
lancholy thing, that in this circumstance of love, she fell in love with Damon at a ball. From that which is the most important of all others in female moment, she that was before the most reasonable life, we women, who are, they say, always weak, are creature of all my acquaintance, cannot hear Strestill weakest. The true way of valuing a man, is phon speak, but it is something so out of the way to consider his reputation among the men. For of ladies' conversation:' and Cassio has never since want of this necessary rule towards our conduct, opened his mouth before us, but she whispers me, when it is too late, we find ourselves married to the How seldom do riches and sense go together! outcast of that sex; and it is generally from being The issue of all this is, that for the love of Damon, disagreeable among men, that fellows endeavour to who has neither experience, understanding, nor make themselves pleasing to us. The little accom-wealth, she despises those advantages in the other plishments of coming into a room with a good two which she finds wanting in her lover; or else air, and telling, while they are with us, what we thinks he has them for no other reason but because cannot hear among ourselves, usually make up the he is her lover. This, and many other instances, whole of a woman's man's merit. But if we, when may be given in this town; but I hope this much we began to reflect upon our lovers, in the first may suffice to prevent the growth of such evils at place, considered what figures they make in the Edinburgh. camp, at the bar, on the exchange, in their country, or at court, we should behold them in quite another view than at present.

'Were we to behave ourselves according to this rule, we should not have the just imputation of favouring the silliest of mortals, to the great scandal of the wisest, who value our favour as it advances their pleasure, not their reputation. In a word, madam, if you would judge right in love, you must look upon it as in a case of friendship. Were this gentleman treating with you for any thing but yourself, when you had consented to his offer, if he fell off, you would call him a cheat and an impostor. There is, therefore, nothing left for you to do but to despise him, and yourself for doing it with regret. 'I am madam, &c.'

No. 248.] THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1710.
Mediâ sese tulit obvia silviâ,
Virginis os habitumque gerens. Virg. Æn. i. 318.
Lo! in the deep recesses of the wood
Before my eyes a beauteous form appears,
A virgin's dress and modest looks she wears.
R. Wynne.


She dwells in my imagination in a figure so much to her advantage, that if I were to draw a picture of youth, health, beauty, or modesty, I should represent any, or all of them, in the person of that young woman.

From my own Apartment, November 8. Ir may perhaps appear ridiculous, but I must confess, this last summer, as I was riding in Enfieldchase, I met a young lady whom I could hardly get I have heard it often argued in conversation, that out of my head, and for ought I know, my heart, this evil practice is owing to the perverted taste of ever since. She was mounted on a pad, with a very the wits in the last generation. A libertine on the well-fancied furniture: She set her horse with a throne could very easily make the language and the very graceful air; and, when I saluted her with my fashion turn his own way. Hence it is that woman hat, she bowed to me so obligingly that, whether it is treated as a mistress, and not a wife. It is from was her civility or beauty that touched me so much, the writings of those times, and the traditional ac-I know not; but I am sure I shall never forget her. counts of the debauches of their men of pleasure, that the coxcombs now-a-days take upon them, forsooth, to be false swains, and perjured lovers. Methinks I feel all the woman rise in me, when I reflect upon the nauseous rogues that pretend to desire us. Wretches, that can never have it in their I do not find that there are any descriptions in power to overreach any thing living but their mis- the ancient poets so beautiful as those they draw of tresses! In the name of goodness, if we are de-nymphs in their pastoral dresses and exercises. signed by nature as suitable companions to the other sex, why are we not treated accordingly? If we have merit, as some allow, why is it not as base in men to injure us, as one another? If we are the insignificants that others call us, where is the triumph in deceiving us? But, when I look at the bottom of this disaster, and recollect the many of my acquaintance whom I have known in the same condition with the 'Northern Lass' that occasions this discourse, I must own I have ever found the perfidiousness of men has been generally owing to ourselves, and we have contributed to our own deceit. The truth is, we do not conduct ourselves as we are courted, but as we are inclined. When we let our imaginations take this unbridled swing, it is not he that acts best is most lovely, but he that is most lovely acts best. When our humble servants make their addresses, we do not keep ourselves enough disengaged to be judges of their merit; and we seldom give our judgment of our lover, until we have lost our judgment for him.

