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LAHARPE, J. F. Lycée, ou Cours de littérature Paris, 1799-1805. 16

ancienne et moderne.

v. in 19 pt. 8°.

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lib., v. 64.) NEWMAN, J. H. Christianity and letters. (In his Lect. 1859.)

SCHLEGEL, C. W. F. Geschichte der alten und

neuen Literatur. Wien, 1822. 2 v. 8°. Same. (In his Sämmt. Werke, v. 1, 2. 1846.) Eng. Lectures on the history of literature, ancient and modern. Edin., 1818. 2 v. 8°. Same. Phila., 1818. 2 v. 8°.

- [With] index. London, Bohn, 1859. 8°. SERIEYS, A. Mémoires sur la littérature. (Vol. 8-11 of his Bibl. acad. 1811.)

STOLLE, G. Introductio in historiam litterariam. Jenæ, 1728. 4.

TREATISE on the progress of literature, and its effects on society. Edin., 1834. 8°.

General and miscellaneous works. AIKEN, J. Letters on literature and the conduct of life. Phila., 1796. 12o. BAILLET, A. Jugemens des savans sur les principaux ouvrages des auteurs; rev. par de la Monnoye. Paris, 1722-30. S v. 4°.

BAVA DE SAN PAOLO, E. Discours sur la littérature. (In Turin. Ac. d. Sci. Mem., v. 13. 1803.) BOUFLERS, S. Discours sur la littérature. Paris, an VIII [1800]. 8°. (C 97)

BRITTON, J. Rights of literature. London,

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Same. 2d ser. London, 1823. 3 v. 8°. DRAKE, N. Literary hours. (Vol. 1, 2,) 3d ed. London, 1804. 3 v. 8°.

GERANDO, J. M. de. De l'influence de l'esprit de méditation sur les lettres. (In Turin. Ac. d. Sci. Mem., v. 15. 1805.)

GIBBON, E. Essai sur l'étude de la littérature. London, 1761. 8. (B 979)

GRIMM, F. M., and DIDEROT, D. Correspondance littéraire, 1753-90. Paris, 1812-13. 3 pt. in 16 v. 8°.

MANNO, G. Della politica e delle lettere. (In Turin.
Ac. d. Sci. Mem., v. 36. 1833.)
PHELAN, W. Whether the pursuits of scientific and
polite literature assist each other. (In Royal Irish
Acad. Trans., v. 12. 1815.)

PINKERTON, J. Letters of literature; by R.
Heron [pseud.]. London, 1785. 8°.

REGIS, F. Discorso intorno alle cagioni della decadenza delle lettere. (In Turin. Ac. d. Sci. Mem., v. 19. 1811.)

SELDENUS, W. De libris variorumque eorum usu et abusu. Amst., 1688. 8°.

STAUL HOLSTEIN, Mme. A. L. de. De la littérature. (In her Euvres, v. 4. 1820; reviewed by Jeffrey, in his Contrib. 1856.)

WHIPPLE, E. P. Lectures on subjects connected with literature and life. Boston, 1850. 8°.

See also Comic literature; - Dutch literature; Dramatic literature; English literature; - Fantastic, The; - Fiction; Hebrew; - Immoral literature; - Latin literature; - Letters; Medical literature; - Poetry; Popular literature; - Romance; Sanskrit literature; the names of countries and cities; and Europe: Literature; - Europe


Europe (South of): Litera

(North of): Literature;
ture; also Copyright; - Rod.

For works on the choice of books see Reading; for the principles of literary criticism see Rhetoric.

For literary and critical periodicals see the division Periodicals under the names of countries. Literature, Amenities of. See D'Israeli, I. Literature, Anecdotes of. See Beloe, W. Literature, Characteristics of. See Tuckerman, H. T. Literature, Illustrations of. See Nichols, J. Literature, New curiosities of. See Soane, G. Literature, Pursuits of. See Mathias, T. J. Literature, Royal Society of. See Royal Society of Literature.

Lithgow, Arthur, Sheriff. MASS. Governor. Communica. tion relative to the removal of Sheriff Lithgow. n.p., 1808. 8°. (B 533) Lithgow, Wm. Travels and voyages in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 12th ed. Leith; 1814. 8°. Present survey of London and England's state, 1643. (In Somers, J. Col. of tracts, 2d ed., v. 4. 1810.) Relation of the siege of Newcastle, with commentairie on battells of Bowdon Hill and Marston Moore. (In v. 5. 1811.)

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KEY, C. A. Short treatise on the section of the prostate gland in L. London, 1824. 4° POLAND, A. Urinary calculi and lithotomy. (In Holmes, T. Syst. of surg., v. 4. 1864.)

ROBINSON, N. Dissertation upon nephrotomy. (In his Treatise of the gravel and stone. 1734.) THOMPSON, H. Practical lithotomy and litho

trity. London, 1863. 8°. TOLET, F. De la lithotomie.

