hath a long while favoured Your adversaries, and forsaken you: now the wheele is turned, shee may forsake them, and follow You. But whether am I carried? These things are not for this place and time: Onely, the God of Heaven make and keepe You (most Illustrious Prince) flourishing and in safety, and prosper all Your Councells, and defignes to Your hearts defire. From the Vbij the Nones of March, 637. VOLRADUS & TRUBACH. To the Courteous Reader. S be who afarre off beholds Braffe or Tinne, cannot eafily distinguish the one from Silver, or the o ther from Gold, unlesse bee comes neere them; And as to one having the crystalline humors of bis eyes darkened, or using spectacles, the object bebeld, appeares leffer, or greater, than in trueth it is: So, for the most part, those, which are possessed with an over-weaning opinion and conceit, or led away by ignorance, or a falfe perswahon, or stirred up with a troublous passi A , exa the on or fudden motion of the mind mine things sleightly, not prying into the more lidden Secrets of the matter, and touching onely (as I may so speake sbell but not at all attaining the kermell, they judge and determine farre otherwise, of meps actions, counsells, intentions, opinions, words and writings, than is lawfull and agreeable to trueth. That fatall Palatine Cause, so generally knowne through the whole world, affords a notable and lively example hereof. Cui non dictus Hylas? Where is the man to whom this fad newes bath not beene related? But who (I beseech you) among ft Jo many thousands, doth at this present, fincerely, and faithfully, and uprightly judge thereof? who among so many doch well know and understand it? if For sobo, accor ding to trueth to trueth and equity, without hatred or affection, doth rightly conceive, under Fection, doth tand and judge of the profcription promul gated against King Fredericke the Ele e 20 Etour? Etour? of intrenching upon, the taking away, the alienation of the Electorall Palatine Dominions, and the Dignity and Offices thereunto annexed, and an entire, totall remoDall of these, unto the Bavarian Family? of the Ordainances made by the Emperor, the Bavarian and the rest of their Confederates, of their pronounced Opinions, Decrees, Refcripts, Conditions made knowne, agreed on, Covenants drawne, and the like? It is decreed in the Law, That every circum stance ought to be narrowly looked into, before the proceeding to sentence: So also in things of so great confequence,no (entence ought to be pronounced untill all things be exactly weigbed, afwell for circumstances and reasons, quality of the times, conditions and intentions of men, and finally with a full understanding of words, fentences and causes, things being examined by constructi on and intreaty. If we should deduce these things particu. larly, and one by one, as they ought to bee weighed 4 |