While Clarinda was passionately attended and addressed to by Strephon, who is a man of sense and knowledge in the world, and Cassio, who has a plentiful fortune, and an excellent understanding,

Virgil gives Venus the habit of a Spartan huntress when she is to put Æneas in his way, and relieve his cares with the most agreeable object imaginable. Diana and her train are always described as inhabitants of the woods, and followers of the chase. To be well diverted, is the safest guard to innocence; and, methinks, it should be one of the first things to be regarded among people of condition, to find out proper amusements for young ladies. I cannot but think this of riding might easily be revived among them, when they consider how much it must contribute to their beauty. This would lay up the best portion they could bring into a family, a good stock of health, to transmit to their posterity. Such a charming bloom as this gives to the countenance, is very much preferable to the real or affected feebleness or softness, which appears in the faces of our modern beauties.

The comedy, called, 'The Ladies Cure,' represents the affectation of wan looks and languid glances to a very entertaining extravagance. There is, as the lady in the play complains, something so robust in perfect health, that it is with her a point of breeding and delicacy to appear in public with a sickly air. But the natural gaiety and spirit which shine 282

in the complexion of such as form to themselves a I shall, therefore, take this matter into serious consort of diverting industry, by choosing recreations sideration; and will propose, for the better improvethat are exercises, surpass all the false ornaments ment of the fair sex, a Female Library. This and graces that can be put on by applying the whole collection of books shall consist of such authors as dispensary of a toilet. A healthy body, and a do not corrupt while they divert, but shall tend more cheerful mind, give charms as irresistible as inimita- immediately to improve them as they are women. ble. The beauteous Dyctinna, who came to town They shall be such as shall not hurt a feature by the last week, has, from the constant prospect in a deli-austerity of their reflections, nor cause one imperticious country, and the moderate exercise and journeys nent glance by the wantonness of them. They in the visits she made round it, contracted a certain shall all tend to advance the value of their innocence life in her countenance, which will in vain employ as virgins, improve their understanding as wives, both the painters and poets to represent. The and regulate their tenderness as parents. It has becoming negligence in her dress, the severe sweet-been very often said in these lucubrations, that the ness of her looks, and a certain innocent boldness ideas which most frequently pass through our imagi in all her behaviour, are the effect of the active re- nations, leave traces of themselves in our countecreations I am talking of. nanees.' There shall be a strict regard had to this in my Female Library, which shall be furnished with nothing that shall give supplies to ostentation of impertinence; but the whole shall be so digested for the use of my students, that they shall not go out of character in their enquiries, but their knowledge appear only a cultivated innocence.

But instead of such, or any other as innocent and pleasing method of passing away their time with alacrity, we have many in town who spend their hours in an indolent state of body and mind, without either recreations or reflections. I am apt to believe there are some parents who imagine their daughters will be accomplished enough, if nothing interrupt their growth, or their shape. According

to this method of education, I could name you twenty families, where all the girls hear of, in this life, is, that it is time to rise and to come to dinner, as if they were so insignificant as to be wholly provided for when they are fed and clothed.

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Through various hazards and events we move.

From my own Apartment, November 10.

It is with great indignation that I see such crowds of the female world lost to human society, and condemned to a laziness, which makes life pass away I was last night visited by a friend of mine who with less relish than in the hardest labour. Palestris, has an inexhaustible fund of discourse, and never in her drawing-room, is supported by spirits to keep fails to entertain his company with a variety of off the returns of spleen and melancholy, before thoughts and hints that are altogether new and unshe can get over half of the day for want of some-common. Whether it were in complaisance to my thing to do, while the wench in the kitchen sings and scours from morning to night.

The next disagreeable thing to a lazy lady, is a very busy one. A man of business in good company, who gives an account of his abilities and despatches, is hardly more insupportable than her they call a notable woman, and a manager. Lady Goodday, where I visited the other day, at a very polite circle, entertained a great lady with a recipe for a poultice, and gave us to understand, that she had done extraordinary cures since she was last in town. It seems a countryman had wounded himself with his scythe as he was mowing; and we were obliged to hear of her charity, her medicine, and her humility, in the harshest tone and coarsest language imaginable.

What I would request in all this prattle is, that our females would either let us have their persons, or their minds, in such perfection as nature designed


way of living, or his real opinion, he advanced the following paradox: That it required much greater talents to fill up and become a retired life than a life of business. Upon this occasion he rallied very agreeably the busy men of the age, who only valued themselves for being in motion, and passing through a series of trifling and insignificant actions. In the heat of his discourse, seeing a piece of money laying on my table, I defy,' says he, "any of these active persons to produce half the adventures that this twelve-penny-piece has been engaged in, were it possible for him to give us an account of his life.'