Paris, 1682. 12°.

Lithotrity. CIVIALE, J. Traité de la lithotritie.

Paris, 1847. 8°.

GOLDSMITH. A. Lithotripsy. N. Y., 1843. 8°. (B 1553) HAWKINS, C. Lithotrity. (In Holmes, T. Syst. of

surg., v. 4. 1864.)

THOMPSON, H. See Lithotomy.

WARREN, J. M. Lithotrity and lithotomy with ether.
Boston, 1849. 8°. (B 1567)

Same. n.t.p. [Boston, 184-.] 8°. (E70)

Lithuania. LELEWEL, J. Dzieje Litwy i Rusi aż do unji z Polską. Lips., 1839. 32.

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GATTERER, J. C. An Prussorum, Lituanorum, ceter-
orumque populorum Letticorum originem a Sarma-
tis liceat repetere? (In Goettingen. Ges. d. Wiss.
Comm., 1793, 95-98.)

P., S. H. Jeografia wschodniéy części Europy.
W Wroclawiu, 1825. 8°.

Map. BLAEU, J. Ducatus Lithuaniæ descr. [Amst.,
16-.] (E 78, no. 265)

FADEN, W. 2d ed. London, 1799. (E 66)

See also White Russia.

Litiganti, I.; commedia. See Nota, A.

Litta, Pompeo. Famiglie celebri di Italia. Milano, 1819-63. 15 v. fo.

Note. The arrangement in volumes is arbitrary. Contents. Vol. 1. Acciaioli di Firenze, spenta 1834. Accolti di Arezzo, spenta 1699. Acquaviva, di Na. poli. Adorno di Genova. - Aldobrandini di Firenze.


Alidosio d'Imola, spenta. Alighieri di Firenze, spenta 1558. Altemps, di Roma. Alviano D', d'Or. vieto, spenta 1537. - Appiani di Pisa. Archinto di Milano.-Arcimboldi di Milano, spenta 1727. Ariosto di Bologna, spenta 1786. 2. Bentivoglio di Bologna. Bevilacqua di Verona. Birago di Milano. - Bojardo de Reggio, spenta 1560.- Bonacolsi di Mantova, spenta 1328.- Boncompagni di Bologna. Bonelli di Roma.


- Borromeo di S. Miniato. Buonarroti di Firenze. Buondelmonte di Firenze, spenta 1774. 3. Calcagnini di Ferrara. Camino, Da, di Trevigi, spenta 1422. Candiano di Venezia, spenta 1018.-Cantelmi di Napoli, spenta 1749. - Carraresi e Pappafava di Padova. Carpegna. Conti di, spenta 1749. Casali di Cortona. Castiglioni di Milano. - Cavalcabò di Cremona. - Cavaniglia di Napoli, spenta, 1792. Cesarini di Roma, spenta 1685. -Cesi di Roma. Colonua di Roma. Concini di Arezzo, spenta 1631. — Contrari di Ferrara, spenta nel 1575. Corraro di Venezia. - Correggio da Correggio, spenta 1711. 4. Ecelini della Marca di Trevigi, spenta 1260. Erizzo di Venezia. Este, Marchesi d'. Euffreducci di Fermo. - Facchinetti di Bologna, spenta 1685. Fagginola, Della, nel Montefeltro, spenta. Ferrero di Biella. - Fogliani di Reggio, spenta 1785. - Foscari di Venezia. - Fregoso di Genova. 5. Gaddi di Firenze, spenta 1607. Gallio di Como, spenta 1800. - Gambacorta di Pisa, spenta 1725. Gambara di Brescia. Gherardesca, Conti della, di Pisa. Parte 1. Ghilini d'Alessandria. - Giovio di Como. Giustiniani di Venezia. 6. Gonzaga di Mantova. - Gozzadini di Bologna. - Grassi di Bologna, spenta 1848. Guicciardini di Firenze. Lando di Venezia, spenta nel 1734. - Lannoy di Napoli, spenta 1604.- Lodovisi di Bologna, spenta 1699. 7. Macchi. avelli di Firenze, spenta 1727. — Madruzzo di Trento, spenta 1658. — Malaspina. Manfredi di Faenza. Marescotti di Bologna. - Martelli di Firenze. Massimo di Roma. Mauruzi di Tolentino. 8. Medici di Firenze. Monferrato, Marchesi di, spenta 1306. Monte, Del. di Montesansavino, spenta 1570.- Monte Sa. Maria dell' Umbria, Marchesi del. - Montefeltro, Conti del, spenta 1508. 9. Navagero di Venezia, spenta 1713. -Normanni re di Sicilia, spenta 1195. - Orsevio di Venezia, spenta. — Orsini di Roma. — Ottoboni di Venezia, spenta 1740. 10. Pallavicino. Paleologo, marchesi di Monferrato, spenta 1533. - Pazzi di Firenze. Peretti di Montalto, spenta 1655. — Pico della Mirandola, spenta 1787. Piccolomini Todeschini di Sienna, spenta 1753. Pio di Carpi. — Polenta, Da, signori di Ravenna. - Pusterla, Della, di Milano, spenta 1814. — Rangoni di Modena. Rossi di Parma, spenta 1825.- Roverella di Ferrara. 12. Savoja, Duchi di. 13. Sanvitale di Parma.- Scaligeri di Verona, spenta 1598. Sforza Attendolo di Romagna. Simonetta di Calabria. — Sinibuldi di Pistoja, spenta 1497. — Soderini di Firenze. - Stampa di Milano. Strozzi di Firenze. Svevia re di Napoli, spenta 1268. 14. Tiepolo di Venezia. - Torelli di Ferrara. Torriani di Valsassina. - Tornabuoni di Firenze, spenta. - Trinci di Foligno, spenta 1452. Trivulzio di Milano. 15. Valori di Firenze. spenta 1687.- Varano di Camerino. Verme, Dal, di Verona. - Vettori di Firenze. - Villani di Firenze, spenta 1617. -Visconti di Milano. - Visconti già Aicardi di Milano, spenta 1795. — Vitelli di Città di Castello, spenta 1790.

