
By T. BECKET, Corner of the Adelphi Buildings in the STRAND,

Bookfeller to their Royal Highneffes the Prince of WALES and Bishop of OSNĄBURGH,


Printed at PARIS, in Four Volumes Folio.

This very magnificent Work is propofed to the Publick at only Eight Guineas in Sheets, being but Half the original Price.

This Edition, which coft the Artifts near twenty Years Labour, and the Proprietors upwards of Fourteen thousand Pounds Sterling, is undoubtedly one of the moft fuperb Monuments ever erected to the Memory of an Author.

It is printed with a new Letter, on a fine Paper, manufactured exprefsly for the Work; every Fable being ornamented by a Head and Tail-piece, defigned in a new Tafte, by M. BACHELIER, and executed by M. T. PAPILLON and LE SUEUR.

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LA FONTAINE'S Life is prefixed, containing many Anecdotes of that exquifite Fabulift, not to be met with elsewhere.

*Such Ladies and Gentlemen who are defirous of being poffeffed of this magnificent Work, are requefted to favour the Proprietors with their Commands.




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The following BOOKS are published by T. BECKET.

1. THE Iliad of Homer. Tranflated by James Macpherson, Efq; in 2 Vols. Royal Paper. 4to. Second Edition, revifed throughout, and carefully corrected. Price One Guinea and a Half in Boards.

2. An Introduction to the Hiftory of Great Britain and Ireland. The Third Edition, revifed and greatly enlarged. In one Volume 4to. Price 15 s. in Boards.

3. Memoirs of Ruffia, from the Year 1727 to the Year 1744. Tranflated from the Original Manufcript of the Baron de MANSTEIN. Illuftrated with Maps and Plans, and with the Life of the Author. The Second Edition, carefully corrected throughout, and greatly improved. In one Volume 4to. Price 18 s. in Boards.

4. The Hiftory of the British Dominions in North America; from the firft Discovery of that vaft Continent by Sebaftian Cabot, in 1497, to its glorious Establishment, as confirmed by the late Treaty of Peace in 1763. In 14 Books. Illuftrated with a new and accurate Map, coloured. In one Volume 4to. Price 18 s. in Boards.

5. A Journal of the Swedish Ambaffy, in the Years 1653 and 1654, from the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Written by the Ambaffador the Lord Commiffioner WHITELOCKE. With an APPENDIX of Original Papers. 2 Vols. 4to. Il. 11 s. 6d. Boards.

*** This very curious and valuable Work is printed from the Author's own Manufcript (which is depofited in the British Museum for public Infpection) and at the Request of his Grandfon Carleton Whitelocke, of Prior's Wood, near Dublin, Efq; of Lord Chancellor Bowes, late of the Kingdom of Ireland; of Archbishop Secker, late Primate of all England; and of Arthur Onflow, Efq; late Speaker of the Houfe of Commons.

6. Dr. Goldfmith's Hiftory of England, to the Acceffion of his prefent Majefty. Illuftrated with the Heads of all the Kings and Queens. 4 Vols. 8vo. 1. 4 s. bound.

7. Atkyn's Antiquities of Glocefterfhire. With a great Number of fine Plates. Folio. Large Paper. 31. 3s.

8. The fame Book. Small Paper. 21. 10 s.

9. Harrington's Works. New Edition. Royal Quarto. 11. 1s. 10. Ludlow's Memoirs. New Edition. Royal Quarto. 1. s. 11. The Works of Algernon Sidney. New Edition. Royal Quarto.

Il. 7 s.

12. Addison's Works. Beautifully printed by Baskerville. 4 Vols.
Royal Quarto. 41. 4s.

13. Pope's Works. New Edition. 6 Vols. 12mo.
Homer. New Edition. 9 Vols. 12mo.
Ditto. New Edition. 9 Vols. Small 8vo.


18 s.

Il. 75.
11. 11s. 6d.






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Carefully corrected, and greatly improved.


Printed for W. STRAHAN; and T. BECKET, in the Strand,
Bookfeller to their Royal Highnesses the Prince of
WALES and Bishop of OSNABRUGH.


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