My friend's talk made so odd an impression upon my mind, that soon after I was a-bed I fell insensi bly into an unaccountable reverie, that had neither moral nor design in it, and cannot be so properly called a dream as a delirium.

Methought the shilling that lay upon the table reared itself upon its edge, and turning the face towards me, opened his mouth, and in a soft silver sound, gave me the following account of his life and

The way to this is, that those who are in the quality of gentlewomen, should propose to them-adventures:selves some suitable method of passing away their 'I was born,' says he, 'on the side of a mountain, time. This would furnish them with reflections and sentiments proper for the companions of reasonable men, and prevent the unnatural marriages which happen every day between the most accomplished women and the veriest oafs, the worthiest men and the most insignificant females. Were the general turn of women's education of another kind than it is at present, we should want one another for more reasons than we do as the world now goes. The common design of parents, is to get their girls off as well as they can; and they make no conscience of putting into our hands a bargain for our whole life, which will make our hearts ache every day of it.

near a little village of Peru, and made a voyage to England in an ingot, under the convoy of sir Francis Drake. I was, soon after my arrival, taken out of my Indian habit, refined, naturalized, and put into the British mode, with the face of queen Elizabeth on one side, and the arms of the country on the other. Being thus equipped, I found in me a wonderful inclination to ramble, and visit all the parts of the new world into which I was brought. The people very much favoured my natural disposi tion, and shifted me so fast from hand to hand, that, ⠀ before I was five years old, I had travelled into almost every corner of the nation. But, in the.

had been happier in my retirement than I thought, having probably by that means escaped wearing a monstrous pair of breeches.

beginning of my sixth year, to my unspeakable grief, I fell into the hands of a miserable old fellow, who clapped me into an iron chest, where I found five hundred more of my own quality who lay under Being now of great credit and antiquity, I was the same confinement. The only relief we had, rather looked upon as a medal than an ordinary coin; was to be taken out and counted over in the fresh for which reason a gamester laid hold of me, and air every morning and evening. After an imprison- converted me to a counter, having got together ment of several years, we heard somebody knock- some dozens of us for that use. We led a melaning at our chest and breaking it open with a ham- choly life in his possession, being busy at those mer. This we found was the old man's heir, who, hours wherein current coin is at rest, and partaking as his father lay dying, was so good as to come to in the fate of our master; being in a few moments our release. He separated us that very day. What valued at a crown, a pound, or a sixpence, according was the fate of my companions I know not; as for to the situation in which the fortune of the cards myself, I was sent to the apothecary's shop for a pint of placed us. I had at length the good luck to see my sack. The apothecary gave me to an herb-woman, master break, by which means I was again sent the herb-woman to a butcher, the butcher to a brewer, abroad under my primitive denomination of a shilling. and the brewer to his wife, who made a present of me 'I shall pass over many other accidents of less to a nonconformist preacher. After this manner I moment, and hasten to that fatal catastrophe when I made my way merrily through the world, for, as I told fell into the hands of an artist, who conveyed me you before, we shillings love nothing so much as tra- under ground, and with an unmerciful pair of velling. I sometimes fetched in a shoulder of mutton, shears cut off my titles, clipped my brims, retrenched sometimes a play-book, and often had the satisfac- my shape, rubbed me to my inmost ring; and, in tion to treat a templar at a twelve-penny ordinary, short, so spoiled and pillaged me, that he did not or carry him with three friends to Westminster-hall. leave me worth a groat. You may think what con'In the midst of this pleasant progress which I fusion I was in to see myself thus curtailed and dismade from place to place, I was arrested by a super-figured. I should have been ashamed to have shown stitious old woman, who shut me up in a greasy purse, in pursuance of a foolish saying, "that while she kept a queen Elizabeth's shilling about her she should never be without money." I continued here a close prisoner for many months, until at last I was exchanged for eight-and-forty farthings.