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The following nos, are as yet unbound. Barbo di Venezia. - Camposampiero di Trevigi Marca. - - Cap. poni di Firenze. - Cima di Cingoli. - Condulmero di Venezia. Farnesi, duchi di Parma. - Guidi di Ro. magna.

Lupi, marchesi di Soragna Meli, e marchesi Meli-Lupi, principi di Soragna. Malatesta di Rimini. - Mocenigo di Venezia. - Morozzo di Mondovi. - Ordelaffi di Forli. — Ottoni di Matelica. Panchiatichi di Pistoia. - Pucci di Firenze. - Rovere, Della, di Savona, duchi d'Urbino. Marchesi di Salluzzo. -Savelli di Roma. Smeducci di Sanseverino. Steno di Venezia.

- PASSERINI, L. Necrologia. (In Archivio stor. ital., app., v. 9. 1853.)

-REUMONT, A. von. (In his Zeitgenossen, v. 2, 1862.) Littara, Vincenzo. De rebus Netinis; add. Netinorum consuetudines olim sub Petro II. traditæ; adj. B. Conradi historiam. Ed. nov. (In Grævius. antiq. Sicil, v. 12. 1725.)

See Lithuania.


Littell, Wm. Festoons of fancy. Louisville, 1814.

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Lecture on the necessity of establishing law colleges
in the U. S. Frankfort, 1818. 8°. (B 665)
Political transactions in Kentucky. Frankfort, 1806.
8°. (B 466)

Littell's living age. Boston, 1844-77. 5 ser. in 132

v. 8°

Littérature canadienne de 1850-60; pub. par la

direction du Foyer canadien'. (Vol. 1, 2e éd.) Quebec, 1863-64. 2 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. Parent, E. De l'importance et des devoirs du commerce: Considérations sur le sort des classes ouvrières; De l'intelligence dans ses rapports avec la société. Garneau, F. X. Voyage en 221. (15. 5. 77.)

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Angleterre et en France dans 1831-33. - Ferland, M. J. B. A., l'abbé. L. O. Gamache; - Fragment de l'histoire du Canada, 1759;- Le Labrador. Brunet, O., l'abbé. Notes sur les plantes recueillies par Ferland sur les côtes de Labrador. - Chauveau, P. J. 0. Discours, 18 juil. 1855, à la cérémenie de la pose de la pierre angulaire du mon. déd. à la mém. des braves tombés sur la plaine d'Abraham, le 28 avr. 1760. 2. Crémazie, O. Poésies. -Aubert de Gaspé, P. Le chercheur de trésors, ou L'influence d'un livre. -Laberge, C. Le crapaud et l'éphémère. - Marchand, F. G. Poésies. Raymond, J. S. Importance des études religieuses. - Fiset, L. J. C. Poésies. - Peltier, O. Travail et paresse. Bourassa, N. Naples et ses environs. - Lenoir, J. Poésies. Garneau, A. Premières pages de la vie. — Trudelle, C. Hoc erat in votis. Boucher, A. Une page de notre histoire. Fréchette, L. H. Alleluia. Lemay, L. P. Le retour. Mayrand, Z. A la gloire de l'ie Ix.


Littérature, Elémens de. See Marmontel, J. F. Littérature, Mémoires de. See Sallengre, A. H. Little, Daniel. Observations upon the art of making steel. (In Amer. Acad. Mem., v. 1. 1785.) - Hard water softened by farinaceous soap. (In v. 3. 1809.) Little, George. Life on the ocean; or, Twenty years at sea. 2d ed. Boston, 1844. 12o. Little, Rev. George Barker. MEMORIAL of the closing scenes in the life of L. Cambridge, 1861. 8o.

