
However, Mr. Keightley's main object in writing his work was to explain the mythology of Greece, as far as possible, by and through itself, and to give to the student a clear and distinct idea of the manner in which the Greeks themselves viewed their religion and its traditions, so as to enable him to understand and appreciate the numerous allusions to mythical subjects occurring in the poets and other writers; and that object the author has attained in a manner that leaves little to be desired.

The present edition, with the above-mentioned exceptions, is not much more than a reprint of the third. A few manifest errors I have corrected, and throughout the work I have introduced the correct spelling of Greek names, in regard to which Mr. Keightley was not very consistent.

In the preface to his last edition Mr. Keightley bewailed the decline of classical learning. His gloomy forebodings are fortunately not realised. The universities and public schools, though less exclusively than before, are still the great cultivators of classical learning, and as long as this continues to be the case there is no reason for despair. May the present work continue to contribute its share, as it has done before, towards a right understanding and appreciation of the noble works of the ancient Greeks.

LONDON, August, 1877.


*** In order to facilitate reference, care has been taken to make the pages of this edition correspond, as nearly as possible, with those of the third edition.

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