I thus rambled from pocket to pocket until the beginning of the civil wars, when, to my shame be it spoken, I was employed in raising soldiers against the king for, being of a very tempting breadth, a serjeant made use of me to inveigle country fellows, and list them into the service of the parliament.

my head, had not all my old acquaintance been reduced to the same shameful figure, excepting some few that were punched through the belly. In the midst of this general calamity, when every body thought our misfortune irretrievable, and our case desperate, we were thrown into the furnace together, and, as it often happens with cities rising out of a fire, appeared with greater beauty and lustre than we could ever boast of before. What has happened to me since this change of sex which you now see, I shall take some other opportunity to relate. In the mean time, I shall only repeat two adventures, as As soon as he had made one man sure, his way being very extraordinary, and neither of them havwas, to oblige him to take a shilling of a more homely ing ever happened to me above once in my life. figure, and then practise the same trick upon The first was, my being in a poet's pocket, who was another. Thus I continued doing great mischief to so taken with the brightness and novelty of my apthe crown, until my office chancing one morn-pearance, that it gave occasion to the finest burlesque ing to walk abroad earlier than ordinary, sacrificed me to his pleasures, and made use of me to seduce a milk-maid. This wench bent me, and gave me to her sweetheart, applying, more properly than she intended, the usual form of, "to my love, and from my love." The ungenerous gallant marrying her within a few days after, pawned me for a dram of brandy; and drinking me out, next day I was beaten flat with a hammer, and again set a-running.

"After many adventures, which it would be tedious to relate, I was sent to a young spendthrift, in company with the will of his deceased father. The young fellow, who I found was very extravagant, gave great demonstrations of joy at receiving the will; but opening it, he found himself disinherited, and cut off from the possession of a fair estate by virtue of my being made a present to him. This put him in such a passion, that after having taken me in his hand, and cursed me, he squirred me away from him as far as he could fling me. I chanced to light in an unfrequented place under a dead wall, where I lay undiscovered and useless during the usurpation of Oliver Cromwell.

About a year after the king's return, a poor cavalier, that was walking there about dinner-time, fortunately cast his eye upon me, and, to the great joy of us both, carried me to a cook's shop, where he dined upon me, and drank the king's health.When I came again into the world, I found that I

poem in the British language, intitled, from me, The splendid Shilling. The second adventure, which I must not omit, happened to me in the year 1703, when I was given away in charity to a blind man; but indeed this was by mistake, the person who gave me having thrown me heedlessly into the hat among a pennyworth of farthings.'

No. 250.] TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1710.
Seis enim justum geminâ suspendere lance
Ancipitis libræ ?
Pers. Sat. iv. 10.
Know'st thou, with equal hand to hold the scale?

From my own Apartment, November 13.

I LAST winter erected a court of justice for the correcting of several enormities in dress and behaviour, which are not cognizable in any other courts of this realm; the vintner's case, which I there tried, is still fresh in every man's memory. That of the petticoat also gave a general satisfaction: not to mention the more important points of the cane and perspective; in which, if I did not give judgments and decrees according to the strictest rules of equity and justice, I can safely say, I acted according to the best of my understanding. But as for the proceedings of that court, I shall refer my reader to an account of them, written by my

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without insulting his hearer:''what degree of con tradiction amounts to the le;* 'how a man shall re

secretary; which is now in the press, and will shortly **be published under the title of Lillie's Reports.' 32 As I last year presided over a court of justice, it sent another's staring and cocking a hat in his face;" n is my intention this year to set myself at the head of 'if asking pardon is an atonement for treading upon a court of honour. There is no court of this na-one's toes;' 'whether a man may put up with a bex ture any where at present, except in France; where, on the ear, received from a stranger in the dark according to the best of my intelligence, it consists or, whether a man of honour may take a blow of his of such only as are marshals of that kingdom. I am wife;' with several other subtleties of the like nature. likewise informed, that there is not one of that For my direction in the duties of my office, I honourable board at present, who has not been have furnished myself with a certain astrological driven out of the field by the duke of Marlborough: pair of scales, which I have contrived for this per but whether this be only an accidental or a necessary pose. In one of them I lay the injuries, în the qualification, I must confess, I am not able to de- other the reparations. The first are represented by little weights made of a metal resembling iron, ard the other of gold. These are not only lighter than the weights made use of in avoirdupois, but also such as are used in troy weight. The heaviest of those that represent the injuries amount but to a scruple; and decrease by so many subdivisions, that there are several imperceptible weights which cannot be seen without the help of a very fine microscope. I might acquaint my reader, that these scales were made under the influence of the sun when he was in Libra, and describe many signatures on the weights both of injury and reparation; but as this would look rather to proceed from an ostentation of my owu art, than any care for the public, I shall pass it over in silence.