Little, Otis. State of trade in the northern colonies considered; description of Nova Scotia.

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Duty of public usefulness; sermon, Washington, Feb.
16. Wash., 1823. 8°. (B 288)

Ignorance the parent of crime; sermon, death of W.
Seaver, July 15. Wash., 1821. 8°. (B 283)

National anniversary; two sermons, July 4. Wash.,
1824. 8°. (B 1098)

Sacred origin and divine authority of the Jewish and Christian religions; three sermons. Wash., 1823. 8°. (B 288) Little, Dr. W. J.

Orthopedic surgery. (In Holmes, T. Syst. of surg., v. 3. 1862.) Little, Wm. INTERESTING trials of pirates for the murder of L. Newburyport, [1796]. 12°. (C 69) Little, Dr. Wm. FAITHFUL report of the trial of L., for assault upon his wife. 2d ed. N. Y., 1808. 8°. (B 408) Little, Wm. History of Warren, N. H. Manchester, N. H., 1870. 8°.

Little (Jacob) & Co. Documents relating to [their] claim on Boorman, Johnston. & Co. under contracts for Ky. Bank stock. New York, 1842. 8°. (B 1437) LORD, D. Vindication of the award between Boorman, Johnston, & Co. and J. Little & Co., by one of the referees. New York, 1842. 8°. (B 1437) Little (Charles C.), Brown, & Co. Catalogue of books. Boston, 1842-57. 3 v. 8°. Catalogue of law books. Boston, 1858. 12. Catalogue of law books. Boston, 1869. 12. Little Annie's birthday; farce. See Suter, W. E. Little barefoot. See Waldauer, A.

Little Dorrit; by C. Dickens. Lpz., Tauchnitz, 1856-57. 4 v. 16.

Same. Phila., n.d. 2 v. 12°

Same. (In Harper's mag., v. 12-15. 1855-57.) Little Flaggs. (In Dublin univ. mag., v. 60-61. 1862-63; and in Littell's living age, v. 75-76. 1863.) Little foxes. See Stowe, H. B. Little French lawyer, The. See Beaumont, F., and Fletcher, J.

Little Hunchback; or, A frolic in Bagdad. See O'Keefe, J. Little Jack, History of. (In Yonge, C. M. Storehouse of stories. 1870.)

Little London directory, 1677; with an introd. London, J. Hotten, 1863. 16o.

Note. The original title was 'Collection of the names of merchants in and about London'.

Little men; by L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1871. 16o. Little Pedlington; by J. Poole. London, 1839.

2 v. 12%

Little plays to amuse and instruct little folks in the nursery and school-room. N. Y., 1860. 12o.

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Little queen, History of the. (In Yonge, C. M. Storehouse of stories. 1870.)

Little rebel. The; a farce. See Coyne, J. S.

Little Red Riding Hood: by Miss Thackeray. (In her
Five old friends. 1868.)

Little Splendid's vacation; by C. W. T. Fry. Bos-
ton, 1868. 16. (Sunday School Soc.)
Little Sunshine's holiday; by [Mrs. D. M. M.
Craik]. N. Y., 1871. 16.

Little treasure, The. See Harris, A.
Little women; by L. M. Alcott.

2 v. 18

Boston, 1869.

Same. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 18. Littledale, Rev. Richard Frederick. Missionary aspect of ritualism. (In Shipley, O. Church and world.

1866. 1st report of the Ritual Commission. (In 1868.)

Littlejohn, Abram Newkirk, Bp. Sermon on the death of A. Lincoln. (In Lincoln, A. Our martyr president. 1865.)

Littlejohn, Henry D. Cleansing operations of Edinburgh as compared with those of other large towns. (In Nat. Assoc. Prom. Soc. Sci. Trans., 1863.) Littlepage, Lewis. Letters between J. Jay and L. New York, 1786. 4. (A 27, B 1731)

Littleton, Adam. Latine dictionary.

London, 1703. 4o.

4th ed.

Same. 6th ed. London, 1735. 4o.
NICERON, J. P. (In his Mém., v. 23. 1733.)
Littleton, Thomas. Bp. of Carlisle. Sermon before the
Ho. of Lords, Jan. 30. London, 1765. 4. (B 1466)
Littleton or Lyttleton, Sir Thomas. COKE, E.

First part of the institutes of the laws of
England, or Commentary upon Littleton.
13th ed.; with notes by F. Hargrave and
C. Butler. London, 1788. fo.
Same. 14th ed., with notes by F. Hargrave,
C. Butler, also by Hale and Nottingham.
Dublin, 1791. 8°.

Littleton, Mass. FOSTER. E.

