Less interest accrued January 1, 1889.. ing reversionary additions to same). NEW YORK LIFE INS. Co. OFFICE, Nos. 346 & 348 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. JANUARY 1, 1890. Amount of net assets, January 1, 1889 Premiums. REVENUE ACCOUNT. Less deferred premiums, January 1, 1889. Interest and rents, etc.. 1,435,734 86-$24,585,921 10 Losses by death, and endowments matured and discounted (includ $89,824,336 10 $26,021,655 96 5,028,950 38 451,605 24 4,577,345 14-$29,163,266 24 DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT. $118,987,602 43 $6,252,095 50 insurances. Dividends (including mortuary dividends), annuities, and purchased 5,869,026 16 Total paid policy-holders. Taxes and reinsurances.. $12,121,121 66 Temporary loans (market value of securities held as collateral, * Loans on existing policies (the reserve on these policies, included Bonds and mortgages, first lien on real estate (buildings thereon insured for $14,400,000 and the policies assigned to the Company as additional collateral security).. Cash on deposit, on hand, and in transit.. $5,917,837 72 56,412,163 41 13,242,871 87 18,106,512 50 367,394 39 in liabilities, amounts to over $2,000,000). * Quarterly and semi-annual premiums on existing policies, due sub sequent to January 1, 1890. * Premiums on existing policies in course of transmission and collection. (The reserve on these policies, included in liabilities, is estimated at $1,700,000) Agency balances Accrued interest on investments January 1, 1890.... books... * A detailed schedule of these items will accompany the usual annual report filed with the Insurance Department of the State of New York. TOTAL ASSETS, January 1, 1890. Appropriated as follows: Approved losses in course of payment...... Reported losses awaiting proof, etc... Matured endowments, due and unpaid (claims not presented). Reserved for reinsurance on existing policies (Actuaries' table 4 per 3,709,000 00 Divisible surplus (Company's new standard)... Surplus by the N. Y. State standard (including the Tontine Fund). $97.535,777 68 7,517,823 28 $105,053,600 96 15,600,000 00 From the undivided surplus, as above, the Board of Trustees have declared a reversionary dividend to participating policies in proportion Board of Trustees have deplase available on set THE VOL. XXXVII.] ESTABLISHED BY EDWARD L. YOUMANS. S. Π نماز THE [No. 3. POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JULY, 1890. EDITED BY WILLIAM JAY YOUMANS. CONTENTS. I. New Chapters in the Warfare of Science. IX. The Antiquity of PAGE Man and Prehistoric Archæology. By ANDREW D. WHITE. 289 II. Greenland and the Greenlanders. By ELISÉE RECLUS. (Illus.).. 302 III. Evolution and the Distribution of Animals. I. By D. S. JORDAN.. 313 IV. Concerning Corporation Law. By Prof. Amos G. WARNER.... 323 V. Insect Pests of the House. By Miss M. W. BROOKS. (Illus.). 333 VI. Apparatus-Making in Education. By M. C. WILSON. (Illus.)... 345 VII. Why so Many Definitions of Religion? By F. N. RIALE, Ph. D.. 348 VIII. The Musical Sense in Animals and Men. By AUG. WEISMANN.. 352 IX. Human Heredity. By Prof. JAMES II. STOLLER............. X. A Talk about Meteorites. By OLIVER W. HUNTINGTON, Ph. D. 366 XI. Observations upon Doubling of Flowers. By B. D. HALSTED, Sc. D. 374 XII. Telpherage in Practical Use. By F. A. FERNALD. (Illus.)..... 382 XIII. Commercial Geography of South America. By G. G. CHISHOLM. 391 XIV. Sketch of Matthew Fontaine Maury. (With Portrait.)........ 400 XV. Correspondence: Vitiated Moral Teaching. - Where Flax is grown and manu 359 factured.-A Census of Hallucinations. - The Mysterious Music of Pascagoula. 408 XVI. Editor's Table: A Moral Issue XVII. Literary Notices..... XVIII. Popular Miscellany..... XIX. Notes....... .. 410 413 423 430 NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, SINGLE NUMBER, 50 CENTS. 1, 8, AND 5 BOND STREET. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00. COPYRIGHT, 1890, BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. Entered at the Post-Office at New York, and admitted for transmission through the mails at second-class ratee. Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology IN CONNECTION WITH HARVARD UNIVERSITY S, SANITAS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, * MAIN OFFICE, 207 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. VIEW OF A BATH-ROOM FITTED UP WITH (47 to 49 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 229 Walnut Street, CINCINNATΙ, Ο. (64 Gold Street, NEW YORK CITY. THE SANITAS PLUMBING APPLIANCES. DR BRANCHES. * PRICE'S CREAMS BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. Its superior excellence proved in millions of homes for more than a quarter PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., 1 * Gold Medal, Paris Expositions, 1878 AND 1889. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. FOR ARTISTIC USE in Fine Drawings, Nos. 659 FOR FINE WRITING, Nos. 303, 604, and Ladies', 170. FOR BROAD WRITING, Nos. 294, 389, and Stub FOR GENERAL WRITING, Nos. 404, 332, 390, and JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS, 91 John Street, N. Y. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. |