As for the court of honour, of which I am here speaking, I intend to sit in it myself as president, with several men of honour on my right hand, and women of virtue on my left, as my assistants. The first place on the bench I have given to an old Tan gereen captain with a wooden leg. The second is a gentleman of a long twisted periwig without a curl in it, a muff with very little hair upon it, and a threadbare coat with new buttons; being a person of great worth, and second brother to a man of quality. The third is a gentleman-usher, extremely well read in romances, and grandson to one of the greatest wits in Germany, who was some time master of the ceremonies to the duke of Wolfembottle.

As for those who sit further on my right hand, as it is usual in public courts, they are such as will fill up the number of faces upon the bench, and serve rather for ornament than use.

The chief upon my left hand are, An old maiden lady, that preserves some of the best blood of England in her veins.

A Welsh woman of a little stature, but high spirit. An old prude, that has censured every marriage for these thirty years, and is lately wedded to a young


Having thus furnished my bench, I shall establish correspondences with the horse-guards, and the veterans of Chelsea-college: the former to furnish me with twelve men of honour as often as I shall have occasion for a grand jury; and the latter, with as many good men and true, for a petty jury. As for the women of virtue, it will not be difficult for me to find them about midnight at crimp and basset.

Having given this public notice of my court. I must further add, that I intend to open it on this day sevennight, being Monday the twentieth instant; and do hereby invite all such as have suffered injuries and affronts that are not to be redressed by the common laws of this land, whether they be short bows, cold salutations, supercilious looks, unreturned smiles, distant behaviour, or forced familiarity; as also all such as have been aggrieved by any ambiguous expression, accidental justle, or unkind repartee; likewise all such as have been defrauded of their right to the wall, tricked out of the upper end of the table, or have been suffered to place themselves, in their own wrong, on the back seat of the coach. These, and all of these, I do as I above-said, invite to bring in their several cases and complaints, in which they shall be relieved with all imaginable expedition,

I am very sensible, that the office I have now taken upon me will engage me in the disquisition of many weighty points, that daily perplex the youth of the British nation; and, therefore, I have already discussed several of them for my future use: as,how far a man may brandish his cane, in telling a story,

No. 251.] THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1710.
Quisnam igitur liber? Sapiens, sibi qui imperiosus:
Quem neque pauperies, neque mors, nec vincula


Responsare cupidinibus, contemnere honores,
Externi ne quid valeat per læve morari;
Fortis, et in seipso totus; teres atque rotundus,
In quem manca ruit semper fortuna.

Hor. 2 Sat. vii. 83.
Who then is free?-The wise, who well maintains
An empire o'er himself; whom neither chains,
Nor want, nor death, with slavish fear inspire;
Who boldly answers to his warm desire;
Who can ambition's vainest gifts despise;
Firm in himself who on himself relies;
Polish'd and round who runs his proper course,
And breaks misfortune with superior force. Francis
From my own Apartment, November 15.

It is necessary to an easy and happy life, to pr sess our minds in such a manner as to be always well satisfied with our own reflections. The way to this state is to measure our actions by our own opnion, and not by that of the rest of the world. The sense of other men ought to prevail over us in things of less consideration, but not in concerns where truth and honour are engaged. When we look into the bottom of things, what at first appears a paradox is a plain truth; and those professions which, for want of being duly weighed, seem to proceed from a sort of romantic philosophy, and ignorance of the world, after a little reflection, ar so reasonable, that it is direct madness to walk by any other rules. Thus, to contradict our desires, and to conquer the impulses of our ambition, if they do not fall in with what we in our inward sentiments approve, is so much our interest, and so absolutely necessary to our real happiness, that to contemn all the wealth and power in the world, where they stand in competition with a man's honour, is rather good sense than greatness of mind.

