rel. to the water flowing from the ground; Rain guages. Sturgeon, W. Magnetism of ferrugi

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nous bodies. Wembergue, F. E. Affinities between the ancient and modern languages of the south of Europe and those of the north. Wallace, R. The Ictis of Diodorus Siculus. - Gibson, E. Opening of an ancient barrow, called Castle Hill, near Newton-in-Makerfield. Bamber, R. P. Guano as a manure; - Farinaceous products of the potatoe. Black, J. On the seteia and belisama of Ptolemy. Just, J. History of certain Anglo-Saxon roots nearly obsolete; - - Anglo-Saxon patronymics. Rawson, R. Summation of series. — Gibson, E. Pressure of steam which caused the explosion of the boiler of the Irk locomotive; - Roman public way from Manchester to Wigan. Joule, J. P. Specific heat of bodies. Just, J. Philosophy of farming. Sturgeon, W. Magnetic character of simple metals.

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8. Williamson, W. C. Microscopical objects found in the mud of the Levant. - Hopkins, T. Atmospheric disturbances at Bombay. Binney, E. W. Origin of coal; Drift deposits of Manchester. Rawson, R. Discontinuous functions. Goodman, J. A new voltaic battery; Light, heat, electricity, and magnetism. Just, J. Maturation of grain. Rawson, R. Physical data. Joule, J. P. Electrical currents for ascertaining the specific heat of bodies. Smith, R. A. Water from peat and soil. - Sturgeon, W. Aurora Borealis; - Formation of clouds. Ransome, T. Analysis of a saline spring. Rawson, R. Laplace's theorem on attraction. - Binney, E. W. Geology of Low Furness. - Young, J. Deodorization of manures. - Holme, E. Progress of sculpture to the time of Phidias.

9. Clare, P., and Bateman, J. F. Report on rainfall. Kirkman, T. P. Mnemonic aids in the study of analysis. Hopkins, T. Formation of dew. — Sturgeon, W. Lightning and lightning conductors. — Goodman, J. Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, and gravitation. Just, J. Faults in farming. Joule, J. P. Heat. Binney, E. W. A mineral vein; - Vein of lead. - Calvert, F. C. Oxides and nitrates of lead. — Smith, R. A. A meteorite which fell at Allport. Fairbairn, W. Powers of the locomotive, and resistance of gradients; -Tubular girder bridges. Hopkins, T. Causes of unequal fails of rain. - Harley, R. Impossible and other surd equations. Finlay. Impossible equations. Leigh, J. Gas produced by distillation of tar and water; - Chemical changes attending the formation of coal; - Gaseous mixtures.- - Kirkman, T. P. Linear constructions. Binney, E. W. Supposed meteorites found in seams of coal. — Williamson, W. C. Volvox globator: - Sternborgiæ.

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10. Hopkins, Mr. Great currents of the ocean; Storms. Caw, J. Y. The deserted village' of Goldsmith. Finlay, R. Equation of curves. - Frankland, E. Manufacture of gas. Binney, E. W. Drift deposits near Blackpool; Trails and holes in rocks. Bateman, J. F. Floods at the Manchester water works, 1852. Goodman, J. Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, and gravitation. Joule, J. P. Chemical forces. Jones, H. H. Biog. notice of P. Clare. Smith, R. A. Air and rain of Manchester. 11. Hopkins, T. Aqueous and gaseous pressures of the atmosphere. Binney, E. W. Action of old coal pit water upon iron. - Smith, R. A. Sanitary economy. Harland, J. Memoir of J. Just. Wilkinson, T. T. Lancashire geometers and their writings. Haeffely, E. Use of the sulpho-purpuric acid in the dyeing of worsted and silk. Calvert, F. C. Poisoning by sulphate of protoxide of iron. - Finlay, R. Supplementary curves. - Hopkins, T. Influence of sun-heated land in producing ascending atmospheric currents. 12. Wilkinson, T. T. Early mathematical and philosophical writings of Dalton; Memoir of J. Lawson. Binney, E. W. Origin of iron stones; - Permian beds of the north west of England. — Kirkman, T. P. Polyedra; K-partitions of N. - Dickinson, J. Statistics of collieries of Lancashire, Cheshire, and North Wales. Schunck, E. Action of the ferment of madder on sugar; - Formation of indigo blue. — Smith, R. A. Sewage and sewage rivers; Apparatus for collecting the gases from water and other liquids.

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14. Sturgeon, W. Lightning and lightning conductors; Peculiarities of the thunderstorm, 16th July last. Fairbairn, W. Comparative value of various kinds of stone as to compression. Joule, J. P. Fusion of metals by voltaic electricity;- Life of W. Sturgeon. Calvert, F. C. Solubility of sulphate of baryta in acid solutions. - Binney, E. W. Permian beds. Calvert, F. C., and Johnson, R. Changes of pig iron. Kirkman, T. P. Y-partitions of X.-Jones, H. H. Occultation of Jupiter by the moon. Fryer, A. Peculiarities of the vital statistics of the Society of Friends.