Works of God, etc.; sermon, Littleton, Dec. 4, 1815; a century from the incorporation of that town. Concord, Mass., [1816]. So. (B 275)

Litton, A. Address to the graduates of the medical de partment of St. Louis Univ. St. Louis, 1851. 8°. (B 1557)

Litton, Edward Arthur. The Church of Christ, its idea, attributes, and ministry. 1st Amer. ed. rev. Phila., 1856. 8°.

Littré, Maximilien Paul Emile.

langue française.

pts. 4°.


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See also Abnaki; Armenian Church; King's Chapel; Foston. Leyden Chapel; Foston. Warren Street Chapel;- -Catholic Church; Church of England (Liturgy, p. 575, 576, Libliography, p. 576); - Church of Scotland; Egypt (Christian Church); Funerals; - Jews (Ritual); Jews in Spain; Mikmak; New Jerusalem Church; Potawatomies; St. Joachimsthal; Unitarians; also Hymns; Prayers.

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General and miscellaneous works. BULL, G., Bp. On the existing liturgies. (In Tracts for the times. v. 2. 1840.)

CLICHTOVEUS, J. Elucidatorium ecclesiasticum. Basil., 1519. f.

FULLER, S. Characteristic excellences in the liturgy. Boston, 1845. 8°. (B 1385)

POSITION disputing the lawfulnesse of ministers receiving an imposed liturgy. London. 1C63. 4o. (B3) ROBINSON, B. Letter to T. Bennet, in defence of the review of the case of liturgies. Lond., 1710.8% (B 588) SADLER, M. F. Liturgies and ritual. (In Weir, A. The Church and the age. 1870.)

SHIPLEY, O. Liturgies of 1549 and 1662.
Church and world. 1866.)

(In his

TAYLOR, J. Apology for authorized and set forms of liturgy. (In his Works, v. 7. 1822; v. 5. 1849.) Lituus. CLARKE. E. D. On the lituus of the ancient Romans. (In Archæologia, v. 19. 1819.) Liudger, St. VITA. (In Pertz. Mon. Germ., Ser., v. 2. 1829.) Liutolfus or Luidolfus, presbyter Moguntinus. De S. Secero. (In Jaffé, P. Bibl. rerum Germ., v. 3. 1866.) Liutprandus or Liudy randus or Luitprandus. Opera. 887$69. (In Pertz, G. H. Mon. Germ., Ser., v. 5. 1849.) Historia. - Legatio ad Nicephorum Phocam. (In Muratori, L. A. Rer. Ital., v. 2, pt. 1-2. 1723.) Legatio ad Nicephorum Phocam. (In Niebuhr. Byzant. hist. scr., v. 5. 1828.)

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Contents. Pt. 1. A-H. 2. I-P. 3. Q-Z.

Etudes sur les barbares et le Moyen Age.

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AYRE, J. Disorders of the L. Lond., 1821. 8°. BEALE, L. S. Some points of the anat. of the liver. London, 1856. 8°.

BUDD, G. Diseases of the liver. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8°.

COOKE, C. T. Efficacy of white mustard seed in affeetions of the liver. 3d ed. Gloucester, 1826. 8°.

(B 1551)

FAITHHORN, J. Liver complaints and bilious
disorders. 2d ed. London, 1815. 8°
FARRE, J. R. Morbid anatomy of the liver.
Pt. 1, 2: Tumours. Lond., 1812-15. 2 pts. 4o.
FRERICHS, F.T. Klinik der Leberkrankheiten.
Braunschweig, 1858-61. 2 v. 8o

- Eng. Diseases of the liver; tr. by C. Murchison. London, 1860-61. 2 v. 8°. (New Syd. Soc., v. 7, 14.)

GRAHAM, T. J. Disorders of the liver and stomach. London, 1824. 8°.

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WHITE, W. Diseases of the L. Bath, 1808. 8°. Liverani, Francesco. Il papato, l'imperio, e il regno d'Italia. 3a ed. Firenze, 1861. 16o.

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Livere de reis de Brittanie, Le, e Le livere de reis de Engletere; ed. by J. Glover. London, 1865. 8". (Chron. and mem. of Gr. Brit.)

Note. Peter of Ickham is supposed to have been the author.

Livermore, Abiel Abbot. The ancient and honourable man; discourse on the death of J. Q. Adams. Keene, N. H., 1848. 3. (B 1207)

- Commentaries. See Bible: Gospels, Acts, Romans (p. 285, 288, 289).

Discourse, Walpole, Oct. 31, before the Sunday School Assoc. in connection with the Cheshire Past. Assoc. Keene, 1837. 8°. (B 1327)

Lectures to young men.

1847. 16°

New ed. Boston,

Reason and revelation; sermon at the ordination of J.
Thurston, Windsor, Vt. Windsor, 1833. 8°. (B 1320)
Thanksgiving discourse in Keene, N. H., Dec. 7.
Keene, 1837. 8°. (B 1253)

The war with Mexico reviewed. Boston, 1850.