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Did we consider that the mind of a man is the Look about you in common life among the ordinary man himself, we should think it the most unnatural race of mankind, and you will find merit in every sort of self-murder to sacrifice the sentiment of the kind is allowed only to those who are in particular soul to gratify the appetites of the body. Bless us! districts or sets of company; but, since men can is it possible that, when the necessities of life are have little pleasure in these faculties which denomisupplied, a man would flatter to be rich, or circumnate them persons of distinction, let them give up vent to be powerful! When we meet a poor wretch, such an empty pursuit, and think nothing essential urged with hanger and cold, asking an alms, we to happiness but what is in their own power-the are apt to think this a state we could rather starve capacity of reflecting with pleasure on their own than submit to: but yet how much more despicable actions, however they are interpreted. is his condition, who is above necessity, and yet It is so evident a truth, that it is only in our own shall resign his reason and his integrity to purchase bosoms we are to search for any thing to make us superfluities! Both these are abject and common happy, that it is, methinks, a disgrace to our nature beggars; but sure it is less despicable to beg a sup-to talk of taking our measures from thence only, as ply to a man's hunger than his vanity. But custom a matter of fortitude. When all is well there, the and general prepossessions have so far prevailed over vicissitudes and distinctions of life are the mere an unthinking world, that those necessitous crea- scenes of a drama; and he will never act his part tures, who cannot relish life without applause, at-well, who has his thoughts more fixed upon the aptendance, and equipage, are so far from making a plause of the audience than the design of his part. contemptible figure, that distressed virtue is less The life of a man who acts with a steady inteesteemed than successful vice. But if a man's ap-grity, without valuing the interpretation of his acpeal, in cases that regard his honour, were made to his own soul, there would be a basis and standing rule for our conduct, and we should always endeayour rather to be, than appear honourable. Mr. Collier, in his Essay on Fortitude,' has treated this subject with great wit and magnanimity. What,' says he, can be more honourable than to have courage enough to execute the commands of reason and conscience? to maintain the dignity of our nature, and the station assigned us? to be proof against poverty, pain, and death itself?-I mean so far as not to do any thing that is scandalous or sinful to avoid them. To stand adversity under all shapes with decency and resolution! To do this, is to be great above title and fortune. This argues the soul of a heavenly extraction, and is worthy the offspring of the Deity.'

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What a generous ambition has this man pointed to us! When men have settled in themselves a conviction, by such noble precepts, that there is nothing honourable which is not accompanied with innocence; nothing mean but what has guilt in it: say, when they have attained thus much, though poverty, pain, and death, may still retain their terrors; yet riches, pleasures, and honours, will easily lose their charms, if they stand between us and our integrity.

tions, has but one uniform regular path to move in, where he cannot meet opposition, or fear ambuscade. On the other side, the least deviation from the rules of honour introduces a train of numberless evils, and involves him in inexplicable mazes. He that has entered into guilt has bid adieu to rest; and every criminal has his share of the miserv expressed so emphatically in the tragedian,

Macbeth shall sleep no more!

but the calm command of his own passions, that the
It was with detestation of every other grandeur
excellent Mr. Cowley cries out with so much justice:
If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat

With any thought so mean as to be great,
Continue, heaven, still from me to remove
The humble blessings of that life I love!

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From my own Apartment, November 17. THE following letter, and several others to the far from being guilty, to wit, the disallowing the same purpose, accuse me of a rigour of which I am

cheerful use of wine

From my Country house,
October 25.

What is here said with allusion to fortune and fame may be as justly applied to wit and beauty; for these latter are as adventitious as the other, and as little concern the essence of the soul. They are all laudable in the man who possesses them, only for the just application of them. A bright imagination, while it is subservient to an honest and noble soul, is a faculty which makes a man justly admired by 'MR. BICKERSTAFF, mankind, and furnishes him with reflections upon 'Your discourse against drinking, in Tuesday's his own actions which add delicates to the feast of Tatler, I like well enough in the main; but, in my a good conscience; but when wit descends to wait humble opinion, you are become too rigid, where you upon sensual pleasures, or promote the base purposes say to this effect: "Were there only this single of ambition, it is then to be contemned in proportion consideration, that we are the less masters of ourto its excellence. If a man will not resolve to selves, if we drink the least proportion beyond the place the foundation of happiness in his own mind, exigence of thirst." I hope no one drinks wine to life is a bewildered and unhappy state, incapable of allay this appetite. This seems to be designed for a rest or tranquillity. For to such a one, the general loftier indulgence of nature; for it were hard to applause of valour, wit, nay of honesty itself, can suppose that the Author of Nature, who imposed give him but a very feeble comfort; since it is ca- upon her her necessities and pains, does not allow pable of being interrupted by any one who wants her the proper pleasures; and we may reckon among either understanding or good-nature to see or ac- the latter the moderate use of the grape. Though I knowledge such excellencies. This rule is so neces-am as much against excess, or whatever approaches sary, that one may very safely say, it is impossible it, as yourself; yet I conceive one may safely go to know any true relish of our being without it. farther than the bounds you there prescribe, not

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