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15, pt. 1. Smith, A. Rosolic acid. — Graham, J. Consumption of coal in furnaces, and the rate of evaporation from engine boilers. - Kirkman, T. P. Triedral partitions of X-ace; Problem of polyedra. Hop. kins, T. Meteorological registration. -Fairbairn, W. Mixtures of cast iron and nickel. - Calvert, F. C., and Johnson, R. Hardness of metals and alloys. - Shunck, E. Yellow colouring matter obtained from buck-wheat. 15, pt. 2. Cockle, J. Researches in the higher algebra. Joule, J. P. Dalton's determination of the expansion of air by heat; Utilization of the sewage of London and other towns. Curtis, J. Rain at Manchester, Roberts, R. Improvements in pharology. - Harley, R. Symmetric products. — Kirkman, T. P. Partitions of the R gon. Roberts, W. Contribution to urology. Williamson, C. Proceedings of the mi eroscopical section; inaugural address. — Moseley, G. Daphnia pulex. Hurst, H. A. Starch granules. 3d series. Vol. 1. Smith, J. Origin of colour, and theory of light. Joule, J. P. Method of testing the strength of steam boilers; Total heat of steam; Passage of air through pipes and apertures in thin plates. Cockle, J. Suppl. researches in higher algebra. Jevons, W. S. Australian gold fields. Hull, E. Extinct glaciers in Gr. Brit. and Ireland. Fairbairn, W. Memoir of J. Kennedy. Fryer, A. New form of floating lightship. Ransome, A. Influence of atmospheric changes upon disease. - Baxendell, J. Solar spots; - Rotation of Jupiter. Roberts, W. Sugar in diabetic urine. Roscoe, H. E. Alleged practice of arsenic-eating in Styria. Smith, R. A. Malaría. Heys, W. H. Kaloscope. Heelis, T. Meteorol. obs. - O'Neill, C. Density in rolled copper. Cayley, A. A-faced polyacrons. Baxendell, J. Disturbances of atmospheric pressure in Europe and Asia; - Theory of rain.

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Literary magazine and journal of belles-lettres, arts, sciences, etc., Jan. 6 - Nov. 3, 1821; Jan. 5 Dec. 28, 1822. Lond., 1821-22. fo. Literary memoirs of living authors of Gr. Brit.; [by D. Rivers]. London, 1798. 2 v. 8°. Literary men. CASTILLON, J. F. M. Du noble orgueil, de la vanité, etc., sur tout des gens de lettres. (In Berlin. Ak. d. Wiss. Abh., 1802.) GOYON D'ARSAC, G. H. C. de. Sur les devoirs et les droits des gens de lettres dans la société civile. (In 1795-97.)

ROBBINS, C. Disorders of literary men.

ton, 1825. 12o.

See also Authors.


Literary miscellany. Camb., 1805-06. 2 v. 8°. Literary panorama; a review, register, and magazine. London, 1807-15. 15 v. 8.

Literary panorama and National register.


series. Vol. 1-9. London, 1814-19. 9 v. 8°. Same. Vol. 1. Boston, 1816. 8°.

Note. A reprint of n.s., v. 4. Literary picture gallery and admon. epist. to visitors of Ballston-Spa. Ballston-Spa, 1808. 8°. (B 979) Literary policy of the Church of Rome. See Mendham, J. Literary Polish Association. Address to the people of Gr. Britain. London, 1832. 8°. (B 1166) Literary property. MACLAURIN, J. Origin and progress of literary property. (In his Works, v. 1. 1798.) See also Copyright.

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LER, S. Discourse before the soc. at its 1st ann. meeting. Princeton, 1825. 8°. (B 1102) Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. Transactions. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1815. 4. Contents. Vol. 1. Act of incorporation, by-laws, and regulations. — Members. Officers, 1814 and 1815. Clinton, De W. Introd. discourse, May 4, 1814; with notes and illustrations. - Williamson, H. Of comets. Hosack, D. Obs. on the communication of contagious diseases. Mitchill, S. L. Detailed narrative of earth. quakes, May 16, 1811, and subsequently to Dec. 18, 1813. Griscom, J. Hints on the best method of conducting meteorological observations. Mitchill, S. L. Fishes of N. Y., described and arranged. Clinton, De W. Remarks on the fishes of the western waters of N. Y. Mease, J. The rock fish, or streaked basse, of the U. S. Francis, J. W. Cases of morbid anatomy. M'Neven, W. J. Chemical analysis of the mineral water of Schooley's Mt., N. J. Circular letter on a statistical account of the State of N. Y. Donations to the library and cabinet. Literary and theological review; [ed.] by L. Wood. New York, Boston, 1834-38. 5 v. 8°. See Nichols, J.

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Literary recollections. See Warner, R. Literary recreations. See Card, H. See De Quincey, T. Literary societies. Literary societies are entered, if American or English, under their names; if foreign, under the names of the cities where they are estab lished.

Literary souvenir; ed. by A. A. Watts. [8th year.] London, 1832. 18%.

Literary world. Vol. 1-13, Feb. 1847 - Dec. 1853. New York, 1847-53. 13 v. 4°.


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(See also Bibliography, p. 292-94.) ALEXANDRIAN. N. Y., 1835. 8°. (B 1722) ALFIERI, V. Del principe e delle lettere. (Vol. 2 of his Opere, 1806; and in his Opere filos., v. 2. 1822.) ANDRES, G. Dell' origine, progressi, e stato attuale di ogni letteratura. Roma, 1808. 8 v. in 9 pt. 4o.


Origen, etc.; tr. por C. Andres. Madrid, 1807. 10 v. 4o.

Note. This is a version of only v. 1-6 of the preceding edition; it omits the 'Scienze teologiche'. BLOUNT, T.P. Censura celebriorum authorum.

Londini, 1690. fo.

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Geschichte der Litteratur.

Gött., 1805-11. 6 v. in 12 pts. 8°. GOLDSMITH, O. Enquiry into the present state of polite learning. (In his Miscel. works, v. 1. 1801.) GREGORY, G. Letters on literature, taste, and composition. Phila., 1809. 12%.

JARRY DE MANCY, A. Atlas historique et chronologique des littératures, des sciences, et des beaux arts. Paris, 1831. fo.:

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