Livermore, Alpheus, and Angier, S.

TRIAL for the murder of N. J. Crevay. Boston, 1813. 8°. (B 344) Livermore, D. Journal of the march of Gen. Poor's brigade, on the western expedition. 1779. (In New Hamp. Hist. Soc. Col., v. 6. 1850.)

Livermore, Edward St. Loe. Oration, dissolution of the political union between U. S. and France. Portsmouth, 1799. 8°. (B 651)

Oration, July 4. Boston, 1813. 8°. (B 457)

Speech, Jan. 6, [1898], on the embargo. n.p., [1808]. 8°. (B 410)

LORING, J. S. (In his Hundred Boston orators. 1852.) New HAMPSHIRE. Ho. of Representatives. Report of the committee on claims on the petition of L. [Phila, 1797.] 8°. (W 65)

Livermore, George. Historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Boston, 1862. 8°


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Note. From the N. Amer. rev., July 1850. Remarks on the publication and circulation of the Scriptures; [review of ] W. P. Strickland's Hist. of the Amer. Bible Soc.' Camb., 1849. 8°.

Note. From the Christian exam., Nov. 1849. Same. Cambridge, 1849. 8°. (B 1373)

Funeral sermon on. 1865. See Badger, H. C. (B 1594, 1639)

DEANE, C. Memoir of G. Livermore.

1869. 4°. Large paper.

Sume. Cambridge, 1863. 8°. (E 85)


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Livermore, Samuel. Treatise on the law of agents, etc. Boston, 1811. 8°.

Dissertations on the questions which arise from the contrariety of the positive laws of different states and nations,] t.p.. [New Orleans, 1828.] 8. (B1105) -BRADLEY, C. P. Sketch of L. (In New Hamp. Hist. Soc. Col., v. 5. 1837.)

Liverpool, 2d Earl of. See Jenkinson, R. B., Farl of L. Liverpool. BAINES, T. History of Liverpool.

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HOWSON, J. S. Report on popular education in Liver-
pool. (In Nat. Assoc. Prom. Soc. Sci. Trans, 1859;
and in Gr. Brit. Educ. Comm. Reports [on]
the state of popular education, v. 4. 1861.)
MOORE, E. The Moore rental. Manchester,
1847. 4°. (Chetham Soc., v. 12.)

PICTURE of Liverpool; or, Stranger's guide.
Liverpool, 1805. 12.

PROSPECTUS of a ministry for the poor to be established
in Liverpool. Liverpool, 1836. 12o. (C 232)
REMARKS on the project of estab. a line of packets
between Boston and L. n.p., [182-]. 8°. (B 942)
STRANGER in L. 3d ed. Liverpool, 1812. 18°.

Liverpool and Manchester R. R. BURY, T. T.
Six views on the R. R. London, 1831. 4°
MOREAU, P. Description of the R. R.
ton, 1833. 12°

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Liverpool Auxiliary Bible Soc. 8th report. incl. the 2d report of the Ladies' Branch of the Soc. Liverpool, 1819. 8. (B 1023)

Liverpool. Botanic Garden. Laws and list of proprietors. (In Roscoe, W. Address. 1802. B 699)

Liverpool Docks. STATEMENT of grounds upon

which the trustees of the Liverpool Docks propose applying for authority to provide additional dock space, etc. Liverpool, 1810. 8°. (B 1744) WEBSTER, T. Minutes of evidence on the Liverpool and Birkenhead dock bills, 1848-52. London, 1853. 8°.

- Port and docks of Birkenhead; [incl. evidence in Parl., 1844-47]. London, 1848. 8°. Liverpool East India Assoc. Report of a committee [on] the restrictions on the East India trade. Liverpool, 18:22. S. (B 1674)

Liverpool. Mariner's Church. Psalms and hymns. Liverpool, 1833. 12.

Liverpool Royal Institution. Report. n.p., 1817. fo. (A 25) Liverpool. St. John's Market. ACCOUNT of St. J. market, with plan; [also] rules, orders, and by-laws for reg ulating the same. Liverpool, [1822]. 4°. (A 44) Liverpool Training School and Home for Nurses. ORGANIZATION of nursing; an account of the school; with introd. and notes by F. Nightingale. Liverpool and London, 1865. 8°.

LIVERPOOL AS THE FIRST WORD IN TITLES. Liverpool chronicle and commercial advertiser; Nov. 7, 1804; Apr. 9, 1806. Liverpool, 1804-06. fo. (E 198) Liverpool mercantile gazette; Mar. 3, 1804. Liverpool, 1804. f. (E 198)

Liverpool Saturday's advertiser. Mar. 15, Oct. 11, 1806. Liverpool. 1806. f. (E 193)

Liverseege, Henry. CUNNINGHAM, A. (In his Lives of Brit, painters, v. 6. 1833, v. 9 of Fam. lib., and v. 67 of Harper's fam. lib.)

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Lives. See Biography; for lives of individuals, see the name of the person whose life is wanted. Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier; incl. the history of the buccaneers. Edin., 1837. 16°. (Edin. cab. lib., v. 5.) Same, with some alterations. New York, [184]. 18. (Harper's fam. lib.)

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Lives of eminent characters born or resident in
Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. Lond., 1820. 8°.
Contents. Baron T. Dimsdale. T. Stanley. -J.
Ray. - P. Holland. F. Quarles. - M. Cavendish,
Duchess of Newcastle. Sir J. Hawkwood. - Dr. J.
Bastwick. - T. Brand-Hollis. J. Harriott. Sir T.
Smith. R. Edward, Lord Petre. Sir F. Vere.-J.
Thurloe. H. Vere. S. Purchas.
-Marquis Cornwallis.-W. Smith.


A. H. Fitzroy. Rev. T. Harmer.

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C. Wolsey. - Dr. J. Overall. J. Lydgate. Dr. R. Sibbs. E. Lord Thurlow. Sir N. Bacon. - T. Gainsborough. Mrs. S. Trimmer. T. Cavendish. W. Alabaster. Mary Beale. T. Beacon. J. J. Kirby. J. Elwes.-S. Gardiner. W. Hoare. T. Talmash. Dr. R. Morton. - R. Browning. -A. Jackson. H. Repton. - E. Miller. J. Day. G. Edwards. W. Sancroft. T. Lord Audley. E. Hickeringill. G. Gascoigne. R. Porson. Dr. J. Pearson. M. Parker. Sir R. Walpole. H. Lord Walpole. Sir H. Spelman. Sir C. Shovel. H. Viscount and Baron Nelson. - H. Walpole.- -T. Herring. Ames. J. Ames. W. Windham. E. Jerningham. - Sir E. Coke. Sir J. Fastolff. J. Disney. - Dr. S. Clarke. Sir T. Barnardiston. Sir J. Holt.

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Lives of eminent saints. Boston, 1853. 24°.

Contents. The virgin Mary. - St. Anne. - St. Joseph. -St. Mary of Egypt. St. Margaret. -St. Patrick.-St. Bridget. - St. Liguori.

Lives of individuals who raised themselves to eminence. See Davenport, R. A.

Lives of literary and scientific men of Gr. Brit. See Dunham, S. A.

Lives of saints, col. from authentick records; with account of the other festivals. 2d ed. London, 1750. 4 v. 4°.

Lives of Scottish poets. See Society of Ancient Scots. Lives of the chief fathers of New England. Boston, 1846-47. 6 v. 8°. (Mass. S. S. Soc.) Contents. Vol. 1. M'Clure, A. W. J. Cotton. 2. M'Clure, A. W. J. Wilson, J. Norton, and J. Davenport. 3. Adams, N. J. Eliot. 4. Albro, J. A. T. Shepard. 5. Pond, E. I. Mather and Sir W. Phipps. Hooker, E. W. T. Hooker.


Lives of the English saints; [by J. H. Newman

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and others]. London, 1845, 44-45. 13 v. 8°. Note. The following volume-numbers are arbitrarily assigned. Vol. 1 has not the general title but this: 'The Cistercian saints of England. St. Stephen. Abbot'. Contents. Vol. 1. St. Stephen Harding. 3d ed. 2. Family of St. Richard the Saxon: St. Richard; - St. Willibald; St. Walburga; - St. Winibald. 2d ed. 3. St. Augustine of Canterbury. 4. Hermit saints: St. Gundleus; - St. Helier; - St. Herbert; St. Edelwald; St. Bettelin; - St. Neot; - - St. Bartholomew. 5. St. Wulstan. St. William. 6. St. Paulinus. - St. Edwin. St. Ethelburga. -St. Oswald. - St. Oswin.St. Ebba. St. Adamnan. - St. Bega. 7. St. Gilbert. 8. St. Wilfrid. 9. St. German. 10. Stephen Langton. 11. St. Aelred. 12. St. Ninian. 13. St. Ed. mund. 14. St. Waltheof. St. Robert. 15. St. Richard. London, 1856-57. 5 v. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. Louis Napoleon. J. P. Richter. -J. Banim. The last words of great men. - Marshal Soult, Duke of Dalmatia. - Dr. Stanley. -L. Kossuth. - Dr. Chalmers. - Ld. G. Bentinck.-J. M. W. Turner. Opening and closing scenes in the lives of celebrated men. Michael Angelo. - Lord Palmerston. P. B. Shelley. B. G. Niebuhr. T. Chatterton. - D. O'Connell. H. Coleridge.-H. Martineau. - Margaret Fuller. A. Marrast. - Dr. J. P. Smith. Pestalozzi. -T. Moore. - B. Spinoza. - R. Fulton.-T. Hood.B. Disraeli. 2. W. Wordsworth. - Jacquard. - Passages in the lives of the pre-Raphaelites. -C. Mather.

Lives of the illustrious.

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8. Drew. Blumenbach.

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Roger Williams. T. Ingoldsby. J. Hume. O. Goldsmith. C. R. Pemberton. Neander. Mirabeau. -J. Sterling. Duke of Wellington. Marlborough and Wellington compared. Paganini. Schleiermacher. - Lord Langdale. Torquato Tasso. J. Ronge. C. Dickens. - H. C. Oersted. - E. Irving. 3. J. F. Cooper. Schiller. H. B. Stowe.-S. Hopkins. W. E. Gladstone. W. C. Macready.-T. E. Hook. D. Webster.-W. Hogarth.-J. Sayer. J. Gilray. I. Cruikshank. G. Cruikshank. - Sir A. Cooper. Abd-el-Kader. Cola di Rienzo.-J. J. Rousseau. F. Hemans.-F. Pierce. R. B. Sheridan. - R. W. Hamilton. - M. de Cervantes Saavedra. - Dr. M. Moir. Sir T. More. Raffaello Sanzio. J. Keats. - A. Marvell. 4. S. Johnson. Francesco Petrarca.-G. Fox. - Earl of Shaftesbury. J. S. Buckingham. — J. Foster. F. M. Robespierre. -Nicholas Breakspeare. G. Cuvier. R. Hall. B. R. Haydon. Strauss.-W. Tyndale. - C. J. Napier.-J. Milton. J. W. von Goethe. - D. F. Arago. Joseph Smith. -W. Raleigh. - J. B. Gough. -Sir G. Cockburn. Nicholas I., Emp. of Russia. 5. Sir W. Scott.-G. F. Guizot.-C. Lamb. G. Washington. - Dr. F. A. Cox. Marshal Ney. Amelia Opie. - Card. Mezzofanti. R. Southey.- Dr. Wardlaw. E. Elliott.-A. H. Layard. C.T. Körner.- Rev. W. Jay. - Lord J. Russell.-F. Jeffrey. - Hafiz and Sadi. -F. M. Bartholdy. Gen. Wolfe. Blaise Pascal. L. E. Landon. - T. Arnold. Mme. Roland. - J. Barry. - Prof. Wilson. -J. G. Fichte. Sir T. N. Talfourd. - T. Carlyle. R. Burns. E. D. Clarke. J. Montgomery. Livia Drusilla, afterwards Julia Augusta. GHEZZI, P. L. Camere sepolcrali de' liberti e liberte di Livia Augusta. Roma, 1731. fo. Living, Philosophy of. See Ticknor, E. Living age. See Littell's living age.

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Livingston, Brockholst. CASE. 1819. See Jackson, J.

Livingston, Edward. Commercial code of Louisiana. New Orleans, 1825. fo

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Definitions of technical words used in syst. of penal law. n.t.p. fo. (E 276)

Extracts from the projected penal code: pref. an extract from a preliminary discourse. New Orleans, 1823. f. (E 276)

Introductory report to the code of reform and prison discipline prepared for Louisiana. Phila., 1827. 8°. (E 1884)

Same. n.t.p. [1827.] f. (A 34)

Same. [Another ed.] n.t.p. fo. (E 276)

Introd. report to the code of evidence of the State of Louisiana. n.t.p. [New Orleans? 182-.] f. (E 276) Introd. report to the code of procedure. n.t.p. [New Orleans? 1827.] f. (E 276)

Introd. report to the system of penal law. n.t.p. [New Orleans?. 182-.] f. (E 276)

Legal opinions. (In White, J. M. Legal opinions in rel. to the Duke of Alagon. 1837. B 1431) Letter on the advantages of the Penn. system of prison discipline. Phila., 1828. 8°. (B 928) Remarks on the expediency of abolishing the punishment of death. Phila., 1831. 8°. (B 1188) Report to the Gen. Assembly of Louisiana, on the plan of a penal code for the state. New Orleans, 1822. 8°.

Another copy. (B 544)

French. Rapport fait à l'Assemblée Générale de l'état de la Louisiane sur le projet d'un code pénal. Nouv. Orléans, 1822. 8°. (B 985)

Speech on Mr. Foot's resolution relative to public lands. Wash., 1830. 8°. (B 1494)

Speech on the alien bill. - Argument against capital punishment. (In Moore, F. Amer. eloq.. v. 2. 1864.) Speech on the third reading of the alien bill. Phila., [1798] 8° (B 397)

Système de loi pénale pour l'état de la Louisiane. Nouv. Orléans, 1825. f. (E 276)

HUNT, C. H. Life of E. Livingston. New York, 1864. 8°.

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